Homework - Session 3: A. Grammar - Fill in The Blanks

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A. Grammar – Fill in the blanks

1. Cai Lun, a Chinese official during the Han Dynasty, ____paper in AD 105.
2. J. K. Rowling _____ Harry Potter while she was teaching English in Portugal.
3. An adult giraffe ____ about 100 pounds of leaves each day.
4. Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook in 2004, and he _____ out of Harvard University the next
5. The search engine BackRub ____ Google in 1998.
6. Leonardo Da Vinci both recorded his ideas and ____ pictures of them in a notebook.
7. The National Defense Act of 1935 ____ the construction of six new air bases in the United
8. On May 7, 1915, as the ocean liner Lusitania _____ near the coast of Ireland, a German U-
boat sank the ship with torpedoes.
9. In 1975, the results of a four-year study ____ that the subjects who reduced their salt
consumption lowered their blood pressure by more than 6 percent.
10. Cellist Yo-Yo Ma, who was born in France to Chinese parents, ____ in the United States.

B. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative

1. It was warm, so I took off my coat. (take)

2. The film wasn’t very good. I didn’t enjoy it much. (enjoy)
3. I knew Sarah was busy, so I _________ her. (disturb)
4. We were very tired, so we ________ the party early. (leave)
5. It was hard carrying the bags. They ____________ really heavy. (be)
6. The bed was very uncomfortable. I ____________ well. (sleep)
7. This watch wasn’t expensive. It ______________ much. (cost)
8. The window was open and a bird __________ into the room. (fly)
9. I was in a hurry, so I ___________ time to call you. (have)
10. I didn’t like the hotel. The room ___________ very clean. (be)
C. Write a sentence (your example) with each word or phrase in present progressive tense

1. workout a session of exercises, usually in a gym.

E.g.: Cressida found that a workout at the gym helped her de-
stress after a hard day at work.

Your example:

2. fitness programme a planned timetable of activities to help someone improve their

health and physical
E.g.: Following a fitness programme at my local gym helped me
to stay motivated as I got back into shape after having a baby.

Your example:

3. competitive involving competition; wanting very much to win or be more

successful than other people
E.g.: Danny was very competitive and trained harder than
anyone else in the effort to be the best hurdler at his county.

Your example:

4. strenuous exercise exercise that needs a lot of physical effort.

E.g.: I used to hate strenuous exercise until I took uprunning to
lose weight and now really enjoy it.

Your example:

5. martial arts fighting sports that make both your body and mind stronger such
as karate
E.g.: My cousin have practiced martial arts for 5 years, and he
has made tremendous progress.
Your example:

6. injury when part of the body is damaged or hurt

E.g.: Lena was favourite to win the golf tournament until she
picked up a shoulder injury.

Your example:

7. sports facilities places and buildings used for sporting activities such as
swimming pools and running tracks
E.g.: There are excellent sports facilities at my university which is
one reason I chose it.

Your example:

8. to set a record to achieve the best result in a particular sport

E.g.: I knew my jump was a good one, but I couldn’t believe it
when I learnt I’d set a new long jump record for my college.

Your example:
9 to break a record to do something that is better, faster, etc. than anything that has
been done before
E.g.: The crowd in the stadium went wild when Usain Bolt broke
the 200m record yet again.

Your example:

10 underdog a competitor thought to have little chance of doing well or

E.g.: The British skiing team were definitely the underdogs in the
competition. So, everyone was shocked when they got third

Your example:

D. Presentation Task (Ray, Sam, Jennie)

Why was Marie Curie an important person in the history of science?

Write a paragraph to answer this question (other students)

Use simple past tense to talk about a successful sports event in Vietnam.

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