Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalisation

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advantages and disadvantages of globalisation.

Globalization serve an essential part of our human race. Without it there is no development
in people’s Community. the removal of trade restrictions, unrestricted capital
mobility, affordable transportation, and a surge in the usage of electronic communication
technologies like the Internet. These events paved the way for globalization. Longman
business English dictionary. (200).London.Huge multinational companies are pioneers of
globalization. Their new inventions, researches and product made a good and bad impacts
to our society. The competition among these companies led giving manufacturing best
products to people. “A global company views the world as a single country. We know Argentina and
France are different, but we treat them the same. We sell them the same products, we use the same
production methods, we have the same corporate policies. We even use the same advertising, in a
different language, of course”(Zeien,1998,P.10). not just that employees of these company get a
opportunity traval country to country but sometimes its hard to do Griffith, V. 1998). Financial
Times. 7th April.P.10 Usa is like globalization’s motherland most of new things came from
there. as an examples they have a fast growing technology, Hip – Hop Music culture,Food
Culture and American style youth culture, And they already gaining Millions of new
followers world wide. As an alternative, a dizzying array of 'ethnic' foods, such as Thai,
Szechwan, Mexican, and Indian, are now available throughout Europe, North America,
and Australia. In fact, a lot of people who live in and travel to Britain think that
globalization and the ensuing "fusion" of food is the best development for English cooking
in the last 500 years. Thanks to globalization whole world is like a one network people
share their ideas, Technologies, People, Products, plants, animals and other resources like
that. This network is permanent and it it will serve people all around the world for a better
future. The disparity between the rich and the poor, the concentration of power in a
small number of hands, the extinction of local cultures, the destruction of biological
diversity, the rise in regional tensions, and the environment's impending collapse are all
factors, though. That is the depressing truth about globalization. The basic needs of
individuals and communities are marginalized by a global economic system that sustains
itself. Ransome,D (1997) Globalisation - an alternative view ', New Internationalist, (296),
pp. 8. Globalization is causing poverty and inequality to spread around the world as
national governments lose control over their development strategies and policies. Elwood,
W. (2001) The no-nonsense guide to globalisation . London: Verso.

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