P.E.6 Q4 LAS Wk-2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Bohol

Physical Education 6

Quarter : 4 Week : 2 Day : 3 Activity No. : 2

Competency: : Assesses regularly participation in physical activities based the Philippines Physical
Activity Pyramid.Code:PE6PF-IVb-h-18
Objective : Assess physical activities and physical fitness using skill related fitness components.
Topic : Assessment of Physical Activity Program using Skill - Related Fitness Components.
Materials : Pictures from LAS
Reference :
Mildred C. Gemperoso, Marie Michelle G. Manigpue, Felix G. Ecaldre. Sing Sketch Stretch.
Copyrights : For classroom use only

Concept Notes:

Physical Activity Program

Physical Activity
• Is any voluntary bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure.
• It includes exercise and incidental activity integrated into daily activity.
One Week Physical Activities Program
Skill-related Day Type
Coordination &Agility Monday Speed bounce test, catching the ball
Balance Tuesday Single leg-deadlift
Coordination & Agility Wednesday Chest pass, paper juggling
Power Thursday Vertical Jump test, throwing the ball
Reaction time Friday ruler drop test

Speed Saturday Sprint test, walking toe touch


Activity 1

1. Follow the safety precautions and refer to the result of your PAR-Q before doing the physical fitness test.

2. Perform the following physical activities with the assistance of your parents, elder siblings, or anybody
in the home older than you.
3. The parent/older sibling will record the score/result based on the performance of pupils.

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Resting Heart Rate
Directions: Count your pulse for 1 minute before doing any activity with your radial or carotid artery.
Write your pulse rate here: ___________beats per minute
2. General Warm- up Exercise
Directions: Perform a 5-minute slow jog as a form of general warm- up exercise.

B. Performance of Physical Fitness Test

Single leg-deadlift

✓ Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart.

✓ Raise your arms up to your shoulder level and slightly lift your foot off
of the ground.
✓ You will look like the picture to the left of the screen.
✓ Now slowly hinge forward, flexing your abdominal muscles, and
keeping your back straight.
✓ As you do these lift your leg (the one that was slightly off the ground)
straight behind you and parallel to the floor.
✓ Make sure you are doing slow deliberate movements. Photo credit: Eunicakes-
✓ Do Not just kick your foot back, you want to control every movement WorldPress.com
so that you get the best results.
✓ Go back to start position. That is one rep.
✓ Repeat it to the other leg.
✓ Do the activity in 4 minutes. (2 minutes per leg)
✓ Record your score

Walking Toe Touch

✓ Have your arms straight out in front of you.
✓ Brace your abs to keep upright.
✓ Raise one leg as high as you can to touch the opposite hand.
✓ Walk forward and repeat these motions.
✓ Walk 12 steps, and then walk back.
✓ Continue back and forth for 2 minutes.
✓ Record your result.

Ruler Drop Test:


✓ Request from your family to drop the meter stick.

✓ This older siblings/parent will stand and face to the seated partner
(the pupil)
✓ The pupil extends one arm straight out, with the thumb and fingers
about 5 cm.
✓ The standing partner/older siblings/parents should hold the ruler
near its top, and let it hang so that when it is released, it will drop
between the other’s partner thumb and fingers. The end of the meter
stick with the lowest numbers should be even with the top of the Photo credit: Reaction
seated partner’s hand. Time
✓ The parent/older sibling holding the meter stick should tell the
seated pupil to get ready to catch the meter stick.
✓ The parent/older sibling should release the meter stick, and the seated pupil should catch it as quickly as
✓ Look at the meter stick and find the first centimetre mark above the thumb of the partner who caught the
✓ The distance between the bottom of the stick and this mark is the distance the stick travelled before the
student caught it. Record this distance as trial 1 for the pupil, on Part 1 of the data sheet.
✓ Repeat the procedure

Materials: basketball/volleyball ball (If there is no available ball at home, you may borrow from the barangay or
you may use matured coconut “ patay nga lubi” as an alternative ball.)
• Measure 16 feet distance using one-foot ruler. Mark one end as starting point and the other end as goal.
• Position yourself at the starting point with feet and shoulder width apart.
• Hold the ball with both hands on either side of the ball.
• Point your elbows out to the side to increase the power of your throw.
• Reach your throw behind your head.
• Follow through with your arms and body.
• Make 24 throws then count how many throws reached the goal.

Catching the ball (Use the same ball and measurement of the ground in throwing)
• Align yourself with the ball. You’ll need to move your body so that you are in catching distance of the
ball. Keep your eyes focused on the ball.
• Meet the balls with your hands. Keep your hands wide-spread, keep your fingers relaxed and reach
toward the ball.
• Grasp the ball. Watch the ball move into your reaching hands, squeeze your fingers around the ball trap
it in your hands.
• Cushion impact of the ball. Keep your knees bent and your stance wide to improve balance when
• Bend your arms at the elbows to help reduce the force of the ball’s impact.
• Record how often did you catch the ball.
• Make 24 catches and count how many catches you made.

C. Assessment of Physical Fitness Tests Results.

1. Record your scores in the table below.
Physical Activity Skill- Related Fitness Target Actual Rating
Components Performance Performance
1. Throwing arm strength, power 24
2. Catching the ball coordination 24
3. Single leg-deadlift Balance 60
4. Walking Toe Touch Speed and agility Walk with
touches the
5. Ruler drop test Reaction time With fastest
time reaction
2. Assess your performance rating by using the rating scale below:
Single Leg-Deadlift Walking Toe Touch
Result Rating Result Rating
60 Excellent 100% walk w/ touches the toe. Excellent
46-59 Very Good Walk w/ 2-3 failed to touch Very Good
the toe.
31-45 Good
Walk w/ 4-10 failed to touch Good
16-30 Fair the toe.
Walk w/ 11-15 failed to touch Fair
1-15 Needs Improvement
the toe.
Walk w/ always failed to Needs Improvement
touch the toe.

Ruler drop test Throwing and Catching the Ball

Result Rating Result Rating
With fastest time Excellent 24 Excellent
reaction (grasp w/
19-23 Very Good
shortest length in cm.
With faster time Very Good 13-18 Good
reaction (grasp w/
7-12 Fair
shorter length in cm.
With fast time Good 1-6 Needs Improvement
reaction (grasp w/
short length in cm.
With slow time Fair
reaction (grasp w/
longer length in cm.
With slowest time Needs Improvement
reaction (grasp w/
longest length in cm.

D. Answer the following questions:

1. Based on your result, which skill-related fitness components need improvement?
2. How would you improve your weak component?

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