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Hello, my name is Charles Cedric C.

Almadrones and I'm here to answer some

questions that talks about Physical Fitness.
1. What does Physical Fitness mean to you
Answer: For me, Physical Fitness means the ability to do anything without being tired. It
is an ability to have more energy to do things in your daily lives. We all know that being
physically fit requires different things to do so that you can improve your fitness and
gradually increase your overall health condition. Physical Fitness can mean a lot but
there are two words we must give definition to know the meaning of the word Physical
Fitness. First is the word Physical, which means our body appearance and composition.
This involves muscle and bones, and the second which is Fitness, which means in good
composition and condition of our body. If we will combine the two words, we can define
and give meaning Physical Fitness, is the good condition of our muscles and bones,
having good physique, and having good energy in doing work.
2. Will it benefit you and family? How?
Answer: For me, being fit is a great investment for the future. This is the main benefit of
physical fitness because you and your family are saving money at the same time saving
you from having chronic diseases in the future. It is beneficial because our body will
eventually become weak, but because of you being physically fit, you able to delay this
weaking in your body. It is beneficial to me because I can invest for my future. This
investment will make my future self-thank me because I've done these things as early
as possible. This will also help my family in avoiding diseases which can infect them. It
is like hitting 2 birds with one stone, I am improving my health, at the same time
protecting my family from any diseases.
3. Can you explain the importance of Physical Fitness and how can the program help
Answer: Physical Fitness is one of the most essential things we must maintain to help
our body to function well. It is very important to make our body physically fit to avoid
different diseases, like I said earlier, because being physically fit means a healthy future
for you. Alongside of being physically fit is boosting your immune system. This program
can help me personally by making me do exercise again. Because of the pandemic, I
tend to stay using the laptop which makes my body weak and stiff because of the lack
of exercise, but with this program we had in PUP, I can manage to do exercise again
slowly and doing it constantly to gain significant results.
4. What does the program do to our body?
Answer: This program will help the body to be strong at the same time gain more
energy to do daily task. Physical fitness will help the body grow more and develop
different skills through different kind of training under Physical Fitness. In this program, I
expect to have different trainings which focuses on the different skills like the health-
related skills and skills that needs for activities. Not only trainings can be done to have
physical fitness, but also being involved in in the different sports which help our body
engaged and exposed for activities to improve our body composition. Not only physical
aspect can be improved, but also our mental health. Because of these exercises and
routines, we do in Physical Fitness, our mind tend to focus more and have relaxing
moment while doing the said routines. It also makes our mind sharp as we continuously
do it and making our minds do task more that we usually do.
That’s all for the questions that I have answered. So that is Physical Fitness for me.

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