Cambridge Quiz - Unit 8

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26/4/2021 GRAMMAR QUIZ - UNIT 8: Revisión del intento

Área personal / Mis cursos / A2.2 -P.009 - Sandoval - ING / Unit 8: At home / GRAMMAR QUIZ - UNIT 8

Comenzado el martes, 16 de marzo de 2021, 18:18

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en martes, 16 de marzo de 2021, 18:32
Tiempo 13 minutos 48 segundos
Puntos 8,00/15,00
Calificación 10,67 de 20,00 (53%)

Pregunta 1
Parcialmente correcta

Puntúa 5,00 sobre 10,00

Complete the conversation with the missing words. Use Possessive Pronouns, Verb BE and Whose. Use CAPITAL LETTERS. Follow
the example.

Teacher: I can hear a cell phone! Uh, __WHOSE__ phone __IS__ it?

Student: Oh, I'm really sorry. It's __MINE__ . . . . Sorry. I just turned it off.

Teacher: I think someone left this homework last class.  WHOSE   homework  IS  this one?

Student: Um, Mario and I couldn't find our Maths homework. I think it's HIS  .

Teacher: Three people forgot to write their names on the test. Whose tests  ARE  these?

Student: Let's see. That looks like Angela's handwriting. It's probably HERS  . I'm sure this is YOURS  . Cristian's
handwriting is really beautiful. Oh, and that's MINE  . Sorry, I forgot to put my name on it.

Teacher: I found these copies last week after class. Whose are THEIRS  ?

Student: Well, Gaby and Diana had those papers in class. Maybe they are THEY  .

Teacher: Excuse me, Gaby and Diana. I think these are OURS  . 

Respuesta parcialmente correcta.

Ha seleccionado correctamente 5.
La respuesta correcta es:
Complete the conversation with the missing words. Use Possessive Pronouns, Verb BE and Whose. Use CAPITAL LETTERS. Follow
the example.

Teacher: I can hear a cell phone! Uh, __WHOSE__ phone __IS__ it?

Student: Oh, I'm really sorry. It's __MINE__ . . . . Sorry. I just turned it off.

Teacher: I think someone left this homework last class. [WHOSE] homework [IS] this one?

Student: Um, Mario and I couldn't find our Maths homework. I think it's [OURS].

Teacher: Three people forgot to write their names on the test. Whose tests [ARE] these?

Student: Let's see. That looks like Angela's handwriting. It's probably [HERS]. I'm sure this is [HIS]. Cristian's handwriting is really
beautiful. Oh, and that's [MINE]. Sorry, I forgot to put my name on it.

Teacher: I found these copies last week after class. Whose are [THEY]?

Student: Well, Gaby and Diana had those papers in class. Maybe they are [THEIRS].

Teacher: Excuse me, Gaby and Diana. I think these are [YOURS]. 1/2
26/4/2021 GRAMMAR QUIZ - UNIT 8: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 2

Parcialmente correcta

Puntúa 3,00 sobre 5,00

Complete the conversations with the pronouns ONE or ONES. Then choose the correct option.



Follow the example.

Make sure the grammar is correct.

A: I need to buy a new water bottle. Should I buy a plastic __ONE__ or a metal __ONE__?

B: You can get some really cool __ONES__. 

   A. You should get a nice metal one.

   B. You should get a metal nice one.

   C. You should get a nice one metal.

A: I think shoes are expensive. Maybe because I always buy expensive leather 


B: I know a great discount store.  C 

    A.  You can buy leather inexpensive shoes there.

    B.  You can buy inexpensive leather shoes there.

    C.  You can buy shoes inexpensive leather there.

A: You needed a new tablet cover, right? Did you find a nice 


 ?

B: Uh-huh.  C 

   A.  I found a red pretty plastic one.

   B.  I found a plastic red pretty one.

   C.  I found a pretty red plastic one.

A: I need new pants for the winter. Which ones should I buy?

B: Well, wool is nice.  C 

   A.  You should get some wool black pants.

   B.  You should get some black wool pants.

   C.  You should get some pants black wool.


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