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‫ االسم‬-------------------------------------------------

Microbiology assignment 2
1. Sterilization by steam under pressure is called
a) boiling
b) autoclaving
c) tyndalization
d) steaming

2. antiseptic is chemical compound used to kill bacteria on ---

a) non living surface
b) inanimate surfaces
c) animate surfaces
d) none of the above

3. ------is used to clean blood spill

a) Chlorox conc 1:5
b) Chlorox conc 1:100
c) Chlorox conc 1:50
d) Chlorox conc 1:20

4. autoclaving :
a) At 2 atmospheric pressure at 121 C for 3 min
b) At 3 atmospheric pressure at 134 C for 20 min
c) At 2 atmospheric pressure at 121 C for 3 min
d) At 2 atmospheric pressure at 121 C for 20 min

Mark true or false:

1. Boiling kill HCV, HBV, and HIV
2. Ethanol is better disinfectant at 100% conc than 75 % conc
3. Plastic syringe can be sterilized by radiation
4. Vitamins can be sterilized by hot air oven
5. Phenol is an antiseptic
6. Hydrogen peroxide is not an antiseptic

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