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Academic standards - soil

Conceptual understanding

1. The student will understand the formation of soil and different layers of soil.
2. Student will be able to classify soil into different types based on its texture.
3. Student will be able to analyze the type of soil based on the ring form by the soil
4. Student analysis the comment soil is a good habitat
5. Student gives examples of different uses of soil are the products that we directly get from
6. Student will reason the difference of weight in 100 grams of soil air sun dried as the
percentage moisture of soil
7. Student forms a mental map to better understand the concept of percolation.
8. He also finds a mind map to remember the types of soil’s by its texture namely clay loamy
sandy light clay et cetera.
9. Student gives reasons on why planting more trees avoid soil erosion are why the farmers
plant large trees around their farm.

Asking questions and making hypothesis

1. Students will ask the importance of earthworms and other insects end burrows of different
animals and the relation between soil texture.
2. Why does sandy soil has less water holding capacity ?
3. What is soil made up of?
4. Students does this type of questions and infer some conclusions or results like crops suitable
for particular types of soils.

Experimentation And field investigation

1. Students will be divided into groups and do various experiments on various sites like garden,
school ground, banks of river et cetera and prepare a soil profile.
2. Student will perform the ring test to identify the type of soil
3. Students will record all their observations in a notebook
4. Students will compare their notes with other groups to better understand the soil profile
offer large area
5. Students will analyse the reason behind crop rotation and particular crops choose in the
particular season.
6. Students conclude the different types of crops based on the soil

Information skills and project work

1. Students will collect the samples from a site and observe different particles and life forms
present in the soil sample
2. Students will tabulate different types of soil and crops suitable to be grown.
3. Students will participate in plant a tree initiative voluntarily.
4. Students will display different types of pottery items Ann clay dolls an other things made out
of soil

Communication through drawing and making models

1. Students will prepare a chart to display importance of soil conservation and different
measures of soil conservation
2. Students will draw the diagram of different layers of soil on a chart and paste in the class by
marking different horizons of the soil.

Appreciation and aesthetic value

1. Students will appreciate the importance of soil

2. Students will write slogans on save soil and poems about soil by designing different

Application to daily life and biodiversity.

1. The use of clay idols for Ganesh chaturthi.

2. Students will appreciate the hard work of earthworms in making the farmland fertile.
3. Students will appreciate the use of mud utensils to prevent soil pollution
4. Students will also appreciate in admire the role of plants and grass in controlling soil

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