Draft 1 - Essay 2 1

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Martinez 1

Rosa Martinez

Dr. Nelson Sharity

English 1301-22

4 October 2022

Red lily and its controversy

The portrayal of two figures dancing on a mustard yellow background with dark clouds

surrounding their beings as they complete the spider lily under the crescent. The picture depicts so

much controversy with each object presented. The significance of every entity is interpreted differently

depending on who is viewing the image. The image was created by: frametoframe_animation (Fig.1).

This illustration emits emotions like eeriness or passion from the viewer. Every element has a deeper

meaning. In addition, it can either portray beautiful scenery or a dreary one. The animators did a great

job capturing the magnificence of every component, as the beauty of the animation caught the attention

of many people who wanted to learn about this drawing style.

The Lycoris Radiata is known as the red spider lily. The flower is natively found in Southeast Asia

(Japan) and blooms from late summer to fall. This flower typically means death and reincarnation. The

lily gives a sense of dreariness to the picture because it can signify the end of the pair or a new

beginning. Although the image can show two different sides, it is most likely that the painting represents

an ending because the image gives the feeling of goodbye. On the other hand, the flower means "love

and passion" when given to a loved one. While this creates a debate about whether it is a positive or

negative feeling, the pair complete the outline of the flower, meaning that they are together whether

they die or rejoice. The controversy of the flower’s meaning can change the perspective of the viewer's

thoughts. Like any other aspect of the image, many paints create a double meaning when viewed up

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The background is dominated by the color mustard yellow. This color is not as vibrant as neon

yellow, meaning it can give a sense of eeriness when paired up with the other elements. The dull color is

a way to tie everything together as it creates depth to the black clouds that surround the two people. As

most of this work surrounds Asian culture, the clouds have a particular style that only Asian artists do

these are referred to as Japanese clouds, they are swirly lines that are covered in thick lines to create

depth to the drawing. They most likely reside at the sides of paintings to not take away the attention

from the main objective. A very important piece of this artwork is the sphere behind the pair. Although

the sphere can’t be determined if it is a sun or the moon, the viewers can depict it and give it its

meaning. As stated, before this image is full of controversy because if it was a moon the meaning behind

it could signify the separation of the two figures, however, if it was the sun, it could mean the

reconnection or new life. Depending on the viewer’s input the whole image can change significantly to

another point of view.

The two figures seem to be in an intimate relationship, although it is not certain. The image

shows a blue man and a light pink girl in formal attire. The image is categorizing gender by color because

in a stereotypical society a girl equals pink, and a boy equals blue. The pair are holding each other’s

hands in a pose that seems as if they are dancing (Fig.1). The dance looks like a waltz. The basic form

they create while holding hands makes the basic outline of a waltz. This dance is intimate and could

mean that these two are a couple of lovers or have a close relationship. Another point that could be

taken away from the two is the fact that they are embedded into the shape of the flower. This could

mean that they are going through a new beginning or end together. In addition, the only vibrant color is

the stem. The stem is a bright green that is usually compared to “life.” This is significant because it could

mean that they are balancing life itself.

Overall, this picture can have many different meanings; however, each interpretation isn’t

wrong because there is no set description, and everything is at the viewer’s discretion. This image can be
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complex, but the use of each element is wonderful. The elements create a contradicting image and

beautiful scenery. From the way, the clouds were brought in to create an atmosphere to the way the

two were dancing and the meanings behind the spider lily. Every element created a sense of eeriness

when looked at from one angle and a sense of passion when looked with a different point of view. The

background, the elements that were added such as the sun/moon, primary color scheme, red lily, and

the dark clouds. They all worked well together to create an interesting concept of two people balancing

life and death with a unique dance. The image depicts many concepts throughout the image; however,

they are all useful in portraying the significance of the two. In the overall concept, the image was

favored by the frametoframe community. The image was a success, as this was a particular drawing style

of the artist. Creating controversy was interesting and therefore, it created an elegant and appealing

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Figure 1. this image was posted by

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Work cite

Image from framebyframe_animations. Instagram,2022


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