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Project Management

By: Eng. Mohammed Alsaeed

Project Scheduling
(time management)
Lecture 6

• Background
• Activities Sequencing
• Activities Sequencing Techniques
• Estimate Activity Duration
• Estimate Activity Duration Techniques
• Develop Schedule
• Schedule Network Analysis
• Work out problem
• Gantt Chart

WM-PM-10 3

WM-PM-10 4
• A schedule is the conversion of a project action plan
into an operating timetable.
– It serves as the basis for monitoring and controlling project
– It taken together with the plan and budget, is probably the
major tool for the management of projects.
• In a project environment, the scheduling function is
more important than it would be in an ongoing
– Projects lack the continuity of day-to-day operations and
often present much more complex problems of

WM-PM-10 5
• Not all project activities need to be scheduled at
the same level of detail.
– There may be several schedules
• (e.g., the master schedule, the development and testing
schedule, the assembly schedule).
• These schedules are typically based on the
previously determined action plan and/or work
breakdown structure (WBS)
– it is good practice to create a schedule for each major
task level in the WBS that will cover the work
WM-PM-10 6
• It is rarely necessary, however, to list all work
– One can focus mainly on those that need to be
monitored for maintaining adequate control over
the project.
– Such packages are usually difficult, expensive, or
have a relatively short time frame for their

WM-PM-10 7
• The basic approach of all scheduling
techniques is to form a network of activity and
event relationships that:
– graphically portrays the sequential relations
between the tasks in a project.
• Tasks that must precede or follow other tasks
are then clearly identified, in time as well as

WM-PM-10 8

Activities Sequencing
• Sequence Activities is the process of
identifying and documenting relationships
among the project activities.

WM-PRJM-6 10
Precedence Diagramming Method
Dependency Determination


WM-PRJM-6 11
Activities Sequencing Techniques
Precedence Diagramming Method
• PDM includes four types of dependencies or
logical relationships.
• A predecessor activity is an activity that
logically comes before a dependent activity in
a schedule.
• A successor activity is a dependent activity
that logically comes after another activity in a
WM-PRJM-6 12
Activities Sequencing Techniques
Precedence Diagramming Method
– Finish-to-start (FS).
• A logical relationship in which a successor activity
cannot start until a predecessor activity has finished.
– Example: The awards ceremony (successor) cannot start until
the race (predecessor) has finished.

WM-PRJM-6 13
Activities Sequencing Techniques
Precedence Diagramming Method
– Finish-to-finish (FF).
• A logical relationship in which a successor activity
cannot finish until a predecessor activity has finished.
– Example: Writing a document (predecessor) is required to
finish before editing the document (successor) can finish.

WM-PRJM-6 14
Activities Sequencing Techniques
Precedence Diagramming Method
– Start-to-start (SS).
• A logical relationship in which a successor activity
cannot start until a predecessor activity has started.
– Example: Level concrete (successor) cannot begin until pour
foundation (predecessor)begins.

WM-PRJM-6 15
Activities Sequencing Techniques
Precedence Diagramming Method
– Start-to-finish (SF).
• A logical relationship in which a successor activity
cannot finish until a predecessor activity has started.
– Example: The first security guard shift (successor) cannot
finish until the second security guard shift (predecessor)

WM-PRJM-6 16
Activities Sequencing Techniques
Dependency Determination
• Dependencies may be characterized by the following
– mandatory or discretionary,
– internal or external,
• Dependency has four attributes, but two can be
applicable at the same time in following ways:
– mandatory external dependencies,
– mandatory internal dependencies,
– discretionary external dependencies,
– discretionary internal dependencies.

WM-PRJM-6 17
Activities Sequencing Techniques
Lead and Lag
• A lead is the amount of time whereby a
successor activity can be advanced with
respect to a predecessor activity.
– For example, on a project to construct a new
office building, the landscaping could be
scheduled to start two weeks prior to the
scheduled punch list completion.
• This would be shown as a finish-to-start with a two-
week lead as shown in next figure

WM-PRJM-6 18
Activities Sequencing Techniques
Lead and Lag

Example of Lead

WM-PRJM-6 19
Activities Sequencing Techniques
Lead and Lag

Example of Lag

WM-PRJM-6 20

WM-PRJM-6 21
Project Schedule Network Diagram

WM-PRJM-6 22

WM-PRJM-6 23
Network Techniques
• The most common approach to project
scheduling is the use of network techniques
such as:
– The Program Evaluation and Review Technique
– The Critical Path Method (CPM)(AON)
• The two methods are quite similar and are
often combined for educational presentation.

WM-PRJM-6 24
Network Terminologies
• Activity
• Node
• Network
• Path
• Critical

WM-PRJM-6 25
Network Construction
• To transform a project plan into a network, one must
– what activities comprise the project and,
– for each activity, what its predecessors (or successors) are.
• An activity can be in any of these conditions:
1. it may have a successor(s) but no predecessor(s);
• starts a network
2. it may have a predecessor(s) but no successor(s);
• ends a network
3. it may have both predecessor(s) and successor(s).
• in the middle
• Next figure shows each of the three types of activities.

WM-PM-10 26
Network Construction

• As of tomorrow, employees will only be able to access the building

using individual security cards.
• Pictures will be taken next Wednesday, and
• employees will receive their cards in two weeks.

Three sequential activities, AON format.

WM-PM-10 27
Network Formats
• There are two format for drawing the
1. Activity on Node (AON)
• Activities are represented here by rectangles (one
form of what in a network are called “nodes”) with
arrows to show the precedence relationships.
2. Activity on Arrow (AOA)
• The activities are shown on the arrows and the
(circular) nodes represent events

WM-PM-10 28
Network Formats
Activity on Node (AON)
• Activities are represented here by rectangles (one form of what in a
network are called “nodes”) with arrows to show the precedence
• This activity-on-node (AON) notation is used for PDM/CPM
• When there are multiple activities with no predecessors, it is usual
to show them all emanating from a single node called “START,”
• When multiple activities have no successors, it is usual to show
them connected to a node called “END.”
• The interconnections depend on the technological relationships
described in the action plan.

WM-PM-10 29
Network Formats
Activity on Node (AON)

Activity network, AON format.

WM-PM-10 30
Network Formats
Activity on Arrow (AOA)
• The activities are shown on the arrows and the
(circular) nodes represent events
• This is the standard notation for ADM/PERT
• If the project begins with multiple activities, they
can all be drawn emanating from the initial node
and multiple activities can terminate in a single
node at the end of the project.
WM-PM-10 31
Network Formats
Activity on Arrow (AOA)

Activity network, AOA format.

WM-PM-10 32
Constructing Network
• For the following action plan construct the
network using:

WM-PM-10 33
Constructing Network

WM-PM-10 34
Constructing Network
Constructing Network Using AON Version
• We begin with the node called “START.”
Activities a and b have no predecessor.

WM-PM-10 35
Constructing Network
Constructing Network Using AON Version
• Activity c follows a, activity d follows b, and
activity e also follows b.

WM-PM-10 36
Constructing Network
Constructing Network Using AON Version
• Now, activity f follows both c and d.
• We have reached the end of this particular plan.
• We thus draw arrows from activities e and f to
the node END.

WM-PM-10 37
Constructing Network
Constructing Network Using AOA Version
• We begin with a node (event) called “START.” “1.”
• We draw arrows labeled “a” and “b” from START
and terminating in circle-shaped nodes
numbered “2” and “3”.

WM-PM-10 38
Constructing Network
Constructing Network Using AOA Version
• Activity c follows a, activity d follows b, and activity e
also follows b.
• Let’s add these arrows to our AOA network, labeling
the arrows and nodes sequentially as we go.

WM-PM-10 39
Constructing Network
Constructing Network Using AOA Version
• Note that activity f must follow both c and d, but
any given activity must have its source in one
and only one node.
• Therefore, c and d must terminate at the same
• Erase activity d and its node—it is now clear that
hand-drawn networks should be drawn in
pencil—and redraw d to end at the same node
that terminates c.

WM-PM-10 40
Constructing Network
Constructing Network Using AOA Version
• We now add activity e following b, and f following
c and d.
• Because e and f have no successors, they will
terminate at the END node

WM-PM-10 41
Constructing Network
• The choice between AOA and AON representation is
largely a matter of personal preference.
• AON is typically used in the most popular PC-based
commercially available computer software.
• AON networks are easier to draw.
• AOA networks are slightly harder to draw because they
sometimes require the use of dummy activities to aid
in indicating a particular precedence, via a dashed arc.

WM-PM-10 42
Constructing Network
Dummy Activities
• A dummy activity has no duration and uses no
• Its sole purpose is to indicate a technological
• AON networks do not require the use of dummy
• AOA networks clearly identify events in the network.
• These must be added as “zero-duration” activities (or
milestones) in AON networks.
WM-PM-10 43
Constructing Network
Dummy Activities
• The proper way to use a dummy activity if two
activities occur between the same two events.
• Networking concurrent activities.

WM-PM-10 44
Constructing Network
Dummy Activities
• Use a dummy activity in AOA format when
activities a, b, and c must precede activity d,
but only a and b must precede activity e

WM-PM-10 45
Constructing Network
Dummy Activities
• The use of dummy activities in a more complex
• If a precedes d; a and b precede e; b and c
precede f (a does not precede f)

WM-PM-10 46
Assignment 1
• For the action plan below construct the
network diagram using:
– 1. AON Activity Predecessors

– 2. AOA A -
B -
D a, b
E c, d
F b, e

WM-PM-10 47
Assignment 2
• Find the action plan for this network and then
construct the AOA network

WM-PRJM-6 48

WM-PRJM-6 49
Estimate Activity Duration
• Estimate Activity Durations is the process of
– estimating the number of work periods needed to
complete individual activities with estimated resources.
• The key benefit of this process is that
– it provides the amount of time each activity will take to
complete, which is a major input into the Develop
Schedule process.
• Estimating activity durations uses information:
– on activity scope of work,
– required resource types,
– estimated resource quantities, and
– resource calendars.

WM-PRJM-6 50

WM-PRJM-6 51
Estimate Activity Duration Techniques
• Analogous Estimating
• Parametric Estimating
• Three-Point Estimating
• Reserve Analysis

WM-PRJM-6 52
Estimate Activity Duration Techniques
Three-Point Estimating
• PERT uses three estimates to define an approximate range
for an activity’s duration:
– Most likely (tM).
• This estimate is based on the duration of the activity, given the
resources likely to be assigned, their productivity, realistic
expectations of availability for the activity, dependencies on other
participants, and interruptions.
– Optimistic (tO).
• The activity duration based on analysis of the best-case scenario for
the activity.
– Pessimistic (tP).
• The activity duration based on analysis of the worst-case scenario for
the activity.

WM-PRJM-6 53
Techniques to Estimate Costs
Three-Point Estimate

WM-PRJM-6 54
Techniques to Estimate Costs
Three-Point Estimate

WM-PRJM-6 55

WM-PRJM-6 56
Develop Schedule
• Develop Schedule is the process of analyzing
activity sequences, durations, resource
requirements, and schedule constraints to
create the project schedule model.

WM-PRJM-6 57
Critical Path Method


WM-PRJM-6 58
Schedule Network Analysis
• Schedule network analysis is a technique that
generates the project schedule model.
• It employs various analytical techniques, such as:
– critical chain method, “CCM”
– what-if analysis, and
– resource optimization techniques
• It is to calculate the early and late start and finish
dates for the uncompleted portions of project
WM-PRJM-6 59
Schedule Network Analysis
PERT/CPM Analysis
• Both PERT and CPM use the same approach to
estimate the minimum project duration and
determine the amount of scheduling flexibility on
the logical network paths within the schedule
• the only difference is the time used in analysis:
– CPM “TM”
WM-PRJM-6 60
Schedule Network Analysis
PERT/CPM Analysis
• The critical path is the sequence of activities
– that represents the longest path through a
project, which determines the shortest possible
project duration.
• A CPM critical path is normally characterized
by zero total float on the critical path.
• Any activity on the critical path is called a
critical path activity.
WM-PRJM-6 61

WM-PRJM-6 62
Work Out Problem
• Let us now consider a small project with ten
activities in order to illustrate the network
• Following Table lists the activities, their most
likely completion times, and the activities that
must precede them.
• The table also includes optimistic and
pessimistic estimates of completion time for
each activity in the list.

WM-PRJM-6 63
Work Out Problem

WM-PRJM-6 64
Work Out Problem

Project Activity Times and Precedence

WM-PM-10 65
Work Out Problem
Constructing the Network
• Beginning with a node named START, connect the three activities with no
predecessors (a, b, and c) to the Start node as in following Figure.
• Activity d has a predecessor of a, and thus it follows a.
• Activities e, f, and g all must follow both b and c as predecessors.
• Activity h follows c.
• Activity j follows both d and e.
• Activity i follows g and h.
• Because there are no more activities, we must be at the end of the
• Add a node labeled “END” and connect any nodes without successor
activities, in this case, j, f, and i, reading from top to bottom.

WM-PM-10 66
Work Out Problem

The AON network

WM-PM-10 67
Work Out Problem
Calculating the Activity Time

WM-PM-10 68
Work Out Problem
Calculating the Activity Time

WM-PM-10 69
Work Out Problem
Activity Optemist Most Pesimistic Expexted Variance Standard
ic Time Likely Time (TP) Time (V) Deviation
(TO) Time (TM) (TE) (SD)
a 10 22 22 20 4 2
b 20 20 20 20 0 0
c 4 10 16 10 4 2
d 2 14 32 15 25 5
e 8 8 20 10 4 2
f 8 14 20 14 4 2
g 4 4 4 4 0 0
h 2 12 16 11 5.4 2.32
i 6 16 38 18 28.4 5.33
j 2 8 14 8 4 2

Expected Activity Times (TE),Variances (V) and Standard Deviations (SD)

WM-PM-10 70
Work Out Problem

The AON network showing activity durations and variances

WM-PM-10 71
Work Out Problem
Critical Path and Time
• How long will it take to complete the project?
• we can find it using two approaches:
– listing possible paths
– Calculating early and late times

WM-PM-10 72
Work Out Problem
Critical Path and Time
• List down all the possible paths from START to END:
1. a,d,j
2. b,e,j
3. b,f
4. b,g,i
5. c,e,j
6. c,f
7. c,g,i
8. c,h,i

WM-PM-10 73
Work Out Problem
Critical Path and Time
• Now calculating the time Path Path Duration
duration for each path. a,d,j 20+15+8 43
b,e,j 20+10+8 38
• the largest time duration is
b,f 20+14 34
b,g,i 20+4+18 42
• the critical path is:
c,e,j 10+10+8 28
– a,d,j
c,f 10+14 24
• “the path with largest
duration” c,g,i 10+4+18 32
c,h,i 10+11+18 39

WM-PM-10 74
Work Out Problem
Critical Path and Time
• As can be seen in the following , the longest of
the paths through the network is a,d,j using
43 days, which means that 43 days is the
shortest time in which the entire network can
be completed.
• The critical time of the network is 43 Days and
a-d-j is the critical path, usually shown as a
heavy line as in following Figure
WM-PM-10 75
Work Out Problem
Critical Path and Time
• The critical time of the network is 43 Days
• and the critical path is a-d-j
• usually shown as a heavy line as in following
• Calculating the Slack:
– Slack time = LS - ES

WM-PM-10 76
Work Out Problem

AON network showing earliest and latest start and finish times, and critical path.

WM-PM-10 77
Work Out Problem
Activity Latest Start (LS) Earlier Start (ES) Slack
a 0 0 0
b 1 0 1
c 4 0 4
d 20 20 0
e 25 20 5
f 29 20 9
g 21 20 1
h 14 10 4
i 25 24 1
j 35 35 0

Times and Slacks for Network

WM-PM-10 78
Work Out Problem
Acti Slack (TE) (SD) (V) (SD)
vity Activity Project
a 0 20 2 4
b 1 20 0 0
c 4 10 2 4
d 0 15 5 25
e 5 10 2 4
f 9 14 2 4
g 1 4 0 0
h 4 11 2.32 5.4
i 1 18 5.33 28.4
j 0 8 2 4
SUM CP 43 33 5.74
WM-PM-10 79

WM-PRJM-6 80

WM-PRJM-6 81
Gantt Chart
• Chart used as visual aid for loading and scheduling

• The purpose of Gantt charts is to:

– organize the use of resources in a time framework. time scale is
represented horizontally, and resources vertically.

• Presentation most of the time as:

– a time scale is represented horizontally,
– and resources to be scheduled are listed vertically
• The use and idle times of resources are reflected in the

Scheduling classrooms
for a university

Scheduling hospital operating rooms
for a day

Types of Gantt charts
• The load chart
• The schedule chart

Load Chart
• A Gantt chart that shows the loading and idle
times for a group of machines or list of

Sample Gantt load chart.

Approaches to scheduling
• Forward scheduling
– Scheduling ahead from a point in time.;
– How long will it take to complete this job?
• Backward scheduling
– Scheduling backward from a due date.
– When is the latest the job can be started and still
be completed by the due date?

Schedule chart
• A Gantt chart that shows the orders or jobs in
progress and whether they are on schedule.

• The vertical axis on this type of Gantt chart

shows the orders or jobs in progress, and the
horizontal axis shows time.

• The chart indicates which jobs are on

schedule and which are behind or ahead.
Progress chart forb landscaping job

WM-PRJM-6 91
• Same assignment of construction the action
plan using AON and AOA now develop its
Gantt Chart.

WM-PRJM-6 92

WM-PRJM-6 93
Develop Schedule
• Develop Schedule is the process of analyzing
activity sequences, durations, resource
requirements, and schedule constraints to
create the project schedule model.

WM-PRJM-6 94
Critical Path Method


WM-PRJM-6 95
Schedule Network Analysis
• Schedule network analysis is a technique that
generates the project schedule model.
• It employs various analytical techniques, such as:
– critical chain method, “CCM”
– what-if analysis, and
– resource optimization techniques
• It is to calculate the early and late start and finish
dates for the uncompleted portions of project
WM-PRJM-6 96
Schedule Network Analysis
PERT/CPM Analysis
• Both PERT and CPM use the same approach to
estimate the minimum project duration and
determine the amount of scheduling flexibility on
the logical network paths within the schedule
• the only difference is the time used in analysis:
– CPM “TM”
WM-PRJM-6 97
Schedule Network Analysis
PERT/CPM Analysis
• The critical path is the sequence of activities
– that represents the longest path through a
project, which determines the shortest possible
project duration.
• A CPM critical path is normally characterized
by zero total float on the critical path.
• Any activity on the critical path is called a
critical path activity.
WM-PRJM-6 98

WM-PRJM-6 99
Work Out Problem
• Let us now consider a small project with ten
activities in order to illustrate the network
• Following Table lists the activities, their most
likely completion times, and the activities that
must precede them.
• The table also includes optimistic and
pessimistic estimates of completion time for
each activity in the list.

WM-PRJM-6 100
Work Out Problem

WM-PRJM-6 101
Work Out Problem

Project Activity Times and Precedence

WM-PM-10 102
Work Out Problem
Constructing the Network
• Beginning with a node named START, connect the three activities with no
predecessors (a, b, and c) to the Start node as in following Figure.
• Activity d has a predecessor of a, and thus it follows a.
• Activities e, f, and g all must follow both b and c as predecessors.
• Activity h follows c.
• Activity j follows both d and e.
• Activity i follows g and h.
• Because there are no more activities, we must be at the end of the
• Add a node labeled “END” and connect any nodes without successor
activities, in this case, j, f, and i, reading from top to bottom.

WM-PM-10 103
Work Out Problem

The AON network

WM-PM-10 104
Work Out Problem
Calculating the Activity Time

WM-PM-10 105
Work Out Problem
Calculating the Activity Time

WM-PM-10 106
Work Out Problem
Activity Optemist Most Pesimistic Expexted Variance Standard
ic Time Likely Time (TP) Time (V) Deviation
(TO) Time (TM) (TE) (SD)
a 10 22 22 20 4 2
b 20 20 20 20 0 0
c 4 10 16 10 4 2
d 2 14 32 15 25 5
e 8 8 20 10 4 2
f 8 14 20 14 4 2
g 4 4 4 4 0 0
h 2 12 16 11 5.4 2.32
i 6 16 38 18 28.4 5.33
j 2 8 14 8 4 2

Expected Activity Times (TE),Variances (V) and Standard Deviations (SD)

WM-PM-10 107
Work Out Problem

The AON network showing activity durations and variances

WM-PM-10 108
Work Out Problem
Critical Path and Time
• How long will it take to complete the project?
• we can find it using two approaches:
– listing possible paths
– Calculating early and late times

WM-PM-10 109
Work Out Problem
Critical Path and Time
• List down all the possible paths from START to END:
1. a,d,j
2. b,e,j
3. b,f
4. b,g,i
5. c,e,j
6. c,f
7. c,g,i
8. c,h,i

WM-PM-10 110
Work Out Problem
Critical Path and Time
• Now calculating the time Path Path Duration
duration for each path. a,d,j 20+15+8 43
b,e,j 20+10+8 38
• the largest time duration is
b,f 20+14 34
b,g,i 20+4+18 42
• the critical path is:
c,e,j 10+10+8 28
– a,d,j
c,f 10+14 24
• “the path with largest
duration” c,g,i 10+4+18 32
c,h,i 10+11+18 39

WM-PM-10 111
Work Out Problem
Critical Path and Time
• As can be seen in the following , the longest of
the paths through the network is a,d,j using
43 days, which means that 43 days is the
shortest time in which the entire network can
be completed.
• The critical time of the network is 43 Days and
a-d-j is the critical path, usually shown as a
heavy line as in following Figure
WM-PM-10 112
Work Out Problem
Critical Path and Time
• The critical time of the network is 43 Days
• and the critical path is a-d-j
• usually shown as a heavy line as in following
• Calculating the Slack:
– Slack time = LS - ES

WM-PM-10 113
Work Out Problem

AON network showing earliest and latest start and finish times, and critical path.

WM-PM-10 114
Work Out Problem
Activity Latest Start (LS) Earlier Start (ES) Slack
a 0 0 0
b 1 0 1
c 4 0 4
d 20 20 0
e 25 20 5
f 29 20 9
g 21 20 1
h 14 10 4
i 25 24 1
j 35 35 0

Times and Slacks for Network

WM-PM-10 115
Work Out Problem
Acti Slack (TE) (SD) (V) (SD)
vity Activity Project
a 0 20 2 4
b 1 20 0 0
c 4 10 2 4
d 0 15 5 25
e 5 10 2 4
f 9 14 2 4
g 1 4 0 0
h 4 11 2.32 5.4
i 1 18 5.33 28.4
j 0 8 2 4
SUM CP 43 33 5.74
WM-PM-10 116

WM-PRJM-6 117

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