Research Questionnaire Adapt

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Research Questionnaire

Name: _______________________________ (Optional)

Directions: Please provide the information needed on the questionnaire. Please read each
question carefully and offer an honest, correct response to each question by putting a
checkmark (/) on the number of your choice. Please do not leave any questions unanswered.

This questionnaire contains questions for the street food vendors that shall form part of this
papers research data who utilize social media as their means to purchase products, especially
during the Covid-19 pandemic. Each item is given a score of 1–5, with 1 indicating that you
Strongly Disagree; 2 indicating that you Disagree; 3 indicating that you Neither agree nor
Disagree; 4 indicating that you Agree, and 5 indicating that you Strongly Agree.

Please read each item carefully and respond with the item that best reflects your agreement or

5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Buzz marketing (Using entertainment or
news to create WOM) influences consumer
purchase decision.
Viral marketing (messages designed to be
passed along, often electronically or by
email) influences consumer purchase
Community marketing (forming or
supporting such communities as user
groups, fan clubs, and discussion forums)
influences consumer purchase decision.
Conversation Creation (things such as
emails, promotions, entertainment or
anything that is designed to create WOM)
influences consumer purchase decision.
Referral Programs (giving satisfied
customers the change to spread the word
with different tools) influences consumer
purchase decision.

Higher Accessibility of Information

5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Do you think that with the social media
sites, you are able to seek out
products/services information initiatively
Do you have prejudgment
(positive/negative) towards a particular
product and/or service before an actual
Do you tend to seek out information that is
consistent with your initial
opinion/preference for a purchase?
Do you agree that information searching is
easier via social media compared to mass
media (e.g. TV, radio, newspaper, and so
Do you change your initial preference after
searching relevant information via social
media sites?
Are you likely to change your attitude
towards a certain business after you have
read positive comments/ reviews/online
articles etc. about it?
Are you likely to share
comments/reviews/blog posts/related
articles etc. to peers or friends via social

Social Media Advertisement

5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Do you search for related information on
social media before a purchase?
Do you agree that, for instance,
advertisements/ tiktok posts/ Instagram
post/ FB pages/user reviews on social
media influence you to try new
Do you agree that social media has
provided more effective platforms for new
products/services/brands to draw
consumers’ attention than mass media
Do you agree that advertisements/
reviews/ blog posts etc. have higher
credibility than advertisements/ editorials/
other marketing means on mass media?
Do you rely on information available on
social media if you have uncertainties
regarding a purchase?
The beverage (e.g. hot drinks, cocktails,
mocktails, etc.) feature in the social media
is very useful.
The social media interactive business
attracts me to try their products.
Do you agree that feedbacks
(reviews/comments/posts and so on) on
social media affect your purchase?
Do you agree that social media provides an
effective and powerful platform for
consumers to communicate with each
other and with the companies?
Do you think that social media makes your
decision making more complex?

Online Ordering System

5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Social media help me to order online.
The MSMEs online systems help me to
locate their location in Malaybalay City.
Consumer Purchasing Behavior

5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
The interactive promotion of an business
through the social media influences
consumer purchase decision.
Food promotion reminder through the
social media influence consumer
purchase decision.
Advertising appeal of business
promotions through the technology
influence consumer purchase decision.

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