Semifinal Exam

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EC 3
Name: _______________________________ Score: ______________
Program & Year: _______________________ Date: ______________

Test I: Write the CAPITAL letter of your answer before each number. Strictly NO erasures/alterations! (2 pts each)

1. What happens to the MMF when the magnetic flux decreases?

A. Increases B. Decreases C. Remains constant D. Becomes zero

2. Calculate the MMF when the magnetic flux is 5Wb and the reluctance is 3A/Wb.
A. 10At B. 10N C. 15N D. 15At

3. Can we apply Kirchhoff’s law to magnetic circuits?

A. Yes B. No C. Depends on the circuit D. Insufficient information provided

4. What is MMF?
A. Magnetic Machine Force B. Magnetomotive Force C. Magnetic Motion Force D. Magnetomotion Force

5 The equivalent of the current I in magnetic ohm’s law is?

A. Flux B. Reluctance C. MMF D. Resistance

6. For a coil having a magnetic circuit of constant reluctance, if the flux increases, what happens to the current?
A. Increases B. Decreases C. Remains constant D. Becomes zero

7. The unit for inductance is ___________

A. Ohm B. Henry C. A/m D. A/s

8. If either the inductance or the rate of change of current is doubled, the induced e.m.f?
A. Remains constant B. Becomes zero C. Doubles D. Becomes half

9. What happens to the inductance when the magnetic field strength decreases?
A. Increases B. Decreases C. Remains the same D. Becomes zero

10. When the coil is wrapped around a ferromagnetic core, why is it difficult to determine the inductance?
A. The variation of flux is no longer proportional to the variation of current
B. Current does not exist in the coil
C. Flux does not exist in the coil
D. The value of current is too large to measure

11. What happens to the inductance as the area of the cross section of the coil increases?
A. Increases B. Decreases C. Remains the same D. Becomes zero
12. An air gap is usually inserted in a magnetic circuits to
   A. Increase m.m.f. B. Increase the flux C. Prevent saturation D. None of the above

13. Permeability in a magnetic circuit corresponds to an electric circuit

   A. Resistance B. Resistivity C. Conductivity D. Conductance

14. Those magnetic materials are best suited for making armature and transform cores which have ...........permeability and ...........hysteresis loss
   A. High, high    B. Low, high    C. High, low    D. Low, low

15. In a magnetic material hysteresis loss takes place primarily due to

   A. Rapid reversals of its magnetisation    B. Flux density lagging behind the magnetising force
   C. Molecular friction    D. It high retentivity

16. The property of a material which opposes the creation of magnetic flux in it is known as
   A. Reluctivity    B. Magnetomotive force    C. Permeance    D. Reluctance

17. The unit of magnetic flux is

   A. Henry    B. Weber    C. Ampere-turn/weber    D. Ampere/meter

18. Reciprocal of reluctance is

   A. Reluctivity    B. Permeance    C. Permiability    D. Susceptibility

19. When using a fluxmeter, if the flux changes from Φ to -Φ, what happens to the current?
A. Becomes zero B. Becomes infinity C. Remains the same D. Reverses

20. The B/H curve can be used to determine?

A. Iron loss B. Hysteresis loss C. Voltage loss D. Eddy current loss
Test II: Write your final answer on the space provided before each number. Provide proper solution for full credit. (5 pts each)

_______________ 1. An iron ring of mean length 50 cms has an air gap of 1 mm and a winding of 200 turns. If the permeability of iron is 400 when a current
of 2 A flows through the coil, find the flux density.

_______________ 2. The force acting on a pole of 3 Wb is 20 N. The magnetic intensity of the magnetic field is?

_______________ 3. Two straight parallel wires 4 m long and 5 mm apart carries a current of 8 A in opposite direction. Calculate the force between
these conductors.

_______________ 4. The coil in a magnetic contactor requires 1.5 A to provide a magnetizing force of 800 AT . How many turns are necessary?

_______________ 5. A magnetic ring (relative permittivity = 900) has a mean radius of 10 cm and a cross sectional area of 8 cm^2. An air gap measuring
1.5 mm is cut in the ring. Determine the required mmf in order to produce a flux of 0.025 mWb in the air gap.

_______________ 6. The force between two long parallel conductors is 25 kg/metre. The conductor spacing is 10 cm. If one conductor carries twice the
current of the other, calculate the current in each conductor.

_______________ 7. A wire 12 cm long and carrying a current of 50 A is placed in between the pole face of a magnet whose magnetic flux density is 1.9
Tesla. If the wire is inclined at an angle of 60 degrees from the plane of the magnetic field, what is the force exerted on the

_______________ 8. A coil with 150 turns is wound over a 400 cm a cylindrical iron core whose relative permittivity is 250. If a current of 5 A is pass
through the coil, determine the flux density in the core.

_______________ 9. The reluctance of a non-magnetic circuit is 15 units. How much flux will be set up if surrounded by a coil 600 turns carrying a current
of 5 A?

_______________ 10. Calculate the magnetising force and flux density at a distance of 5 cm from a long straight circular conductor carrying a current of 150
A and placed in air.

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