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Basic 6
Open Mind 1


Frequency: Monday – Wednesday - Friday
Schedule: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Branch: Euroidiomas online
Need to know
• About the course: 12 sessions
• Book: Open Mind Level 1 - Units 10 – 12
• Participation is important
• Evaluation system:
Oral participation (3) – Written task – (1) Final oral exam – Project
*See rubrics

01 | Understand the main idea (listening skills) 02 | Connect ideas

03 | Talk about memorable experiences

Unit 10
• In groups, you will ask and answer some questions about your last vacation.
• Remember, we need to use the correct form of the verbs.

• What did you do on your last vacation?

• Well, I went to … with … and we visited …
Reading practice – simple past
Task 1: In class, we are going to read the text and in groups they are going to talk about it.
Evaluate their speaking
Task 2: They solve the questions

> Skills

Page 103
Can you order the events?

• I walked to the store.

I cooked dinner. I bought some groceries.

Can you order the events?

What word or words can we use to indicate the order of the events?

I walked to the store.

I cooked dinner. I bought some groceries.

• We can use words that indicate a sequence. This means the order in which
events happen in a story.

• E.g.
• First

I walked to the store.

I cooked dinner. I bought some groceries.

Page 104
Your turn
What memorable experiences do you remember?
Memorable experiences
Link: Q & N
Tell your partner what happened yesterday. Talk about events using sequencing words.
In the morning, I got up at 7 a.m. First, I did exercise watching a video. Then, I took a shower to
relax and after that, I had breakfast with my family because we were together. I started to work
an hour later and …

Following the example on page 104, share a story in the past. Use sequencing words, and adjectives to talk about your memories.
Page 105
• Past experiences
Your turn
• Now, choose a good or bad experience and share it with a partner. Use the past
and sequencing words

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