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Teaching Preparation

Subject : Grammar
Class : III (Three) TMI
Semester :1
Week :4
Month : July, 2022
Chapter : Part of Speech

Learning Objective
In the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to:

o Speak and write English correctly o

Understand about the part of speech

The Preface
I am sure that you can speak English well and fluently as long as you want to use it in
communicating with friends every day and every time, basically you use this language in
your daily communication. this morning we will learn about Part of Speech.


The words in English language are grouped into the part of speech according to their
meanings and their functions. There are eight parts of speech :
>> Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Preposition, conjunction, Interjection.

NOUN: is a word used as the name of anything : a person, an animal, an object, a place, a
situation, a quality or n idea. Example :

a. take your book please!

b. Andy is listening to the radio

c. Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia.

PRONOUN: is a word used as substitute for a noun. Example:

a. this is my car

b. I like the person who is diligent

VERB: is a word that qualifies a noun or pronoun by describing it. Example:

a. John studies grammar

b. They looked tired
ADJECTIVE: is a word that qualifies a noun or pronoun by describing it. Example: a.

James is a diligent boy.

b. Rony has two pens

ADVERB: is a word that modifies or describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.


a. Ali run quickly

b. He speaks English well

c. They talk extremely fast

PREPOSITION: is a word placed before a noun or pronoun to show its relationship to some
other words in a sentence. Example:

a. She goes to canteen

b. Please! Stay for lunch

CONJUNCTION: is a word used to connect one word to another sentence. Example:

a. Rudi and Ryan came yesterday

b. She has breakfast before she goes to school.

INTERJECTION: is an evclamatory word or phrase to express a sudden feeling of mind or

emotion. Example:

a. Well, you must go now!

b. Oh, look at the time!


• How many part of speech are there?

• What is conjunction? Give the example from it!
• Give the example sentence that consist of interjection!


State wether the underlined word in each sentence is a noun, a pronoun, a verb, an adverb,
an adjective, a preposition, a conjunction, or an interjection!
Subject : Grammar
Class : III (Three) TMI
Semester :1
Week :2&3
Month : August 2022
Chapter : Noun

Learning Objective
In the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to:

o Speak and write English correctly o

Understand about the Noun

The Preface
I am sure that you can speak English well and fluently as long as you want to use it in
communicating with friends every day and every time, basically you use this language in
your daily communication. this morning we will learn about Noun.


Noun is a word used as the name of anything-a person, an animal, an object, a

situation a quality or an idea. Noun is divided into six kinds.
a. Proper Noun
b. Common Noun
c. Material Noun
d. Collective Noun
e. Abstract Noun
f. Possessive Noun

Proper Noun is a word that stands for name of person, country or any particular
names which begun with capital letter. Example:

a. Zainab listens to the radio.

b. Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia.
Common Noun is a word that denotes no one thing in particular, but it is common to
any number of the same kind. Example:

a. Take your book, please!

b. I met a man yesterday.
c. Everyone has to love his country.

Note: Here, book doesn't point out any particular book, (Al-qur’an, this book,
the yellow book, etc.) but can be used for any and every book.

Material Noun is a word that denotes the matter, or subtance of witch

things are made. Example :

a. Salt is necessary to live.

b. This ring made of gold

Collective noun is a word denotes the group of collection of multitude

taken as one complete whole.

a. I see a large congregation at masjid.

b. The army made the ceremony.

Abstract Noun is a word that denotes some quality, state or action apart from
any particular instances or material object. Example

a. Quality : the teacher will be happy with your kindness

b. State : we have good pleasure today

Possesive Noun
When we speak of possession, we often mean ownership-we may also mean
something that belongs to a person or is part of him or her. The underlined words
below are nouns. They are called possesive nouns, because they show possession of
the noun that follows. Example:

a. Hadi's sincerity
b. Hani's hand
c. House's roof

• How many kinds of noun are there?

• What is possessive noun? Give the example from it!
• Give the example sentence from collective noun!
Teaching Preparation
Subject : Grammar
Class : III (Three) TMI
Semester :1
Week :4
Month : July, 2022
Chapter : Pronoun

Learning Objective
In the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to:

o Speak and write English correctly o

Understand about the pronoun

The Preface
I am sure that you can speak English well and fluently as long as you want to use it in
communicating with friends every day and every time, basically you use this language in
your daily communication. this morning we will learn about Pronoun.


 Pronoun is a word used as substitute for a noun. It is divided into seven kind:
a. Personal Pronoun
b. Possessive Pronoun
c. Demonstrative Pronoun
d. Relative Pronoun
e. Interrogative Pronoun
f. Indefinite Pronoun
g. Emphatic and Reflexive Pronoun

 Personal Pronoun is a word stands for the person speaking, spooken to, or spoken
of. It may be the subject or the object of sentence Example:
a. I have a stamp album (subject)
b. She is kind lady (subject)
c. My father gave me a present (object)
d. Mariah visited them yesterday (object)
Subject Pronoun Object pronoun Possessive Possessive
Adjective Pronouns

I Me My Mine

You You Your Yours

He Him His His

She Her Her Hers

It It Its -----

We Us Our Ours

They Them Their Theirs

 Possessive pronoun, the pronoun used to show the possesion Example:

A. the blue pen is mine.
B. is this key yours?

 Demonstrative Pronoun is a word that point back some nouns going before ( this,
that, these, those ). This and that refer to singular nouns, while these and those refer
to plural ones. This and these refer to persons or things near the speaker while that
and those point to person or things farther away.
Example :
a. This is match and that is reading book
b. My father gives me five pens, my mother gives me two books, and these are in my
c. Both pails are full : but this one holds more water than that
d. These sandals are new, but those boots are old

 Interrogative pronoun, are used to ask questions and they are who, whom, whose,
what, and which.
a. Who gave you this letter?
(Used as a pronoun and the subject of the question.) b.
Whom are you inviting?
(Used as a pronoun and the object of the
question.) c. From whom did you borrow the
ladder? (Used as a pronoun and after a
d. Whose is this pen?
(Used as a pronoun in referring to possession.)

 Indefinite pronouns is a pronoun that doesn’t specifically identify what it is referring

to. For example, the word someone is an indefinite pronoun in the sentence
Someone ate the last slice of pizza. We know that the pronoun someone refers to a
human being but we don’t know any other information about them. Indefinite
pronouns vaguely or generally refer to a person or thing.

 Emphatic Pronouns, emphatic pronoun is used to emphasize the noun or pronoun

which it refers to. It usually follows immediately upon that noun or pronoun
although it my also come at the end of the sentence.
Example :
a. The leader himself wrote the song.
b. They cleared the garden themselves.

Reflexive pronouns, reflexive pronoun functions as the object of a sentence and

comes after the verb, but itrefers to the noun or pronoun which is the subject. In a
sentence with a reflexive pronoun thesubject and the object are the same person.
Example :
a. The boy told himself to work hard.
b. She scolded herself for being so lazy.


• what is demonstrative pronoun ?

• Give me example from possessive pronoun!
Subject :
Teaching Preparation
: III (Three) TMI
: 1-4
Month : October, 2022
Chapter : Verb

Learning Objective
In the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to:

o Speak and write English correctly o

Understand about the verb

The Preface
I am sure that you can speak English well and fluently as long as you want to use it in
communicating with friends every day and every time, basically you use this language in
your daily communication. this morning we will learn about Verb.


 Iam walking to school. walking is a verb.

 the melon looked ripe. looked here is Linking verb because it tells us what the
subject is, not what the subject is doing.
 betty looked at melon. looked here is action verb because that describes an action.
 I write a letter. A letter is the Object of Verb. So it is Transitive Verb.
 I go to school. This sentence doesn’t have any Object. So it is kind of Intransitive
 Transitive Verb is verbs that need any Object.
 Intransitive Verb is verb that doesn’t need any Object.

 Verb Is a word that expresses an action or state of being, and the time of when it is.
Of all the parts of speech, the verb is the most important. It is the moving power, the
motorof sentence. Without it, there is no sentence.
 Some verbs tell of action you cannot see and some others you can see. These verbs
are called actions verbs.
Example :
1. Betty needed help.
2. Irfan had a good idea.
3. My father started the car
 Transitive and intransitive verbs, Some action verb have direct object, they are called
transitive verb. Some other do not have direct objects, they are called intransitive
verb. The same verb may be intransitive in one sentence and transitive in another.

 Regular and irregular verbs, A regular verb is one that conforms to the usual rule for
forming its simple past tense and its past participle. In English, the "usual" rule is to
add "-ed" or "-d" to the base form of the verb to create the past forms.
Irregular verbs, A verb in which the past tense is not formed by adding the usual -ed

Example regular verbs :

Play, played, played
Talk, talked, talked

Example irregular verbs :

See, saw, seen
Go, went, gone


• What is verb ?
• What is different between regular and irregular verbs?
Subject :

Teaching Preparation
: III (Three) TMI
Month : November, 2022
Chapter : Exercises

Learning Objective
In the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to:

o Speak and write English correctly o Understand

about the chapter we have learned

The Preface
I am sure that you can speak English well and fluently as long as you want to use it in
communicating with friends every day and every time, basically you use this language in
your daily communication. Now, I’ll give you some exercises and please write and answer it
on your notebook.


Pick out the verb in each sentence and state whether it is transitive or intransitive.

1. The children run slowly in the first two laps.

2. Ali drives the car recklessly.

3. The team trains regularly

Fill in the blank with the correct pronoun.

1. Let us help …… to the food.

2. You must learn to take care of …… 3. Few people blame …. Of things

go wrong.

4. The children …. Organized the party.

Put the material nouns below into a complete sentence!

Stone, Sand, Steel.

Complete the sentence with common noun!

1. I see ….. in the zoo.

2. Don’t drive …… in hurry

3. Don’t bring my ….

4. The wild animal live in ….

State the part of speech of the underline word in each sentence!

1. Agus works well

2. They live in prosperity

3. This is the kind of man I detest

4. Lutfi is never late to school

5. Put the parcel on the table.


Subject :

Teaching Preparation
: III (Three) TMI
Month : November, 2022
Chapter : Examination

Learning Objective
In the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to:

o Speak and write English correctly o Understand

about the chapter we have learned

The Preface
I am sure that you can speak English well and fluently as long as you want to use it in
communicating with friends every day and every time, basically you use this language in
your daily communication. Now, I’ll give you some exercises and please write and answer it
on your notebook.


1. how many part of speech are there? Mention it !

2. what is noun ? mention six kind of it !

3. give me the example from possessive noun!

4. what is verb?
5. what is the differences between linking verb and active verb?

6. fill in the blank with relative pronoun who or which!

Here is the pen ….. you lent me

The mangoes ….. you plucked were not ripe
The person ….. is in charge has not arrived
This is the student ….. comes from Surabaya

7.what is preposition? Give the example from it!

8.give me the example from collective noun!

9. give me the example from conjunction!

10. what is adverb ? give me the example from it!


Subject :

South Tangerang, 10th of July 2022

Director of TMI Supervisor Teacher

Drs. Mursopi Salim, M.M M. Kurniawan Ch, S.Pd, M.M Sabrina Listiandari

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