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What is management?

Management is the coordination and administration of tasks to achieve a goal. Such

administration activities include setting the organization’s strategy and coordinating the efforts of
staff to accomplish these objectives through the application of available resources. Management can
also refer to the seniority structure of staff members within an organization. To be an effective
manager, you’ll need to develop a set of skills, including planning, communication, organization and
leadership. You will also need extensive knowledge of the company’s goals and how to direct
employees, sales and other operations to accomplish them

Henri Fayol defined management as a process consisting of activities to plan, organize,

mobilize human resources (HR), and carry out control to achieve goals. It can be said that
management is all management processes, from planning to supervision, to achieve certain goals.

Henri Fayol divides the management function into several process points, which are as
follows planning, organizing, Directing (Commanding), Coordination (coordinating), Controlling

Planning is a basic function of management because to carry out other functions, a plan
must be prepared first. This process tends to be very dynamic in nature, where plans can change at
any time depending on the conditions and situations at that time. According to Henri Fayol, planning
is the determination of the initial steps that allow an organization to achieve its goals. This is also
related to the efforts made to anticipate trends and all possibilities that may occur in the future. In
addition, planning is also defined as a process of determining the right strategy or idea.

Henri Fayol put forward a theory about line organization related to the centralization of
authority at the organizational leadership level. Thus, various functions will be centralized and
centered under the authority of certain leaders. This is done to separate the field of leadership
activity (managerial as the center of authority) and the field of technical activity (non-managerial).
This organization is based on the principles put forward by Henri Fayol regarding the division of work
tasks, unity of direction, centralization, and organizational level links.

Directing or commanding is related to the process of cultivating the motivation of employees

so that they can work more diligently and painstakingly towards achieving goals. In addition,
directives are also intended to provide direction and guidance to employees so that they can do
their jobs well. The directive function is also related to efforts to create a healthy and dynamic work
environment. In this way, productivity, effectiveness, and work efficiency are expected to increase

According to Henri Fayol, coordination is carried out to keep the activities of the
organization or company continuing and synergizing so that all of them can work well together.
Therefore, communication is very important in this process. The communication in question is both
formal and informal.

According to Henri Fayol, control is an activity to monitor, prove, and ensure that all work
goes according to its purpose. In addition, this function can also be used in evaluating employee
performance based on the rules and standards that have been determined by the company. The
activities carried out in the control process are as follows by setting performance standards,
measuring the achievements that have been comparing the achievements that have been achieved
with the standard of achievement and make improvements if there are deviations in performance

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