03 Laboratory Exercise 1

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The relation between all those in tabs is the memory processing.

They have common in the making the

computer run and the application.

Part II:


B. The diagram does is the all the components has share with the applications, kernel, and the CPU,
Memory, Devices. They both important for the application.

C. The operating system natively supports kernel threads. Programmers can make any application
multithreaded. A single process can support all of the threads in an application. The Kernel keeps track
of the context for both the process as a whole and for certain threads inside it.
D. No, because increasing total virtual memory allows for an increase in the number of threads per
process. The restriction is more likely to be the maximum stack size per thread than anything else.
Another method to raise the overall number of threads is to decrease the per-thread stack size.

E. Programs become more stable and are less likely to crash as a result of multithreading. Every thread
functions independently. Therefore, if a thread encounters an error, the rest of the application shouldn't
be affected. Consequently, the CPU and other system resources can be used more effectively.

Kaur, A., & Kaur, K. (2022, February). Systematic literature review of mobile application development
and testing effort estimation. Retrieved from ScienceDirect:

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