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Psych 2 – Psychological Statistics LABORATORY WORKSHEET



What is the t-test for independen t samples?

The t-test is a test of difference between two independent groups. The means are being compared
x̄1 against x̄2.

When to use the t-test for indepe ndent samples?

The t-test for independent sampl es is used when we compare means of two indepe ndent groups.
- the distribution is normally distributed,
- Sk= 0 and Ku = .265.
- we use interval or ratio data.
- the sample is at least n=30.

Why do we use the t-test for inde pendent sample?

The t-test is used for independent sample because it is a more powerful test compa red with
other tests of difference of two indepen dent groups.

SPSS P rocedure for Independent Samples t-test

1. Click on Data View located at the lowest left corner of your data editor.

2. Enter the number ‘cod es’ for your groupings in one column of the data editor, var00001
or var1. On the second column, enter the scores or your dependent variable var00002
or var2.

3. From the menu bar at the top click on: Analyze, then click on Compare Means, then on
Independent Sample s t-test.

4. Move the dependent v ariable (e.g., time) into the area labeled Test Variable(s).

5. Move the independen t variable (e.g., eater) into the section labeled Gro uping Variable.

6. Click on Define group s and type in the numbers used in the data set to code each
group. In the current sample file 1 = normal weight, 2 = mega weight, therefore in the
Group 1 box, type ‘1’; and in the Group 2 box, type ‘2’.

7. Click on Continue an d then OK.

Psych 2 – Psychological Statistics LABORATORY WORKSHEET


Dr. Vill Mah wishes to test the hypothesis that mega-weight individuals tend to eat faster than
normal weight individuals. To test this hypothesis, she has two assistants sit in a MacDowel’s
restaurant and identify individuals who order the Big Mack Special for lunch. The Big Mackers, as
the assistants affectionately call them are classified as mega-weight and normal weight. The
assistants identify 9 overweight and 9 normal weight Big Mackers. The assistants record the
amount of time it takes for the individuals to complete their Big Mack special meals. Data collected
are presented below:

Normal weight Mega-weight

23 24
12 7
24 7
30 29
30 13
41 3
50 16
44 14
34 30

1. State the null hypothesis.

4. What is the significance or probability
associated with the obtained t value?
2. State the alternative hypothesis.
5. What do the results indicate?
3. What is the obtained t value?

The output generated from this procedure is shown below:

Group Statistics
Type of Eater N Mean Std. Std. Error
Deviation Mean
Time it takes the eater to Weight 9 32.00 11.758 3.919
finish the burger
Mega Weight 9 15.89 9.829 3.276

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for
Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Mean Std. Error Difference
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
timeEqual variances
assumed .191 .668 3.154 16 .006 16.111 5.108 5.282 26.940
Equal variances
not assumed 3.154 15.512 .006 16.111 5.108 5.254 26.968

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