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The effect of using podcast in teaching for improving students listening comprehension
(A Quasi-Experimental Research at eighth grade students of senior high school)




JAKARTA 2021/2022
The study, titled "The effect of using podcasts in teaching for improving students listening
comprehension," basically aims to find out if podcasts affect understanding listening to
students. Cluster random sampling is a way to take samples in this research. The sample from
this study was an eighth-grader of a high school of thirty students and was split into two
groups. Furthermore, The first group was an experimental group with 15 people in one group.
In comparison, the second group was a control group with 15 people in one group, the control
group did not use podcasts, but they were still taught to listen through podcast media. Music
is one of the media used by the control group to know the comparison between the
experimental group and the control group. The research methodology used in this study is a
quasi-experimental method and for controlling the group using a nonequivalent control group
design model with giving pretest and posttest. Before being given treatment, both the
experimental and control groups were given a pretest to know the group's state before
treatment. Then after being given treatment, the experimental group and control group were
given a posttest to find out the state of the group after treatment. In this experimental group,
learning was carried out using podcast media simultaneously. The learning control group was
carried out using music media and played simultaneously through speakers. Students are
given an objective test of 20 questions to collect data.


A. Introduction
In language, listening is the most important skill. Because by listening,
everyone can share the results of their thoughts with anyone. The language skill most
often used in everyday life is listening. As stated by (Muhammad Rizky Widodo &
Agus Gunawan, 2019), "There are four English language skills that senior high school
students must learn They are listening, reading, writing, and speaking." But listening
is the most important skill in teaching and learning English because it is impossible to
talk without listening first. More and more students who do listening exercises before
speaking or reading can easily achieve greater potential to acquire a foreign language
than they are taught four skills simultaneously.
Therefore listening is one of the skills that are very important role for students
in learning foreign languages. As stated by Brown (2001:247), "Listening is the major
component in language learning and teaching because in the classroom learners do
more listening than speaking." this can conclude that listening is important in carrying
out daily activities. So when we interpret a meaning, listening first is the right way to
make interpreting much easier. The teacher can help students grow self-confidence
and make learning more pleasurable by using podcasts as media. Rajpal et al. (2011)
describe Podcast as “a standard digital audio and video broadcast that can be
downloaded and played in mobile devices, iPhones and iPods”.
Its content will cover a wide range of topics, including songs, jokes, stories,
poems, and language elements like pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar, which
can be used as teaching resources. Listeners no longer need to visit each website
frequently in search of fresh podcast episodes; the iTunes store now has a large
selection of podcasts. Television podcasts, radio podcasts, school podcasts, and
individual or group podcasts are among the many forms available on the Internet.
Existing television, radio, and classroom programs and lectures, such as those
produced by VOA, are converted into podcasts (Voice of America).
Early in 2005, the first podcasts were released. Podcasts are undoubtedly
simple to obtain, appealing, and motivating for kids to learn. The podcast, which is an
audio or video file that is uploaded to the internet, has developed as a source in the
academic sector, and it provides a variety of learning materials. A podcast is a
recorded audio/video file that is uploaded to a website for people to download and
listen to at a later date. Kavaliauskiene (2008) states that podcasts have given the
language teacher numerous materials for teaching. Besides, Rosell-Aguilar and
Fernando (2015:38) claim, a podcast is similar to a public library that delivers any
materials or resources needed straight to users devices. Users can download it for free
without registering or paying any fees. When they wish to learn something, they can
choose from a variety of discussion subjects that have been supplied.
On the internet, there are many distinct sorts of podcasts. Audio podcasts,
enhanced podcasts, and video podcasts are the three forms of podcasts that are now
being created and frequently used and are classified by the content format (Bolliger et
al., 2010; Shoar et al., 2011; Sze, 2006). The most popular and straightforward to use
is the audio podcast. It merely has audio and takes up a minimal amount of disk space.
It is commonly in MP3 format and may be played on any MP3 device. As opposed to
an audio podcast, an enhanced podcast is a mix of audio and digital images.
Meanwhile, a video podcast combines audio and video into one package. Video
podcasts are often created in MP4 format and demand more storage space.
B. Statement of the Problem
Listening is one of the activities of listening well – good what others people say.
Listening is also an essential language skill. Without listening skills, communication
cannot go on smoothly. Good speaking skills must have good listening skills because
good listening skills will make speakers understand each other. The author uses
podcast media to find out if podcasts affect Students' Listening Comprehension. As
stated by (Galina Kavaliauskienė, 2019), “Podcasting offers language teachers and
students a wide range of possibilities for extra listening practise both inside and
outside the classroom.” It means that podcast media can be used as a medium of
listening learning, but whether podcast media can improve students' listening
C. Limitation of the Problem
Based on what is experienced directly by researchers, some limitations are
experienced. Several factors can be noticed more for researchers who will further
refine their research because this study has shortcomings that need improvement in
future studies. Limitations in the study are the difficulty of inviting students to be
serious in increasing their listening knowledge, and sometimes they do not show the
actual opinions of respondents. It happens because sometimes differences in thinking,
assumptions, and understandings are different from each respondent and other factors
such as honesty factors in filling out respondents' opinions in questionnaires.
D. Research Question
Based on the research gap that has been stated above, research questions can be
formulated as follows.
1) How far podcast media can improve students' listening skills?
2) Can podcasts be used as a medium to improve students' listening skills?
E. The Aim of the Study
Based on the formulation of the problem above, the researcher affirms that the aim of
the study is to know and find out how well the ability to listen to students, as well as
whether using podcasts can improve students' listening skills and whether podcast
media can be used as a medium in improving students' listening skills
F. The Significance of the Study
The significance of this research can increase students' potential in listening using
podcast media. Many students are not rich in vocabulary, so the writer hopes podcasts
can make students more imaginative, help students become good listeners, make
students more creative, and improve their English listening skills. Furthermore, hope
in this era full of technology, Podcasts can be a medium in helping students for
improving students listening comprehension and keep them active to understand
listening material in the English learning process.


A. Listening
a. The Definition of Listening
The ability to recognize and comprehend what others are saying is referred to
as listening. It is also a complicated activity, and we can aid kids in comprehending
what they hear by utilizing prior knowledge. Listening is a multi-step process that
involves more than just hearing. The act of listening involves determining the sound's
meaning and message. Listening is one of the abilities of every human being who can
be seen directly. However, not everyone can listen to English unless it is their native
language or their first language is English. They are involved in many language-
learning activities, both inside and outside the language classroom.
Listening skills are the ability to actively understand the speaker's information
and show interest in the topic discussed. It can also entail offering feedback to the
speaker, such as asking crucial questions to ensure that the message is comprehended.
According to Lorena Manaj listening is yet another necessitate in language. You will
be more successful and content if you are an effective listener. Listening is more than
just hearing; it is a condition of receptivity that allows you to understand what you
have heard and fully participate in the communication process.
According to Brown listening is a spoken or written response from the student
that indicates correct (or incorrect) auditory processing. Learners must think active
while listening to improve their listening skills. Many language-learning practices,
both within and outside the language classroom, include listening. The growth of
other language skills will be based on strengthening listening skills.
b. Definition of Listening Skills
All good communication relies on the ability to listen. Messages are readily
misunderstood if you don't know how to listen well. As a result, communication
breaks down, and the message sender may become angry or irritated as a result.
Linguists have provided some definitions, including the following:
a. Vishwanath Bite defines Listening skill is key to receiving messages effectively.
It is a combination of hearing what another person says and psychological
involvement with the person who is talking.
b. Listening skill is the communication process, according to Johnson (1951) and
Hampleman (1958),while it is to distinguish words from recognizing other
c. According to Herbert J. Walberg Listening skills are essential for learning since
they enable students to acquire insights and information, and to achieve success
in communicating with others.

Based on the definitions mentioned earlier, it can be inferred that listening is one
of the capacities of every visible human being. However, only native English
speakers or those whose first language is English, or those who participate in various
language-learning activities, both inside and outside the language classroom, can
listen to English. Listening skills are the ability to understand the information
provided by the speaker actively. It might also require giving the speaker feedback,
such as asking key questions to understand the message. asking essential questions
to ensure that the speaker's message is comprehended.

Hasan and Hoon (2013) have explained that listening skill allows the listener
to give responses to the speakers during the learning process. Getting others to listen
is a crucial part of interacting with others. Gann and Bufton (2012) stated that
listening is used more than 45% in communication, which clearly shows how
important this skill is in overall language ability. Listening has been explored from a
new viewpoint in recent years when it has been examined with skill and language

Teaching students to listen necessitates a little more effort on the part of the
teacher than on the part of the students. One of the essential ideas in teaching
listening is that language material should always be given visually first before
training listening skills. The students' listening skills need to be practised and
improved. On the other hand, many children are uncomfortable when they are
required to develop listening skills since they must listen attentively, focus, grasp,
and recall what they have heard all at the same time.
c. Types Of Listening
According to Brown some types of listening as follow:
1) Intensive
Listening for perception of the components (Phonemes, words, intonation,
discourse markers, etc) of a larnger stretch of language.
2) Responsive
Listening to a relatively short stretch of language (a greeting, question, command,
comprehension check, etc) in order to make an equally short response.
3) Selective
Processing stretches of discourse such as short monologues for several minutes in
order to “scan” for certain information. The purpose of such performance is not
necessarily to look for global or general meanings, but to be able to comprehend
designated information in a context of longer stretches of spoken language (such
as classroom directions from a teacher, Tv or radio news items, or stories).
Assessment tasks in selective listening could ask students, for example, to listen
for names, number, a grammatical categories, directions (in a map exercise), or
certain facts and events.
4) Extensive
Listening to develop a top-down, global understanding of spoken language.
Extensive performance ranges from listening to lengthy lectures to listening to a
conversation and deriving a comprehensive message or purpose. Listening for the
gist, for the main idea, and making inferences are all part of extensive listening.

d. Types of Podcast
There are different types of podcast available on the internet. Currently, there
are three types of podcast being produced and widely used that are classified by the
format of content: audio podcast, enhanced podcast and video podcast (Bolliger et al.,
2010; Shoar et al., 2011; Sze, 2006). The most popular and straightforward to use is
the audio podcast. It merely has audio and takes up a minimal amount of disk space. It
is commonly in MP3 format and may be played on any MP3 device. As opposed to an
audio podcast, an enhanced podcast is a mix of audio and digital images. Meanwhile,
a video podcast combines audio and video into one package. Video podcasts are often
created in MP4 format and demand more storage space.

A. Place and Time of the Research

The object of the study is actually the eighth-semester of Senior high school. Whereas
the time, the research will be conducted on February - April 2022, in 2021/2022 of
academic year and I’ll collect the data during PLP II.

B. Population and Sample of the Research

To conduct a research, the researcher decided to choose a population from the eighth
grade students of senior high school which consist of 30 students. From this whole
population, 15 students are chosen to be a participant for experimental group and
another 15 students are chosen are chosen to be a participant for control group.

C. Method and Design of the Research

This study used quasi-experimental design methods. A quasi-experimental design is a
research design with a control group and an experimental group not selected
randomly. This research uses quantitative techniques and controls the group using a
nonequivalent control group design model with giving pretest and posttest.

D. The Instrument of the Research

To collect a data in his research, the researcher uses some instruments. It is a tool used
to measure achievement and individual ability, to observe behavior, to develop a
psychological individual profile or to interview a person (Creswell, 2009). And in
term of suitability with the objective of the study, the researcher uses pretest and
E. The Data Collection Technique
Data collection techniques used to retrieve data from children are by a test method.
According to Kaplan M. Robert and Saccuzzo P. Dennis (2012: 6), tests are
measurement techniques used to measure behaviour or help understand and predict
behaviour. At the same time, the type of test used in this study is an ability test.
Kaplan M. Robert and Saccuzzo P. Dennis (2012: 7) explain that an ability test is a
test for measuring skills related to speed, accuracy, or both. This method of testing is
done before the treatment and after treatment.

F. The Data Analysis Technique

Data analysis is the process that follows the collection of data from all respondents or
other sources (Sugiyono, 2011: 147). Data analysis testing is a prerequisite test of
analysis and a hypothesis test in this study. Preliminary examination The test for
normalcy and homogeneity between subjects is used in the analysis.
The experimental group was given the same subject as the control group, and
subsequent Hypothesis tests were undertaken between the two groups.
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