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Earthquake and Faults

Second Quarter
Name :________________________________________________ Date :______________________
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Grade/Section :________________________________________________ Score :______________________
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Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answer and write it on the space provided each number.

Test I. Earthquake Vocabulary

The following are the different vocabulary terms related to Earthquake. Match these words with the
correct definitions. Write the letter of the correct answer provide before each number.
__________1. The point on the earth’s surface, directly A. Aftershock
above the focus of an earthquake B. Crust
__________2. A sudden, violent shaking of the ground, typically C. Disaster
causing great destruction, as a result of movements in the earth’s D. Earthquake
crust. E. Epicenter
__________3. An earthquake becomes a disaster when there is F. Faults
significant damage to property and loss of life. G. Focus
__________4. The outermost, solid layer of the earth. H. Hazard
__________5. A smaller earthquake following the main shock of a I. Landslide
larger earthquake. J. Liquefaction
__________6. A fracture in a rock formation along which there has K. Magnitude
been movement of the rocks on either side of the fracture L. Plate Boundary
__________7. A collapse of a mass of earth from a mountain or a M. Ring of Fire
cliff. N. Richter Scale
__________8. Is a phenomenon where the shaking of the earth by O. Seismograph
an earthquake reduces the strength of the soil, forcing the liquid to P. Tsunami
rise to the top
__________9. The size of an earthquake as measured by the energy
__________10. The place of origin of an earthquake.
__________11. An instrument that measures earthquakes. It
measures their size and their duration. Also known as a
__________12. A way to measure earthquakes. It is a logarithmic
scale so that a difference of one has a roughly thirty fold different
in size.
__________13. Where two tectonic plates meet
__________14. A long high sea wave that can be caused by
__________15. The zone of activity that surrounds the Pacific
Ocean and the Pacific plate
Test II. Locating Famous Earthquake
Locate the different famous earthquake using their latitude and longitude coordinates. Refer to the
table below.

Famous Earthquake and their Coordinates

1. 2011 Tohoku 32°N 142°E 6. 2001 Gujarat 23°N 70°E
2. 2011 Christchurch 43°S 172°E 7. 1985 Mexico 18°N 102°W
3. 2010 Haiti 18°N 72°W 8. 1976 Tanshan 40°N 118°E
4. 2010 Chile 32°S 70°W 9. 1964 Valdivia 38°S 73°W
5. 2004 Indian Ocean 3°N 95°E 10. 1952 Kamchatka 53°N 160°E
Test III. Open-Ended Test
Using the diagram below to help you, explain what happens during an earthquake and list the steps involved in
chronological order. (Limit your answer to 3 sentences only in each number.)

1. Earthquakes with a very deep focus cannot be explained by the elastic rebound theory. Why?

2. If a seismograph station measures P waves but no S waves from an earthquake what can you conclude about the
earthquakes location?
4. Two cities are struck by earthquakes. The cities are the same size, are built on the same type of ground, and have the
same types of buildings. The city in which the quake measured 4 on the Richter scale suffered 1 million pesos in
damage. The city in which the quake measured 6 on the Richter scale suffered 50 million pesos in damage. What
might account for the difference in damage costs?


Prepare by:


Science 8 Teacher

Head Teacher III

Principal II

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