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Ladies and gentlemen good evening to every one

We are so honest be here . in front of you ; but First of all we would like to thank our professor who give this opportunity in
order to introduce our presentation which is about time and cost management

Time and cost are considered as the pillars of the project management

To make changes to one of them will absolutely cause an impact on the other

They are combinating of each other more of this they can affect any project management


The project manager must consider the time as a treasure

Managing our time means that can working smarter not harder and getting more done in less time

Cost :

It can also include collecting, analyzing, and reporting cost information to more effectively budget

The relation :

In order to complete any project we must to manage time and cost both of them have a closed relationship . they are
depending each other . they are associated by each other

1 to make better, more informed decisions given what we know about project performance

The estimate gives the project managers a general idea of how much time. Effect and money it will take to get the job done
and that make it easier to build a plan so you can set up the team or the organization for success

The key benefit of this process is providing the amount of time each activity will take to complete.

This process is performed throughout the project also it can take the potential risks into account.

There are a five activities which are every important to determine what works best for you

5 activities :

1- Expert judgement : this activity is based on the past experience, expert opinions and other previous source of
2- Analogous estimate : using this process to find activity duration when you need quick results, accuracy is not
required, and when you have limited activity details
It depends on the similarities btw the current project and the project which is comparing it
3- Parametric estimate : using the historical records or data to calculate the duration of activity
It seems similar to (2) but it is more accurate than it.
4- 3 point estimating : it provides a better activity duration estimate
It reduce the risks and uncertainties from the duration estimate for an activity
reduces the chance of risks, biased judgment, and uncertainty

the result from example : Therefore, the software developer can indicate 8 days as timelines if there is
substantial experience of such projects. In case of the software developer feels there is not much past
experience, 9 days can be quoted. So, from this result we can assure that Pert estimate or beta
distribution gives more weight to most likely estimate in the equation.

5- Bottom up estimating
This is the most accurate activity and provides reliable results
We use when we have all activity details available.

The links between activities can be divided into three links

1 - creating project schedule: it can be considered the prioritization tasks
The project managers can make a schedule or a calendar based on the activity duration estimate
2- provide a baseline : here we tlak about the progress of project. The project managers can continually adjust
time estimates throughout a project life cycle as they learn more information.
3- communicate with stakeholders: this activity can build trust between PM and stakeholders.
So I will late you with Miss hhhhh to show the other objectives of the presentation
Ladies and gentlemen good-evening to everyone.
We are so honest to be here in front of you.
First of all, we would like to thank our professor who give us this opportunity .
This evening we are going to talk about time and cost management. In fact, this subject is
carrying two crucial objects the first one is time and the second one is cost which completing
each other we can not talk about time in management without talking about cost. We made a
brief introduction about time and cost and to what extent they are related?
Time management= The project managers consider time as money or as a treasure that’s why
he is managing his time by planning and organizing between activities.
Cost management = here the project management must analyzing and reporting cost
information in order to get more effectively budget
The relationship btw T&C= time and cost are considered as two pillars of the project
management. They are completing each other; they have a closed relationship. To make changes
on one of them will absolutely cause impact on the other.
- The estimate activities duration gives the project manager a general idea about the amount of
time each activity will take to complete. This process is performed throughout the project also it
gives him an idea about the potential risks
There are five activities
1- Expert judgement: this activity is based on the past experiences and other previous sources of
2- Analogous estimate: the project manager uses this activity when he has a limited activity details
and he needs a quick result in this process the accuracy is not required.
3- Parametric estimate: here the project manager uses the historical records or data to calculate
the duration of activity.
4- three points estimate or known also as pert estimate: both of them are using the same points
estimate but with different formulas. these two activities reduce the chance of risk and
uncertainty …………………………………. here we have an example to show:
the result from this example. We can assume that the pert estimate or beta distribution give more
weight to most likely estimate in the equation.
5- Bottom-up estimate = the project manager uses this activity when he has all activity details
available. It can be considered as the most accurate
The link between activities=
1- The project manager can make a schedule or a calendar based on the activity duration estimate.
2- The project manager can adjust time estimate throughout a project life cycle as they learn more
3- Here the project managers can make trusting between them and stakeholders or investors
throughout the communication

Thank for your attention and I will let you with miss …………..

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