Civils Magazine

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Creative . Innovative . Variaty . Interactive . Learning . Sagacity





Ferdyansah Agustian Putra Helena Dewi Aprilia Nizar Pahlevi

01.2018.1.05774 01.2019.1.05992 01.2020.1.06097

Arief Maulana F Musdholifah Guntur T Naldi

01.2020.1.06098 01.2019.1.05980 Bimantoro

Muhammad Bagas P
We give thanks to the presence of God Almighty. Thanks to his
grace and guidance, we were able to finish this magazine. We also
thank Ms. Chyntia Heru Woro Prastiwi as an English lecturer. Last,
we would like to thank all the members who have worked hard to
create this magazine
We realize that the magazine we have created is still far from
perfect, both in terms of composition, language, and writing.
Therefore, we really hope for constructive critics and suggestions
from all readers to be a reference so that writers can become even
better in the future.
Hopefully, this magazine can add knowledge and experience for
readers and can be useful for the future.

Ferdyansah Agustian Putra

Editor-in chief, Layouter


Giving Solutions to your Works

Engineering Ken Maschke loves The team is on its way to one of Chicago’s most beloved
living working in the city of
icons. Rising from the ashes, 17 years after the Great
Chicago. From Ken’s viewpoint,
it’s structure that helps bring the Chicago Fire, the Rookery building was completed in 1888.
city to life. Many times they get involved with historic construction
Every day he gets to move to the and try to preserve it. At the Rookery building, they are going
pulse of a city filled with vitality, a
in evaluating the existing structure and just trying to come up
or ride, or climb, even skates. Ken
is licensed civil engineering at with new ways so that crews can keep it in top shape. “the
Thomton Thomesetti, a word- walls are basic masonry barrier walls new and the interior is
renowned engineering firm all steel frames from construction.”
“Civil engineering is really the jack of all trades of the engineering In the drawings, the civil engineers see a story of
profession. It includes transportation, structure. There are imagination and innovation. Elevators, electric lighting, panel
geotechnical, construction, water resources. Together it’s mostly glass windows, fireproofing, are features that define the
about the infrastructure that we all use and we live in” modern skyscraper. Ken has a desk, but you’ll rarely find him
Civil engineering foes back to the earliest days of civilization. there.
If anyone is responsible for building this country, it’s civil “Let’s open up the drawings and see if we can find out what’s
engineering. going on. Look’s like there’s a step here, so you see how thy
“Civil engineering is really a people-serving profession, especially the two beams adjacent to each other, then one of these is
when nature throws us a curve ball. When it comes to hurricanes, going to be high for this part, this bay could have a little more
tornadoes, earthquakes, civil engineering is there to make sure that snow load on it”
the building, and the infrastructure stays operating and stays safe Then it’s off to a presentation. Remarkably, Ken’s day
for people” has just begun. Ken grew up on a farm so you’d think the big
Ken and his team specialize in structural engineering “very simply city would mean a big adjustment. But in just a few short
put, structural engineering is making things stand up “already in his years, he has developed a special connection to the city.
career he has worked on a huge variety of projects. He has worked One of the reasons Ken went into structural
in baseball stadiums. Football, practice fields. engineering, it’s because he wanted to be able to show
He has worked on high-rises here in Chicago, and even people what he worked on. He has worked on that building
internationally, in Denmark, and in the UAE, in Dubai. The architect over there. Here’s another building he has worked on another
usually gives him a pretty picture of the skin of the building. one on this side of the river.
Structural engineering really looks behind that into the guts and the
bones that hold up that skin.

That’s why civil engineers don’t just work in companies like Ken’s.
You’ll also find them in municipal, state, and federal government
settings, research facilities, and universities. Ken holds a bachelor
of science and a master’s of science degree in civil engineering.
Very rarely does he works on anything by himself. But together,
that helps them to come up with the best solutions to the problems.
In a sense, their job is to pave the way for the future by
incorporating new materials, building techniques, and new ways to
save energy.
Green ideas like these are changing the way buildings are being
built and renovated all over the world. He thinks there are so many
other difficult questions about the building’s energy needs.
Engineers can be more involved with all aspects of that “instead of
just taking the skin that they give us for granted, let’s go back and
try to engineer a better way”
Ken sees Chicago as a living city, ever-evolving and ever in need
of improvement. “there’s always something new to work on. It’s
wonderful having that feeling that all of your hard work has paid off
into something tangible.”
As he looks on into the future, Ken can see there is no end to what
he can learn what he can do to help cities like Chicago thrive
They’ve worked on the Chicago Board of Trade building too. When
Ken was in high school he didn’t know necessarily that he wanted
Examples of ITATS alumni who work in the field of
to be a civil engineer. He was good in math and science but thinks civil engineering
the best engineers are those that are very well rounded and bring
together a lot of different ideas. Some of Ken’s projects involve
routine structural maintenance. Others push structural design to the
“Imagine putting a 50-story building on top of Union Station
structural engineers do. This meant that we need to look at all the
existing foundation and the columns, and imagine a way to support
the weight of a new structure on top of what it was already there.”
What most folks don’t see are the design challenges that
Ken has to face, “If wind gust were to go and hit the building, this is
the behavior that it would most likely start to move as. If it moves
too quickly or too much, people might get sick, and then there’s no
way you could sell space on the top floor” Name : Fendy Aries
A city would not be a city without building like these or Major : Civil engineering
Got his first job at CV
without rail lines, bridges, roads, water, and sewage system. Multiconsult as a field supervisor
Things people count on to keep their city working. after 1 month of graduation from
ITATS, now working at PT Tirtamas
“There is a lot of work that’s involved with maintaining all of these
as a public service.
parts of the infrastructure. And engineers need to be a little more
like Clark Kent than Superman.”
Prof. Dr. Ir. H Wiratman Wangsadinata

On December 27, 1959, Wiratman married Rohani

Prof. DR. Ir. H Wiratman Wangsadinata was born in Tamim, Wiratman was blessed with two daughters,
Jakarta, precisely in Jatinegara (East Jakarta), on the first Ir. Melani D. Djajasudarma, M.Arch, an
February 25, 1935, to R. Ating Wangsadinata, a Post, architect who is currently the Vice President Director
Telegraaf & Telefoondienst (PTT) employee with Nyi of Wiratman & Associates, in addition to managing
Mas Siti Asijah, a teacher who teaches at a teacher's and leading schools for children who need special
school. In 1948 he graduated from Europesche attention. The second daughter, Prof. Ir. Sofia M.W.
Lagere School, a Dutch-language elementary school. Alisjahbana Msc. PhD., currently the Chancellor of
Then he continued to SMP Negeri V and SMA Bakrie University. With the Decree of the Minister of
Kristen, in Bandung. In 1954 he entered the Faculty Public Works and Electricity (PUTL), starting on
of Engineering, University of Indonesia, majoring in January 1, 1960, Wiratman was appointed as an
Civil Engineering in Bandung (now Bandung Institute Engineer at the Roads and Bridges Bureau of the
of Technology), graduated in December 1959, and Department of Public Works in Bandung and at the
graduated in April 1960. same time, with the Decree of the Minister of
Education, Teaching and Culture (PPK) he was also
appointed as an Extraordinary Assistant in the Steel
Construction and Concrete Construction courses at
Musdholifah Guntur T
the Department of Civil Engineering, Bandung
Institute of Technology.
In 1962 the Minister of Public Works (at that time Ir Sutami)
Wiratman was assigned to accompany the Republic of Indonesia
War Remuneration Mission (MISPRI) for two months to Tokyo to
examine the plans for the Musi Bridge (now Ampera Bridge) in
Palembang made by Fuji Car Manufacturing Co. Ltd. In 1963
Wiratman was transferred to Perusahaan Negara Indah Karya, a
planning bureau under the PUTL DepartmentAt first he served
as an ordinary technical expert, then in 1965-1970 he was
appointed as Director. One of the important jobs handled while
at Indah Karya was the initial planning of the first toll road in
Indonesia, namely the Jakarta – Bogor – Ciawi (Jagorawi) toll
road. From December 1968 to October 1969, he was assigned
to study in England with a scholarship from the Colombo Plan.
His experience as a practitioner construction while working at the
Ministry of Public Works until 1973 gave him the advantage to
always follow and be involved in many important projects in

On November 16, 1976, Wiratman founded his own consulting

company under the name PT Wiratman & Associates, and
through this multidisciplinary consulting company Wiratman
works for national and international interests.
The awards he has received are:
1. The Satyalancana Wira Karya Award from the President of the
Republic of Indonesia with Presidential Decree No. 76/TK/Tahun
2011, August 1, 2011.
2. Life Time Achievement Award 2010 from the Indonesian
Engineers Association (PII).
3. PII Engineering Award 2010 Adhikara Rekayasa, Individual –
Gold Category from the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII).
4. Writing Award Scientific Construction in 2008 with the title
“Innovative Solutions for Keuliling Reservoir Development”, from
The assistantship position is only held for 1 (one) year, because the the Minister of Public Works. , 2007.
following year he was appointed as an Extraordinary Lecturer with the 5. Construction Work Award 2008 for Innovative Solutions for
task of teaching in the Concrete Construction course, in addition, he Keuliling Reservoir Development, NAD, from the Minister of
became an Extraordinary Lecturer at ATEKAD (Army Engineering Public Works.
6. Anugeraha Sewaka Winayaroha Award from the Minister of
Academy) in Bandung from 1960 – 1963 in the Steel Construction
National Education, 2007.
course, and also in the Department of Civil Engineering UNPAR
7. Award for achievements and works in national construction
(Parahyangan Catholic University) at Bandung in the course of services 2003 –2007, from the National Construction Services
Concrete Construction from 1962 -1983. Development Agency (LPJKN), 2007.
8. Award “Construction Figure” in 2005 for Works and Dedication
in the Construction Sector, from the Minister of Public Works.
9. The 2004 Construction Scientific Paper Award with the title
“Planning Rigid Highway Pavement with Dynamic Methods”,
from the Minister of Work General aan.
10. The 2003 INKINDO Prasetia Award for its loyalty in fostering
and developing INKINDO, from the Indonesian National
Association of Consultants (INKINDO).
11. The 2003 Construction Work Award for the Underwater Sill
Beach Building, Tuban, from the Minister of Public Works.
12. ASEAN Achievement Award for Engineering in 1994 from
the ASEAN Business Forum. 13.Adhicipta Rekayasa Award for
Civil Engineering in 1994 from the Indonesian Engineers
Association (PII).

Start from under Yos Sudarso street
connecting the Balai Pemuda and the parcel of
Jalan Pemuda 17. The floor under the road
(basement) was planning to have 2 floors or 2
levels. The basement floors will have two
functions, the 1st floor as a public space and
the 2nd floor as a parking lot again in addition
to the one in the Balai Pemuda basement.
The total land area, Surabaya square will use
about 1.4 hectares. The area is an integral part
of Balai Pemuda, Yos Sudarso basement and
Persil Jalan Pemuda 17.
The excavation system used by the Surabaya
City Government is different from that used by
the contractor for the basement project PT.
Nusa Konstruksi Engineering (NKE) on the
Gubeng highway. PT. Nusa Konstruksi
Engineering uses a fully open-cut system, then
the City Government uses a top-down system.
In working on the underground area with an
area of 860 square meters and a depth of 8
meters, initially, the project will be excavated
only a few meters deep for the planting of piles
and preparation of road construction again. The Head of Building Division of the Public Housing and Human Settlements Office and
After the foundation is ready, Yos Sudarso
Spatial Planning, Iman Krestian said that the idea of constructing the Surabaya Square
street, which was originally potholed, will be
underground was the idea of the Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini. Iman said the idea
closed again.
came about because Risma saw that there was no town square in Surabaya. Meanwhile,
The construction of the basement under Yos
Sudarso street is targeted to be completed other areas in East Java already have a town square.
within 6 months. For this reason, the Surabaya The expectation is that this can provide the best place for people to do their activities, that's
City Government plans to completely close the the idea of the Mayor. One of its functions is to accommodate residents' artistic activities.
road for 6 months.If the concrete needs drying Previously, the Mayor of Surabaya Tri Rismaharini said that the construction of the Surabaya
without being addictive, it takes 28 days. Let
Square was a commitment of the Surabaya City Government to provide a positive space for
the hardening acceleration be so. But let's be
Surabaya children. Risma explained, the design of the square next door. The east side will be
safe, we'll give the spare time 2 more months.
different from the west of Surabaya town square. The east of Surabaya town square will be
So a total of 6 months
Because the foundation was installed before equipped with a plaza, entertainment stage, and grandstand seating for art performances.
digging deeper, the soil wall slide that occurred Interestingly, the east of Surabaya town square will be built with the Sawunggaling Statue and
on Gubeng highway could be avoided. In the Surabaya History Diorama. These statues can become icons in Surabaya Town Square.
addition, by working on a model like this, Yos
Sudarso street can be reused even though
underground construction is being carried out.
For road resistance, the road has been
designed to withstand loads of up to 90 tons.
People don't need to be horrified to pass Writer
through a road that is filled with rooms Helena Dewi Aprilia S
What’s green building ??
Is a building that combines the concept of good land layout, efficient
electrical energy, efficient use of water, comfortable room conditions,
environmentally friendly building materials and does not cause pollution, as
well as in building and operating buildings in a green or environmentally
friendly manner. The purpose of this green building was designed for
healthy buildings and does not have bad influences on the surrounding
environment, the goal of this green building is to boost efficiency in the use
of power while reducing some negative things that can harm the
environment. Green building is also created to change negative impact and
turn them into a positive impact on the environment. Recycling garbage
before it is discharged into rivers is one example.

There are a number of features that may make a Now, we can take you to the next continent,
building ‘inexperienced’. Those include: namely Australia. there may be an iconic building
·Green use of strength, water, and other assets referred to as One Central Park that is placed in
·Use of renewable energy, including solar electricity Sydney. The building is a combined building between
·Pollutants and waste discount measures, and the an apartment and a mall. Why is this building
permitting of re-use and recycling declared a green building, from an economic
·Appropriate indoor environmental air exceptional standpoint, the landscape design of One Central Park
·Use of materials that can be non-toxic, ethical, and had to be sustainable in terms of lasting materials
sustainable and planting, the reuse of wastewater for irrigation,
·Attention of the environment in design, construction, and ease of upkeep.
and operation This building was built in December 2013 and
·Attention of the best of the existence of occupants in constructed during 3 – 10 years. This building has a
design, production, and operation lawn at a peak of 166 meters and designed a lawn
·A layout that enables the model to a converting of 64000 rectangular meters. Designed through
environment Jean Nouvel and Patrick Blanc by combining nature
In various countries around the world, the designs and the city. it's was hoping that this construction
and shapes vary according to the circumstances of can filter out pollution in the air and create a secure
the surrounding environment considering that each and funky atmosphere.
country has different cultures and uniqueness in
building each.

Arief Maulana F
One Central Park has a lawn on every balcony ground. For the time being, some of the countries around the
where the lawn is filled with various types of flora world, including Indonesia, have adopted green building
including grapes, local Australian vegetation, and leaves. practices, for examples are :
Over 35.000 plants are hanging in the wall of One Central ·BCA Tower on Jakarta
Park. And this building has a vertical hanging gardens ·Sequis Centre
which is the uniqueness of this building. The partnership ·Ministry of Public Works office
of French botanist Patrick Blanc and architects Ateliers ·Pacific Place
Jean Nouvel inspired One Central Park's vertical gardens. ·Teraskita, etc.
This park's concept is a hydroponic garden , which is After exploring the buildings in Australia, we now see
positioned at a height of 50 meters and sits on a slab that the green structures constructed in Indonesia. This is the
supports a building floor. Central Park also provides a Sequis Center, which is one of Indonesia's green buildings.
number of features that can have a positive impact on the Located at the Sudirman CBD location in South Jakarta.
environment for examples This building was designed by architect Hasan Vegel from
- Rainwater from roofs Intaren Architects from Thailand. This structure was
· Storm water from impermeable surfaces/planter box constructed in 1980 as an office building and this building
drainage has a total of 13 floors. Even though it can save up to 2812
· Groundwater from basement drainage systems percent of electrical energy, this construction has been
· Sewage from an adjacent public sewer certified as an environmentally friendly construction.
· Sewage from all buildings within the Central Park Sequis Center is the first skyscraper in Indonesia to
community implement the green building idea by shading the
· Irrigation water from all green walls building's facade with GRC (Glassfiber Reinforced
· Drinking water from the public water main. Cement) material. The unique shape of the shade on this
building's exterior also helps to minimize direct sunlight
interaction, allowing for more effective air conditioning
1. Miscommunication with builders
The occurrence of
Frequent miscommunication can affect the
work of other craftsmen and the
results of the building. Some work
problem of has been neglected and the
working condition is usually not in
accordance with what the
contractor contractor has agreed with the
In order to reduce the
possibility of miscommunication,
the contractor must consider the
Contractor in construction is very professionalism and experience of
important. The building contractor is the chosen craftsmen.
responsible for everything that
happens in the construction process
from start to finish. The big role and
responsibility of a building contractor
sometimes cause various problems.
The following are problems that 3. Dealing with naughty
often occur in building contractors. After designing building
materials that are needed by
2. Determining quality building contractors, they need to determine
materials the right sales of building materials.
The quality of building The seller of building materials will
materials affects the quality of the affect the quality of goods and
building. High-quality building estimated delivery. Reputable
materials certainly produce high- suppliers have always maintained
quality building as well. In choosing their reputation for putting
quality building materials, the customers first. The exiting goods
contractor usually face the issue of are not original, their authenticity is
price/budget from the client maintained, and has gone through a
The contractor’s job is to selection process first besides that
choose the best building materials the delivery is on time and according
with limited funds, if the budget is to the order.
not limited, the quality problem is
easy. However, if the funds we very
limited the contractor. The
contractor will have difficulties.
To overcome this the
contractor can make several
considerations. One Is buying large-
sized building materials so that they 5. Facing building failure
are cheaper in the calculation All building failures and non-
conformities are the responsibility of
the contractor. The burden and cost
of repairs during the maintenance
4. Missed time calculation period are the responsibility of the
A client usually demands a contractor, no longer the
definite schedule for the completion responsibility of the client.
of the building, although estimates Therefore, the maintenance period
are never certain the contractor is the time to determine whether a
must provide a calculated estimate. contractor is good or bad.
In other words, the construction
must be completed and on schedule
There are many factors that
can affect the calculation of the time
that has become an agreement
starting from the supplier. If the
development delay factor comes Writer
from nature or unexpected events, Ferdyansah Agustian Putra
the client will understand and not 01.2018.1.05774
feel disappointed.
Civilians Hub: Evidence of A Great Opportunity to Build A Civil
Engineering Startup Company

As we know, today's digital demands are very high in social life. Likewise in the field of civil
engineering, there are currently a lot of the latest innovations in this field. Civil engineering,
which is arguably the science of civilization, must always be able to adapt to these
technological advances.
Talking about technology, lately, there are a lot of people talking about a Startup. For some
people, the word Startup is certainly familiar, Startup companies are mostly engaged in
technology with the aim of solving problems that develop in social life. The President of the
Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo in the opening of the Digital Generation Acceleration
said that currently Indonesia has 2,319 startups and continues to grow.

However, these Startups are very rarely found in the civil engineering sector. Still
can be counted on the fingers for this Startup that moves from the sector of civil
engineering. This was seen from 4 civil engineering students who have then used it
as an opportunity to intervene and present themselves by creating a startup in the
field of civil engineering.
Finally, on March 23, 2021, a digital Startup engaged in education focused on civil
engineering was born called Civilians Hub. Civilians Hub is here to answer
problems in the field of civil engineering, especially the gap between the
professional world, the world of education, and society. Starting from the field of
Education, Civilians Hub focuses on civil construction by disseminating knowledge
and simplifying information that is packaged more informative and easy to

Ferdyansah Agustian Putra
Novan (the CEO of Civilians Novan (the CEO of
Hub) Civilians Hb) said
that they have 3 main
missions, the first to
provide the latest
information on
developments in the
world of civil
constroction to
professionals and the
add money as a drafter during
the pandemic
The second is to organize seminars and training in the field of civil
engineering for prospective civil engineering engineers. Then the last
one is to establish mutually beneficial cooperation synergistically with
business partners and official and private institutions. With these three
missions, Civilians Hub believes that they can give a new color to the
world of civil engineering and be able to connect the gaps between
professionals, academia, and society.
Since its establishment, Civilians Hub has tried to be active on social
media through Instagram (@civilians.hub). Civilians Hub routinely
provides a digital content literacy platform, especially regarding the
development of the civil engineering world through Instagram.
Currently, Civilians Hub has more than 3,500 followers on Instagram.

important aspects of planning to

realize a safe Indonesian toll In response to one of its missions, Civilians Hub regularly organizes
road events in the form of webinars and short courses for civil engineering
students and the public who want to know more about civil engineering.
For society, studying the world of civil engineering is certainly an
interesting thing in itself. They can find out more about a building
construction that can stand and minimize the possibility of being
deceived by irresponsible people when they start to build a house.

Civilians Hub has held 2 webinars with the term “Bincang Teknik”, each
webinar was attended by more than 250 participants from all over
Indonesia. In addition, Civilians Hub has also successfully organized a
software training event called “Civilians Corner” that supports the
analysis of high-rise structures, namely the ETABS software short

Through the official Civilians Hub account on Instagram, they are

SCAN HERE currently holding a Revit short course which is planned to be held in
February. On this occasion, Civilians Hub is seen trying to delve deeper
into Building Information Modeling (BIM) using Revit software. This
knowledge of BIM really needs to be mastered by civil engineering
students in order to answer the challenges of the industrial era 4.0. For
you who are interested in participating in this training, you can directly
register through the official Instagram account of Civilians Hub.
Civilians Hub's step into being one of the Startups in the Civil
Engineering field, it is hoped that in the future more students will
innovate by creating new inventions that will increasingly color the world of civil engineering.
It has a 6-hectare campus
located on Jalan Arief Rahman
Hakim No. 100 Surabaya. The
number of students is around
5,000, 87% from East Java
Province, the rest from various
provinces in Indonesia from
Aceh to Papua, even from
abroad, namely from Timor
Leste, Malaysia, and Canada.
In its development, until now
the Adhi Tama Institute of
Technology Surabaya (ITATS)
has 4 (four) Faculties with 14
(Fourteen) Undergraduate
Study Programs 1 (one) and 2
(two) Undergraduate Programs
2 (two). Currently, ITATS already
has 4 Faculties consisting of 14
Departments in the
Undergraduate Program and
two Programs in the
Postgraduate Program, the
number of ITATS students has
reached 5,600 students.



In the teaching and learning

H I S T O R Y I TAT S OF CIVIL process, the Adhi Tama Institute
of Technology Surabaya (ITATS)
ENGINEERING is supported by around 300
(three hundred) permanent and
part-time lecturers. Related to
participating in the intellectual
Institute of Adhi Tama Surabaya known as ITATS
life of the Indonesian people,
is the most complete and quality technical
the Adhi Tama Institute of
college in East Java. It was founded in 1963 which Technology Surabaya (ITATS)
was then known as the Surabaya Engineering has a high commitment in the
Academy (ATS), then in 1984 it became the Adhi form of Vision and Mission as a
Tama Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITATS). reference in implementing the
Tri Dharma of Higher Education.
Written by Ferdyansah Agustian Putra

What will you do in 15 years later on your major I have a harmonious family, given 1 son and 1
right now? daughter, have a wife who diligently worships,
we know that you wanna do many things 15 years loves my mother and father and my different
later. But don't worry, if you are still confused and prolonged own family, a spouse who is patient in
don't know what will you do. caring for and instructing her kids. The point is she
has become a totally top-notch mother

second, I have a house with at ease and neat

talking about dreams may be very a laugh facilities in one of the housing estates in Surabaya,
due to the fact we can become many things, come I've 1 car and several motorbikes. 1/3 I have a hit
to be great people or get something we actually career that other humans want inside the task.
need easily even though in fact it is not as clean as Fourth, I can ship my dad and mom in-laws on a
we imagine. pilgrimage. 5th, I'm able to open several
but trust that we can attain that dream, organizations in several fields such as meals,
absolutely everyone has the expected goals, I boarding, constructing materials, apparel. sixth I
additionally have dreams that I want to attain. here will excursion around Indonesia and Europe. My
I can talk about some of my goals. seventh might be even higher, learning from my
modern revel in. properly, that is the description of
starting from now, 10 years from now I
my plans for the subsequent 10 years. Hopefully,
might be 32 years old, let’s say together. First, at
that age I have a pious wife who's also top at this dream isn't a wishful questioning but this may
cooking and can exchange me into a better person be realized in order that it becomes an actual dream
than I am now
Cvivil Engineering
1. Building Construction Consultant /
Graduates majoring in civil engineering
can work in the field of building
construction, for example in positions
as a structural engineer, site engineer,
drafter, and estimator.

2. Development programs or projects

Civil engineering students will be able to
work on a development plan, for example,
roads, toll roads, bridges, hospitals, dams,
and others. Our country is one of the
countries that is still intensifying
development, so being a civil engineering
student and later participating in a career in
the construction of facilities is a good

3. Civil Servants
Government agencies also need civil
engineering graduates. Examples
include agencies and agencies such as
the regional planning agency, PMU-
Bina Marga, hospitals, the Department
of Energy and Mineral Resources, the
city planning and landscaping offices.

Writer Musdholifah Guntur T 0.2019.1.05980

Cvivil Engineering
4. Aquatic Resources Engineer
This profession is responsible for
building water supply facilities. In
designing aquatic systems, they must
consider the design, management, and
maintenance of the system
(underground wells, natural springs).
This profession ensures that the
surrounding community can obtain
hygienic and contamination-free water

5. Construction Engineer
A construction engineer is responsible for
the design, management, and supervision
of various construction projects, be it
buildings, roads, bridges, waterways,
sewage systems, etc.

6. State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN)

Some SOEs also provide vacancies for
engineering graduates, for example in
Cipta Karya (Planning), Waskita Karya
(Building), Hutama Karya (Roads and
Bridges), and other SOEs.
I’m just a pile of dirt the land of despicable
and always being trampled many people
investigated me
Just knowing how much power I have.

And you are Sondir boring test as an

explanation of how much power I have.

Even if you stab me with your cone.

You punched me with your hand drill.
And you took a part me.
But I don’t care about all your treatment.

Because I know one thing.

That you always need me in your every test.

Naldi Bimantoro
Nizar Pahlevi

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