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Developing effective communication skills with social awareness

Module Overview: This module contains activities that will enhance social awareness
interpersonal and communication skills training in customer service.

Thematic area description: This training aims to build social awareness among participants in
their interpersonal and communication skills in dealing with clients/patients on a regular basis.

Target group/level: Medical Social Workers

Learning Outcomes: Able to develop active listening and open-ended questions, empathy, and
better interpersonal skills.

Learning Results: Able to do empathy at all costs in the workplace

II. Objectives:
After two weeks of training, the participant will be:

Knowledge – Active listening and open-ended questions: able to gain knowledge about active
listening and open-ended questions.
Attitude – Empathy: understandable and mindful of one's emotional response and consider
other people's perspective.
Skills – Better interpersonal skills: able to do and practice interpersonal skills in the fieldwork.
Focus Value – Empathy

III. Approach:
a. Lecture
b. Behavior-Modelling
IV. Materials:
a. Handouts
b. Laptop
c. Flash drive
d. WiFi/Data**
e. Papers*
f. Pens*
g. Microphone*
h. Speakers*
i. Chairs*
*on virtual set-up
*on physical face-to-face set-up
V. Process:
a. Introduction (duration: 50 minutes)
i. registration and settling down (20 minutes)
ii. Introductory remarks (30 minutes)
1. opening prayer
2. opening remarks
3. introducing participants (icebreaker type)
4. introduction of speakers
b. Discussion about job policies customer services
i. Title: Knowing it and knowing you.
ii. Duration: 180 minutes (45mins per speaker, with 15min breaks in
between topics, depending on participants and speaker)
iii. Objectives: At the end of the discussion, the participants must know how:
1. To be able to cope with a new work environment and adjust
flexibly to given tasks.
a. Adapting new environment with preparedness despite
b. Balance time with job responsibilities
2. To identify clients/ patients’ needs.
a. Answering inquiries
b. Verifying information
c. Monitoring of schedule appointments
3. To be able to connect and address issues well to the
a. Clear communication skills (verbal/non-verbal)
b. Confidence and composure in dealing with impatient
iv. Mechanics
1. There will be 2-3 speakers who will discuss the three contents
(one speaker for the job policies and one for customer service.
Objective 2 can be an overlapping topic for both speakers.)
2. Speakers must follow the outline given for the discussion
3. If there are handouts to be distributed, it must be sent a week
ahead to the Documentation Committee before the said training
so that it will be forwarded to participants.
4. The speakers are encouraged to give in-depth
examples/situations that highlights the topics assigned to them. It
can be in any form (video, photo, music, etc.). Vulgarity and
profanity are NOT prohibited, as long as it can be related to the
5. The speaker must be in the holding area five minutes before
allotted time of discussion.
6. Time allotted for speakers must be strictly followed. The Program
Committee will give a signal 10 minutes before the speaker’s time
will be consumed.
7. There will be an open-forum for questions and answers that will
consume 15mins (overlapping break time and short q&a
c. Activity/Game
i. Title: Huwag kang FILLER, enigmatic self!
ii. Duration: 40 minutes
iii. Objective: There are people who are fond of using “um”, “uh”, “so”,
“right”, and other filler words to cover up a silent space. It is a nervous
habit that is often rooted in the perceived silence discomfort. The
purpose of this game is to eliminate fillers in conversation or in public
iv. Mechanics
1. Physical interaction
a. Paper and pens will be distributed among participants
b. Each will write one unique thing about themselves. (Don’t
share it with nearby participants.)
c. After five (5) minutes, papers will be gathered by
d. The papers will be scrambled and the facilitator will pick
e. After picking one paper, the facilitator will read and show
what is written. Everyone must try to guess who owns that
f. If the owner is mentioned, he/she will stand up to signify
he/she wrote it. But if not after three (3) tries, he/she
remains anonymously.
g. If the owner is guessed, then he/she would share his/her
backstory about that unique thing for 1-3 minutes. But if
not, then the owner will remain a mystery and proceed to
the next paper.
h. TWISTED PART: If the guessed person will mention any
filler word within his/her speaking time, then the rest will
stand up for three (3) seconds.
2. Virtual interaction
a. Each participant will have a piece of paper in hand.
b. Write one unique thing about themselves on the paper.
Don’t let anyone see it, especially the webinar is a full
open-camera session.
c. After five (5) minutes, they will direct message the
facilitator about what they wrote.
d. Using an online decision-making application (online roleta,
random picking, etc.), the facilitators will paste all
gathered information on the chosen app.
e. The application will randomly select a unique trait and
everyone will try to guess who owns it.
f. If the owner is mentioned, he/she will say “mine” and
show his paper to the screen to signify he/she wrote it.
But if not after three (3) tries, he/she remains
g. If the owner is guessed, then he/she would share his/her
backstory about that unique thing for 1-3 minutes. But if
not, then the owner will remain a mystery and proceed to
the next paper.
h. TWISTED PART: If the guessed person will mention any
filler word within his/her speaking time, then the rest will
stand up for three (3) seconds in their respective locations.
d. Open-Forum
i. Title: I will Talk to You
ii. Duration: 30 minutes
iii. Objectives
1. To be able to imply open exchange of ideas and information
2. To identify impacts of skill development and training
3. To be able to boost self-esteem, self-confidence, and better
interpersonal relationships
4. To be able to connect and share to increase personal learnings.
iv. Mechanics
1. After the game activity, the divided group must remain to their
seats for the next activity which is the open-forum discussion.
2. The group members must decide if they retain the previous group
leader or designate a new one to facilitate the activity.
3. Give each group a topic like: "What they have learned and what
lessons can they apply into their daily lives" from the overall
activity. This is the best way for them to communicate and to
boost their confidence level.
4. Set a time limit for group discussion for a maximum of 30 mins.
5. After the time limit, let each group introduce themselves and let
them share in front of everyone.
6. Ask them some follow-up questions if the activity is somehow
help them on how to deal and communicate with other people
7. After everyone shared their ideas, end the forum and thank the
participants for participating in the activity and provide
certificates of recognition if necessary.
VI. Activity/Reinforcement:
a. PowerPoint Presentation/Discussion
b. Activity/Game
c. Open-Forum
Motivation: Certificates, free coffee/hot chocolate, free snacks, Free Food Coupon (if
budget allows)
VII. Measurement and Evaluation

a. Comments and feedbacks from participants

b. Evaluation survey

i. Discussion evaluation

Discussion evaluation Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongl

disagree y Agree

The speakers...

1. are well prepared and

comes on time

2. explained the content and

objectives of the topic

3. presented the topic clearly

and logically
4. has sufficient idea of the
said topic assigned.

5. maintains clarity of speech

the program...

6. is well-organized

7. allowed suggestions,
comments, and opinions to
be posted

8. started and ended on time

9. is engaging and interesting

10. provides an opportunity

where I can enhance and
develop my confidence and
interpersonal relationship

I was able to...

11. Learn new things after the


12. Grasp the things that were


13. Meet the objectives activity


14. Be enlightened about the new

work post I am supposed to enter

15. Overcome my doubts of what I

am capable to do

ii. Game/activity evaluation

Game evaluation Strongly Disagre Neutral Agree Strongl

disagree e y Agree

The facilitators...
1. assisted and helped

2. Explained clearly the

objectives of the activity

3. Have knowledge on their

activity and well-prepared

The activity...

4. started and ended on time

5. instructions are explained


I was able to...

6. express my feelings

7. learn how to speak

confidently in front of

8. know how to deliver speech


9. improve my communication

10. Participate well without

being conscious

iiia. Open-forum evaluation (face-to-face training)

Physical Setting Poor Fair Good Very Excellent


1. Timeliness of the topic

2. Adequate delivery of the


3. Speaker engages with


4. Mastery of speaker

5. Relevance of the topic to


6. Overall, my satisfaction with

this event was

7. The relevance of the event

for my current work was

8. Overall, the quality of

discussions and dialogue for
this event was

9. The opportunity for

participants to interact
during the event were

10. The time devoted to

presentations by the
participants was

11. Overall, my satisfaction with

the facilitators of the event

12. The usefulness of

information received was

13. The venue was appropriate

for the activity

14. The quality of the facilities

provided at the event was

15. The accommodation of the

facilitators were

iiib. Open-forum evaluation (virtual training)

Virtual Setting Poor Fair Good Very Excellent

1. Timeliness of the topic

2. Adequate delivery of the


3. Speaker engages with


4. Mastery of speaker

5. Relevance of the topic to


6. The time devoted to

presentations by the
participants was

7. The internet connection

while presenting was

8. Overall, my satisfaction with

the facilitators of the event

9. The usefulness of
information received was

10. The platform used was

appropriate for the activity

11. The reception of the speaker


12. The speaker encourages the

audience to participate

13. Setting up the activity on my

device was clearly explained
and easy to achieve

14. The facilitators

(troubleshoot) was

15. The activity description

accurately described the
activity content

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