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Our oral apresentation is about many cultures and the cloud that we selected has

discrimination as the most prominent word so that’s our theme.

In order for you to understand what discrimination is and why there is so much discrimination
in our world we decided to let you know a small definition of multiculturalism because this is
the main reason why so many people have experience discrimination.

Multiculturalism is the existence of different cultures in the same territory, country, place, etc.
As it was said this is why so many counties have racist politics and why people experience
discrimination nowadays.

Discrimination is the idea of treating an individual differently because of a specific bias that is
felt against them. This acts as a theory of grouping based on the party, class, or category in
which everyone is judged.

We can have many tips of discrimination according to the person’s condition.

 Age
 Racism,which is skin color based
 Xenophobia,which is national origin based´
 Disability
 Sexual orientation
 Gender
 Harassment, including sexual harassment

In every country we can find discrimination, the thing is the some more than in others. So we
decided to make a small research and aprsent to you the most and the least discriminant

The Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Canada and Finland are the best countries for racial

equality, according to a global survey. Other nations, however, weren’t so lucky in terms of
their reputation.
Several countries in Eastern Europe are viewed as having a poor record on racial equality,
according to the 2022 Best Countries report. Two East Asian and two Middle Eastern countries
also made the list.we are only showing you the 3 worst one because if we apresented the 10 of
them our apresentation would have got very long so heres the top 3 worst countries in terms
of discrimination.
In third place we have Qatar. The United Nations special rapporteur on contemporary forms of
racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, said following a visit to Qatar
that she had “serious concerns of structural racial discrimination against non-nationals” in the
country. She added that the discrimination and inequality she observed was “in part influenced
by Qatar’s history of slavery, and the contemporary legacies of this history.” The country came
under the spotlight amid reports of thousands of migrants dying from heat and poor working
and living conditions while working to prepare Qatar for its hosting of the 2022 FIFA World
Cup, according to Human Rights Watch.
Then according to our research we have Slovakia. The U.N. Committee on the Elimination of
Racial Discrimination noted in August 2022 that more than 500 members of neo-Nazi groups
were active in Slovakia and free to organize events. While the committee noted that issues
exist with school enrollment rates and housing segregation for the country’s Roma people, the
U.N. experts also commended Slovakia for improving its census methodologies, which could be
used to strengthen minority rights.
In first place we have Bulgaria, which surprised us because Bulgaria is actually not in a bad
place when it comes to a best overral rank, that take the 60 th place but in terms of racial
equilaty rank it is the worst. the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, found in
a March 2020 report that “hate speech, discrimination and hostility against Roma, LGBTI
people and persons belonging to other minority groups remain an issue of acute concern” in
Bulgaria. The report noted that a stronger commitment was needed to combat racism in the
Discrimination has consequences to a individuals, a county or even the society in general.

When it comes to individual consequences ,this affected start with self-doubt, dissatisfaction,
and anger. This can lead to anxiety, aggression and de-motivation; to isolation and the
limitation of professional development opportunities, to illness or abandonment of jobs and
vocational training programs.

When it comes to a counties’ concequences we can talk about the the destruction of solidarity
and cohesion; the approval of racist politics; the loss of creativity and innovation; the
prevention of communication and diversity.

Now we are going to show some examples of the different types of discrimination that we
talked about earlier.

 A manager making choices around redundancy, or forcing someone to retire, because
of their age.
 A candidate being asked their age at a job interview and then not being given the job
because the employer wants a younger person for the role.

 Hear cruel comments about your skin color when walking down the streets.
 Being told you are some steryotipe just because of the country you were born.
 expressions of disgust or intolerance toward a particular race.


 an employee with cancer is prevented from receiving a bonus because of time she has
taken off to receive treatment.


 Being Forbidden to Drive

 Restrictions on Clothing
 Lack of Legal Rights


 derogatory jokes,
 racial slurs,
 personal insults,
 Giving workers of a certain sexual orientation lowering rankings and worse reviews than other
workers, for no reason other than their orientation.
 Handing out promotions to workers of one sexual orientation over workers of another.

We think that discrimination its obviously a bad think but unfortunately it’s a reality in our
society. Nowadays we are judge based on everything,skin color, native
language,cothes,etc.Discrimination, stereotypes, and prejudice dominate society, and there is
no way to avoid them. These negative behaviors and actions affect people of all dif,ferent ages
and ethnicities all around the world. They influence the daily life of their victims in areas such
as employment, income, education, and medical care.To reduce this prejudice, there needs to
be a change in social norms. It needs to be confronted when it happens. Changing stereotypes
and prejudice is not easy, and it will take a valiant effort to do so. Future research may include
ways to cope and manage discriminatory thoughts and actions. This may include, information
on how to respect cultural and racial differences.

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