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BS. CODE, SECTION $~DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS, “Teas 194—Stan Paves by CLAUSE 314 % “Tame 204—Suao Paves q In eo 07s eo on 73 ry 139 os | aw | 200 sonora semen My = = 3 % BS. CODE. SECTION $DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Tans 21a Stan Pass, by Fa wteg 4 CENTRAL END PANEL (THREE ROWS), CLAUSE 314 Taner 224-Suan Pans bs INTERIOR PANEL (THREE ROWS), be Eas “| re 2 ee ene K4 x =5 5 =5 Se a 5 x =5, 4 200 | 2] 145 | 40 | 106 | s | 200 | 20 | S00 200 | a5 | a79 | v7 | 127 | aw | 200 | a | 160 3 ibe ies is as in wo i | ie its 1% ie in @ iz Be ise red a8 13 a wo SS 3 m ae as oo ne nz 2 1 me ast ne wes rs Be a Pe i as isa me Be im Be a ms im Be me | | ae = te = a ms no ae me sto BH 100 | a7 | 05] me | a0 | m2 | s67 | a2 | 80 rw [us| as | oe! ar | as | as | sos | 200 09s us ne oy ne ves we = as ws oe Se Be ne 133 oon fo = a9 tes oes sa Pad ae 37 os So so oe ts oe =o Es) 2 i os a3 a Bo Pa 078 a 4s m2 ne ors a 22 136 be om ‘or as ng om 0 Bo Bs a4 on is = tog om oe ‘os a ia 85 | aw | 200 | we | So | 2 | tre | aes | ios os io | aw | eo | us | te | ser | he AS — =. 4 8833 2222 3 BS, CODE. SECTION DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Tame 234 —Sian Paves ey L FULLY CONTINUOUS PANEL, mo | as 187 xo as ao | ws woneer a sont y= 3h LAUSE 314 69 hE teint: son aperig bans may poy ig 3—Digram sewing the loud cared by seppernk Damn. ‘The guetta method of estimating the lads ced by the bea given ty Clase 340) (is is been commoniy use this county” ‘The total fads (the short and lng spans dae to one loaded patel are given by ‘Load on short span Yan oH Load on lng span beam = 7, = 4 —w, ‘The cresponding bending moment in the beams my be terns with sufcent sccm by sesming thatthe nang i eqavalen to a wor lsd feral lengts ofthe beam tthe fallowing amounts oo est the ong span, [3 — (2) ‘De sexing fre sould, bower, be deta om th ata ade coi om Bi. tran ete ft. sii a tana cea Souitgnceneeecacmmnte Seeataassecdereocemanst Staion orien meee Senos fom Zapata hen ee atin he eg ek Soe eineecaee een there ter accpabe td te rectace most fe ab and Sr meaafornmed eceentegmceemna ca ‘The dugn of teams o labs invlees 6) th determination ofthe bending ‘ments threughost the stem, and (the determination of sutable secant {0 resi thee moments” The loutfactor mntd of estinating essence ~ BS. CODE, SECTION 3DESIGN CONSIDERATIO: Xe calclated by the lati tomy, tho whoa ace ef Lined, Stoant of monn telstbution sp resonended in Ciamee gua. TBE Cd oath ef design for two-way sibs deci! in late 314 () allows the lod ‘ctor method fo be taken sage farther, Sowers, by permit the be ‘moment rtribton ska fo te aco on tbe codons the sb a fale, "The ultimate steengts of ss can be Sterne accent te method of tnt anages With thie metiod upper and lee iis "bounds" wre ght for thestrngth el tela, ad he stength emote ress lly eed yh dierence beinen the too nits The lower bound eoerends to "haa le cn Sa why or the pups of he Cle mcg sentially a moment dstibution Oughoat the sla whic compat wt {he parca boundary codons, te egelibrium equations of al sal ets Df the sn being enna, andthe morent a any sloment ef rss selon bag Sowers reser than 78 mes the momento renutannclested in acordasat sith Clase 906 "As upper bound canbe determi the sab canbe sxppoced at fre Johanselsyelésine theory, refered to in Clans 34 2) eds to an per ‘oun forthe stn oh” Insha teary ite summa ht re ln ton ofthe saat faa wil be doe encllaly to rotations abot any stp porting edge tha donot deat und) and abat yin (rfactor Tice oe, simply, lege main eras) the pure ofthe sb between hee iy of vation vemaing Wrtualy abe Thus for a rectangular sa with topping beams he yin won vide the ta roughly a intated tein in 5 the Gt atoagh shang a wh ean ra ‘pyrosch the comers woul depen he rao the ent a he ‘mento fesatance at all prs ofa ie ns i sme fee 8 i {the value cacao i acerdance wh Clause 506, and ti lnate lad ‘etraned by equating the wotk done onthe pete by thi oa to the ner ‘woke daipted by rotation ofthe various pats ofthe sa, fn parsnie, 16 Etabish& lower bound wat a sstely-amanible sues hod the can ‘natier of commdeable Uifeiy in any commoa db syrems. Als, 0 ‘ham gives ao indication ofthe tes codiion away from te ines a Bence of how to dsribate the raltcement. Johansen has shown, bower ‘hat ifthe assume pattern of ying echsen in alge and ita ‘manner the upper btn determin wil in fact pve a stutsctry peau ‘eh opsiags ond e mad woe acotary by spec base fovea 20 th the daiged strength of the sumounding for CLAUSE 316 * Spt yt png: Dee ead sob at he pty 316 Resetance to sbear, (0 Theses. any eo anton na enfred cones eam ‘lithe be atalted fom he ehowtog eaten hs be otal beara freer the ton the ath {1 sop beam wtih for 9 Twa er Leas shen te soc yc eth oft toe arm eae tee (i) Wee at any rome the ste cael fom = {er ihre cele min hen ar ee etot thar fonscemene sing npropercombsaton wis the Bove iaet ened curtis the perminbesbear sro he sete outs ad meer of cndy pete. ot Calan fs rss iy the cas of si foot be are sly once, Such cation othe joy of erst eu ony ‘ee bea td fo certain types of aun base or beamg of erate ars 104 sora lating, cleans of hear sre are oly tad rte oi ot ‘xin sea, that adjacent 0 the supper 111s atemacy to sume that the mance shearing force () at these ‘tosis egel to the manna Texcon on te cotonn er ehersopprt Imposed bythe meer in goeston For continous beams with re ee vite an cope of maximum tending mente i Gravy, the Hainan shearing fre to be asuved st any eet san teal be obianed rom the degre a ve ot mony see eri tion etn {iG the equim shoud be medio ead, Tn ARE SIR Mu oe teane a {he negative sin applying where the Bending mement(M) eetesnamerilly inthe sare dct asthe wc depth (4 erase, andthe postive eh here the roment decrease mumercly ia tht Section ‘The testonship between the regiments for sear and Bond should be o BS, CODE, SECTION $ DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS rtd, since, In same cass, the masimum shearing fre tat « section can {eas nied by contentions of bn ‘Th, fem siderations of seat [Ggoston 13) @/0,— and fom somsdertins of ond (ls 300) the axl ‘$e sheathed G7 — whe fr he perme el bond sre, the bas ae alt Soc Sande place in sng ayer, an 3 the rer of ba iad these tances between the bas and the cover are cach qu othe diameter of th bars, ¢= py. A Snr, he tends othe limiting valve ¢— 257A U4, 6 the permis shesing ste {or pain covarta /4, = 257 /te MT aio of pine a Sod sess to parm searing srs in ‘iain concete vanes fom £8 for Y2!4 Portland ement concrete 10.7 fr Esa cance (and fe 27 fort2:4 hghalmina coment corte)” For 1 Soe lye of bry torre, the aio yas ting vale tetween 26 GAY'S, tat wel boow the susimum Pease value ol 4 For roti ‘embers of bars the rate ll be lle Th for bars wih he spacing and over egal to the dimer of he bar the extreme vaaes re t ieee po [= [=] [se Tiecesdcalelalale 3 Ye an pi tbh ar a cotta roms wiaseten ee "aha ee | sores ra Becher ee se ta od Sreaihot Mictacra ove we nly thee aa Sie iar ein pr eee cae Seman seas podoe Tat Eee Eee kha ans ‘ Sears ee a i Se pre seca tee ey Se er Sls apenas & net oa HOG Be corametnntate ue ie acon Be pe aoc us tec ran pa AS ag eh hing earner and oe HENS Beat citont wi tes di a nea aa Eee ic ain oa 2. Star noes (GA ip i infeed concete shold pas sod or be ohare ey Or ene nd Uh) Tense rntocreet wih enced ae eed soap «depth CLAUSE 316 3 ‘breamen rove in ancbored alent, i Saertecert Stn mana ne aramgtanatas trecatay aera ‘oy Tae spacing tigraps when requ to fst shear shold oot eee sale ree th eases gate ET. aw ett pete iat aman hn SAS ess “The esenilneed in sefeence to the connection of the sips with the ‘esse fa tat the unde ofeach sirup thal pass around ope or more ite tars ferming the tease enforement, although the numberof ba 49 ‘sced may cng ely futon of the foal tale reinforcement. “Further, oot eset oder eesivly to anchor the strap ote butt ends tat each stand of the stivape shold embrace & empresson {ror ban It merely oaceuay thatthe ees of the straps ote shold 1 anchored within the ca ‘oe, that te maim tenets ‘inte develope inthe various stands, The anchorage may cass fase ‘Stu lent of ster turned haruontaly or atberwise bent soa to prevent ip. ofmm eran naar Eisen tec gemetaaray te Steiamainintams aera canemoneepn Sis eae ete crema Wie bottom tensile bars ae bent up to resist hearing fre ina com tious bem te cantor to contin tern ever the supports that thy Imay ai acta top ence earement. Forsch bare he Fequed anchorage {Gua sr0(@) fe astomasealy provide, Trl peed that the method resting ben bars a ele embers cof nie gers sot agate.” It wil al be found at the latte rae Sethe of deg lade toa move cneervative estimate of shear reanee an ‘tee metodo ie ‘With noe of entup bars it oite safe a ie common practice to sume tat the compresuive frees et aan snp of 45 deg. to the as ofthe ‘nm end to melt any theoeielly excuse tans sfessindece! in the ‘Sontooal portion of the bt ‘Cents a single syst foreach method and assume the bars tobe bent wp at gy dg. ts Fig. 25, the tee sre othe boruontal and beatap put Sg and fy spacey and the digonal compression i the cneete Frog es With he Integer method it er that to keep fy and a, ” ‘BS. CODE, SECTION 3—DESIGN CONSIDERATION amostbisctthe angle between they ining ete the es [ester than which cnsegently can never be slowed to reach the maou ele stress erie “This eset the retviction cotsned inthe fal ssn of Ch 36 6) (fom wh Ifa that the most eomomiel spy of bas ben Up at 4s dg. shat shown in Fig. 134. The same sph fern, toa i eK ‘ther than 45 deg, thao gual tension nthe oz nine portin ‘ot bars the resultant compra free mim bist the angle betwen then ‘With the altratve sed, ee comidered to acta 45 dg (ta (674 deg) with a corepondiely wider spacng of bat Oar q itoald be appreciated that all those desing with betup bare open to bjeton ona necessary fo consider the bean Wing. the purpose of restance to shearing fore, ana oer type of sonst, serait nator en td on (0 For sold st, the ecive with may be aan at thes hood and ts {0} whee te tans em the porta Eiht a een leant ec th ea (sip Wee the oneatatd lod ener a uatoported ee ofa etn mt shuld nt tar the ae ho st oor a tht abe plete tance conte t nd Fem the unpportlwige Sig ep CLAUSES 516.319 os nsuoronr eoue FES" vrecrve worn Pe A-Bte wet of a ah arn» coca nd war ‘The superposed nad on oes ally consists of many lated nade, bt for pacical prpans may be ctsideel au equaert to alrite Jed Where there ae lal loads wich ace partclaly heavy velvet the Temioder of the lang, the big oa bending morets ma be investigated. ‘Fer Us prpose ha ela hers tay be used although the base teary tends tebe too compleated for nvmal dagratice we. Amato of Watng came feoeated loads on sab pa, tased on Pigeuls anal, oven ina sees [ares We, Seon Concrete & Constructions Engieting Sr March, and Nay, ape. Allowance fa the lft ot concentrated nad basa on etimated conditions fur nts general psceable wt present. The empire rales pven im {Cate 3 forthe eerie with of sa tat see bending ment Soe to eh La ar, brsever, bac on loading toss to aor S18 Bearings for slabs oo sto Jolt Coneete eating whieh whety nes he pens oil inn cals ha peje ome ol "he oor iy nd wh may orto ew he topper ye be eae Sesh wy eto sah hl eve wi Sc ee \conet casing of sel sts pris provided for Se protectin, and the reinforcement specied ih Clase 8 helps to keep the eas fe puion, teven is bly raced, inthe eve offre so that Ht contin to afd |otetion fo the sec ‘onc it cat es ese bcs shh seep othe compte | SSSR BS, CODE, SECTION 3—DESIGN CONSIDERATION piiieeims Branly reer reece ‘rE any eae decon raping wt eth wh thy wi eee my nen soar meetin soe arate eon pied a eee per ama we AN ee the tne of ig tepals compen of a ci tae ste poate wong sn the ads shold ‘here on th omer ermine wregth Tor the patponrt acon theca modulo he materi oe specs etn, Wh tn ose red dig i {Widens bry erste he wallet tt be snc a ‘maybe taken it cunt wngs sear sae eprops the mate, ance aon mae or st of wr vceay shal ot bles ‘Seas gv lea) foe wan onion ‘i not sxeneting Lie I hey the Bak a i) tor wih permanent Hho nx roared a xen (° sonra sre ~ ye eee he Sr (u) Ieelioterean, = Bi 241 Tw dept cesiiog an tpping, sh! be ot re a ol ‘etd spacing abst be not ethan 9 see centre (OMG ced Eeugeat the bacon cn tothe nog een & may wmetioe be pracable to provide suiient Fenacement to deep the ‘Eippert mom cn the aero concnuy. Sock Sor my. CLAUSE 319 Scenes arr ei Oo seay neg ge pls tats Sea cntenfeeeetinment ‘i way be neted to} ae the amet te ba, sere tg es ig i ie Serer naa tos a ‘hscd along ie walls mth mnsien st f rack Sg at [Ribbed an tallow bck orice tree types of coninction. They ‘nz al| governed by thn toguitement that they shoud have tsa hs that in. wae at not more than centres hens shold be deed fer ‘belodings peat frst inthe Code of Fonction Requirements, Caper, Lacing : Tove cosrton an ation cement ie that the thickness of se dnb oat beat at = 1 te sean tye of coniraction the ibe ar xt etwen ello Bes sf concrete or brat eh, with no stot topping. tte dks ave src feat, tata sent of set sn Ber sone ch (adn solely ce comply with BS. 1190) andar propery one what '3 {2c sd mera, the theses fon all may eae othe ob thickness ‘eerie the rstane tsb” Toh thd sete te is and oli lok rs ever with arta tepring Ifthe ibs have srctrl alee eed in the revi page {ay be eonidered a assign ring both sheng te ce ef re wall ing sed to the rib tii ot calclatons fers) to cone sic (win a int of sire of one th of ther craing srg) es sol te car dtanee inten the iss at soe than nthe oping ‘st be a oat n-th property ued Dicey afin eerie ‘Wien the Des ate nl sare to hve tetra! fn ey do ‘ot ned sty any spec request than hat hey mate Ae {2 sppsrt te cneete Wien paced tt etal thee shape danesen Ths topic in thw ccs at be net st tan ns nt fan thas snetwtlth ofthe ceat datance betwen the the BS. tig ifolow Gay balding Woe" pees that the Wocks chal deve crushing strength of 2801. psa nck when nade i he Becton ‘sich thoy Wil be seme inthe foot ‘The standard Simeon re 7 “bogby soln oiain wie wih dpe. 3h ah 6.75008 Alok 8 BS. CODE, SECTION 3--DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ' wsterbsorplion tet i pci no mis ae set; i elt wo the designe fo Se in i sce fort lf ae, ng 1 the particular te conde Tot sometines arn to adopt cer spacing of tars inthe marrow bs of skbed or hlaw-tack Boor than ie wealy acceptable Clause 339 0) permits hs proved tha the permesble Hand and compressive sce in the Fae reduced Although pot-mentoned in ths asset woald be wise to ede the permis sheasng seus inthe cantete as, since the redoetins ‘pected ave presimabiy to allow for the weabenng of the coneete tt may sult rom incomplete compaction Inthe 400 oars and rots of prea sonstraston Moe detaed gine om ‘rca eva cmon penn ie sacra we "loos an rofe of presast construction ae becoming increasingly popula sinc they can be crested rap witioa om and are capable of sstaing Inndimmdiaey aldings pti fron sod mateie. "Then adanage, fegter wh the ring tomar roto cont ten a {he esdvantage hat he unis mut he traepted rm factors fo stead hat additional reinforcement may be ecesary te withstand handling sees “The construction comely cin of prea units of box section, Fsecton, or merted U-ection, which ar id sie by side They may be jel long "hes lngth with morro coco, whee near to nese te tenga of the oor enfored cociete ibe ay be ear Bern the us ‘The woe are designe with srace characteristics tat ep to esate Cat ‘here equate bond between the ite ad the ea nitacocete so hat Toay tally be seuned that they wil ae together ao composite stroctarl Stem, 3 ‘The strength ofthe foo ay also be assumed to be incensed by a eta topping over the unite For satisactory compost tcton between ht {SPPNG tnd the prosart units he topping sould baves thine oft least ches 1 compenite construiton the dead weight of the unite and of the east Insta conerete is borne by the restance of the unten, but subsequent Impse loatng evar y the prvaet shit and he estat conte are {peter So stactral combination. The eatin cencete ta thet sabjected fo an spyrecay lower tre Un that inthe pect ite Sn can cordingly be of lower stent Since precast unite of this type are ade ander arllly maint perme poet willbe sted that fer each cae the longa! brs ae at one diameter, ‘bt alternative groupings of tare (hl the same lta crescent ean a ‘Als the loads gen ave equly Spycale to colunes foes apes oad {8 relate ne essen se od ent fo he Se, (Shr tne wit et ingen, Whee le womens tay nel comping mith Cane ht ea a ‘sn het ot hl ot excel a gt by anne Hak he = BS CODE. SECTION 3~DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS cere he retr (Qh nin oth eqns ing aes 8 pound weiene Penta + fe 4 000A 8) hr comer fm cr ahag en ‘orcement (vole of bein pe wit Hoge of te clome), “he mm of he terms put 200% soul nek exceed wey est ns he Bday work ate cgi ote sence Ges aes Equation (x) is dvve inthe same way as equation (05. In this case, however, oly the af of eanerete within Ye ore ofthe his (eure to the ceive ofthe heal bar Se aken fate scsunt, anda aioe tem Inchded forthe elect of the eal reinforcement “Tet have shows thatthe Increase of stegth de 1 the rovsin of blz bars equivalent tothe the ct additional longitudinal ste! ith a valine per unit eng of the column qual to twice tat of the bala! reinforcement The al ale of ths tee forcement i not introduced in postion (c) since the eres et .000 I. er ‘square inch in hs equation ieee than wie hat (Pe) foe the ingtaiea “The timate loa, fra ealaan in whlch the conrete i qual in strength to the work-ube reulaments, and md tel sed isthe springy afd + 8Pyhe + 65000%, wth nominal conctle mivirey and S30h4s + epcde © GSoeod, with degned consetetur The oad {actor heal senerend column forthe cantons abot ihe sue a fr alares with Intra tes having eile conerte adhe sted, with the ‘Sime range of approximately 29 fo 26. cue smallest belall-fenfoeed column permisible is controled by the redelements for the spacing of the and Yr he cover of conte over the locgtadinal and helical bars." With an octagon) eum aad eit ngtoion tas (laced atthe cones to gain ational coves he mnmu ze peels ‘i appeosimatty Bin. If ight in lnetutinl bars and en, splat Tn pith be employed, the masini perliie london tis oo em weal be abocs 8a tone Tn ables 274 and 284 the permis loads for helieitred clue tytn tebe gen, Th mt tad et an aay loaded, For the purpose of decting suitable limite for th amounts 9 onge ‘dina and hela refoeement the urns have boen tsumed fo be oct ‘a ston. The diameter af the core tobe atsioed depen upon the amount ‘of cover required: im sme cases this wil be elrmoe by the dameter ofthe ‘eal bats and in bers by the ister ofthe lngitadina’ basin onde fre given foreach sie of calm’ the fst Jad neath ace that eared by Sing a relatively tall amount of ronfreemect the second baad by an intermediate quandty, andthe lat by a quastity of both hele aad lengitoina! tars approaching the maxim whichis perasible, prac, of tefl The manimum quantity of hail reinecenent tet can cal ‘be wet Gavin rgar tothe estction on the average stra n the concrete fom the gros aren of the column) depends onthe quality af the concete The (CLAUSE 22 SQUARE COLUMNS | 106 BS, CODE. SECTION 3—DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Tags 264 CAUSE sm = SQUARE convans 3 PERMISSIBLE LOAD (LB) — [eat ‘aasea) eae fa) sata] Saran 2a] 254300] wo. , siiooe| Sito] Gime] slen| Zaeo| ahaa] ae ‘0] Sasi] Soi] santo] Siawo] Seo] wee 440] 06300) n200| saa) sigoo| srs] ase ‘is0m| Sb] tenn! soos] Sarto] Seto] Sth, a} tas | sea aed abt | sete 1H) ES | sae [til asie| Lace it] ing | sre 400 " ve fat 1) oe | fine Red 3 | fobs [er hoses alt slaes 108 BS. CODE. SECTION 3—DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Taser 28s, CLAUSE 222 15 secant given nthe table re wal forthe whole range of strengths of emeete ‘sie and cede icra forthe highr-strengthcavectes Wil & Cemaponding Increase in porn Toad ofp fo aboot 25 per cnt consdering the loa-arying capac ol clus wih sal percentages of tll renoeient, shoud be noted at, where the contrition ofthe [Ber ile than tat the conte outde the crea greater allowable sd til be bland by treating the clams a of the ornay type and emplying Tanona ). Tae minmtm volume of Hla! tlforeewent regaled to cone {tite ecomomy tothe lad 18 wm 4.00 [Byer une nc) Mf tis asad thatthe ste train elationahp hear 14 ‘BS. CODE, SECTION 3—DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS, ‘upto this tres witha modus af atic of 30 081, pe guar nc, te ‘tan in the tele reinforcement Se 00935 and, for seta computa omg) 06035, 4-4) from whee X= o8siid = 058, and Pum ose on) 2 es oe Cote seen contigo he ad i, om ean 4) EM) eqn Ault 2)- 8) “The two linear relatonships betwen Joad and moment ate then a flows, For lnde between P, and Py on PRB Pat —Fos on Sabving equation (tn) for Pleas to the egstion (eg) ofthe Ce, CLAUSES 225-204 ns 22h gee. Te Bt a i eee at ah ih Soke Reed iat ig fat sh ay ld Sb "isin te deci, Te eee maybe eed by remove or permanent 1 S80 th ops clan th col a 171g Seals for shearing reac fa lbs 24 Methods of desig, Fiat sas may be despre (at continoos en seg the met dba i Cla S38 by {ry obiermethe tying the pels fsa nd cots, of cpap eae ert tos sep ee ‘erred i Cae 3. 26 BS, CODE, SECTION $DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ‘The dno ft sae tse soot wholly upon practi conieatinn nd expe, inal inthe United Seater of Ams and fer my ee {hls county. “Owing tthe absence ef an eauly apple ace omy ges 20, fr general, to impose grater restr n fata Gag ainary eam and sia constracton, as esto which the skating fd le arangeest of refrcement nt Het within nerow tn Wen {tee ination are adopted the mead of ig ke vlares to" the ah 28 the empl tied, "However, provide tht prope lower anaes ‘Beas ae ade othe bedig mort an ote televant cee is pes to deen story fat slabs which facut the tops fis ete roth ina grt many respect, and ene meted is pe io Chast 24 Dro of pn. Gen ig 6) Fa a pees be edt + hen ance {eee seit, a ae ati ks me ipa then ‘eth th rp he Ho th ie ! a TI wa Tes [BB] oo owe |g] Le a wed, Whe dap wn Considering » umber of square panel it wil be sen fet Clase 395 aed Clase 393 (i) that, forthe empircal mid of deg the wet a ae ‘alum strips, where a drop is employed, can vary beeween Z ind E, and the rite ap can ay fam Ew 2, ch tip vig «pr vin wiatn of in wits of CLAUSES 26.307 oe (Gropun, Lyte wa of ie pane at neh ‘eee ime one inmate oft clo tr ie ig nd Cue Son eet yn i) Zr ear pane lly eonenoos, ions op, and frend in et ie ayn im) Er nee ps Sly comin, wt ps wa a ES sd se kes othe dab ‘ames an inpvtant fate bru cose seid im Cle 7 ‘itn eel ey tse or ry ney sping nde Sie Sets te me ge prs of renee nce! yy ight, Aan erie ce of a ered wh Spore ostedinay esmideredForany of he pte toma ean ‘tse nt weaker han £2" Nonmal Grade ert, xe ta per ea reed ce Toget clean Ll] owe nve re | — Ne cme et mt mew ganes ove aanmees| oe a ean ene stecine dep wil be evened Yo the nema ye oF hers ed imi he Sei es 8 BS. CODE. SECTION 3DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS, cf rnlcemet is equi ifthe maximo permisble campeesive sts {fo be raid and ifthe sre In the enon mat to ace foe Br sare inch The permite bending moment pe fat wlth of foe 2 {is ceaton, thats per cote elerstnent and 2.00 > pe say inch, ie 72 ta tin From sonsacretns of astanc to te bs ones ang, hrf the elective Sept he, when sing th cy ‘etod soba by equating 372 ta tothe bending moments rege by Gate sag Valu er the ing cnc lor an inten pate, canbe Jn this way, re even In Tale ata (pge a). For tis tae ad fer Fat Behl GA th Gtr of thee, wie no head proved, Sane For interior pants without drops, the minimum total thickness speci fn Clase 327 i) wil wally be gestr than that resting rom the eectog depts given in eile 30a fr supurmpeeed oad up fo shout 00. pr suse fost. “Where drop re provided, the minsmam tcc geen Cae 30 fo) lara govern the ick, exp spend ads wel a a 100 I, per squat fos. “The Code dot ot specify ins forthe thc ofthe op, Asa general. tule, however, the hikes of the drop, measited irom the appr surface of he Slab, shuld not be les than 2s per eet ot more than go percent. greater an {he scree of the aby {28 Shearing etrvse tnt sla. Te srsig ssn the bo ep spate eee a's can ao dpe a {lac 98, The etal scons eras pve nF (Gren of thse fenags Seon Soeur Fare eet eas ‘crite ) Opeiss of sine sch tat the great neston in» ietin ural to's eeteiee ef he pel Gar eated B4'E may be rach [Eheare common toto rtctng mie spe proved at eat Fey Sed ee mame ct i le Sr nae 8 ae ne ante terete ah ih ot xing ett te moments pected a Clute Sor 908 ne STE ME APP (ul Open a gpeate engi with ot ecediog ne uni ‘eth esp ny mde I ny ars comamn aoe ele stp lone mia tp roviged tate edad scones enable cleany 8g the pope oman spec in Cae Bor 385 should be noted that n some cae therein of bending mament pelaent 0 openings + paelmay Ted tothe neces or compre ie CLAUSES su0-352 19 $3, ensng mara nae wth martin uo al re {he tuckeos dl theskbor pa waltient (ea dt be cy he so wal sl opi, (the erng nomena oe he aisha spade othe am Seen Re eur feng messed 0) Bg ose pl had hal et xe oe tn he Gomer of te ole ead, Dsoold ete st ameter Ietord st dean of If Saw the wndeite ofthe tab rhe unten he op re prvi ar shown a Fi 8 (uy Teeter soot not mate th 025 ts) ae inn ied ts emctin [No minimum diameter is specie for column eads; in fact no head need be wed stall However ae wil be sen Stor Tale Jana gn, the acest ‘Seouphout the sytem ae considerably increased if mo head povided, otal is ooualydestable to include 4 head witha dameter of between DAL and as 8, Design of at subs as continuous frames. Gora Flt sake may be eciged a cntinous frame of the ssomptin iene Sabla und fof he ae Rae St 1 ees apie wo thn mth of asin 1, Bonding moments and hearing frit. The ending moments and sea sere ay be Setrmine y an death sae conn {rime sod tr flowing sueampine may be mace 0) srt maybe ed biel bgt (ica ame my be anayocd by Tlarly Crom, or ther astabe (0 eho In eecty of ach ep foot stot Say Be ‘iaged a a sourate inme withthe etumns ahve tad ow ‘Scud aod ach xtemin The apne tn the anaes ‘hott be te dian betwen the ens a he spp xg stb sab supped by 4 wal whe he pan Si be the ‘ance te face he al sone al he Goth te Sab es the ar he momo fra of any mon ab 330 BS. CODE, SECTION $DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ‘Stee Varlos of te moment of ere lng the aca of fis etd ‘nae tn mid apan of Mi and at the cntecline ofthe seppets should be (itaed or he ng erangeners tn ote as {hematin a eg ane 4 Daign moments fr tae. Te sold dese re Sotbe nee ter sentive most tea te eal non ‘asin endo omer ed te dag anyone sano ‘SER pnt wth be a ea a ee ay ‘where wi the total lod per unite. hp and te mete ie Cola Nena sppartng the sit ener we Ce). Where i i we a tence ames sof tn memati ss — a a oat i ‘Tae design of fatsad construction as continuous frames depends on the ‘stimation ofthe bending moments in each of to eee af ethogenal are, CLAUSE se a ‘wing moment datributin, lope-dfecton, ot other methed of ana. For ‘he usps of heal the spans and the height of clu show be those ‘sep othe dtancsbetwecn the antes slumps and slab. Allow: ce mst be made fo the vatying moment feta ofthe members, an th is mort convetetly dane by etnatng the moment of inertia on the Bas of the eancete section alone (rtd) in Clause 909 0) ‘The jt between the ceumes tod bea very Sf, partly when colonia ads ate wed, and accorg to Clase 32) may be assumed to have finite moment of Inert: ‘Thetuea ver hich ergy may be eo ered to apy is ot stated in the Code, but the comespendng USA. tps Estns spy tha the gly extends th ab from the ent of the ela to the elge the car hea, sia the clan fem fhe top ofthe ab the ttt ofthe column bead. It no clunn hed i provide, the fect of "he lal gy a the jolt ltl unimportant an eed no be ned inthe cleo Tsu be noted that an analy ofeach ame nits ett is ot insisted upon and that cach stp foro ot may be nase a seperate wth the caluanssbove and blow assumed to be hood ot ther ends remote Tro the stip being conidred, "When the maximum negative moments at 2 ‘ipprt ate bang vestigated using the loudngglveo it Cure 33° (0) i {tip sometines convene and sulcnty accurate to assume thatthe sb 15 fed at any supors which ave two panes tant fom the support being naire 233, Emplncal design fat nae cout oie Site _ yong he tong Cine ba (ae id, eninge te Sire amescyeenn omens Sg tate ccaeeacerere sana eae eae oe ibe omen feiss malinieanecane catee ‘hom intern span. Where acer sane ile, te egth shoal Sone re acest i Tater eras ‘erg hen Freie pain ath op ete ie o he ema sul be oon one hal te ih at ‘Where dope ate wd, 9 wpe iit stated forthe length of the dap, et 1 appear that the recommendation in Cate 336 are ol Intended to 4py a2 BS. CODE, SECTION 3-DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS, for » gt of drop greater than oneal the comesponding length of pane, [gst thos he its of variation forthe drops and clon hens (the ae of ‘aati ar shaded), 34, Critica scion for bending moment In at sa erste pas ly cnn he xia etn rte bending nts ea Gast srs lowe Gee. ()Poitive omen slr the centr ine of be Fe {i} Negus moe ny the ge of hepato ine jig the (0) hneot te colmoan sd son the preter oe cotomabad ‘able 22, Distribution of bending moments In pans of at abe “tngoed by the empiin! methoe nie ‘oltive moment What es Feitne monet me "Earle negutve ae Exar eeatve CLAUSE 935, a8 cl For square panel, ys: y= L. Abo, hm Clase 331, the dameter of Sntereal str Heads is restricted to a marimar of L Aasuing, a before, that the diameter ofthe extn, where no bead is provided ig oS, the pe tive snd negative Bending moments may therefore be expresied in tems of the {ota unt lad andthe span. Tn square panels without drops the wide of the spon when thse moments ezur tre proportions tthe span and i fs therfre pose to expes the being omens inte ing ese a5 fr ternary slats (average bending moments per unit with of dat). For epara> tive purposes tse bending moments ae given for Interior panel in ele a8 We often Ei an he ih ef hoi {axa fo Be gu othe width of he drop, the Rening moments given in 14 BS. CODE, SECTION 3-DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Toga | Suge eae sci ha se coun Sone Bs in sagt er ad “3 vwuss saw Poesia + -B art etme at om | oe ‘Tan 8%4--Bene Nonsvae arent Payaus voUc¥ comrowuoes| ene ie ‘Lacgestcoltmn Wad and widest column strip Nocmiad “it arg ae nd x Case 535 requce austen in accordance with the note after alle 22, The Sanding tment pr uit width othe esa sip seo depend oa the With sumed. The vatiatos ae shown in Tate 30 For eomgarion with thse bending omnia at sab it may be not that fort equate pane!entouoar on ll our ier over the appoting Reams Ate palvebending moment at pan is nd the ete btn ae lover the supports is SE" (ne Table x7). Note tht the bending moments = stip of unit with tabulated etnet be employed pnealy forthe purpse of ‘otal the aafremen epee ie he factor pea ae or be ting CLAUSE 396 ns ‘astsnly Als nthe cso fray rnfercemen thewidbf the diz bands, ‘equice by Clee 396, il no analy be the same oo Ue assed with of Uheetip pon which the it bending manent are based.” Further, twee {Gat wes desrsse nthe with of ena stip rls vay na ine of bending momen pr unit width for thst, there to varaton i the bending ‘nome eran wits forthe male stp. Ia as eancecton i dowd be ‘ale tat the tame ttl amount af bending amen sto be Ftd aro ‘oth the mal snd etme stop, the ely aeation beng i the dtaton ‘fending moment serve the else tp “Th rete of 35 percent. to the postive bending moment i the apa of corner tnd intermedia end pes, seed by Tale 22, equa fr the ‘ie rtn tat ending omen a pnt of cis beans fas ar increset. Hl be apparent tht the aan of the ea panel can be Imade mle if eed so that te need bending moment ealeated en he ‘alr span i equa otha nthe panel adjacent thas allowing the eof the ‘Sine thitknss flab and the sae amount of flforceent 16, Whe of rearing bande Sih vinfrd into tons, In stein dnc ny etc ob depo a let ee tar ete Si taciren road ES ee ae Seo Roos Tipeecredenerat prow gee ope rt ak rd tir i) The reinforcement in the diagonal bands should resist the entire RESETS Sum ayers tt i) Adon vnaeeent sou "Provided to resist the aegative ‘he disposition of the vatows bande of seinoreest as delised in Cac 59 ad) i hen in Fie S04 and a8. With the two-way tem {he nesty tap senorsmenttanevere te the centl potons af te cola ips provide bythe bent-vp tars rors the ma sept Tn the ce ofthe Ittray syste where the pete beading moment nthe mie spe Ie ante by digonal enorment, te neceasary to provide ain reinforce {eatin the for of came to seit the negative bending moments onthe smile 338 BS. CODE. SECTION 5—DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS fein cat ely mt es te O52, dg (i Th Sl ate of oegative twiforcement shea be povided for g Sens tia 0 ee to eee eer Gane of tea tan O35 £ are es (7 in St te oppor on cslames witout heads, oF whe the shower fhe ead than ws he veag wth ‘i cm to thin ofthe aout isrcemen epee {0 feet te mative moment ne crn sp soul be See 1g the fo hl tat of the etn Span seed Sas asin for Sins (9 For det baad, the er for al (Gy iach geal bad, 40 por cel the psi reread SESE tier rica tn aoa Sh ang t ederim oii ohms aed (sya epatnriet Sg isin htop of te sy ‘nd ine trough the ete th eh ce oes wtb deecto o he tad. and wo ar shail eat es Cae (9 ac nl a he fl of gana sala Neh intro lan zd sah agit the ectin - edo 0 istanee of oe lets than G36 Lv mest fem fe {hoe rt ofthe panel aed st net Sagat (9) Theshio itronet sido iste mative eonet {925 L on each side ofthe Hine jining the center of te elumen, Sik wih donno gr. A al onan age the pose pacientes Sheil ed an Si tte a Se Siac aly small percnige f tne einfrcaent ae necary fr ft {ae in view of the nina tetas speted i Chase ses esas bars are ot aula he resume fo mops bndng moet ecpaeed ‘tin ip soe ofthe ban vied the ponte Ueting omen on of tay ces the tas sectied in Cane soy The poi toc {au sopping sto comply wih ts Case nied ae ne ‘way renlocoment and in Fig. 208 for foorey Wnlocenceh Although Cis 337 BE Oem ete an pre ce orrentnt AOR Sere xg SES em tea tana ae ihe tc Sa a ‘Wherein twoomay sytens straight bars are nede in adhion tthe bentp (CLAUSES 538-308 se epee wer itm cen ota eee clamps (o resist the negative bending moment sree tte a sie va he mt ip 3h) sn ented at a ko a eae cota ahead Men ot hr gece Coes nioeidhate Poke 1 ening moment cee ae de ig i ig 0 at gt Spat tity mee ‘Bort nthe ole rly pied te Ce #8, The monet se mee y eo lu wo or eet a a grin of th fra (6) hls estlevered Sond, te specie clams owents may De SEES Oe er Sea a et = aden tines sp a stn pid senda at So cn area eae nace SHTSIRN Gy hee nah © cnn eget ees el el Sela meen ene ea te ee Senate the elem retin ie neha a ose op eed ie HON SE: WALLS 249, Retafoeed concrete wall tonal Pe he pgs th Cob, te termined cance wae na tsb th am armen ea See ate deed in asananee nh BS Cee of Pec Er sea oe a tend or ee ete See eae aes teeta Serer, roca tewox than 8 pur cnt nthe eral ore Beata th see unavee foemest oro evra ‘Bait Docking ned not be tent eppy > wana ich te ver! acai entorrest para fo the wal es ny e Peed to a BS. CODE. SECTION $-DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ‘Te minimum percentage of rnlorament pci otis oe may sot snes beaut pone agate tte fof ts ofc {ge tnd pete ers The wal icon held net ee a 8: Paros. The perma ind o any sorey Might sould te ‘he conitng te vera reetreamet leanne erase ising Cause 928 nt prov). Toe prmasle eases eae {Bren i Clase 908 ty, over, be isn by te smu eee ‘Tete 3, lg near aire Swen the aes ute, Fr the Smee SS ees tener a stat eene| | | ak ‘crenata mn ° ” sn gaa ghee ne ee op asistarssaec tee eee ts Tiana ean ‘ef nf etiam esi ie he AE Ee BT hana omen moron ne Sees eerie ere iti ‘be amumed tobe the ratio of ths length to the wal thicken In load-bearing concrete wale reinforcement my be necessary to control stinkage cracking! or to stengthen the wall aguint tending, Tt ray ‘equed for increasing the ect ad thatthe waleancary. Resiorenent may Sorictimes be completely oat rom internal lad barn walle n whch ase {he provisions of Clase 559 aply ony othe fllreedcomseteexeral wal ‘The reduced quantities of tellorement allowed by tia cate, as Compared with thee for clans Cause 325, ze itl or ho mre (and may tmetnes Ce ‘ele than would be inteduced to control ering det song o thera ‘Movements. This ie pareualy the cave when the vestal seafncment it ‘une not to resist Compression andthe Gsgn ls eaentaly that fora wall of plan concrete “Transverse reinoremen’ is neceeary for senarced consete wal exept here the resistance ofthe vera! bare ignored) and snay be in the form ot Separate tes between piso bars near oppo faces ofthe wall or of continues Toczental longtainlsg-aag bars anchoring the vert brs steal Seat ‘poate faces “The sess increases given in Tale 23 ae Juste by teste at the Baling CLAUSE 210 oa Research Station which have show that, fora patil storey eight, the strength ofa wall, expressed as 2 fad per Un eg of wal ncrass the {340 Bases for relnforced concrete columns and wal, 8 Retain ae, Th ioc rove to i he ben ing ores spcae n'a stoma be Gaon wary ne the fa ‘th othe Seon: exept tat, in rectangular tee cle, the Fenoerment pl ote abr go Unde ms tay pnd et «stance rom the columa fas eal ote tie depo oe bse In calelatng the bending moment tary ction of swale smn bse ik may be asared tht the prasore benoath the tase Ie unlory tbe ifthe base i eoncetially Ide by the aller column, The prerure wll in act tend to decrease Towards he edge ofthe bas, ths ining fo 2 fede bending moment, ‘The efect wil be particulary marked in sted Solara ‘ses for whit it would be reasonable fo reduce the bending tment to 85 pet ‘at of that conesponaing to nll eeeae nde the bse ‘When the estan force fom the wal or cam i ot soncetic with ‘he base, the assed presare Deneath the base should be medied scoring. ‘The reuiement in Clause 3o (i) that roforement parte to the sort tdge of rectangular bss for cltmts shoud be more clay spaced ear the folun goes qurnitstn sine inthe Amen Coneets Inatates ode or Henfrent Cnerete (ACI 438-69) In this Cole t b recommended ‘Mat the reinforcement in the short ection, vera with tal wh raga othe cles) en othe gt ofthe shor side of the tase, shoal be ==] times the total amos f steal in thi diction, where vs the rai of te ong side to the shat eof the base,” The remainder ofthe rnforeamest in the “rections then dstibatedritrmly in the euler pontons of the bse, ‘No medhot Is given for estimating the shearing force tobe reseed he ital sti eerie to i Cae 30 (7). This iva re ait except {er rectangular clus basse whee ie proportion ef the ttl sheatiag eee tre by ach face of the eal ton fs deternnate, Forth ae sugested that each face shoal by conadered to rss searing fre eel folthe pessre on an area bounded by the face. two gona les draw fom Pe 1S CODE. SECTION a-DESION CONSIDERATIONS CLAUSES oa oo {fl {he colon ores 4 deg the princi ans ofthe hase, ad ht pain 42-Bllcs aan of wire The sins yr fn wot tinge ‘of the corresponding eige or edges of the base intercepted between the wl ‘diagonals. = (0) Where supported at top and bott SUBSECTION ac: STAIRS cn Reese 24, tt of ning otic ct hep =eotmeen et lA yee, Feri teal, cu Wr ag lonley eae fem, Le vom 4 | ae, sees | i] eve spn or sae eoppered atch ed by Inds i 244, Permletle strates In rlafored igh “The perminibestresee where lightweight aggregates in accordance with | Steins 3s i) ane re me opts wt ort’ cements Cm ping th BS. or BS ie are gen int 4 nln Below } conse ts whe pple ud Capon te emmmeneees | 1 Soca 3h for deugned mete mies te perme compre | a-abgregate cone tmivelatemiatpaicanencartensaatocngacs ||| | | ig Lending on sales bat tate wae us BS. CODE, SECTION $—DESIGN CONSIDERATH ren compyng wis BS Soler BS 0 ges Subdooe wat Mar ewenin Sutctace Siierame serene Eeeipbaaer em oameve mesa See aioe vada aarecintains ame et ed Seaton ate arts permite gga 23 Bend sree Fr Nr baa ame a ae th pi, satchel ne tpn ofthe evade ot Fer vr nn ico, the aus prt Cue 50 may soe sync n emi ct er ee aa Concrete mae wi ighimiht ages permed by Clase 0) nd ean digo to have tanh ca ota conc mae ak Gael or rhe tok agri BL Wid ten asc fe cat Tan ‘ikea ightodgnagegtc cee hars eater selace easier an rey, ths issn net meat he iyo taco fd the nee on ervey xb rele By sae Sel cng “Toe types of ehieight ageegte stable fer ue in reinforced eoneete ae aval in this county ead lsfurnae dg expended Cy ‘Shed pavers ath” aerate cx aul rc oda by tatig he ml with mate, SoS ae tet Rene eo pane aa fads! yg a uae chy nel ste Bint, when expands into a elar mater asset ft ferns fg ‘thin the material. The raw ey may Noel contain garmin Conse Sr the ay fae tobe ded panded cy spree may bea eer [lets produced nay oref gens ft ae rolucd ons se pute pend uh tain ying pees made rom most rere har to Be nfo pleted och ighteidhtogere sway Ee fal one i fe coneete wil usually have epity of abot ser ber cube when famed turns lage, 1051. per calc fot when usog expanded chy or sintered palveise 4 CLAUSES 518-348 ae fac ash, The agereate mst be stably graded andthe properons of the tat isa chon hat the concrete cane uly compace, bn ode to Oba $reg apt en pe sae tf bed ting cnet an Se oe actin o morewhan wit th other types of lighweight age: re re incine, r iuwed Seat conte ob Ogee Bly ay angi eqrmert wih the range specie in Clue 5 wi ast op tego yes cent c= Dled with mpeoved thermal nuation nt’ retane Gee Append ‘oop tes Sve sown ht ee ie irene beeen he eae en ee oncete and Hghtwgh-aggrrate concrete of the sume ‘pee sath heen ses st nh goal cukng s See aes en igh hngrates ate sed he emia sein SOE ts oi hve tee os ted eeu of ee SISESLue to neesaes complying wth BS. 52 ot BS. roy. ree bond ocath of tart ligktwightagetegate cnet depends ot inthe the bree ete or bosotl ring esting. Tn efuron, with he rae oy he bond suenth eblaned isto hat developed conte ta weict greats andthe sane bond sree ay be adopted in eae, 18 Fre abocsas nthe come beneth faraatal ars toa moh ester eee than in grevel const, with enrespnding ection n band tenet Satmage akin cat be hed by gable design of the coneete mistre, aaa athe malar content as crich sx poe the Code Das Hime the Pattee ard cae to only enehal ol tone apleabe to conte made Seria apregaen, ‘Ths lnaton clases the band stress that may De ‘hed ih gets bays tests Bove sisted that ip at the eds of rei Bene eel irtgnteghaggregte concrete beams ocas a ond srs of ‘epena othve quate thesrou ot which the same Sp Os in rel |, Permisile scenes in the relofrcoment. Th pombe trees Mhaduimemany eioneenougept cnet et ele Sim cine SS cea the prs tei ses ld 0 SES ano fia ‘Teta have indiatel that the widths of cracks in fightweght geese concn bats ate somewhat ener thin in solar beams made with ere Gere concrete. When said sel fenorcment 6 wed, the diference 1 SEEy ete af say importance, When hgh sted i sed, bowen, the ‘rmivule sas ints eel vary dependent othe coespoding dees of eh an wie to ln the sre to goo Tb. per ware neh stead of ‘Soow by pec square inch av adopted in Clube 3 fr velfeeement in concrete Bus wat agpegates complying with BS. 82 er BS. To. “44 sltinss of membre, Reni ahha once BOUge eejond ton we wot ckeund 6D HE the recommendations of ‘Bh Sn rarer ato dp sary Pac 6 BS. CODE, SECTION 3-DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS, 20000 tin and cone sees not mate has 180 yin he ag ‘Bera Sot eeu ee ai ‘Seber wih stl str grater tan 2D 000 ifn’ of canes ee Fe ae coer eens es Sa 30 0H Tn. nd cance vest he 8 me reo nt na np do ot ae ft ‘Table 24 Ligntwclaht-aggrogate concrete: permsalbe rales of he soe deta i a ed oi i apne eerry Seat ic ie ‘Because of the lower modus of eastey, greater ainkage and eee of aught aggregate cmcete and alsa the tendency fo mere tv crc ing ‘ih cone escampared with gavel coerce metas ogee nay bea mich as 3004 pe et mere when ight seas ‘sg wed insted of Gers aggregate. To kimi tis ec, Ue Code rere {he we of Somer saniepth ratios fer beam and aby of ightwegcegaens However, oc slab wth impored loadings not greater than 6 persue foot the dedctins unde load res tietore, the Case permite the ‘not arcally crt sn for these Cons, ‘ee ofthe same spandepth rate speed In ‘Clase 36 for const with dees ageegses, eich gerepte once shoal Be eat fleet sort em dee om columoe. Leo col of entree teh ce i a3 hee eral dneson Ses ota ad {Gren Table 16 are eplaed by hee gree BSCE emi fe etna aed ant subjeted to loa in the dietion of thelr length (at Subecuse 311) SE: Retored concrete wall, Heincroa ghteigh-oggregte nee eight of the wall exces 10 ines the wall Wickes doce coseen 18 gen In Table 25 far cola shoul ny CLAUSES 340981 ‘ rae Read orotate concrese sateen oe EE ee oe Scoebonmenrmaeucem icra er eer ceh ‘he low modulus of laity for ihtvegh aggregate concrete afte not nly the oda at o be wedi cleat fans bt a he edicton eos forthe sgt of lng slams The oSet i of gest importance fot ‘ery Sender clam Fer ealeltons of sength bate onthe date thenry the mods rato tobeasiumed tobe ras whan a dene concrete ued The adoption of higher ‘ate wou Jed to eahanced cabeaated stents that have nat been id ‘perimental 138. Coer, The cro slncet eheihggene ence ise stu at ta Sir eed vera codon psn "crete apc eae angth Jen than 200 Tin i ray nie to maisan cove fait Ii oa tl oven for trl Few dat ae yet avaiable onthe efecsivenss ofthe prteton of rein forcement povided by the cover of lighweigtagpeate etme, would ‘expected that ts tonree woud permit, moe really than esse cone, theca af mattze, oxygen and carbon dod, 0 that a addins dept of ‘over Wald be eceiary forthe sme pono protection. oweres, he ype ‘ot agregae icy oe of ever actors influent darality of reiforeed atte comments on Clase 2), and the adtonal requirement gia i ‘laste shouldbe stilt to este tsactery bear SUBSECTION 9}: RESISTANCE 70 FIRE 251; Fre resatance of vane concrete Consideration souk gies {othe re vectance of nro cosa mes teen ey ene as BS, CODE. SECTION 3~DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS hyundai espa anf uate ee of eee ee “The Se resistances of srctral laments are related to the standard tex, specie BS. 476 Inte test the element i subjected fo end epee to tbe fll Gen value, th lad tang tsntained cotstantthougest he eating peri The cement i heated n't fuate, the tempettace ef whieh 5 contd to fallow s standad time-temperature catve with values of 19h 70, ga, 20 and aao0 dog Feat f , 2, 4 and 6 hour ropes. Toe {Git rel i stated in tar ofthe meet ofthese tte tha does ot ence that fa wich the liment contins to sity the aloming reece (o) it should ot cllpae; (0) i hs Tunetin 8 10 spuate space) eae ‘Should not develop that low anes ops tough (i) the average tmpestte (tthe unexpred face soa a ncease above the intl temperate by mote than ago dey F, and fa) the temperatre of the unexposed face shoal nt St tay poit increase aoe te inital temperstate by more than 329 dey foc rach value higher than 30 eg F 52 Bet of cel eet Coc sae ar vy ted id'mipte, grlsged exeneeo sich il eg sbout oc! ee ‘ation Te ate of tack may be reduced by gon Smpaction and the it Sr a‘toe iperonale sepgae:Tncaed artanc to toe fr ot ‘ria attach may be btied by te we of ghana emestet ‘Sipate senang eet, o y the ae pte Sst "ere derive aft be com sna cate wi oso quae di dd pr ay In indastrial uss of concrete many tgs, land fat are encountered whieh flee concrete. Mary of thee present speci problems. nd spc ‘eatment spptopate othe exe require Mk and whey aie arma to both Porta and hish-atumina cement tomeeten and special surface ecteton {is reed for ts purpose strong impermesble grille rearing may ‘e'isol provided that tia washed doen af ast aly with copious spy ok water Animal and vegetaie fate such at aren the ap a ad fod ne ‘Goris ten have seus elect em concrete Sugar sltion, some rea {ts al the stonger and see ofthe weaker nega and rfc ws att ‘ecrmentl to conte in Wasi dere Where contact with soc agente likely fo cea, eomeete shoud be protected by seca sale testes et a olabe inslating material. These ate matters on wich specalst 200 ‘Should be sought (Seals comments ox Clase 201). SECTION 4.—WORK OFF SITE SECTION 5,-WORKMANSHIP 0, Concrete ‘entmsunio, The gant of cea shuld be determin By eight “tae gn oe ol cue gps eter ery ‘Shur stay by sgh noe tect we nal be oe ‘Mest gen ale Sad eyo he a evga ry apiestes ae wed wes sowance mst be ae ‘Sri. Su Cae 2 ‘Wherever practicable, the material for coneste haul be proportioned by welt. Mesouemnt of aggregutes by vole ca led fo comer variation Ine feportions fos thse sumed inte sgn oF Sed forthe preminary fete, Mencrerent by weight i obligatory for designed onerete mixtures (Chae 209 (2) “Tete of iking requ to proce god conerte varies with ho typed sive Of miner wed, A prod of fro minutes wil in moet eee be suet | tein pe tp oly oe pay sts ehh en fa inde i Sop a potion on nding or ong. “The principal matters requng attention in examining the eficiney of sme of teapots are whether ono wil rode segregation he Ingredients of the conte, and wheter the meted ach tht exes Water tanaveurabe grading ofthe aggregates ncenary forts operation. ‘The ie {itn in tapering shoud Ee the shower pricteale Doing peenged ‘tears he cone may tend to tiles and forse weal eae em ‘vin frtber adatom of water This pete shal be probated, 1 1» 1S COME. SETiON sone mat ee mac emt re et i ee ae ere et Tye nn eh as (nb ein ct ctu amt sil a sb cn with vei ae ‘See test ramen ot a segge! stow in Fata the shape ofthe ete or jae being are os ‘Wn vor as ote eae on ace which a aden, shea ne Sah as commen ‘tteng so hased, the eneete Being Inveraly porous and Geet somata erat att ga Sava ae Seeckienmisaay sana ASI ett we a ear, rat fata eet oie. yea act eto Se ae om ‘adopted. Minalscasmend that where vires tte tones ined. Th increase retance to the percolation of mistre fom one se Sheeran ns nian renee et Sten Ga he ot po ae igh he Sustains oa! “ape of ction atin in ww ee, pot — ae TOS | SSS, tov Ponting Veni COMBED JOD wee = Ssngmleihe se pln nnn eons mig | Tine al ti ae Se cea at a ey ean rg | le ea et sonst malas ene ae ae sorter, Cements, However, de nt ll behave in he sane emer and wi tome the periods maybe cease, + Sinatruction Jolts—Teteatmest of concrete at constuction joints matter of cosierable importance Whee tute has vecared in ied onerete wore though the eo inferior coset, expetens thw it tobe ech more pronounced af these faints th sawiere the sateen, Faint eit is found thatthe mens any ocr cast the ate fonerete at the underside ofthe jit o atthe batom ofthe cnet A fhe ‘upperside of the joint. ‘The role at the top ofthe concrete ars rma fermaton of tant, kindof eum tat comes fem the eestor the ala ‘hint more nota with very we! eonree, pater we fey rsd ‘mente ar ed "Asa ell the top yer of covert ie excevly weak ad ‘ermeabl, ad has te power to reset Serutive agence such ert tod ‘crrsivewaten. At the Upper se of te ent toubles principally ase om fn excess of aguepite ands deideney of cement dit te segregation, Jae rp om he rte a2 srctin aa pe be onus Monona Conasonon Joo moved belore the concete has bardene are beng taken ot te start aaa uneree scent fo eave tin a perou and weshened contin Above alt CCompacting.—The operation of compacting i of fendamentaliportance ' important tose that st conte is thoroigly can etre wick eased opti of pod Conte Te nace to eae tat 3 CON oie em “rd that al senfoncemest ars oe ately ont oe Coca ose Spun “ti jis, wot able to the dlls yoni a tinal jit Se A enna te seg soe | ‘us me pret sinker fa eee een ‘ih comet hs be ore fed Ga he eal te ‘Nertical stop-boards, whether in beams, slabs, or walls, should always be provided ene ot ny Sd src at ane ed ith 30 tends of eh in of war i be cneteed eae pe Te sna ety ad ster 132 BS. CODE, SECTION 5—WORKMANSHIP of workability usally employe ia sito cones work. This mporta ‘Soce st must be realised that unk the conrete propery eoeslted Ie ‘racre i stegth wil al shor ofthe values termine by the wor te zcnasacat Vinacion.~‘Tie apeiston of bration fo iat coat ‘nas been accompanied by many dscltier ‘The Sequence sod access ‘eceary fo comolate precast potas ae known approximately snd can eal ‘app, bat iis ot peste to pei them procaly for cacrte Paced sli see the laws of raamisan of vibration thivaghconette sc not ge al Serio, "Tea be sid, hoeve, tat abs geerl ale the fee guencer shal, ot be les than 3.00 compete els (or vbratins) per minute Whe hws Aeeleratons can be apie to the shlleringof Set cores i i note) fe termine the resltant aeclrtions ithe concrete ill and te soe te of brates must therefore depend peo practical experince Sn them, “Acelrations of four tines the actlrtion defo gral. 8 ee a ‘recast prodote, ate wesly denratle if fall vantage be Sane eg the reddeed water content posible wih vibated coma, ‘Were vibration apple exteraly theres diay i roving shattering which is suficently sige to rest dcbrmation and at the se te ce ough 1 transit efienty the vibrations to the cenrete Spec types, Arable joints have ben developed which enable string tobe brated i ly, and to remain watertigh, without alecting come aleady eat ‘ith cast ist conseteoce ofthe sain pobis i to decide how long to vibrate the concrete. If the waton i andy pcooged saegation of segregate may occur, and the ikl! ofthis i icrned whee Uostale ‘ixtutes—asaly to wei—areemployed. Too shots part of bration eves & boneycombel surface ad, since a sitable perio cat be dteminel ony Ah its tectenmended tht th vie ofthe makers ol the nein) be soap ‘Aba general guide st cane sid that ies should be sapped whe as bats ave ease, or practically cased, coming othe stesso the sac ll ‘ontinaoa ‘ser fr hthatosin semen cr whe is prc gy ned {o,Gretgfowr Hoos an rape resi ant enc wi ay SIE i i rm ceateiy tena ‘etorered by a ayro wtepon ater medal fr the conees Spaced and sis matt shod Be het i ana i fo seee Se coving ig particu important th cements tht harden rapidly. Ie rscommenied by the makes o hghsomion coment tha the ster Sea te throughly wetted and shoal noraiy Be struck win foe 0s sr ad the conte pt wel for a east 24 hour oervse the tent ach impacto ace ding may eur" ats se {0!maatan a iow temperatare in he conte. vie in ge muses of gk hm cement concrete may rv sulicenty fo Caae dete a sree {won co wrasse, When depoting cnet ao fering cause a 9 cid ere Sey tte en sore rt tome beter me eae, ete rar Scuraemen oceania Eyton aa rmeet serpin otoconia ep, fein ce "soe ees crane leeds ea cae ne ES ae i “hina tans Sreieees rctceatee vse, Soe Sigg cieraaaiy ealeeneeeere ge iii chepeemibukctsdStesay recast See es WAS tear eda ” Gamee wich rosen ater badening oot permanently injured, The ve Sip pe iat areas sce rau Winey See Ee EP ahaa SERA ce ah abt tai tnt Sipe Att case oe RESTS ttn Ge Eeerneey 1 Stent ean inate once aS nae tM meee tes ot "SE teers tna ne cetera tomo aera enter Serie pear eraraeeuag nace Tac Se DEES 5 Mtlena obi ee ocr Saran 2G enamine newcion Ses APOC net ced mee “Fearne Sin tal see er behed ewpee eh Moog endear oats oe DSM Sac ie icrcay earns ws rr pci ae ih cement ea nt eee et REGIS ee cerrad prerborai SESS DNS Soy en a 14 BS, CODE, SECTION 5—WORKMANSI a i“ ears en erinay | ees | ay falas curren | | B] # | 8 re eae retina | § | 2 | Bo] og ae e/a] e| 2 2/8 |8 | 2 :|/¢ = Higham cement i]s ‘e nam a] 8 8 2 | 2 § te Weapucn For codecs see teaey = ASHE a =e wo | eta | Fier | cua, | aah, “ane F "oan. | SO coAUSE 52 155 ‘igure i has een sored hat the air temperature a the tne of pling the rete ago dg Fad hn nthe nex cle heat tale ato ste {ode ap then reais steady Thre condition are abrary, ba ay email rng ye typed er Ba The aed urs wl not apply to candies of wry severe es. ‘The dimensions even Ineate mas of coneee tan the ontens aey meson, won not fi ow eaing yin unl seat seventy-two hours afer peng. In these ‘enon is hough that he corte wl te hardened slit to exsre {Dat ne damage wi rest ron ot.” Figure ate ineaded for etn and for anda th ess wo condone re given, oe wih he mates sre mised at aie temperate and the ott in wich they ate pleated to temputace of 8 dF Thin temperatare may be reguced athe pactcal lt wey the caneetecan bere by prebesting meals ia fry weather “Th igus ier wl mot vay greatly fo any fhe erent concrete gpegtes argealy ae, "The uate 13 mcs ave ene {leas of intrest for comparison wih te gues frolic mstre ltongh i reaed tat sich mines ae not gently a "has Use or Cato Cmortoe When ccm ci adel to com zee tices the rate of chem reaction, ths leading to () a feesed fate of evaation of at Gring the eng of the crest and the eal petod at ardeing ad i) an err ate of Grvelopment of sength ring the peta (Consent the ae of ealsim cher ean be of gaat we for eoneee wk Snead wether “An ences amount of cam clei may ease to raid ting, leah to iat in pang the eonrete and may ae ren arson of ih ee Tecement” A lint 2 per cnt lcci erie by weight of he cement ‘ould ot beexteded ‘Calc elon should ot be ased with highalumina cement, aoe ping te ems See ae peatn show edwin ch te bade Seen ad eed ‘Sige ating i enjoin sone bys cnt comet inte enoreanene they sul be eo a mt ee an ‘pe eemene 02 pare a 4 limding,Reinhrcementshsld at be beat or tightened aa ‘ween Sry at ba aie at scion ot and ai haters oe wt elo 8 tar dameter for high ye bare. Cave shal So be tion wenn bck br parent i ightwngheagarate flere t nr at th coe aad the be wt Sad 396 BS. CODE, SECTION 5—WORKMANSHTP 4, Wading, Weting any pei wder sue coiton a wih siete cota with BS 0, Osyasegene weg Td ste BS. I, “Corel eqiowents be Ibe meta ar ig ste lig i of to Kad: () Tack or pons wong between ry ‘tg irewes th so Sf so en why saan asec pt ie eis. Te tcf m0 cal retin te 9 se ite ony fr ee oe lt fs ‘atic sng tame Wy cld warn told be gored ‘eel sora le tel i bee grantees re nncurste Saeoeeeoe ae detetceatauttienrenears met eon eet Seieireatcemne eran a ea nome ner ees See fon seca ee a Sh De eng i ae nh a hE Diyialers etna eras a oS matteo fa ee ee ees eee Scoala Sirrearan ay ecaeea Saeco aes roar 1 cree lta Soe es oud damage the reiforead concrete Beare thes aa tras are rove, Segre ait ree nce os «Combe. ec metas dese wo gine fea an parca 0 ‘ust tat te ba wil oe Rave a sagen they have tao py i ection, bat sl ot dase wal owed rine deo { Tetmac Formwesk show contracted tht the dimerso ot tedden emt en erm rast Compositions for plating on formwork may comix of mierl ols ome ‘of whieh ae sold as mal ei limewash, er forse rtrder Which dae the CLAUSE sot 9 feting of the cement and on removal of the form allows the sule skin of, erent be brushed aay fo expan the aggregate or Ibe purpse of ciaaing 2 dared sien Procenore waa Sonnans Fons Sugit minimar interval of ne ecw the pleng ot the enero and te hing of te bute se es Table 36a the pteds Dang based on comets of average quale. Tbe Tane 36, pe oe mn san ep ev Sele Fe in a ac Wi oe Tre ay ster enc hs rnin 1 bo romber of days dvig which the temperate fat fallen ow Seeing pont ould be abel to thee tines S04. xing oes. Bc or xing ieee, ee, may be bad isco pos tht th ego fete cover of any pet te ‘Sots edced below the tamed gud Uy Ce SECTION 6.—TESTING AND INSPECTION pian aioe eee Pe eg ee gt eee eed wearers amet met oe Eeeceseco merece ra Teer a ‘beam test of greater smcttude than tet proved by the esthy te Ein See SS = $e ch tn wt Sa ike beeen ea Eee eal oe eeomoareennmemi eee eee ee Suerte ate eee Srepenee og Cereana aoc are Sites er ecrermmmre eas are ise a Renita ont tae Seen as ud iro Soe Soar taeroce a SS eee resem ‘Bh ith me ed mined egy le ong (2D ot spesinos. The ts pecans soa be in, 8 eben, Reenter he masini ee ge “Tena sl eo meta ith er te ect main fo ‘et tha the oppose ses ofthe nein ae pr nad Fre Each ‘Boul shalt be provides with etl base having suet chil at ‘Tae rl mad and eg ae re “Ts gpcincs shold be scalded by pacing the eh nest in he ‘in tong and Raving ntoing ee ta ee wee CB we iting Te (CLAUSE eat 159 cog wb acted ta rt tre ee i. ‘Sapa lst ner bng esed 6 men oo eo ct omer ory meses of sable brag te il Slog formes Tet pci shal plan in mit ir ot nat te centers hai aga a teeta 30° °F fort a4 hem mene om We ati at he ‘mods ed pced a water af omperntoe of 59°F to 66" Funa equeed ee ae cercieente ae a apbee, the centre ef which comncides with the eentral point of the face Ghat Wap fo he evel the psimene et 1 soul te reaited that the palin test mat Ye eariad st unde rope cote conditions by flly-ampetent operator. For pecliinary tents the qunltcaof tho mates ae to be oermined hy weight On the work the cement has toe sed in weighed Goan, bot tie aggregates ray be determined by volume.” ‘The bass afte pepartians of the agrees ay sear be eof weume onthe Week ad of wight fr the reltnry tse Conseguntyinmalng peaenay ets ity be meee [st totermie te weit er eit volomeo the aggeates, Fer hs purpose the weet of aggeate raged tof container of koown volume inst be SEXIIEGL' Tus shou be dane withthe aguogate in n ry concn, the eveete being well shaken down. In this decoation ener outs the Girncy demande for the mossuranest of the we, namaly oe part one Thousand willbe gvedued a a aut ofthe Ooty of ebtaining a stadard [oant of compotion ofthe aguegat. However, asthe sree s malay ‘epee on teat of the weer othe event, ot of whi ean be reseed araely, the ers Sul ok apply act he strength ofthe emcee Sanne tonite cunped dang fhe poe he wok 1) Sopiing snc, Concer ho pci eld ake sano ta een eat 9 i at pen. TH et inn een

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