Unit 3photoshop

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Staring Photoshop
Photoshop is an important tool for graphics designers and professionals to work with images. The Photoshop
cs5 has many tools which can be used for formatting and editing images. Photoshop provides the standard
color and lighting correction capabilities historically associated with photo editing, but it also provides filtering,
painting, masking, layering, and many more tools that allow you to take image editing to the next level.

Getting started with Photoshop

The Photoshop editor starts with following steps:
1. Click on the start button a push-up menu appears
2. Move the mouse pointer and select all programs options a sub menu appears
3. In this menu move the mouse pointer over the Adobe Photoshop cs5 option and click the left mouse
4. The adobe Photoshop program window appears
5. The program window provides the designer with workspace area.

Opening an Existing File

Every version of the Photoshop come with some images or uses images which are located in the user folders
and directories. For Opening and existing image file the following steps are:
1. Click the File Menu, A list of option appears
2. In the list of option. The Open dialog box appears on the screen. From the look in option select the
location from where we want to open the file.
3. Choose the file by selecting the file.
4. Click on open button, the file opens up on the screen.

The Photoshop program window

The Photoshop program window provides the user with many components. These components are basic
features of Photoshop using which the user can work on an image. The Photoshop program window contains
the following components:

Title bar: the title bar is the top most bar of the Photoshop program window it contains the name of the
application is adobe Photoshop.

Menu bar: the menu bar is a collection of menus. Each menu contains a list of commands and each command
performs a specific task. The different menus are File, Edit, Image, and Layer, Select, and Filter, View, Window,
and Help.
The commands related file are under file menu and similarly the commands related image editing are under
image and layers related options are under layers menu.etc.

The Option bar: the option bar is located below the menu bar. The option bar displays the options specific to
the tool we have selected from tool box. For eg if we select the marquee tool the option bar will display the
options specific to marquee such as single selection mode, add/subtract selection mode, style of selection ,
height and width of selection.etc.

Image Title bar: when we open an image using photo shop, an additional image title bar appears on the top
of the image. The title bar of the image displays the vital information about the image. This information
includes name of the file, format, zoom size, color mode and bit size of the image.

Status bar: The status bar is located at the bottom of every document window and displays useful information
such as zoom level, file size of the active image and other details.

Rulers: Rulers helps the user to position images or elements precisely. Rulers appear along the top and left
side of the image.

Palette Well: The Photoshop options bar includes a palette well that helps to organize and manage palettes.
The palettes well stores, or docks palette that user uses more frequently.

Palettes help the user to monitor and modify the image works. We can customize the default palette
arrangement in the following way.
To hide or show palettes including the tool box and options bar press tab key, to hide or show all the palettes
except for tool box press shift + tab keys
To display a palette menu, select main window menu and choose the palette sub menu.
To change the size of the palette drag any corner of the palette.
To minimize the palette double click the palette’s tab.

The Different types of Palettes are,

The Navigator palette: the navigator palette is used for navigating through an image. It provides all in one
tool for scrolling and zooming. It is useful when we have a large image and also for small manipulations.

Color Palette: the color palette is used for selecting and applying the color to the images. We can also use this
palette to define new colors by mixing 2 colors. To change the color model of the color sliders, choose a slider
option from the color palette menu. The color palette menu is under window main menu.

Swatches Palettes: the swatches palette stores colors that we need to use very often. We can add or delete
colors from the palette or display different library of colors for different projects. The swatches menu is under
window main menu.

Style Palette: Style Palette gives the predefined styles for the project. The Styles palette allows you to view,
select, and apply preset layer styles. By default, a preset style replaces the current layer style. You can use the
styles in the palette or add your own using the Create New Style icon.

History Palette: The History palette stores and displays each action performed allowing you jump to any
recent stage of the image alteration. The alterations should be created during the current working session;
after saving or closing the document the History palette clears all the contents. Each time you apply a change
to an image, the new state of that image is added to the palette. The History palette can store up to 20 stages.

Actions Palette: We use the action palette to record, play, edit, and delete individual actions .this palette also
lets you save the load action files.

Layers Palette: In a flat image every pixel resides on one single plane. The layer named background is the
base layer. As we start creating the layers, they appear in ordered position above each other inside the layer
palette. We can change the layer orders as required for project. As long as an image is on a layer, we can move,
transform, skew, rotate and edit it with other layers.

Channels Palette: the channels palettes let you create and manage channels. The palette lists all the channels
in the image-composite channel first for RGB CMYK, and lab images. The channel palette is a sub menu of
Window main menu.

Path Palette: the path palette lists the name and thumbnail image of each saved path, the current working
path, the current vector mask.

The Tool Box

The Toolbox is a set of tools, which are used for creating the images and editing them in a number of ways, the
tool box contains selection tools, alteration tools, drawing and selection tools, assisting tools, color boxes and
modes. The important tools are as follows,

Marquee Selects an object by drawing a rectangle or an ellipse around it.

tools(rectangle ,ellipse)

Move tool Used to select and move objects on the page.

Lassotools Selects an object by drawing a freehand border around it. Selects an object
(lasso,polygonal,magnetic) by drawing a straight-edge border around it. Selects an object by drawing a
border that snaps to the edges of the defined area of the object.

Magic wand Tool Selects all objects in a document with the same or similar fill color, stroke
weight, stroke color, opacity, or blending mode. By specifying the color range,
or tolerance, you can control what the Magic Wand tool selects.

Slice tools Used to cut images into slices, which can be exported to a web page.

Crop tool Click the tool button, and then click on the area of the image you wish to

Selects and cuts parts of an image.

Healing brush tool Corrects small blemishes in scanned photos.

Brush tool Draws lines of different thicknesses and colors.

Clone stamp Takes a sample of an image and applies over another image, or a part of the
same image.

Art history brush Paints over an image using the source data from a specified history state or

Erase tool Removes part of an existing path or stroke. You can use the Erase tool on
paths, but not on text.

Paint Bucket tool Fills and entire area with a specific color of your choice.

Gradient tools Applies a gradient fill to a selected part of the image or to an entire layer.

Blur tool Blurs the sharp edges of an image.

Type tool Types text on a page. Every time you click the Type Tool on a new portion of
the page a new layer will be created.

Eye drop tool Takes color samples from colors on the page and displays Tool them in the
Color Boxes.

Zoom tool Magnifies or reduces the display of any area in your image Glass Tool

Hand Tool Allows you to move around within the image.

Pen tool Draws smooth-edged paths.

Color Boxes The foreground color appears in the upper color selection box and represents
a color that is currently active. The background color appears in the lower
box and represents an inactive color.

To change the foreground color, click the upper color selection box in the

To change the background color, click the lower color selection box in the

To reverse the foreground and background colors, click the Switch Colors
icon (the arrow) in the toolbox.

Modes Edit in Standard Mode and Edit in Quick Mask Mode are used for modifying
images in the unmasked or masked area.

Screen Modes:
The screen mode refers to the way of viewing the documents. Photoshop provides three types of screen modes.
To change from one made to another, we use screen mode icons located at the bottom of the Tool box.
Standard Screen mode
This is the default mode for viewing the documents. In standard mode, a document appears in its standard
form. In this mode, an image is displayed with all the screen components such as title bar, menu bar, tools box
To view an image in this mode, click on the standard mode icon at the bottom of the toolbox.

Full Screen Mode with Menu bar

To see an image in this mode, click on the full Screen mode with menu bar icon from tool box. The image is
opened with title bars and a light grey background fills empty area around the images.
Full Screen Mode
To display an image in full screen mode. Click on the full screen mode icon from Toolbox. In this mode, we can
see the image set against a neutral black background. The title bar, menu bar, task bar all disappears, but we
can still see the Tool box, Optional bar and different palettes on the screen.

Creating an new file:

The following steps are used to create a blank image,
1. Click on file menu on the menu bar, a list of options appears on the screen

2. Select New Option and Click Mouse pointer.
3. The new dialog box appears on the screen, Click ok button.
4. A new blank file opens up on the screen.

There are various options of the new dialog box

Name Provides you to give the name of the new file

Width and height This option lets us to specify the width and height of the new document in any of the
file units:-pixels, inches, centimeters, point, picas.

Resolution It is the number of pixels per inch in the final printed image. If the resolution of an
image is 72ppi, ie 72 pixels per inch.

Color Mode This option is used to specify the number of colors that can be appeared in the image.
The various modes of options are Bitmap, Grayscale, RGB, CMYK, and Lab Color.

Background Content This option is used to change the background of the image. We can choose from
white, background color and transparent.

Saving file:
Once the required changes are made for a newly created image or existing images. We have to save the file
content in order to store its data in the memory of compute. To save a file the following steps are followed,
1. Click on the file menu in the menu bar. The list of options appears Click on the Save As option form
the list
2. The Save As dialog box appears on the screen.
3. Type the file name in the box beside the File menu option.
4. Click on the Save button. The Save As dialog box closes and file is saved with specified name and type
under the specified folder.

Reverting files:
Many a times we accidentally make unwanted changes to our files. If the number of changes is large, rectifying
each and every change consumes a lot of time. To avoid this waste of time and effort, we can use the revert
option in the file menu. This option will ignore all the changes we have made and will transform the file to its
last saved version.

The following steps are followed to revert a file:

1. Click on the file menu in the menu bar, the list of options appears in the display screen.
2. Move the Mouse pointer over the revert option and click. Or we can use a shortcut key F12 for
reverting images.
3. The current file is reverted to its last saved version.

Closing file:
Once the file saved or reverted a file then can be closed. The following steps are used to close the file,
1. Click on the file menu, the list of options are appeared in the display screen on file menu.
2. Select the Close option to close the file. Or CONTROL+W to close the files.
The different types of Preferences are included in Photoshop including General display option, file saving
options, cursor options, transparency options, and options for plug ins and scratch disks options. Preference
setting is saved each time when we exit the Photoshop application. When any damage happens to applications
the preferences restores the applications.
To open the preference dialog box, the steps involved are,
1. Move the cursor over edit menu and select edit menu from main menu bar.
2. Select the options Preferences and select the menu.
3. The preference dialog box appears with General setting details

4. We can select other Preference options: File Handling, Display and Cursors, Units and Rulers, Memory
and Image.

Working with Images

Vector and bitmap images
There are two types of graphics images. Bitmap (or raster graphics) and vector graphics. Bitmap graphics are
created by combining pixels to from an image. Vector graphics are made up of objects like line, curves, and
shapes placed on top of each other to create an image.

A vector image can be described by the mathematical definitions. A line can be drawn by joining number of
linear placed dots in bitmap and a line drawn by two points say between a and b is a vector graphics.
Vector graphics are resolution independent, ie they can be displayed on output devices by different resolutions
without losing any quality. Moving, resizing, or reshaping a graphics will not distort the image quality.

Bitmap images are resolution independent because the data described the images is fixed to a grid of a
particular size. Enlarging the bitmap images redistribute the pixels in the grid, often making the edges of
images appear jagged. Bitmap images are more suitable for photo realistic images that request complex color

Image size
We can change the Photoshop image size with user requirements. The image size dialog box allows us to
change the image size. Altered image appears either sharpens or blurred because resolution of image remains
the same even if its size is changed.
Changing the image size: The following steps are used to change the image size,
1. Open an image to be resized
2. Click on the image menu in the menu bar. A list of options are appears.
3. Click on image size option. The image size dialog box appears on the screen
4. Click on the check box beside constrain proportions options
5. Double click on the box beside width options. It will highlight and change the width automatically
height will be updated.
6. Click on the ok button in the dialog box.
7. The image appears in the new size specified.

Image resolution
Resolution can be expressed as number of pixels per unit of printed length in an image. Resolution is
measured in pixel per inch (PPI). In Photoshop image resolution and pixel dimensions are interdependent. The
amount of details in an image depends on its pixel dimensions.
To change the image resolution the following steps are used,
1. Open the image size dialog box by selecting the image size option from image menu. In the image size
dialog box, double click on the box besides the resolution option. The value of box gets highlighted.
2. Enter a new value for resolution
3. Click ok button. This change the resolution of the image to the new value specified.

Editing images
Images can be edited using several editing tools such as rotating, cropping, resizing the canvas, filping,
Rotate an image:
To rotate an image the following steps are,
1. Open the image to be rotated
2. Click on the image menu and a list of options appears and select the option rotate canvas option for
rotate a image. Rotate canvas option provides sub options such as rotate the canvas with 90 degree
clock wise, 90 degree counter clock wise and arbitrary rotation with specified angles.

3. Then press ok to rotate, the rotated image appears.

Cropping images
Cropping means trimming an image. It is used to remove unwanted portions of an image, which helps to
reduce the size of the file. The following steps are involved to crop an image,
1. Open image to be cropped
2. Select the crop tool from tool box. The shape of the mouse pointer changes to the crop tool cursor. Now
place the mouse pointer on the image and drag it to create a rectangular selection over the part of the
image that you want to keep.
3. Release the mouse button, instantly the crop selection appears which handles the corners and sides.
The unwanted portion will be in black shield.
4. Press the enter key or double-click inside the crop region, it automatically crops the image.

We can hide the cropped area instead of deleting unwanted portions using layers. The optional bar to crop
provides this feature.
We can also reveal the hidden images, using Reveal All option. The following steps are used to reveal the image
1. Click on image menu in the menu bar. A list of options appears on the screen.
2. Click on Reveal all option in the list. You get back to the original image.

Canvas Size: - using Canvas size option we can add or remove workspace around an existing image. If image
size is increased the surrounded color is background color, if it is decreased then the image is cropped.

Opening a file created in illustrator or Freehand

An EPS (encapsulated postscript) file is a file created in adobe illustrator or macromedia freehand is always
vector format in Photoshop. When an EPS file is opened in Photoshop, it rasterizes the files, means it converts
the file from vector to bitmap.
The following steps shows us how to open an EPS file in Photoshop
1. Click on file menu, list of options will appears.
2. Click on open option, the open dialog box appears.
3. In the open dialog box select the File type option and select Photoshop EPS and other vector based
4. Select files of EPS format and open the files.

Color Modes
Photoshop provides several color modes that help when working with images. Color is just different intensities
of light at different frequencies. However, that data needs to be translated into a quantifiable form that can be
understood by Photoshop, the monitor, printers, and ultimately user. It also helps you understand the
bits/channel settings for the image modes.
A color mode is simply a method to translate the light captured in an image into a digital form that the
computer and other devices can understand. Each color model breaks the light into one or more channels and
then assigns an intensity level of each channel for each pixel in the image. Photoshop provides several color
modes that match the most common color models.
To use a specific color mode that provides the best management of the color. To set the color mode of an image,
select Image ➪ Mode and then select the mode you want to use from the main menu in Photoshop.

Bitmap mode
The bitmap color mode contains only one channel with only two possible levels, 0 and 255. The translation is
that a bitmap is a black and white image without color and even without shades of gray. In essence, the image
becomes a series of black dots on a white background. This may not sound very useful. However, there are
several good uses for these types of images. The most common use of the bitmap mode is outputting the image
to a black and white laser printer.

Grayscale mode
The grayscale mode contains only one channel, but unlike the bitmap mode it can have intensity levels from 0
to 255. The grayscale mode is useful if you are outputting the image to a non color printer.

RGB color Mode

You likely will use the RGB color model most often. The RGB color model is used by computer monitors and
the human eye. Photoshop processes its wide range of vivid colors quickly. RGB is the model that most closely
matches the human eye for two reasons. First, RGB uses three colors similar to the receptors in the human
eye. Second, RGB is additive, meaning that as you add more color, you get lighter, in the same way that more
color results in the eye seeing white.

In the RGB model, colors are divided into three channels of red, green, and blue. Each channel has an
intensity level range between 0 and 255. Each color is made up of a combination of intensity levels from these
three channels, resulting in the possibility of over 16.7 million different colors. RGB provides by far the most
vibrant use of colors of all the color models and is supported by most file formats..

CYMK color
The CYMK color model is completely different from the RGB model in that it uses a subtractive method,
meaning that the more color is added, the less light is seen. This is one of the reasons the CYMK model works
so well for printing. Another difference between the CYMK model and the RGB model is that it is made up of
four channels: cyan, yellow, magenta, and black. The black channel is necessary because adding the ink all
together makes a dark brown not black, so if you want the printer to print true black, we must have a separate
channel to specify black.

Indexed color
The indexed color mode contains a single channel with a single set of indexed colors. Converting an image to
indexed color reduces the image to a set of most important colors.
The duotone mode defines two colors and uses on contrasting color of ink over another to produce highlights
and middle tones in a black and white image. To convert an image in duotone mode we have to convert the
image into grayscale.

Lab color
The Lab color model is very different from RGB and CYMK. The Lab model does have three channels, but
instead of all three dedicated to colors, only two—a and b—are dedicated to color; the third—Lightness—is
dedicated to luminosity.

The Multichannel mode separates out the channels in the current color model into spot channels. Spot
channels can be used to store parts of an image that you want to print in specific inks or spot colors. For
example, you can print specific inks from a Pantone library.

HSB mode
This color mode contains three factors – Hue, Saturation, and Brightness.
Hues represent the colors in their purest form.
Saturation refers purity of the color, for e.g. A 0 saturation equals to gray color.
Brightness: the colors are represented as a degree of lightness and darkness. For e.g. 0 brightness refers to a
black color.

Setting the current Foreground and background colors

The two colored boxes refer to the tools box are the current foreground and background color respectively in
the order. The default foreground color is black and default background color is white.
When we click on the foreground or background color, the color picker palette appears and we can set a new
foreground and background colors.
We can set the current foreground and background colors of the Photoshop document using the following,
 Color Picker Palette: the color picker palette contains several colors from which we can select a color
and set as foreground or background color.
 Eye Drop tool : suppose we want to apply a color of one image to another image and we are not able to
locate the color using the color picker or swatches then we use The Eye Drop tool from text box and
select the color and apply that color to foreground or background color.
 Swatches Palette: the swatches palette is another way to set the foreground and back ground color.

File Formats(Image File format for Photoshop):
PSD - Photoshop's default file format. Supports all of the features Photoshop provides.
BMP- bitmap image is a standard windows format and is supported by bitmap, indexed, RGB, Grayscale color
TIFF -Tagged Image File Format. These file formats supported both by most Windows and Macintosh programs,
but not all.
Supports almost all graphics applications.
EPS - Encapsulated PostScript. PostScript is a page-description language used by LaserWriters, and others
printers. An EPS image takes up about three times as much space as the same image saved in the TIFF format
- even more if the TIFF image is compressed. EPS is used by high-end professionals. Supports lab, CYMK,
indexed, RGB, Grayscale, Duotone color modes.
GIF – Graphical interchangeable format. GIF supports 256 colors. Non-lossy compression format. Works best
for images composed of solid colors. Available through the Save for Web command under the File Menu. Most
often used for Web Graphics.
JPEG - Supports thousands of colors. Is a lossy compression format. Compresses files by removing data.
Provides a range of compressions. Best for continuous tone images, such as a photograph. Available through
the save for web command under the File Menu. Most often used for web graphics. Supports CYMK, RGB,
Grayscale modes.

Making Selections
Photoshop provide the user to work with a portion of an image by selecting the part of the images from
different selection tools. Photoshop is equipped with various tools that enable selecting the parts of an image.
The basic selection tools of Photoshop are Marquee, lasso, magic wand tool.
The Photoshop also provides various commands such as Fill command and Grow command, which are used
for working with these selection tools. The selection methods such as copying, selecting, editing, pasting,
transforming, and inverting selection are made with different tools and commands.

The Selection Tools

In Photoshop the selection tools are two groups they are,
The Marquee selection Tool
The marquee tools let the user to select rectangles, ellipses, and 1-pixel rows and columns portions from an
image. By default, a selection border is dragged from its corner.
Rectangular marquee: This tool allows us to select the portion of image in rectangle or square.

Elliptical marquee: This tool allows us to select the portion of image in elliptical or circular shape
Single row marquee: this tool allows us to select a single row of pixels of an image.
Single Column marquee: this tool allows us to select a single column of pixels of an image.

Making selection with Marquee tool

To make a selection using marquee tool the following steps are:
1. Open the image
2. Right Click on marquee tool the marquee fly-out appears
3. Click on rectangle or elliptical tool.
4. Select image portion by selecting a point and dragging the mouse pointer to desired location.
5. To deselect the selection press CTRL+D

The marquee options bar: the optional bar of marquee tool gives user the additional features of marquee tool
they are,
New selection: To make a new selection
Add to a selection: Add some more areas of the image to the existing image.
Subtract from selection: Subtract some portion of image from selection.
Inserting with selection:
Feather: Used to create soft edges around the selection.
Anti-aliasing: enabled and creates a blurred, softer edge image.
Style: we can apply different styles by Photoshop.

The Lasso Tool
The lasso Selection Tool: the lasso tool is used to freehand selection in an image.
The polygonal lasso Tool: the polygonal lasso tool is used to make selection in the area bounded by polygonal
The magnetic lasso Tool: The magnetic lasso tool is used to select an object from an image. It selects the
required nodes and make easy to freehand selection.

The Magic Wand Tool: the magic wand is used to select the adjacent areas of the same color in an image. The
selection depends upon the tolerance setting of color. The higher the tolerance setting wider the selection. The
Magic Wand tool creates a selection
by targeting areas that are the same color. Use this tool if the area you want to select is all a
Similar color or colors.

The Grow and Similar commands

Grow: This expands your selection based on color. The areas that are adjacent to the selection that fall within
the tolerance range specified in the Magic Wand tool also are selected.
Similar: Like the Grow option, this also expands your selection based on color, but using the entire image
rather than just the adjacent areas.

Moving a portion of an image:

1. Open the image
2. Make a selection in the image using any selection tool.
3. Click the move tool from the tool box
4. Keeping ALT key pressed drag the selected portion to another location in the image.
5. Drag the mouse pointer to move the selection.

Editing selections: editing selection can be done in many ways,

Adding to an existing selection:
Open image
Make selection of the image using any selection tool.
Hold SHIFT key and drag the mouse pointer to select another portion in the image.
We can select non adjacent areas of an image simultaneously.

Subtracting from a selection

Open the image
Make selection of images using any selection tool.
Hold ALT key and drag the mouse pointer to select the portion intersecting the previous selection.

Coping a selection
We make a copy of the selection in its own layer so that we can move a selected portion to another location in
the same image.
The steps involved in copying the selection are,
1. Open an image
2. Make the selection in image using any selection tool
3. Click the move tool from the tool box.
4. Keeping the ALT key pressed; drag the selected portion to another location in the image.

Pasting into selection

The steps involved in pasting the selection are,
1. Open an image
2. Make the selection in image using any selection tool
3. Copy the selection portion using edit copy option.
4. Click the move tool from the tool box.
5. Keeping the ALT key pressed; drag the selected portion to another location in the image.
6. Click edit menu click on Paste Into option.

Copying a selection into another image: we can perform copy and paste as window based operation in
The Steps in copying a selection are.
1. Open a source and destination image.
2. Make a selection with any selection tool from source image.
3. Go to edit Menu select the copy option to select the portion.
4. Now select the destination image.
5. Click to edit menu and select the Paste option.
6. The selection is copy to new image as a new layer.

Filling a selection: we can fill a selected area, or the whole image with a color, or a selection from some other
image. The fill command helps us to fill this effect.
The fill command: the fill command is used to fill the selected area of an image with foreground color or a
pattern of another selection. The following steps involved in fill command are,
1. Open image
2. Select a foreground color
3. Make a selection using any of selection tools.
4. Click on edit menu in the menu bar, a list of option appears in the screen.
5. Select the fill command
6. The fill command dialog box will appears, select the color options like foreground/back ground color or
pattern to fill on the image.
7. Click on the selected area to fill the effect.

Transforming selections: Photoshop provides us the facility to change the orientation of the selection in
number of ways. A selection can be rotated, skewed, scaled, or distorted.
For applying any transformation we have to select the image selection and put the selection under transform
The following steps for transforming selection are,
1. Open the image
2. Select the portion of the image using any selection tools.
3. Click the select menu in the menu bar, go to transform selection option.
4. Apply respective transformation to selection.

There are basic 7 transform techniques for a selection they are,

Scale: scaling stands for changing the size of a selection.
Rotate: we can rotate the selected part of the image using transformation handlers. To rotate use twin headed
curved arrows and drag the circular motion to selection.
Distort: to apply distort select some portion of the image and free transformation is applied to that portion.
Select distort to apply effect to selection.
Skew : to apply skew select some portion of the image and free transformation is applied to that portion. Select
skew to apply effect to selection.
Perspective : perspective option is used to give any object or image a perspective view. To apply perspective
effects select a portion with free transformation and apply.
Warp : the wrap option lets you drag control points to manipulate the shape of the image.
Inverting selection: sometime the selected area not needed and we have to select the portion which we are not
selected. The Photoshop invert selection transformation lets the used to select the inverse of the selected area.
That means deselect the selected portion and select not selected area.

Painting Drawing and Retouching Tools

The painting tools of Photoshop

Brush tool it is used to painting. Click the tool and drag the mouse pointer on the image to paint it. The paint
color is same as foreground color. Select the foreground color before starting the paint. The uses can set brush
option bar for different types brush.

Pencil tool this tool is used to draw thin and thick lines on an image. The line drawn with a brush tool has a
fuzzy edge, whereas a line drawn using a pencil tool has a sharp edge. Click the tool and draw the mouse
pointer on the image to draw the line.

History Brush tool : this is used to copy of a snapshot of an image into the current image window. Click the
history brush tool. Chose -> Window -> History to open the history palette. In the history palette, click the left
column of the desired state. Drag the mouse pointer on the image to paint it with a selected state.

Art History tool : the working of this tool is analogous to the history brush tool. In addition to past state or
snapshot it also allows the user to use different colors and artistic styles.
Chose ->Window->History to open the history palette. In history palette, click the left column of the desired
state. Click the Art –history brush tool. Make the desired setting in tool option bar. Drag the mouse pointer on
the image to paint it with selected state.

Gradient tool this tool is used to give gradient effect to the image as painting. There are few varieties of
gradient are available. Linear, redial, angular, reflected and diamond. Click the tool. Click the image selection
and the selection is filled with foreground color. If there is no selection and click the image, portions of the
color-to –be replaced and are filled with paint.

Paint Bucket tool : this is used to fill a selection or portion of a particular color with paint. The foreground
color is used for fill the area. Set the desired color as a foreground color. Select the desired portion of the
image. Click the tool. Click the selection and the selection is filled with foreground color.

The drawing tools of Photoshop are,

Rectangle tool: it used to draw a rectangle on the image; the paint color is foreground color. Click the tool and
drag the mouse pointer on the image diagonally to draw a rectangle.

Rounded rectangle tool: it used to draw a rounded rectangle on the image; the paint color is foreground color.
Click the tool and drag the mouse pointer on the image diagonally to draw a rounded rectangle.

Ellipse tool: it used to draw a ellipse on the image, the paint color is foreground color. Click the tool and drag
the mouse pointer on the image to draw a ellipse.

Polygon tool: it used to draw a polygon on the image; the paint color is foreground color. Click the tool and
drag the mouse pointer on the image to draw a polygon.

Line tool: it used to draw a line on the image; the paint color is foreground color. Click the tool and drag the
mouse pointer on the image to draw a line.

Custom shape tool: this is used to draw a custom shape on the image. The paint color is foreground color that
can be set as desired. Click the drop down button of the drop down. Double click and select the desired shape
and drag the mouse pointer on the image to draw desired shape.

Pen tool: the pen tool creates straight lines and smooth flowing curves. We can use pen tool in conjunction
with the shape tools to create a complex shapes.

Freeform pen tool: the freeform pen tool makes drawing as we drawing with pencil on paper.

The Retouching tools of Photoshop

Healing brush tool: this tool is used to remove an unwanted spot from an image. To remove the spot click the
tool box and select healing brush tool, press the ALT key hold the key and click at the source point on the
image. Release the alt key and drag the mouse pointer over the spot to be removed. This tool is used for small

Patch tool: this tool is used to patch or big size spot. To remove the spot or patch, Click the tool box and select
the patch tool the mouse cursor will look like lasso tool. Drag the mouse cursor around the patch so that
patch is selected ensure that the marquee has surrounded the patch. Drag the selection and drop it at the
source point. The patch is now fixed.

Clone stamp tool: this tool is used to pick the desired portion of an image and paste it at desired portion of an
image. Click the tool and press the alt key and hold it down. Click the sampling point. Then release the alt key.
Now drag the mouse pointer on the image to paint it with a desired pattern.

Pattern stamp tools: This tool is used to paint image with desired pattern. Click on the tool and select the
option bar. Click on the drop down palette of the pattern and select the pattern. Double click to select the
desired palette. Now drag the mouse pointer on the image to paint it with desired pattern.

Eraser tool: this tool is used to erase the paint on a current active layer. Click the tool box and select the
eraser tool and select the image or layer. Drag the mouse pointer over the image or layer to erase the portion
from the image. The erased portion reassembles check board pattern indicative of transparent pixels.

Background eraser tool: this tool is used to erase the background of an image. Click the tool box and select the
tool, drag the mouse pointer over desired portion of the image.

Magic eraser tool: this tool is used erase the portion of an image of a particular color in a single click. Click
the tool box click the spot of the desired color on an image all the portions of that color in the image is erased.

Blur tool: this tool is used to blur the sharp edges in an image. Click the tool Drag the mouse pointer on the
portion of the image to be blurred and the edges in that portion get blurred.

Sharpen tool: this tool is used to sharpen soft (ie fuzzy or blurred) edges in an image. Click the tool box to
select the tool and open the image. Drag the mouse pointer on the portion of the image to be sharpened and
the edges in that portion become sharpen.

Smudge tool: this tool is used to smudge color in an image. Click the tool. Drag the mouse pointer over the
image to be smudged in the desired direction. The color of the potion gets smudged. The smudge is mostly
used in morphing the faces.

Dodge tool: this is used to lighten the portion of an image. Click the tool and select the dodge tool. Open an
image that you want to apply dodge. Keep the mouse pointer over the desired location of the image and drag
the mouse pointer and color in that portion get lightened.

Burn tool: this tool is used to darken a portion of an image. Click the tool box and select the burn tool. Open
images that you want to apply darken and drag the mouse pointer over the image and color in the portion gets
darkened. The color goes with dark red to black and get darken.

Sponge tool: this tool is used to change color saturation in the desired portion in the image. The change takes
place in very small units. Click the tool and select the sponge tool and open the image to which you want to
apply sponge. Click and select the portion in the image and drag the mouse pointer or brush over the portion
to apply sponge.

Eye drop selector tool: this tool is used to select a particular color from an image and set that color as
foreground color. Click the tool box and select the eye dropper tool. Open an image from which you want to
select a particular color. Then that color will be set as foreground color.


Layers can be defined as sheets of pixels that can be edited independently, without affecting the other parts of
the image. Layers are useful in higher degree of flexibility to Photoshop documents. They allow the user to keep
various elements of an image separate so that when anything is changed to one layer that will not affect the
other picture or layer.

Layer Palette
The layer palette is a palette that contains the names of all the layers in an image. It also shows us whether a
layer is currently visible or not. Using the layers palette, we can create, delete, show, and hide the layers, and
also create layer set, link layers and merge layers.
If the layer palette is not visible to on the screen do the following steps:
1. Click on the window menu in the menu bar, a list of options appears on the screen.
2. Click the layers option in the list.
3. The layers palette appears on the screen.

The layer palette contents are,

Layers: the layer palette contains the names of the entire image (visible and hidden).
Eye: the eye indicates the visibility of layers. We can use eye to show or hide layers.
Blending Modes: A layers Blending modes determines how in pixels blend with underlying pixels in the image.
We can create a verity of special effect using blending modes. When we click on down-arrow button beside the
normal option, a list of blending options appears. The blending modes are Dissolve, Clear, Behind, Darken,
Multiply, Color Burn.etc.

Opacity: when we click on the opacity the slider bar appears and we can adjust the opacity of the layer.
Lock Image: when this check box is selected the content of the layers as well as the transparency of the areas
of the layers are locked preventing any kind of editing.
Lock All: when this is checked any editing on any layer is disabled.
Link layers: we can link 2 or more layers using link layers multiple layers selected at same time but when we
link layers they maintain the relationship until you unlink that.
Create a new Group: this option provides us to create a new group of layers.
Create a New Layer : this is used to create a new layer.
Delete a layer: This option provides us to delete the layer.

Working with Layers includes the following features,

 Create a new layer
 Show /hide a layer
 Delete a layer
 Sort layers
 Reposition layers
 Merge two or more layers
 Flatten all the layers into a single image

Creating a New Layer:

When new pixels are placed to an image a new layer is created by default. For creating a new layer the new
layer option from layer menu is selected. The following steps are used to create a new layer
1. Open an image
2. Click on the layer menu in the menu.
3. Move the mouse pointer and place over the new options.
4. The new layer dialog box appears on the screen and write the layer name.
5. Select the color and mode
6. Select the opacity require for the new image in the layer palette.
7. Layer is created for the user.

New –layer via Cut: this command is used to create a new layer with the pixel of selection. To use the
command the following steps are,
1. Open an image
2. Make a selection using selection tool.
3. Click the layer menu on the menu bar, list of option appears.
4. Move the mouse pointer and place over the new option.
5. Click on the layer via cut option.
6. The layer is cut or removed from image or the layer.

New layer-via- copy: the new layers are created form previous layers or a background can be converted as la
new layer. For layer copy the steps are,
1. Open the image
2. Select the layer or select the portion using selection tool
3. Use layer menu select the new option and click on layer-via –copy to copy the layers.

Show/hide layers:
We can hide a layer so that the content of the particular layers are hidden on the screen.
To hide and show the layer the following steps are used,
1. Open an image containing more than one layer.
2. Use the eye icon to show or hide the layer.
3. The layer is not seen on the screen

Deleting the layer:

We can delete a layer in many different ways, the layers can be deleted by
1. Delete the layer using layer menu
2. Delete the layer by dragging it in to delete layer icon present in layer palette
3. Delete the layer by clicking on the delete layer icon.

Sort the layer:

We can change the order of layers in the stack to rearrange them. For sorting layers the following steps are
1. Drag layer 1 below layer 2. The mouse pointer changes the shape of hand.
2. Release the mouse button. The layer will appear in the new location.

Repositioning Layers:
We can change the position of layers. We can move the content of the layer from one position to another
position. For repositioning layers the following steps are used,
1. Click on the layer that has to be repositioned in the layer palette
2. Click on the mouse tool in the tool box
3. Place the cursor on the layer in the image(not in the palette)
4. Keep the left mouse pressed and drag the layer in to new position.
5. The layer will be moved to new location.

Merging layers: Photoshop allows the user to merge 2 or more layers into one layer. The file size increases if
there are more layers in the image. The merge option reduces the file size of the images.
The steps involved to merge layers are,
1. Hide the layer that you want to merge by clicking on their eye icon in the layer palette.
2. Click on the right arrow button on the top right side of the layers palette. A menu appears.
3. Click merge visible option from the contents of this pop-up menu appears.
4. Click on the merge visible option from the contents of this pop-up menu.
5. All the visible layers in the image will be merged into a single layer.

Flattening the images

We can merge all the layers in an image in to one layer. This is known as flattening. When the layers in an
image are flattened, all of them will be treated as one layer. Flattening an image reduces the file size since this
result in a single background layer only.
The steps for flattening the image are,
1. Mark all layers are visible and active.
2. Click on the layers menu bar, the pop-up menu list will appears.
3. Select the option flatten the images.

Layer Effects: Photoshop provides number of layer effects which can be applied to a layer. These styles are also
referred to as layer effects. The layer effects are also called blending modes for layers. Some of the layer effects
are drop shadow, glow, bevel, emboss, darken, overlay, exclusion etc.

When we move or edit the pixels of layers, the styles applied to that layer is updated automatically.
Working with layer effects:
The following steps are used to select the layer effects:
1. Open an image
2. Create layers on that image.
3. Make layer active by clicking the layer in layer palette.
4. Right click on selected layer and layers style dialog box appears with different styles.
5. Apply required layer effect by different blend mode and styles.

In Photoshop terminology type refers as text, where text can be described as a set of mathematical equations
that defines letters, numbers and other characters. Photoshop treats a set of mathematical equation to that
define its shape and size. The characters of type are composed of pixels. The key aspect of type tool of
Photoshop is that it produces vector based-text. That means we can scale and transform the type without any
degradation in quality.

Creating Type: For creating a type layer in the Photoshop document, the points are used.
The point type is useful when the text consists of a word or a single line of characters.
When we have to enter a large amount of text and format it, the paragraph type should be selected.

Type Tool: for Typing text in the Photoshop document, we have to use the type tool. When we type some text in
the Photoshop, it is created on a separate layer called type layer. The following steps are used for how to add a
text into a Photoshop image.
1. Open the image to which we have to add the text
2. Click the type tool in the tool box. The options bar now displays the options for the type tool.
3. Select the type tool, keep the cursor on the image and type the text.
4. We can change the type face and size when we select the type mode.
5. For moving the type layer the move tool is selected and then entire bounded box is moved.
6. For changing the type into paragraph, click the type tool in the tool box. The option bar now displays
the options for the type tool .
7. Click on the change text orientation button. From this we can create a text in vertical orientation or
horizontal orientation.
8. Place the mouse pointer on the image and drag it to create a frame for the text.

Resizing the bounded box:

If the text we entered is more or less than the capacity of the bounding box, then we can increase or decrease
the size of bounding box.
For resizing the bounding box the following steps are used,
1. Click on the type tool
2. Click on the text to display its bounding box in options bar.
3. To increase or decrease the size of the bounding box, drag the mouse pointer by selecting the corners
of bounding box area.
4. To rotate the bounding box select the bi-headed curved arrow, drag and rotate the mouse pointer while
keeping the left mouse button pressed. The type also rotates with the mouse.

Changing the Type Setting: we can use different options for type setting a text or paragraph. The options are
Font, Font size, Color, orientation and type styles.
For changing the type setting the following steps are used,
1. Click the type tool in the tool box. The options bar appears for available tools.
2. Click the type palette button in the option bar.
3. Palette appears and then we can select the character format or the paragraph format.
Font: Font is defined as the style in which the text is defined.
Font Size: The size drop down menu is used to choose the appropriate size for our text characters for selecting
appropriate size.
Color: we can use the color for our text using the type tools option bar.

Changing the orientation: we can also change the orientation of type either vertical or horizontal.
Warping type: warping or distorting a type layer enables us o add special effect to the text or paragraph.

Converting a Point type into paragraph type:

In Photoshop Text can be of two of types: the one created by defining a frame for the text being known as
paragraph type and one created without defining a boundary is known as the point type. We can change
convert the point type to paragraph type.

Type Masking:
Type masking is a technique to create a type using some images. There are two types of type masking
1. Horizontal type masking
2. Vertical type masking.
For type masking we create a selection in the shape of type. Type selection appears on the active layer, and can
be moved or copied, filled or stroked just like any other selection to the different images.
The steps used to make a type masking are,
1. Open the image in which you want to create a type mask
2. Move the mouse pointer over the type tool in the tool box and click the left mouse button. Keep mouse
button pressed. Instantly, a fly out menu appears.
3. Move the mouse pointer over horizontal or vertical type mask.
4. Click anywhere in the image and type the text on the image. The image is covered with transparent
pink shield.
5. Click the mouse pointer over Move tool to deselect the type tool. When we deselect the type the text on
image appears in the selection form.
6. After deselecting the Type tool, move the mouse over the edit menu bar and click the left mouse
button. A list of option appears. Move the mouse pointer over copy option and click left mouse pointer.
7. Click over the edit menu and select the option paste option to paste the selected characters.

Filter enables the user to add special effects to the image. The concept of filters is introduced as substitute to
for the special effect for the traditional photographic images. In Photoshop package there are various filters are
available that can be applied to images and a specific layers.
The Filter Menu: the Filter menu present on the menu bar gives the various option and applications about
filters. Each filter option gives you the filter gallery and this filter gallery gives the user more option about a
particular filter.
The special filters are given in this table.
liquefy The Liquefy utility works in a very similar way to the Puppet Warp. A mesh overlay is placed over

Image, creating a grid that can be pulled and warped to change your image as if it were made of
fabric. Each tool uses the mesh in a different way to create a different effect. The Reconstruct
tools also are based on the mesh. Some of the important tools in liquefy are-forward wrap,
reconstruct, twirl clockwise, pucker, bloat, push left, mirror, turbulence, the mask tool with
different brushes.

Vanishing The Vanishing Point filter allows you to match the perspective of the target image when you clone
point or combine images so the new elements look realistic. Compared to trying to free-transform or
eyeball an element until the perspective is just right, the Vanishing Point filter is simple and easy
to use. Vanishing point changes the perspective of two-dimensional images, which usually has
the effect of making them look even more two-dimensional because there will be missing
elements, such as compensating shadows or more than one side. Using vanishing point to create
banners, posters, car art, or other two-dimensional elements is the ideal way to use it.

These filters replicate effects that are usually achieved by hand rather than digitally. Although
they don’t always do a realistic job of this, they sure give freehand-challenged artists like me
Artistic options for creating drawing effects. All these options are available in the Filter Gallery:

Colored Pencil: This filter makes your image look as if the hard edges have been sketched

using a colored pencil.

Cutout: Like a mosaic made from cut paper, this effect makes your image look as if it has

been constructed of roughly cut paper.

Dry Brush: This filter makes your image look as if it was painted using a dry brush technique.

This filter is subtle, although it reduces the colors in your image.

Film Grain: This filter adds a grainy look to your image by blending the shadows

and midtones.

Fresco: This filter creates a rough image that mimics coarsely applied paint.

Neon Glow: This filter uses your foreground color and mixes it with a specified glow

color to create a glow and soften your image.

Paint Daubs: This filter lets you choose from several brushes to create a painting from

your image.

Brush The Brush Strokes filters make your image look different by changing the way the brush strokes
are applied to it. Just like the Artistic effects, these effects are meant to mimic fine art:

Accented Edges: This filter adds highlights or shadows to the edges of your image,

accentuating them and giving your image ultra-sharp edges while smoothing out the

other areas.

Angled Strokes: This filter creates the impression that your image is painted using diagonal

strokes. The lighter strokes are painted in a different direction than the darker strokes,

creating a crosshatched appearance in areas of high contrast.

Crosshatch: This filter adds a crosshatch texture to your image. This effect creates a

cleaner look than the angled strokes because the crosshatches are kept within the bounds

of the colors contained in your image.

Dark Strokes: This effect creates more detail and darkness in the dark areas of your image

because it creates short, tight strokes in those areas. It also softens the lighter areas in your

image by using long, white strokes.

Ink Outlines: This filter simulates a picture drawn with ink, giving your image a contrasty,

textured look.

Spatter: This filter gives your image the look of a painting that was created using a spatter

airbrush, including lots of splotches and texture.

Distort The Distort filters change the way your image looks by reshaping it in different ways. Most of
these filters are not available in the Filter Gallery simply because the dialog boxes have more
intensive settings than the other filters. You can find the Diffuse Glow, Glass, and Ocean Ripple
filters in the Filter Gallery.

Diffuse Glow: This filter is great for creating the effect of an image taken with a soft

diffusion filter popular with portrait and wedding photography. The effect is a soft,

ethereal look.

Displace: For this filter, you need an image to specify as a displacement map. Any PSD

will do. The Displace filter use the hard edges in the image specified to warp your original

image around, as shown in Figure 20.3. Although I used a simple shape in this figure, you

should try using another image just for fun. The results are interesting.

Glass: You can make your image look as if it’s being viewed through glass with this filter.

Several settings simulate all different types of glass.

Ocean Ripple: This filter gives your image the illusion that it is being viewed through water.

Pinch: A mini-warp or liquify, this filter creates only one kind of distortion—a pinch to

the center of your image that either pinches it in or bubbles it out.

Polar Coordinates: The idea behind this very interesting-looking filter is that after it has

been applied, you can place the resulting image in a mirrored cylinder to create a cylinder

anamorphosis. When you look into the cylinder, the image appears not only undistorted

but in 3D.

Pixelate The Pixelate filters are filters that create different types of pixilation in your file. The dialog boxes

are simple, focusing on the size of the pixilation. Some of the filters, such as the Fragment filter,

don’t have a dialog box at all. None of these filters are in the Filter Gallery. Here’s what you can

expect from the Pixelate filters:

Color Halftone: This filter takes each color channel, divides it into rectangles, and

changes the rectangles into circles. The effect is similar to watching an old television set

where the colored pixels were easy to pick out, except the pixels are round in this case.

Crystallize: This filter combines several adjoining pixels together to create hard-edge

polygon shapes reminiscent of crystal formations.

Facet: This filter combines pixels in the same area to soften the look of the image.

Fragment: This filter adds texture to an image by averaging adjoining pixels and then offsetting

them from one another. The Facet and Fragment filters don’t have dialog boxes but

work with a set number of pixels. This means that if your images are high resolution, you

probably won’t see a distinct difference when using either one of these filters.

Mezzotint: This filter can create a very cool color effect by creating strokes that are randomly

assigned to be black, white, or a fully saturated color. The effect is an almost Art

Deco effect that can really make your image pop. Although the resulting image is distinctly

uninspiring in grayscale, you can see the dialog box in Figure 20.5.

Mosaic: This filter makes your image look as if it were created from square tiles of pixels.

You can determine the number of pixels that are grouped into each tile, which makes it

possible to create a visible effect with a high-resolution image.

The Sketch filters use the edges in an image to create texture, giving the image a rough, hand
drawn look in many instances. Many of these filters reduce your image to two or three colors, so
simple images with a few distinct lines look better than images that have more detail. Keep an eye

on your foreground and background colors (found in the Toolbox), because they are used to
create most of the effects found in this menu. All of these filters are applied using the Filter

Bas Relief: This filter creates a low-relief carving of your image using the foreground and

background colors.

Chalk & Charcoal: This filter changes the background to a basic gray and roughly draws

the highlights and midtone areas of your image in chalk that is the same color as the

Charcoal: This filter is made up of basically two colors with very little variance between

them; the foreground color becomes rough charcoal strokes that trace major edges and fill

in the midtones.

Chrome: This filter gives your image a liquid metal look, as if it had been embossed in

chrome, but with very smooth edges.

Graphic Pen: This filter reduces your image to two colors: the pen, which uses the foreground

color to create fine, linear strokes to bring out the detail of an image, and the background color,
which is used for the paper.

Halftone Pattern: This filter simulates the effect of using a halftone screen, adding a

specified texture to your image and again reducing it to a blend of your foreground and

background colors.

Note Paper: Similar to the Cutout filter, this filter creates an image that looks like it was

constructed of handmade paper. Unlike the Cutout filter, it uses the foreground and

background colors to determine the color of paper used, again creating an image from

two colors.

Photocopy: This filter simulates a rough photocopy of your image, using the foreground

and background colors as the paper color and toner.

The Stylize filters work primarily by using the edges in your images to create interesting 3D
effects from embossing to using the Extrude filter to make your image look like it was created
Stylize with building blocks. Other Stylize filters mix up the pixels in your image to look like they’ve been
diffused or hit by a high wind.

Diffuse: This filter softens the focus of your image by scattering pixels in a miniscule style.

This effect is hardly noticeable on high-resolution photos, because no setting allows you

to increase the amount of diffusion. Instead, you get a different kind of blurring filter.

Emboss: This filter gives your image the look of having been pressed or embossed onto a

gray sheet of paper. This filter uses the image colors for the raised outlines, giving this

effect the look of a unique piece of art.

Extrude: This filter makes your image look as if it were constructed of building blocks and

you are looking down at it from the top. Using pyramids for your extrusion method gives

your image a more impressionistic feel than using blocks, as you can see in Figure 20.8.

Find Edges: This simple filter doesn’t use a dialog box; it simply finds the edges of your

image and places them on a white background. It is not only useful for finding edges in

your image, but because it uses the image colors for the edges, it is a beautiful effect all on

its own.

Glowing Edges: This is the only Stylize filter found in the Filter Gallery. It finds the edges

of your image and applies a neon glow to them on a black background. You can increase

the effects of this filter by applying it more than once.

Solarize: This filter blends a negative image and a positive image to create an interesting

dreamlike image made up of the correct colors blended with the eerie negative colors.

Tiles: This filter makes an image look like it was made of large, square tiles.

Trace Contour: This filter creates a contour map effect by tracing a brightness transition

in each of the color channels.

Wind: This filter simulates your image being hit by wind while the paint was still wet.

Several settings allow you to customize the wind-blown look.

Other Texture The Texture filters create heavy, very obvious, texture effects. Most of these filters are
filters self explanatory.

Render The Render filters range from the simple Clouds filter that creates clouds from the
foreground and background colors without any input from the user, to creating a Lighting Effects
filter that can require detailed input.


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