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1. Các bước và những điều cần chú ý khi viết lại câu
Bước 1: Đọc kỹ câu cho trước và cố gắng ý của câu đó. Chú ý đến những từ khóa của
câu, S – chủ ngữ, V – động từ, và cấu trúc được sử dụng ở câu gốc (điều này rất quan
trọng vì sẽ tìm cấu trúc câu liên quan).
Bước 2: Chú ý những từ cho trước. Viết lại câu sử dụng cách khác, cấu trúc khác mà vẫn
giữ được ý nguyên vẹn của câu cho trước.
Bước 3: Viết câu mới. Chú ý đến: Chủ ngữ và động từ mới, thì của câu mới, chú ý sự
thay đổi của các cụm từ tương ứng (như although- despite, adj-adv, if- unless…)
Bước 4: Đọc và kiểm tra lỗi, có thêm chỉnh sửa nếu cần.
Một số điểm cần chú ý:
Về thì: phải viết cùng thì với câu đã cho trong đề bài.
Về ngữ pháp: câu viết lại phải tuân theo đúng ngữ pháp của cấu trúc tiếng Anh được sử
Về ngữ nghĩa: câu được viết lại sau khi hoàn thành phải không thay đổi nghĩa so với ban
Ngoài ra còn phải chú ý tới việc sử dụng các liên từ như before, after hay for, since…

2. Các dạng tiêu biểu:

Chuyển từ thể thức chủ động sang thể thức bị động.
Chuyển từ thể thức trực tiếp sang thể thức gián tiếp.
Các trường hợp đa dạng khác nhau về đảo ngữ.



to give a cry = to cry: khóc
to give thought to = to think about: nghĩ về
to have a look at (n) = to look at (v):    nhìn vào
to have knowledge of = to know (about): biết
to desire to = have a desire to: khao khát, mong muốn
to have a tendency to = to tend to: có khuynh hướng
to have a talk with = to talk to: nói chuyện
to have a drink = to drink: uống
to have interest in = to be interested in: thích
because of + N = because + clause : bởi vì
to have a wish / to express a wish = to wish: ao ước
to be aware of = understand: hiểu, nhận thức
to be possible = can = tobe able to: có thể làm gì
to have a photograph of = to photograph: chụp ảnh
S + be + supposed to do something = it’s one’s duty to do something: có nghĩa vụ
làm gì
to give a laugh at = to laugh at: cười nhạo
there is no point in doing something = to be not worth doing something: không đáng
để làm gì
to give warning = to warn:  báo động, cảnh báo
to have intention of + V – ing = to intend to +inf : dự định
manage to do something = to succeed in doing something: làm việc gì thành công
to have a discussion about = to discuss something: thảo luận
to give an explanation for = to explain something: giải thích
to make a decision to = to decide to: quyết định
to give somebody a call = to call somebody: gọi điện cho…
to give somebody a ring = to ring somebody: gọi điện
it appears that = it seems that = it is likely that = it look as if/though: dường như, có
vẻ như
to make an effort to/ to make an attempt to = to try to (+inf): cố gắng
like = enjoy = to be interested in = keen on = fond of something: yêu thích cái gì
to have a meeting with somebody = to meet somebody: gặp ai
S + often + V = S + be accustomed to + Ving = S + be used to +Ving /N: thường/quen
với làm gì
although + clause = in spite of + N = despite + N: mặc dù, bất chấp

Chuyển đổi từ câu so sánh hơn sang so sánh nhất và ngược lại
Công thức so sánh bằng: S + V + the same + (noun) + as 
She takes the same course as her colleague.
She speaks the same language as her father.
I wore the same dress as my sister at her birthday party.
Trái nghĩa với với the same…as là different from.

S/O/ ST IS the most ……=> no other …../ NOTHING/ NO ONE can be more ….than ..
I’m not as tall as NAM => N is taller than me
Cấu trúc câu đề nghị
Let’s + V
⇔ Shall we + V
⇔ How/What about + V-ing ⇔ Why don’t we + V
⇔ In my opinion
⇔S + suggest + that + S + mệnh đề hiện tại 

Let’s have dinner together!  (Hãy ăn tối cùng nhau!)

⇔ Shall we have dinner together? (Chúng ta sẽ ăn tối cùng nhau chứ?)
⇔ How about having dinner together? (Ăn tối cùng nhau thì sao?)
⇔ What about having dinner together? ( Ăn tối cùng nhau thì sao?)
⇔ In my opinion, have dinner together. (Theo tôi, hãy ăn tối cùng nhau.)
⇔ I suggest that we have dinner together. (Tôi đề nghị chúng ta nên ăn tối cùng nhau.)

Cấu trúc câu ước

Chuyển đổi câu điều ước
  Cấu trúc  Ví dụ

She won’t come back here.

Câu ước ở wish + someone + ↔ I wish she would come back
tương lai would + bare infinitive here.
(Tôi ước chi cô ấy sẽ quay lại đây)

I don’t have lots of money.

Câu ước ở wish + someone + V2/- ↔ I wish I could have lots of
hiện tại ed money.
(Tôi ước gì tôi có hật nhiều tiền)

I didn’t say that I love him.

↔ I wish I had said that I loved
Câu ước ở wish + someone + had
quá khứ + V3/-ed
(Tôi ước gì mình có thể nói rằng
tôi yêu anh ấy)

Ở thì tương lai: 

S + wish + someone + would/could + V (nguyên mẫu)
⇔ If only + S + would/could + V (nguyên mẫu)
I wish I would be a doctor in the future. (Tôi ước mình sẽ là một bác sĩ trong tương lai.)
⇔ If only I would be a doctor in the future. (Giá như tôi là bác sĩ trong tương lai)
Ở thì hiện tại:
S + wish(es) + S + Ved (thì quá khứ đơn)
⇔ If only + S+ Ved (thì quá khứ đơn)
Ví dụ: 
I wish I could have a car. (Tôi ước tôi có thể có một chiếc xe hơi.)
⇔ If only I had a car. (Giá như tôi có một chiếc ô tô.)
Ở thì quá khứ:
S + wish(es) + S + had + V (P2)
S + wish(es) + S + could have +  V (P2)
⇔ If only + S + V (P2)
I wish I had passed my driving exam. (Tôi ước tôi đã vượt qua kỳ thi lái xe của tôi.)
⇔ I wish I could have passed my driving exam. (Tôi ước tôi có thể đã vượt qua kỳ thi lái
xe của tôi.)
⇔ If only I passed my driving exam. (Giá như tôi đã vượt qua kỳ thi lái xe của mình.)
Cấu trúc câu tường thuật dạng bị động

Câu chủ động Câu bị động

It be said that + S + V
People say + S + V + …
S + be said to + V hoặc to have V3/-ed

People say he is a very intelligent person. (Mọi người nói anh ấy là một người rất thông
⇔ It is said that he is a very intelligent person. (Người ta nói rằng anh ấy là một người
rất thông minh.)
⇔ He is said to be a very intelligent person. (Anh ấy được cho là một người rất thông
⇔ He is said to have been a very intelligent person. (Anh ấy được cho là một người rất
thông minh.)
Câu tường thuật dạng bị động:
Câu chủ động Câu bị động Ví dụ

People say + S + People say that he drinks

V+… a lot of wine.
It be said that + S + V
↔ It is said that he
drinks a lot of wine.

S + be said to + V hoặc to People say that he drinks

have V3/-ed a lot of wine.
↔ He is said to drink a
lot of wine.

Biến đổi câu điều kiện

Có 2 dạng cấu trúc viết lại của câu điều kiện:
Khi 2 mệnh đề được nối bằng “so”:
Clause 1 + so + Clause 2
⇔  If + Clause 1, Clause 2
Ví dụ: 
I woke up late so I was late for school. (Tôi thức dậy muộn vì vậy tôi đã đến trường
⇔ If I had woken up early, I wouldn’t have been late for school. (Nếu tôi dậy sớm, tôi đã
không đi học muộn.)
Khi 2 mệnh đề được nối bằng “because”:
Clause 1 + because + Clause 2
⇔  If + Clause 2, Clause 1
Ví dụ: 
I can’t buy that shirt because I don’t have enough money. (Tôi không thể mua chiếc áo
đó vì tôi không có đủ tiền.)
⇔ If I had enough money, I could  buy that shirt. (Nếu tôi có đủ tiền, tôi có thể mua
chiếc áo đó.)
Viết lại câu điều kiện tương đương 
Câu gốc Câu viết lại Ví dụ

Janet didn’t bring her

raincoat, so she got wet.
mệnh đề 1 + so + If + mệnh đề
↔ If Janet had brought her
mệnh đề 2 1, mệnh đề 2
raincoat, she wouldn’t have got

mệnh đề 1 I can’t go out because I don’t have

If + mệnh đề
+ because + mệnh đề money
2, mệnh đề 1
2 ↔ If I had money, I could go out
Cấu trúc viết lại câu 8
Chuyển đổi câu If not sang unless
If … not ⇔ Unless …
Lưu ý: Không được thay đổi loại câu điều kiện, chỉ được thay đổi nghĩa phủ định hay
nghi vấn của nó
Ví dụ: If it doesn’t rain, we can go picnic.
↔ Unless it rains, we can go picnic.
(Nếu trời không mưa, chúng ta có thể đi dã ngoại)
Cấu trúc nguyên nhân, bởi vì
Cấu trúc viết lại câu cấu trúc nguyên nhân, kết quả trong tiếng Anh:
 Because, Since, As + S + V + …
⇔ Because of, As a result of, Due to + N/ V-ing
Ví dụ: 
Because it’s raining now, I can’t play soccer. (Vì trời mưa nên tôi không thể chơi bóng
⇔  Because of the rain, I can’t play soccer. (Nếu tôi có đủ tiền, tôi có thể mua chiếc áo
Cấu trúc so… that, such …that, too…to
Cấu trúc viết lại câu với “so… that”, “such… that” và “too… to”(mang nghĩa là quá …
đến nỗi mà) đi kèm với tính từ hay danh từ:
S + V + so + Adj + that…
⇔ It + be + such + N + that…⇔ too + Adj (for sbd) + to V
S + be/ V + so + Adj/ Adv. + that … ⇔ It + be + such + Noun + that
This song is so bad that I can’t listen anymore.(Bài này tệ đến mức tôi không thể nghe
được nữa.)
⇔ It is such song that I can’t listen anymore. (Đó là bài hát mà tôi không thể nghe được
⇔ This song is too for me bad to listen to anymore.(Bài hát này quá tệ đối với tôi để
nghe nữa..)
S + V + too + Adj. + to V ⇔ not + Adj. + enough + to V
Cấu trúc so that và such that (quá .. đến mức) dùng thay thế với cấu trúc too to (quá …
đến mức không thể)
so + Adj. + that hoặc such + noun + that
⇔ too + Adj (for somebody) + to V
Ví dụ: These shoes are so small that he can’t wear it.
↔ These shoes are too small for him to wear.

Cách viết lại câu trong tiếng Anh với cấu trúc find something adj
To V + be + Adj./Noun
⇔ S + find + it + Adj./Noun + to V
To live in the countryside alone could be hard for her.
↔ She finds it hard to live alone in the countryside.

Cấu trúc it takes time

Viết lại câu với cấu trúc “it takes time” mang nghĩa là dành/tốn bao nhiêu thời gian
làm gì.
S + V + … + time
⇔ It takes/took + someone + time + to V
Ví dụ: 
I go from home to school in 25 minutes. (Tôi đi từ nhà đến trường trong 25 phút.)
⇔ It takes me 25 minutes to go from home to school. (Tôi mất 25 phút để đi từ nhà đến
Cấu trúc this is the first time
This is the first time + S + has/have + V3/-ed
⇔ S + has/have + never (not) + V3/-ed + before
Ví dụ: 
This is the first time meeting someone as kind as him (Đây là lần đầu tiên gặp một người
tốt như anh ấy.)
⇔ I have never met someone as kind as him before. (Tôi chưa từng gặp ai tốt như anh ấy
trước đây.)

Cấu trúc it’s time/ it’s high time/ it’s about time
S + should/ought to/had better + V …
⇔ It’s (high/about) time + S + V2/-ed …
Ví dụ: 
You’d better come back home. (Tốt hơn hết bạn nên trở về nhà.)
⇔ It’s time you came back home. (Đã đến lúc bạn trở về nhà)
⇔ It’s high time you came back home. (Đã đến lúc bạn làm bài tập về nhà.)
⇔ It’s about time you came back home. (Đã đến lúc bạn làm bài tập về nhà.)

Cấu trúc viết lại câu 18

Cấu trúc It’s time/ it’s high time/ it’s about time 
S + should/ought to/had better + V …
⇔ It’s (high/about) time + S + V2/-ed …
Ví dụ: You‘d better go to bed.
↔ It‘s (high/about) time you went to bed.
(Đã tới lúc con đi ngủ rồi đấy)

Cấu trúc too to … enough

Cấu trúc “too to” (mang nghĩa là không thể) dùng để thay thế cho cấu trúc enough:
S + V + too + Adj + to V
⇔ S + not + Adj (ngược lại) + enough + to V
Ví dụ: 
I am too fat to wear that shirt. (Tôi quá béo để mặc chiếc áo đó.)
⇔ I’m not thin enough to wear that shirt. (Tôi không đủ gầy để mặc chiếc áo đó.)
Cấu trúc sự trái ngược
Cấu trúc viết lại câu trong tiếng Anh có chứa những từ cụm từ chỉ sự trái ngược (mặc
Though/Although/Even though + S + V + …
⇔ In spite of/Despite + N/ V-ing
Ví dụ: 
Although I was sick, I still went to work. (Dù ốm nhưng tôi vẫn đi làm.)
⇔ In spite of being sick, I still went to work. (Mặc dù bị bệnh, tôi vẫn đi làm.)
Một số cấu trúc viết lại câu khác
Bên cạnh những cấu trúc viết lại câu kể trên, trong tiếng Anh cũng còn một số cấu trúc
khác đặc biệt. Hãy khám phá xem đó là gì nhé:
Cấu trúc it is necessary that
Need to V
⇔ It is (not) necessary (for sbd) + to V
I need to go to the hospital now.
⇔ It is necessary for me to go to the hospital now. 
(Tôi cần phải đến bệnh viện ngay bây giờ.)
Các cấu trúc với more
Not…any more
⇔ S + no more + V
⇔ No longer + đảo ngữ
Ví dụ: 
We don’t talk anymore.
⇔ We no more talk. 
⇔ No longer do we talk anymore. 
(Chúng ta không nói chuyện nữa.)
Cấu trúc used to, accustomed to
S + be used to + N/V-ing
⇔ S + be accustomed to + N/V-ing
Ví dụ: 
I am used to having my mother around.
⇔ I am accustomed to having my mother around. 
(Tôi đã quen với việc có mẹ ở bên.)
Sử dụng to infinitive thay thế cho cấu trúc because
S + V + because + S + V
⇔ S + V + to V
Ví dụ: 
I work hard because I want to exceed KPIs. (Tôi làm việc chăm chỉ vì tôi muốn vượt qua
⇔ I work hard to exceed KPIs. (Tôi làm việc chăm chỉ để vượt KPI.)

Viết lại câu với thì hiện tại hoàn thành sang thì quá khứ đơn (dùng chủ ngữ giả ‘it’)
S + have/has + V3/-ed
⇔ It has been + [thời gian] + since + S + V2/-ed + …
Ví dụ: Huan and Vy have been married for 3 years.
↔ It’s been 3 years since Huan and Vy were married.
(Đã ba năm kể từ thời điểm Huân và Vy kết hôn)

Chuyển đổi câu có thì hiện tại hoàn thành phủ định sang thì quá khứ đơn (cấu trúc
the last time, cấu trúc when)
S + have/has + NOT + V3/-ed + since/for …
⇔ S + last + V2/-ed + when + S + V
⇔ The last time + S + V + was …
Ví dụ:
 I haven’t met Lucy since we left school.
↔ The last time I met Lucy was when we left school.
(Lần cuối cùng tôi gặp Lucy là khi chúng tôi ra trường)
 I haven’t seen him since I was a student.
↔ I last saw him when I was a student.
(Tôi gặp anh ta lần cuối khi tôi vẫn còn là học sinh)
Cấu trúc viết lại câu 12
Chuyển câu ở thì quá khứ đơn sang thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn
S + V2/-ed + …
⇔ S + have/has + been + V-ing + since/for + …
Ví dụ: Shawn started playing guitar since he was five.
↔ Shawn has been playing guitar since he was five.
(Shawn đã chơi ghi-ta từ khi cậu ấy lên 5 tuổi)
Cấu trúc viết lại câu 16
Chuyển cấu trúc started/began sang thì hiện tại hoàn thành
S + began/ started + V-ing/to V  + [thời gian] ago
⇔ S + have/has + V3/-ed hoặc been + V-ing + since/for …
Ví dụ: She began to learn English 4 years ago.
↔ She has learned/ has been learning English for 4 years.
(Cô ấy học tiếng Anh từ bốn năm trước)
Cấu trúc viết lại câu 17
Cách viết lại câu tiếng Anh với cấu trúc This is the first time
This is the first time + S + have/has + V3/-ed
⇔ S + have/has + never (not) + V3/-ed + before
Ví dụ: This is the first time I have watched this film.
↔ I have never watched this film before.
(Tôi chưa bao giờ xem bộ phim này trước đây)
 Xem cách dùng chi tiết tại This is the first time

Cấu trúc viết lại câu 14

Chuyển đổi dùng cấu trúc it was not until … that (mãi cho tới khi)
S + didn’t + V (bare) + …. until …
⇔ It was not until + … + that + …
Ví dụ: Nam didn’t go home until he finishes all the tasks.
↔ It was not until Nam finished all the tasks that he went home.
(Mãi cho tới khi Nam hoàn thành xong hết mọi công việc thì cậu mới về nhà)

Cấu trúc viết lại câu 23

Sử dụng cấu trúc prefer và would rather
S +  prefer + doing st to doing st
⇔ S + would rather + do st than do st
Ví dụ: I prefer staying at home to hanging out with him.
↔ I would rather stay at home than hang out with him.
(Con thà ở nhà còn hơn đi chơi với hắn ta)
Cấu trúc viết lại câu 24
Sử dụng cấu trúc would prefer và would rather
S + would prefer + sb + to V
⇔ S + would rather + sb + V2/-ed 
Ví dụ: I would prefer you not to stay up late.
↔ I would rather you not stayed up late.
(Mẹ không thích con thức khuya đâu)

Cấu trúc viết lại câu 25

Cấu trúc so that/ in order that (trong trường hợp chủ từ ở 2 câu là khác nhau)
S + V + so that/ in order that + S + V
⇔ S + V + (for O) + to infinitive
Ví dụ: My dad turned off the TV so that we could sleep.
↔ My dad turned off the TV for us to sleep.
(Cha tôi tắt TV để chúng tôi có thể ngủ)
 + 1 : Because /as/ since + clause
fBecause of/ due to/ owing to + noun/ V-ing
Because she behaves well, everybody loves her
-Because of her good behaviour, everybody loves her
 + 2 : although/ thought /even though + clause
-Despite /in spite of + Noun/ V-ing
In spite of being tired, they stayed until they found out what happened
-Although they very tired, they ……
 + 3 : too + adj (for sb) + to-inf
-So + adj + that (clause)
Such + (a/an adj) noun + that (clause)
The box was too heavy that the children couldn’t carry it
-It was such a heavy box that the children coyldn’t carry it
 + 4 : too + adj (for sb) +to-inf
-Not + adj + enough (for sb) + to-inf
Mary is too young to grt married
-Marry isn’t older enough to get married
 + 5 : adj + enough (for sb) + to-inf
-So + adj + that (clause)
Such + (a/an adj) noun + that (clause)
-This question is easy enough for us to answer
-It is such an easy question thet we can answer
 + 6 : so + adj +that(clause)
Such + (a/an adj)noun + that(clause)
-Too + adj (for sb) + to-inf
Adj + enough (for sb) + to-inf
It was such an interesting novel that I read it many times
The noval was interesting enough for me to read many times
 + 7 : so + adj + that (clause)
Such + (a/an adj ) noun + that (clause)
The film was so good that I saw it three times
-It was such adj good film that I saw it three times
 Mode l 8 : to-inf + be +adj
It be adj to - inf
How adj (it be) to - inf
It be adj V – ing
To sit here with you is so nice
It's so nice to sit here with you
it's so nice sitting here with you
how nice it is to sit here with you
 +9 : to-inf + be + adj /noun
S + V + it + adj/noun + to-inf
To live on my salary must be hard
I find it hard to on my salary
 + 10 : condition sentences
a) I can't see the play because it is soiled oiut
if the play weren’t soiled out, I could see it
b) we didn’t go on holiday because we didn’t have enough money
if we had had enoughj money we could have come on holiday
 + 11 : if … not unless
Unless you phone me immediately, you’ll get some information
If you phone me immediately, you will get some information
 + 12 : wish
Future would if
Past past perfect subjunctive
Present past subjunctive
a) My wife can't speak English
I wish my wife could speak English
b) what adj pity you failed in your driving test
I wish you hadn’t failed in your driving test
c) She won’t visit me again
I wish she would visit me again
 + 13 : S + V (pre perfect) + time
It is + time + since + clause (V-simple past)
a) tom and marry have been married for 5 years
it is 5 years since tom and marry got married
b) I haven’t my parents for 1 month
it's 1 month since I last saw my parents
 + 14 : S + have/has not + V(pp)
… first time + S + have/has + pp
I haven’t seen that man here before
It's the first time I have seen that man here
 + 15 : S + have/has not + V(pp) + since/for
S + last + V (past) + when (clause)
The last times + S + was
a) I haven’t heard him since August
the last times I heard him was in August
b) I haven’t seen him since I was a student
the last times I saw him when I was a student
 + 16 : S + V (past) + ago
S + have/has been + V-ing + since/for
He started working for this factory a year ago
He had been working for this factory since last year
 + 17 : S+V + ...time
It take (O) + time + to-inf
She typed the letter in 20 minutes
It took her 20 minutes to type the letter
 + 18 : S + V + not + untill …..
It was not until… that…
Tom didn’t begin to read until he was eight
It was not until tom was eight that he began to read
 + 19 : Causative form
+ Active : S + V + O
S + have + O1 + inf + O2 (have S.O + doing )
Get to-inf
I’ll have Tom wash my car
I’ll get Tom to wash my car
+Passive S + have/get + O + V(pp) (have done)
I’ll have the car washed
I’ll get the car washed
 + 20 ; Passive form
S + be + V (pp) + (by…)
No one has ever dicuss this question
That question has never been dicussed
 + 21 :
Rumour, find, believe, think, know, say, that …..
It + be + V (pp) + that …
S2 + be + V (pp) + to-inf / to have + pp
a) They think that the owner of the house is abroad
it is though that the owner of the house is though to be abroad
the owner of the house is though to be abroad
b) people thoug that he had died in the battler
it was though that he had died in the battle
 + 22 :
Someone, They, people,

No one in the group is younger than her
She’s the youngest in the group
 + 23 :

 + 24 : clause 1 + clause 2
The comparative + the comparative
The more + S+V + the more + S + V
Less less
As I get older, I want to travel less
The older I get, the less travel I want
 + 25 : hardly (past perfect)…when
Scarely (past perfect)…when
No sooner (past perfect)… than
… no sooner (past perfect) … than
he had no sooner seen me than he ran away
he had hardly seen me when he ran away
no sooner had he seen me than he ran away
hardly he had seen me when he ran away
 + 26 : S + V = Auxilary + S +V …
He didn't return to his native village until the war ended
Not until the war ended, he dud return to his native village
Never [không bao giờ]
Seldom [hiếm khi]
Not only … but also [không những… mà còn]
Not until … [mãi cho tới khi ]
Hardly… when [vừa mới ..rồi th.]
Hardly ever [ít khi]
Neither …nor [cũng không]
Scarely … when… [vừa… rồi thì lại ]
Only then/when [chỉ lúc đó]
Only by [chỉ bằng cách ]
Only after Ving or clause.
Nowhere [không nơi nào]
So…that … [đến nỗi mà]
In no circumtances [không trường hợp nào ]
On no acount [không vì lí do gì]
 + 27 : S+V (not) , S + V (not) either (phụ họa)
Neither… nor
He isn’t going to attend the meeting, I’m not either
Neither he nor I am going to attend the meeting
 + 28 : why don’t you + V …?
S + suggested + that (clause) (should + V)
“why don’t you apply for the job,Ann ?” said Sue
Mary suggestsd that Tom should apply for the job
 + 29 ; indirect speech
a) Tom ask me, “what’s her name ?”
Tom ask me what her name was
b) she said: “are you hungry,Tom ?”
she asked Tom if he was hungry
c) Mary said to Tom “open the door, please”
Mary asked Tom to open the door
d) he said to them : “Don’t be latr tomorrow “
he told them not to be late tomorrow
 + 30 : S + V (past) V-ing
(didn’t ) not V-ing
(had + pp) having + pp
Tom had failed twice, so he didn’t want to try again
Having failed twice, he didn't want to try again
 + 31 : S + cannot + inf
S + prevent + O from + V-ing
Because of the rough sea, the farry couldn’t sailed
The rough sea prevented the ferry from sailing
 + 32 : adj verb
It isn’t necessary to finish the work today
You don’t need to finish the work today
 + 33 : verbnoun
He didn’t intend to stay here
He had no intention to stay here
 + 34 : clause gerund/phrase
Let’s invite the Browns to the party on Sunday
He suggested inviting the Browns to the party on Sunday
 + 35 : simple sentence complex sentence
Youth is the time for the formation of character
Youth is the time when character is formed
 + 36 : it's time for S.b to do = it's time ….. S.b did

Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the
given words.
1. When I was younger I used to go climbing more than I do now.
 Now I do not go climbing as much as I used to when I was younger.
2. England no longer had dreadful fogs.
 There used to be dreadful dogs in England.
3. It is years since we decorated the room.
 We haven’t decorated the room for years.
4. By the time we arrive the other guests will have already started dinner.
 The other guests will start dinner before we arrive.
5. John smoked cigarettes when he was a young man.
 John used to smoke cigarettes when he was a young man.
6. “Hand your books to me when you have finished, please. ”
 He asked me to hand my books to him when I had finished.
7. In countries like Britain the weather changes all the time.
 In countries like Britain, the weather is weather is very changeable.
8. You do not have to pay for secondary education inBritain.
 Secondary education is free in Britain.
9. She and I have never been there before.
 Neither she nor I have been there before.
10. It was such a good weather that we went swimming.
The weather was so good that we went swimming.
11. I can’t see that far.
It is too far for me to see.
12. I have never been to the ballet before.
It is the first time I have been to the ballet.
13. She couldn’t afford to buy the car.
 The car is too expensive for her to buy.
14. She didn’t say a word as she left the room.
 She left the room without saying a word.
15. They think the owner of the house is abroad.
 The owner of the house is thought to be abroad.
16. You remembered to post the letter, didn’t you?
 You didn’t forget to post the letter, did you?
17. I don’t have a washing machine, so I have to wash clothes myself.
 If I had a washing machine, I wouldn’t have to wash clothes myself.
18. Someone has moved my chair.
 My chair has been moved.
19. I started to learn English four years ago.
 I have learned/ learnt English for four years.
20. “I’m sorry. I cannot help you with your thesis”, Mark said to me.
 Mark refused to help me with my thesis.
21. It is believed that he was very talented when he was young.
 He is believed to have been very talented when he was young.
22. This packet is completely empty.
 There’s nothing left in this packet.
23. My house is quite near the train station.
 My house is not far from the train station.
24. Tim should learn how to cook now.
 It’s time Tim learned how to cook.
25. Eating is not allowed in the classroom.
Students are not allowed/permitted to eat in the classroom.
26. Tania will probably turn down the job in London.
Tania is not likely to accept/take the job in London.
27. The Smiths moved to Cambridge six years ago.
The Smiths have lived/been living in Cambridge for six years.
28. Jack couldn’t manage to persuade his father to let him borrow the car.
Jack didn’t succeed in persuading his fathr to let him borrow the car.
29. Harry, please don’t smoke here.
 Harry, would you mind not smoking here?
30. Let’s have a walk in the woods this afternoon.
How about going for a walk in the woods this afternoon?
31. You must listen carefully to the teacher’s instruction.
You must pay (careful) attention to the teacher’s instructions.
32. I don’t want to go to the football match tomorrow.
I’d rather not go to the football match tomorrow.
33. I can’t advise him if he doesn’t tell me more about the situation.
 I can’t advise him unless he tells me more about the situation.
34. Paola’s father made her sing.
 Paola was made to sing by her father.
35. “You broke my vase, John”, said his mother angrily.
John’s mother accused him of breaking her vase.
36. These trousers are too small for Kate.
These trousers are not big/large enough for Kate.
37. Their work is bad because they have no training.
 If they were trained properly, their work would not be bad/be better.
38. John said the mistake was his secretary’s fault.
 John blamed his secretaty for the mistake.
39. We hope to see you here again next year, Peter.
 We look forward to seeing you again next year, Peter.
39. I don’t know what to do in such situation.
 I wish I knew what to do in such situation.
40. We can only get into the house if we have a key.
 Unless we have a key, we can’t get into the house.
41. Eight years ago we started writing to each other.
 We have written/have been writing to each other for eight years.
42. People say French food is the best in the world.
 French food is said to be the best in the world.
43. Her advice to her son was always good.
 She always gave her son good advice.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one using the word
in brackets. Do not change the given words in any ways.
44. We flew direct to Rome. We didn’t want to get stuck in London. (ORDER)
We flew direct to Rome in ORDER to not get stuck in London.
45. I’m reading Wuthering Heights. It was written by Emily Bronte. (WHICH)
I’m reading Wothering Heights, WHICH was written by Emely Bronte.
46. She has never been to Japan. She speaks Japanese very fluently. (DESPITE)
DESPITE having never been to Japan, she speaks Japanese very fluently.
47. He does everything to please her. She always finds something to complain about.
No MATTER what he does to please her, she always finds something to complain about.

48. She is a brilliant singer. She refuses to sing in public. (ALTHOUGH)

ALTHOUGH she is a brilliant singer, she refuses to sing in public._
49. Paul’s new car has broken down. This car cost him £10,000. (WHICH)
Paul’s new car, WHICH cost him $ 10,000, has broken down.
50. He is in debt. He will have to reduce his spending a lot. (GROUNDS)
On the GROUNDS that he is in debt, he will reduce his spending a lot.
51. I’ll bring something for dessert. We may want to eat something sweet later. (CASE)
I’ll bring something for dessert in CASE we want to eat something sweet later.

52. They drove so fast. They escaped the police car that was chasing them. (SO….THAT)
They drove SO fast THAT they escaped the police car that was chasing them.
53. John gets on well with that partner. I can’t remember her name. (WHOSE)
John gets on well with that partner WHOSE name I can’t remember.
54. It is colder. I get hungrier. (THE)
THE colder it is, THE hungrier I get.
55. I have been afraid of maths. I always try to learn maths really hard. (ALTHOUGH)
ALTHOUGH I always try to learn really hard, I have been afraid of maths.

56. Italy didn’t get to the quarter finals last year. France didn’t, either. (NEITHER)
 NEITHER Italy nor France got to the quarter finals last year.
57. The woman works as a cashier. She sits next to me in class. (WHO)
The woman (WHO sits next to me in class works as a cashier.
58. She cannot go to work. She hasn’t fully recovered from her illness. (BECAUSE)
She cannot go to work BECAUSE she hasn’t fully recovered from her illness.
59. We all need stress. We need stress to achieve and do our best work. (ORDER)
We all need stress in ORDER to achieve and do our best work.

60. He had been the head teacher. He retired in 1986. (UNTIL)

He had been the head teacher UNTIL he retired in 1986.
61. The student is a very nice person. She comes from Japan. (WHO)
The student WHO comes from Japan is a very nice person.
62. You are more generous towards others. They are likely to be more generous. (THE)
THE more generous you are towards others, THE more generous they are likely to be
towards you
63. We can go by train. If you don’t want to go by train, we can rent a car. (EITHER)
We can EITHER go by train or rent a car.
64. Unfortunately, most people didn’t have a good time at the party. (HARDLY)
 Unfortunately, HARDLY anyone had a good time at the party.
65. There isn’t enough petrol on the market. (SHORTAGE)
 There is a SHORTAGE of petrol on the market.
66. They were looking for their lost dog the whole week. (LOOKING)
 They spent the whole week LOOKING for their lost dog.
67. We last went abroad a long time ago. (BEEN)
 We have not BEEN abroad for a long time.
68. I didn’t buy that car last week. (wish)
 I wish I had bought that car last week. _
69. The film was so boring that I turned off the TV set and went to bed. (such….that)
 This/ It was such a boring film that I turned off the TV set and went to bed.
70. Despite his hunger, he turned down on any food that his mom cooked. (Although)
 Although he was hungry, he turned down on any food that his mom cooked.
71. My son was ill. I had to take a day off to look after him. (so)
 My son was ill, so I had to take a day off to look after him.
72. I would like the school holidays to be longer. (WISH)
 I wish the school holidays were longer.
73. John is not old enough to join the club. (TOO)
 John is too young to join the club.
74. He is to blame for his mistakes. This is very necessary. (IT’S)
 It’s very necessary for him to be to blame for his mistakes.
75. He must pass his intermediate level English examination. That was obligatory. (TO PASS)
 It was obligatory for him to pass his intermediate level English examination.
76. He had a weak heart which meant he couldn’t walk very far. (SO…. THAT)
 His heart was so weak that he couldn’t walk very far.
77. Unless he phones immediately he won’t get information. (IF)
 If he doesn’t phone immediately, he won’t get any information.
78. How long is it since they bought the house? (WHEN)
 When did they buy the house? __
79. He couldn’t repair the broken vase. (REPAIRED)
 The broken vase couldn’t be repaired by him.
80. John doesn’t always speak the truth, I’m afraid. (NOT BELIEVE)
 You can’t believe that John always speaks the truth.
81. Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat? He asked. (SUGGESTED)
 He suggested I should put my luggage under the seat.
82. The restaurant is so dirty that no one wants to eat there. (SUCH)
It is such a dirty restaurant that no one wants to eat there.
83. I’m always nervous when I face a lot of people. (MAKES)
Facing a lot of people always makes me nervous.
84. Speaking English fluently is not easy. (TO SPEAK)
 It is not easy to speak English.
85. I’m sorry that I didn’t finish my homework last night. (WISH)
 I wish I had finished my homework last night. __
86. She asked John how he liked her new dress. (LIKE)
 “How do you like my new dress, John?”, she asked. __
87. A train leaves at eight o’clock every morning. (THERE)
 There is a train leaving at 8 o’clock every morning.

PRACTICE TEST 16.3.2022 (29,30)

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. committee B. astounding C. picturesque D. contestant
2. A. ancient B. treasure C. historical D. structure
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correcting in each of the following questions.
3. The well from which the villagers used to get water is now near empty.
A from which B used to C water D near empty.
4. Can you help me with my homework? – I wish I can but I can’t.
A me B with C homework D can
5. Due to the increased number of visitors we have decided to enlarge the car park..
A Due B increased C visitors D enlarge
6. Ha Long Bay is one of the most beautiful natural wonder in the world.
A is B the most C natural D wonder
7. My mother said that she would go to Britain following month
A said B would go C Britain D following
8. When he arrived, I talked on the phone with my best friend
A When B arrived C talked D with
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
9. This tapestry has a very “complicated”  pattern.
A. obsolete B. complex C. ultimate D.  simple
10. The last week of classes is always “very busy” because students are taking examinations,
making applications to the University, and extending their visas.
A. full B. free C. fantastic D. relaxing
11. Roget’s Thesaurus, a collection of English words and phrases, was originally arranged by the
ideas they express “rather than”  by alphabetical order.
A. restricted  B. as well as C. unless D.  instead of
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
12. During the five-decade history the Asian Games have been “advancing” in all aspects.
A. holding  at B. holding  to C. holding  back D. holding by
13.  Population growth rates  “vary” among regions and even among countries within the same
A. restrain         B. stay unchanged C. remain unstable  D. fluctuate
14. Although it’s a long day for us, we feel we are “contented” with what we do.
A.  interested B. dissatisfied C. excited D. shocked
15. The shop assistant has to “break off” the conversation to serve a customer.
A.  interrupt B. hurry  C. continue D. begin
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
16. – I wonder whether to study abroad or to find a job. – ___________
A. My sister decided to study in Australia
B. You should get an IELTS certificate first
C. We’ll graduate soon D. How about becoming an editor?
17. – Would you mind sharing with me your experience of learning English? – ___________
A. Not at all B. That’s my pleasure.
C. I don’t think so. D. Yes, I would
18. – Hoa: Sorry. I’ve got to go. Talk to you later. – Mai: __________ See you later.
A. Good bye! B. Good morning C. Hello D. Hi
19. – “May I go out for just a while?” – “___________”
A. It’s a nice day! B. That’s great. C. Go ahead. D. Yes, you could

Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Living in a city has a (20)_________of drawbacks. Firstly, there are many problems of traffic
jams and traffic accidents. The increase (21)_________population and the increasing number of
vehicles have caused many accidents to happen every day. Secondly, air pollution negatively
affects people’s health, and it also has a bad influence on the environment. More and more city
dwellers (22)_________from coughing or breathing problems. Thirdly, the city is noisy, even at
night. Noise (23)_________comes from the traffic and from construction sites. Buildings are
always being knocked (24)_________and rebuilt. These factors contribute to making city life
more difficult for its residents.
20. Living in a city has a (20)_________of drawbacks
A. lots B. great deal C. number D. numerous
21. The increase (21)_________population and the increasing number of vehicles have caused
many accidents to happen every day
A. at B. in C. on D. of
22. More and more city dwellers (22)_________from coughing or breathing problems
A. suffer B. differ C. recover D. different
23. Noise (23)_________comes from the traffic and from construction sites.
A. polluting B. polluted C. pollution D. pollute
24. Buildings are always being knocked (24)_________and rebuilt.
A. up B. down C. on D. of
Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
According to a group called The Voices Foundation, everyone has a singing voice as well as a
speaking voice somewhere inside them. This, they say, should be encouraged from an early age
because it provides the best, and the cheapest, basis on which to build an understanding of music.
The Hungarian composer - Zoltán Kodaly observed that song (25) ____________a key
part of the relationship between mother and child almost from birth. This is especially fact of
more traditional societies, like those of West Africa, where some small children are (26)
____________to sing literally hundreds of songs, all of which have been learnt by (27)
____________. But many modern children first (28) ____________ to an understanding of
music when they learn to play an instrument, and (29)____________ some teaching of the theory
of music is usually a part of this, their relationship with the music on the song is often a
mechanical one.
25. The Hungarian composer - Zoltán Kodaly observed that song (25) ____________a key part
of the relationship between mother and child almost from birth
A. grows B. does C. forms D. makes

26. This is especially fact of more traditional societies, like those of West Africa, where some
small children are (26) ____________to sing literally hundreds of songs
A. able B. expert C. skilled D. fit
27. This is especially fact of more traditional societies, like those of West Africa, where some
small children are (26) ____________to sing literally hundreds of songs, all of which have been
learnt by (27) ____________.
A. repeat B. heart C. head D. mind
28. But many modern children first (28) ____________ to an understanding of music when they
learn to play an instrument
A. come B. reach C. go D. arrive
29. ____________ some teaching of the theory of music is usually a part of this, their
relationship with the music on the song is often a mechanical one
A. however B. despite C. although D. whether

Read the followingpassage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
Bees, classified into over 10,000 species, are insects found in almost every part of the world
except the northernmost and southernmost regions. One commonly known species is the
honeybee, the only bee that produces honey and wax. Humans use the wax in making candles,
lipsticks, and other products, and they use the honey as a food. While gathering the nectar and
pollen with whichthey make honey, bees are simultaneously helping to fertilize the flowers on
which they land. Many fruits and vegetables would not survive if bees did not carry the pollen
from blossom to blossom.
Bees live in a structured environment and social structure within a hive, which is a nest
with storage space for the honey. The different types of bees each perform a unique function.
The worker bee carries nectar to the hive in a special stomach called a honey stomach, other
workers make beeswax and shape it into a honeycomb, which is a waterproof mass of six-sided
compartments, or cells. The queen lays eggs in completed cells. As the workers build more cells,
the queen lays more eggs.
All workers, like the queen, are female, but the workers are smaller than the queen. The
male honeybees are called drones; they do no work and cannot sting. They are developed from
unfertilized eggs, and their only job is to impregnate a queen. The queen must be fertilized in
order to lay worker eggs. During the season when less honey is available and the drone is of no
further use, the workers block the drones from eating the honey so that they will starve to death.
30. Which of the following is the best title for this reading?
A. The Many Species of Bees B. The Useless Drone
C. The Honeybee - its characteristics and usefulness D. Making Honey
31. The word species in the first sentence is closest in meaning to___________
A. mates B. varieties C. killers D. enemies
32. The word which in line 6 refers to___________.
A. fertilizer B. flowers C. honey D. bees
33. According to the passage, a hive is___________.
A. a type of society B. a nest C. a type of bee D. a storage
34. According to the passage, the drone___________.
A. collects less honey than workers.
B. mates with the queen and has no other purpose.
C. comes from eggs fertilized by other drones.
D. can be male orfemale.
Education is another area of school life in which information technology is changing the way we
communicate. Today’s college students may not simply sit in a lecture or a library to learn about
their field. Through their computers and the wonders of virtual reality they can particpate in
lifelike simulated experiences. Consider the following scenario of the future of education made
possible through developments in information techonology.
For children over the age of 10, daily attendance at school is not compulsory. Some of
the older children attend school only once or twice a week to get tutorial support or instruction
from a teacher. For the most part, pupils are encouraged to work online from home. Students
should complete a minimum number of study hours per year; however, they may make up these
hours by studying at home at times that suit their family schedule. They can log on early or late
in the day and even join live classes in other countries. In order to ensure that each student is
learning adequately, computer software will automatically monitor the number hours a week
each student studies online as well as that student’s learning materials and assessment activities.
Reports will be available for parents and teachers. The software can then identify the best
learning activities and conditions for each individual student and generate similar activities. It
can also identify areas of week achievement and produce a special programs adjusted to the
students’ needs.
35. What is the topic of the passage?
A. Students don’t have to go to school any more.
B. The effect of information technology on education.
C. Students can know about their weal aspects to focus.
D. Computer software will make sure students learn at home.
36. How many times are children who are older than 10 required to go to school?
A. Three B. No time C. Once or twice D. Four
37. The word attendance In the second paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. Presence B. Absence C. Admission D. Entrance
38. What can’t the software do?
A. Find out the best activities for the students.
B. Design materials for the students.
C. Identify weaknesses of the students.
D. Monitor the time the students learn
39. What is NOT mentioned as a benefit of information technology to the students?
A. Students can learn at times that suit their schedule.
B. Students can stay at home to learn.
C. Students’ learning time won’t be monitored.
D. Students’ weak achievement can be identifed.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
40. Flowers and ornamental trees from southwestern provinces and peach trees from the northern
region have flooded Ho Chi Minh City spring flower...................
A. markets B. marches C. buildings D. places
41. He is a more................... speaker than his brother.
A. persuade B. persuasion C. persuasive D. persuading
42. I_................... for interrupting your speech in the middle.
A. apologize B. refuse C. worry D. object
43. Thanks to the National Project 2020, lots of teachers are provided with more opportunities
for attending many workshops and training courses for their................... _.
A. developmental B. profession C. educational D. professional development
44.: No matter .................. hard he tries, he finds it difficult to reach the set goals.
A. what B. who C. how D. when
45. You................... the washing. My sister could have done it for you.
A. needn't have done B. couldn't have done
C. hadn't to do D. mustn't have done
46. ...................the fact that the team played well, they lost.
A. Despite B. Although C. But D. In spite
47. There are...................books on the floor than on the bookshelves; therefore, the room is in a
A. more B. the most C. less D. the least
48. At the weekend, the beach got so..................., there was nowhere for us to sit.
A. empty B. noisy C. peaceful D. crowded
49. I promise to phone you as soon as I...................there.
A. will get B. got C. get D. am getting
50. New York City’s Central Park is nearly twice ................... the second smallest country,
A. larger B. as large as C. largest D. as large
51. By the end of the month, I___________for this firm for a year.
A. will work B. will have been working C. will be working D. work
52. The warmer the weather is, ___________ the attendance at the outdoor concert becomes.
A. the greatest B. the greater C. the more greater D. most greatest.
53. We do not have ___________ for making a cake.
A. flour enough B. enough flour C. many flour D. too flour
54. Americans spend more than 100 hours___________to work each year, according to research.
A. attaining B. reaching C. moving D. commuting
55. Hoi An, ___________my brother lives, is an ancient town in Vietnam.
A. who B. which C. where D. when
56. ___________his highly individual conceptions of music and chaos, John Cage became a
leading figure in avant-garde music.
A. Such was B. Due to C. Because D. That
57. America’s first globe maker was James Wilson, who __________and blacksmith in his
earlier life.
A. a farmer had been B. had been a farmer C. farming D. being a farmer

S + BE + ADJ + TO + V- INF I am happy to see you here.
S + BE + ADJ + (THAT) + CLAUSE I’m sorry (that) you can’t come.
S + BE/V + TOO + ADJ/ADV + (FOR + The water is too hot for me to drink
+ TO + V-INF
(…quá…nên không thể…)
S + BE/V + ADJ/ADV + ENOUGH + Tom is old enough to go to school
(FOR + O) + TO + V-INF
(…đủ… để làm gì…)

TO-INF + BE + ADJ To sit here with you is so nice.

= IT + BE + ADJ + (FOR + O) + TO + = It’s so nice to sit here with you.
V-INF = It’s so nice sitting here with you.
= IT + BE + ADJ + V-ING = How nice (it is) to sit here with you.
= HOW + ADJ + (IT + BE) + TO-INF = That I am sitting here with you is so nice.
= THAT CLAUSE + BE + ADJ = I think it nice that I am sitting here with you
TO-INF… + BE + ADJ/N - To be there on time is important.
= S + V + IT + ADJ/N + TO-INF = I find it important to be there on time.
- Living on my salary must be hard.
= I find it hard to live on my salary.
IT + BE + ADJ + THAT + CLAUSE It is splendid that you passed the exam.
IT + BE + ADJ + OF + O + TO + V-INF It’s kind of you to help me.
IT + BE + ADJ + THAT + S + It’s necessary that we (should) study English
(SHOULD) + BARE-INF regularly.
IT WAS NOT UNTIL… + THAT It was not until midnight that the noise next
door stopped.
S + BE/GET + USED TO + N/V-ING - I am used to staying up late.
(Quen với cái gì/làm gì) - I am used to the heat because I have been
living here for a long time.
S + USED TO + BARE-INF He used to have long hair.
IT + TAKES/TOOK/WILL TAKE/HAS - it took me two hours to repair the computer
TAKEN + (O) + TIME + TO-INF last night.
= S + SPEND TIME + TO-INF/V-ING = I spent 2 hours repairing the computer last
- S + HAVE/GET + STH + PP - We are going to have/get our car repaired
- S + HAVE + SBD + BARE-INF… = S + next week.
GET + SBD +TO-INF - I have my brother repair my bike/I get my
(Nhờ ai đó làm việc gì brother to repair my bike.
S + V + SO + ADJ/ADV + THAT… - The film was so good that I saw it three
= S + V + SUCH + (A/AN) + ADJ + N + times.
THAT… = It was such a good film that I saw it three
(…quá… đến nỗi….) times.
AFTER + S1 + PAST PERFECT + S2 + After I had entered the house, it began to rain.
S1 + V + THAT + S2 + (SHOULD) + We insist that a meeting (should) be held as
BARE-INF soon as possible.
S1 + WISH + (THAT) + S2 + PAST/PAST - I wish I knew English well.
PERFECT/WOULD + V-INF - I wish that I had gone to the party last
- I wish I could go to England someday.

S1 + PRESENT PERFECT + SINCE + S2 He has worked as a pilot since he left

+ SIMPLE PAST university.
IT IS + TIME + SINCE + S + SIMPLE It is over six months since John last had his
PAST hair cut.
= S + HAVE/HAS + PII + FOR (TIME) = John has had his hair cut for over 6 months.
(Đã… kể từ khi….)

IT + BE + PHRASE + THAT CLAUSE It is the manager, not his assistant, that I want
(chính là…) to see.
• S1 + V + NOT… + S2 + V + NOT… My brother is not good at French, I am not
(either) good at French (either).
• = NEITHER + S1 + NOR + S2 + V = Neither my brother nor I am good at
• (cả… lẫn…đều không…) French./
(động từ chia theo chủ ngữ đứng sau “nor”) Neither I nor my brother is good at French.

• S1 + HAD + NO SOONER + P II + THAN - I had no sooner opened the door than he

+ S2 + SIMPLE PAST telephone rang.
• S1 + HAD + HARDLY/SCARELY + P II - I had scarely closed the door when
+ WHEN + S2 + SIMPLE PAST somebody started to knock.
(…vừa mời…thì…)

• No Matter How + Adj/Adv + S + V…, No matter how intelligent you may be, you
Clause should be careful about this.
(Dù… thế nào đi nữa…)

PREFER + V-ING/N + TO + V-ING/N - Tom prefers reading to talking.

= PREFER + TO-INF + RATHER THAN = Tom prefers to read rather than talk.
+ BARE INF = Tom would rather read than talk.
= WOULD RATHER + BARE-INF = Tom likes reading better than talking.
(cả 5 mẫu câu này đều có nghĩa là “thích
IT IS TIME FOR SBD TO DO STH It’s very high time for you to go now,
= IT’S (HIGH) TIME THAT SBD + = It’s very high time that you went now.
ALTHOUGH/THOUGH + CLAUSE… Althought his leg was broken, he managed to
= DESPITE/IN SPITE OF + get out of his car.
N/V-ING/THE FACT THAT + CLAUSE = In spite of/Despite his broken leg/his leg
(Mặc dù… nhưng…) being broken, he managed to get out of his
= In spite of/Despite the fact that his leg was
broken, he managed to get out of his car.
BECAUSE/AS + CLAUSE Because/As she behaves well, everybody
-= BECAUSE OF + (ADJ) + N (Bởi vì…) loves her.
= Because of her good behavior, everybody
loves her.
IF…NOT… He’ll die if nobody brings him to hospital.
= UNLESS = Unless somebody brings him to hospital,
(Nếu không…thì/Trừ phi…) he’ll die.
S + HAVEN’T + PII… (BEFORE) I haven’t seen that man here before.
= IT IS THE FIRST TIME + S + HAVE = It’s the first time I have seen that man here.
+ PII…
S + V(ED)…AGO I started working for the company a year ago.
= S + HAVE BEEN + V-ING + SINCE/ = I’ve been working for the company for a
FOR… year.
= I’ve been working for the company since
last year.

S + HAVEN’T/HASN’T + PII … SINCE - Laurence hasn’t seen her sister since she
… left for Japan.
= S + LAST + SIMPLE PAST … WHEN = Laurence last saw her sister when she left
… for Japan.
S + V + NOT … UNTIL … He couldn’t speak French well until the
= IT WAS NOT UNTIL … THAT… second year.
(Mãi cho đến… mới…) = It was not until the second year that he
could speak French well.
SOMEONE/PEOPLE/THEY + SAY/ * They say that he speaks English well.
KNOW/THINK/FIND/RUMOR/ = It is said that he speaks English well.
BELIEVE + THAT… = He is said to speak English well.
= IT + BE + PP + THAT …
= S2 + BE + PP1 + TO-INF/TO HAVE + * People rumoured that he (had) died in the
PP2 battle.
Chú ý: = It was rumoured that he (had) died in battle.
- Động từ “Tobe” chia theo thì của động từ = He was rumoured to have died in battle.
giới thiệu (say, know…).
- PP1: là hình thức quá khứ phân từ của
động từ giới thiệu
- PP2: là hình thức quá khứ phân từ của
động từ nằm trong mệnh đề sau “THAT”.
NOT SO/AS + ADJ/ADV + AS … I can’t cook as well as my mother does.
= V + SO SÁNH HƠN + THAN… = My mother cooks better than I do.
WHY DON’T YOU + V…? “Why don’t you put a better lock on the door,
= S + SUGGESTED THAT… John?” Jane said.
Chú ý: = Jane suggested that John (should) put a
- “Clause 1” chia ở thì quá khứ đơn → better lock on the door.
“clause 2” độnt từ ở dạng “V-ing”.
- “Clause 1” chia ở thì quá khứ hoàn thành
→ “clause 2” động từ ở dạng
“Having + PII”.

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