Activity 1 - The Saber Tooth Curriculum

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MAED 604

Advanced Curriculum Development

Name: Eliza S. Dagale

Activity 1. The Saber Tooth Curriculum

Read the article and answer the following questions:

1. In your analysis, do you believe the Saber-Tooth curriculum still exist at present? 

rom my perspective, Sabre-

tooth Curriculum still exist at
since the educational system
today still teaches students to do
tasks on their own and with
that, it helps a lot in exercising
their minds
and skills, too. For instance,
doing experimentations in a
laboratory helps
exercise their minds and skills
and let them explore the world
by having
those experiences which could
help them in the future.
From my perspective, Sabre-
tooth Curriculum still exist at
since the educational system
today still teaches students to do
tasks on their own and with
that, it helps a lot in exercising
their minds
and skills, too. For instance,
doing experimentations in a
laboratory helps
exercise their minds and skills
and let them explore the world
by having
those experiences which could
help them in the future.
From my perspective, Saber-tooth Curriculum still exist at present since the
educational system today still teaches students to do particular tasks on their own and
with that, it helps a lot in exercising their minds and skills, too. For instance, doing
experimentations in a laboratory helps exercise their minds and skills and let them explore
the world by having those experiences which could help them in the future.
rom my perspective, Sabre-
tooth Curriculum still exist at
since the educational system
today still teaches students to do
tasks on their own and with
that, it helps a lot in exercising
their minds
and skills, too. For instance,
doing experimentations in a
laboratory helps
exercise their minds and skills
and let them explore the world
by having
those experiences which could
help them in the future.
From my perspective, Sabre-
tooth Curriculum still exist at
since the educational system
today still teaches students to do
tasks on their own and with
that, it helps a lot in exercising
their minds
and skills, too. For instance,
doing experimentations in a
laboratory helps
exercise their minds and skills
and let them explore the world
by having
those experiences which could
help them in the future.
2. Describe the kind of curricula that are available in the article. 

The curriculum that was

being described on the article
conveys a message in a form of
the premise “we should teach
them on how
to catch a fish using their
hands rather than using a
net.” In which it
implies that we teachers/future
teachers, we must teach the
young on how
to manipulate their cognitions,
we should let them think and we
let them do things on their own
rather than spoiling them with
all their
needs and covets.
The curriculum that was being described on the article actually conveys a message
in a form of the premise “we should teach them on how to catch a fish using their hands
rather than using a net.” In which, it implies that we teachers/future teachers, we
must teach the young on how to manipulate their cognitions, we should let them think and
we should let them do things on their own rather than spoiling them with all their needs
and covets.

3. Explain what the author meant when he wrote, "A curriculum should be timeless," and provide
evidence for your claim.

Basically, it means that a curriculum should preserve the past, but not be limited by
it. Also, our education system should fit with the needs of the time and serve a purpose.
Ultimately, these curricular decisions should be made by our society to fit our needs,
rather than by individual teachers, school buildings, or districts.

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