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(An Autonomous Engineering Institution)

Sub Code: 2BS01 Sub Title: Differential Equations and Statistics

Tutorial-8 (CO:-5, 6)

Q.1 A random sample of 900 members has a mean 3.4 cms. Can it be reasonably regarded as
a sample from a large population of mean 3.25 cms and standard deviation 2.61cms? Use
5% level of significance.
Q.2 A manufacturer claims that the average mileage of scooters of his company is 40km/litre.
A random sample of 38 scooters of the company showed an average mileage of
42km/litre. Test the claim of the manufacturer on the assumption that the mileage of
scooter is normally distributed with a standard deviation of 2 kms/litre. Use 5% level of

Q.3 A stenographer claims that she can type at the rate of 120 words per minute. Can we
reject her claim on the basis of 100 trails in which she demonstrates a mean of 116 words
with a standard deviation of 15 words? Use 5% level of significance.

Q.4 The average marks in statistics of sample of 100 students were 51 with a S.D. of 6 marks.
Could this have been a random sample from a population with average marks 50? Use
5% level of significance.

Q.5 A random sample of size 20 from a normal population has mean 42 and standard
deviation of 5. Test the hypothesis that the population mean is 45. Use 5% level of

Q.6 The average breaking strength of steel rods is specified to be 18.5 thousand kg. For this
a sample of 14 rods was tested. The mean and standard deviation obtained were 17.85
and 1.955 respectively. Test the significance of the deviation. Use 5% level of

Q.7 The nine items of a sample had the following values:

Does the mean of nine items differ significantly from the assumed population mean of
47.5. Use 5% level of significance.
Q.8 The following table gives the number of aircraft accidents that occurred during the
various days of the week. Find whether the accidents are uniformly distributed over the
week.(Given that value of  2 at 5% level of significance for 6 d.f. is 12.59)
Days Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Total
No. of 14 16 8 12 11 9 14 84


Tutorial Prepared by Prof. N. C. Sonara Dr .Trupti.Desai.
Course Coordinator
(An Autonomous Engineering Institution)
Sub Code: 2BS01 Sub Title: Differential Equations and Statistics
Q.9 200 digits were chosen at random from a set of tables .The frequencies of the digits were:
Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total
Frequency 18 19 23 21 16 25 22 20 21 15 200
Use the Chi-square test to assess the correctness of the hypothesis that the digits were
distributed in the equal number in the tables from which these were chosen. (  2 for 9
d.f. at 5% level=16.9)


Tutorial Prepared by Prof. N. C. Sonara Dr .Trupti.Desai.
Course Coordinator

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