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A lot of knowledge in two circles: The Vesica Piscis –

Sacred Geometry
By Sebastiaan Fiolet on 14/12/2018

Yep. This whole blog is about two circles. But not just two circles. They overlap and we give it a
di cult name: Vesica Piscis! Doesn’t sound very exciting, I know.
But they contain so much sacred geometry that we can ll a whole blog with it.

It’s also the rst sacred geometric gure to emerge from the creation process of the Mystery Schools.
Mystery Schools? Check out the previous blog, here you will get a nice introduction into the world of
Sacred Geometry.

So here are the subjects we’re going to cover in this blog. Click to quickly jump to a section:
1. What the Vesica Piscis is

2. Unlocking the hidden Secrets

1. √2 and the Binary Sequence

2. The Mandorla

3. √3

4. Golden Ratio and √5

3. The Real Power of the Vesica Piscis

4. The Power Used and Abused

5. Conclusion

1. Vesica Piscis
It remains a di cult name, the Vesica Piscis. Not so strange, because it is Latin. Literally translated it
says “Vessel of the Fish”. Because it looks a lot like a sh. The gure consists of two circles of equal
size, the centre of both circles are on each other’s edges.

A di cult description for a simple gure.

As is often the case with sacred geometry, the real power lies hidden for the conscious mind. Your
subconscious has picked up the power for a while now.
If we want to make the real power visible, we rst have to add some lines. In this case straight lines
(male energy).

In sacred geometry straight lines are masculine energy and curved lines, such as circles, are feminine
energy. Funny enough, this is also re ected in the construction of our bodies as you can see.

Often when both energies are present, something can be created (the child / the creation).
This is also seen as the holy trinity.

2. Unlocking the Secrets

So when we add the masculine energy to the feminine energy, we can discover 3 numbers, which
continue in nitely behind the decimal point without a repetitive pattern. Similar to the number Pi,
also called π (3.1415926… etc.).
These numbers are, according to Pythagoras (a famous ancient Greek mathematician), fundamental
to the creation of all forms. Important numbers, therefore.

The following numbers can be found within the Vesica Piscis: √2, √3 and √5.
The rst number that we can nd is √2.
A sacred number that has been used in Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem and in the Tor in England,
among other places.
The square symbolizes unity in our physical universe, √2 symbolizes duality.

But the real reason that this number belongs in sacred geometry is because it hides the binary series.
An important series of numbers that occurs in any living organism, but also in computers and AI
(Arti cial Intelligence).

2.1 √2 and the Binary sequence

Suppose we have a square of 1 by 1 millimeter, then the square has an area of 1 square millimeter.
And the diagonal line is still √2.
If we now turn the diagonal line, the √2, into another new square, the new square will have an area of
2 square millimetres. Because √2 x √2 = 2.

Keep repeating this process, and the surface area will grow to 4 mm2, 8 mm2, 16 mm2, 32 mm2… etc.
This is the binary sequence: 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 …

And this sequence can continue in nitely. And the reason why this sequence is so important? Each
living organism follows this sequence, namely through cell division. So our entire body is based on
this sequence and the Fibonacci sequence, among other things!

But computers too, and with them AI, are based on the binary sequence. Someone who is a little
familiar with computers knows that computers only know two things; 1 and 0 or true and false or on
and o . But what does that have to do with the binary sequence?
That’s because the binary sequence consists of only 2 numbers. 1 and 0. The series of numbers we
have mentioned above have been converted to our known tenfold system. We won’t explain in this
blog how binary arithmetic works exactly 😉

2.2 The Mandorla

The second number we can nd in the Vesica Piscis is √3. But before we can explain it properly, we
need an introduction to the Mandorla.
The Mandorla is the middle part of the Vesica Piscis, it is an Italian word for almonds or almond
shaped (it also looks quite much like an almond).
You can nd this remarkable form in almost every image of saints, especially in Christianity. But also
in the architecture of churches.
2.3 √3
The proportions of the Mandorla are described by Pythagoras (the old Greek again). According to him
the proportions of the Mandorla are 265:153, also called √3.

√3 is also exactly the length of the diagonal of a cube. Actually, this means that three-dimensional
space is also de ned.
Especially the number 153 was sacred in Pythagorism. This number also appears in the Bible, but
then very subtly.

According to the Bible Jesus, after his resurrection, helped his followers with shing (another subtle
hint to the Vesica Piscis). His followers hadn’t caught anything for days, but with the help of Jesus they
caught exactly 153 sh. What a coincidence!
Maybe that’s why the famous sh with Jesus written in it. This sh also comes from the Vesica Piscis,
with a length of 153.
Even more strange coincidence is when an acronym is made in Greek of the full biblical name of
Jesus. Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior. In Greek this will be: Iesous Christos Theou Uios Soter. The
acronym would then be: ΙΧΘΥΣ (ichthus). If you translate this back to English (or Dutch), you will get
“Fish”. Maybe a far-fetched one, but still very coincidental….

Now that we are translating into Greek; the ancient Greeks had a system for their alphabet called
gematria. In doing so, they gave numerical values to letters or words.

Mary Magdalene, the wife of Jesus. (In addition to her name meaning ‘The Sea’) If we translate her
name to Greek, it becomes η αγδαληνή. No idea how you pronounce it, but when we assign the
numerical values to it and add them together, the result is 153. Also a coincidence?


The Mandorla represents something completely di erent. We’ll explain its real power later.
2.4 Golden Ratio and √5
Maybe you’ ve forgotten it (don’t worry, it’s a lot of info), but 3 numbers can be found in the Vesica
√2 and √3 we have had. But the last number we can nd is √5.

√5 is a number with which the Golden Ratio can be found. The Golden Ratio is an important ratio that
occurs everywhere in nature. Our human brain is also enormously attracted to this ratio, which is why
we have adopted it in our art and architecture. More about the Golden Ratio can be found in our
previous blog.
3. The Real Power of the Vesica Piscis
The real power of the Mandorla is pure women’s power. This story of the Bible with the number 153
only subtly wants to tell that Mary Magdalene played a very important role.

And the fact that this is pure women’s power is very strong when we look at the Old Celtic Churches
in Ireland. There you can nd sculptures of the Sheela Na Gig (many of these sculptures have been
destroyed). But also gurines of the Goddess Isis-Aphrodite, all her proportions are based on the
Vesica Piscis.

The Mandorla also looks a lot like a vulva. In Sanskrit (a centuries-old ancient primal language with a
high energy charge) vulva means “Yoni”. When you translate Yoni back you will get “Holy passage”. In
the sense of a passage for the soul to the material world.
I think this is the reason why all saints are presented with a Mandorla in the background. It is a (holy)
soul that has manifested itself in the material world.
4. The power used and abused
Now that we have discovered the real power of the Vesica Piscis, it is nice to show how its power has
been used. But unfortunately also is being abused.

A good example that really made good use of the power of Vesica Piscis are the ancient Egyptians.
They have incorporated the Vesica Piscis proportions into the Sphinx and pyramid of Giza.
Other good examples are the crop circle makers. A dozen crop circles (and more) have been found
with the Vesica Piscis.
And of course mother nature itself. Also better known as “The Engraved Hourglass Nebula” a dying
star 8000 light years away from the earth.
But also governments, freemasons and the Vatican use or abuse (depending on what you think of it)
the Vesica Piscis.

Such as the Washington monument and St. Peter’s Square in Rome. In the middle of the Mandorla
they placed an obelisk. What refers to the male genitals and the divine union of man and woman, at
least that is what it is originally intended for….
But there are also a handful of companies and secret orders that have the Vesica Piscis as a logo or in
their logo, which is not always noticeable.
5. Conclusion
These two overlapping circles contain a lot of information, hidden in plain sight. It’s a simple, but very
powerful manifestation symbol containing the secrets of the Universe. A symbol that is used by
ancient civilizations, but also abused by others.

It contains the numbers √2, √3 and √5. These numbers continue in nitely behind the decimal point
without a repetitive pattern, which is quite unique. Those numbers are used by ancient civilizations in
their structures and buildings, but are also found throughout nature.

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