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“The life is incomplete without sports; it’s the time to refresh our time so
play as much as you can.”
Good morning ladies and gentleman and a warm welcome to all you
present on this auspicious day. This fantastic day turnout from the
parents and the pleasant weather were the perfect boosts for the
students on their very first sports day after the lockdown..
A school sports day is a red-letter day on the calendar. It is a day when
students are freed from their classrooms to jump and run around, freed
from the fetters of learning. It is a day for mothers and fathers to cheer
on their sons and daughters.
It’s a day for red faces and perspiration where t-shirts and track pants
are the order of the day. School sports day is a day for lots of action and
smiling faces. It’s a day for victories and defeats, for successes and
Beyond the obvious health and activity benefits, sports can teach us
much about life. It teaches us about teamwork and team spirit. It teaches
us to work together to achieve a common goal. It’s also about trust and
responsibility and about dealing with success and failures
Sports Day is a day for celebrating the spirit of sportsmanship. So let’s
begin the Annual Sports Day with lots of enthusiasm, passion, and
vigour. So before we begin I call upon Maam Gurpreet to….introduce us
about the importance of this special day

It is said that
For every atom there is a rainbow
For every tear, a smile
For every care, a promise
And a blessing in each trial
For every sign a sweet song and an answer for each prayer. “The
essence of meditation is a period of time, set aside to contemplate the
Lord, Listen to him and allow him to permeate our spirits” Let us all unite
our minds and souls in the presence of God to seek his   abundant
I request ………………..come forward and start this auspicious day with
a beautiful prayer.
3. Prayer DANCE
To dance is to pray, to pray is to live and to live is to dance.
Dance like a prayer is an expression .The stage that is dance on is
transferred from solemn century to festive celebration of god. To dance
is to be out of yourself, larger more beautiful, more powerful. It is the
glory on earth. It has the power to heal mentally and physically .with
these sentiments in mind let us invoke the gods blessing on all of us
through a prayer dance.

So, get ready for a whirlwind of joy and excitement. Without further ado
let us prepare ourselves for a spectacular dance performance by girls of
3rd standard.
After dance
That was a great performance by the little twinkles and hope it was
phenomenal for you too.

“When you welcome love with your whole heart, soul and body, love will
welcome you with all its sweetness”.
“Flowers don’t worry that how they are going to bloom,they just open up
and turn towards light and that makes them beautiful.”

I would like to especially welcome our chief guest, the honourable

………….who graciously accepted our invitation despite having a packed
schedule. Thank you so much, sir/ma’am. It is an honour to have you
here with us today. And thank you to all the participants, guardians and
audience members who have joined us today. Thank you.

a) Our worthy Principal Sr.Ophilia, the sculptor of human character, a

seasoned scholar and navigator of this flagship off knowledge. an idol of
knowledge and experience and inspiration to all of us. I now call upon
……….to offer a bouquet of flowers to our worthy Principal Sr.Ophelia.
b)With equal pleasure we welcome our Vice Principal Sr.Naveena Preeti
whose commitment and eagerness is taking our school to the Zenith of
success. I call upon…… to offer a bouquet of flowers to Sr.Naveena
c)With equal pleasure we welcome our school manager Sr.Grace Maria
whose commitment and eagerness is taking our school to the Zenith of
success you hardly need any introduction, you have made all of us proud of
your distinguished work in numerous capacities. . I call upon…… to offer a
bouquet of flowers to.
d)An appreciative welcome to our beloved Primary Headmistress
Sr.Nancy a personality of distinct vision and a fountainhead of
illuminating ideas. I call ……… offer a bouquet of radiating flowers to
our dear Sr.Nancy.
e) Superior of the convent and KG headmistress Sr.Helima
She is known for his wonderful administration and high achievements of the
Institution she is in charge of. Apart from this, she is a Philanthropist and
renders selfless services to society. She has moulded the life of students and
served people with her kindness.

5. Floral dance
Dance is the loftiest,
The most moving,
The most beautiful of the arts,
Because, it is not a mere translation or abstraction from life.
It’s life itself.

6. Aerobics
The movement of joy, the heart of life, the hidden language of the soul.
There is no greater feeling in the world than moving to a piece of music
and letting the rest of the world disappear. Dance is when you lose
yourself in the music and enjoy yourself.
It stimulates the body, mind and soul. You dance love, you dance joy,
you dance dream, you dance hope, and you dance happiness. So today
here we have the students of St. Joseph’s expressing themselves
through western dance .Being artists for whom the floor is the canvas
and they themselves are the brushes of this creativity spoken by their

7. Flag hoisting
Let’s feel one with our Mother Nation, that we be united with one spirit of
love that unites us as sons and daughters of one mother as we pay
homage to ____flag. “
Now we request our honourable chief guest …………………….to hoist
the flag

8.March past
“March past is all about synchronisation and team work. Marching in a
contingent demands alertness and an unspoken co-ordination.
The drumbeat rolls, the band strikes up and a high pitched voice issues
a command. The synchronised swing of arms and the sound of thudding
feet stir something within us. Besides being spectacular, there is
something inexplicably inspiring about a march past is the sense of
dignity and pride the students bring to it.
Our students demonstrate the heel march by digging their heel to the
ground, with toes pointed upwards and arms swinging rhythmically. A
comprehensive march past drill they spell out, lays emphasis on bearing,
marching, saluting and co-ordinating.
Now watching, the adorable marching of ………………………… house in
their blue colour which symbolizes peace, tranquility, stability and loyalty
Now ………………….. house is marching majestically in front you
dressed in red, symbolizes passion, sincerity, power and strength,.
Now at your sight, Gracious march of …………………….. House,
dressed in green symbolizes nature, renewal, generosity and fertility
Now watching, the adorable marching of ………………………… house in
their yellow colour which symbolizes cheerful, enthusiastic, vibrant,
exciting, and stimulating

9.Oath taking
“Oath will encourage fidelity to the extent that continues to believe that
one cannot escape ultimate accountability for a breach of faith”. Now,
the leaders along with their team will raise the right hand for the oath.

10.Declaring the event by Chief guest

Declaring the sports meet open : Now I request our honourable chief
guest to declare the…

Come on! Let us put our hands together to encourage the participants!
“Winners don’t wait for chances, they take them.”

12.Prize distribution
“Winning is not everything but making the effort to win is.”
And with that, the sports part of the event today has finally reached its
conclusion. I want to thank each and every one of you for participating in
the games and giving your best. You all did well and I wish you all the
best. As is the rule, we could only choose one winner per game. But
irrespective of whether your name is on this list or not, I want you to
know that you are a winner in your own right. Now, we will move on to
the prize distribution ceremony.
Prize Distribution
“Winners are not people who never fail, but people who never quit.”
I would like to request our respected ………………………... We would
now be announcing the name of the winners. As we announce your
name, we request you to please come up on the stage and receive your
prize from the --------------. Thank you.
It isrightly said“Gold medals aren’t really made of gold. They are made of
sweat, determination, and hard to find alloy called guts.”
After prize distribution
Success is where preparation adnd opportunity meet.
Thank you …….for encouraging the winners
The colourful flags fluttering on the gentle breeze are feeling proud to
touch the majestic hands holding them
drills set the mood right at sports day. It is one of the best ways to
showcase the talents of children; it gives a wonderful treat to the viewers

14. Speech by Chief guest

“Successful people maintain good habits that go hand in hand with
success in every area of endeavor, which develops a reputation. The
way one works determines the quality and quantity of rewards”.
Sports are an important part of one’s life. Now, I would like to request
our honourable chief guest to kindly come up on the stage and say a few
uplifting words to encourage our participants.
A true leader has the confidence to stand along with courage…to listen
to the needs of others.
Taking part in sports keeps a person fit in every sense. For students, it is
even more important as it helps us release stress, stay healthy and
focus well. This is none other than our respected principal __________,
who is our pillar of strength, wings of flight and our consistent source of
Now, I would like to invite our respected _____________ to please come
up on the stage and address the amazing audience. Thank you,
After the speech
Indeed, it is very important for young people to learn the meaning and
importance of sportsmanship and what better way to do that than by
participating in sports. Thank you for such an amazing and uplifting
speech and sharing your wisdom with us, sir/ma’am. You may now take
your seat.
Everyone, please give our chief guest a huge round of applause. Thank

15.Momento To Chief Guest

The memory of the magnificent monuments and memorials may slip into
oblivion but a word of appreciation, a word of gratitude may indelibly etch
its presence in our minds. I now request Our worthy ……Principal. Or
headmistress to present our venerated chief guest with a memento as
an expression of our gratitude and inexplicable bond we have foraged
with …..

16.Vote of thanks
Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a
fire of joy in your soul. With these pearled notions I first express my
gratitude to the almighty god for making today’s event a resounding

17.Bhangra “The dance can reveal everything mysterious that is hidden

in music and it has the additional merit of being human. Dancing is
poetry with arms and legs.”

Ending Speech
What an amazing, fun-filled day it has been! I hope you all enjoyed the
sports day event today to the fullest. Thank you so much for attending
the event and making it successful. A huge thank you to all the
guardians who came today to cheer for the kids. Your presence means a
lot to all of us. I would also like to thank our dear students, teachers as
well as staff members without whom this event wouldn’t have been
possible. Thank you all.
It has been an exciting and fun-filled day. I am sure everyone here
enjoyed the event to the fullest. Thank you so much for taking the time
out of your busy schedules to attend this event and make it successful.
Your presence and encouragement mean a lot to us. I would like to
especially thank our honourable chief guest, Mr / Ms [name], for being
here with us today.
We truly appreciate your kindness, sir/ma’am. I would also like to thank
all the participants, guardians, audience members as well as our staff
members without whom this event wouldn’t have been possible. Thank
you for your time and support. We appreciate you.
Thank you, good night and take care.

18. National Anthem

Take home the sweet memories
Now, I would request everyone to please stand up and stand in
attention. Before the event starts, we will be singing our national anthem.
Thank you

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