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Ir J Med Sci

DOI 10.1007/s11845-014-1199-8


Ceramic and non-ceramic hydroxyapatite as a bone graft

material: a brief review
S. R. Dutta • D. Passi • P. Singh • A. Bhuibhar

Received: 4 May 2014 / Accepted: 2 September 2014

Ó Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland 2014

Abstract Treatment of dental, craniofacial and orthope- hydroxyapatite in larger non-ceramic crystals and cluster
dic defects with bone graft substitutes has shown promising forms as a successful bone graft substitute to treat various
result achieving almost complete bone regeneration types of bone defects. In this paper we have mentioned
depending on product resorption similar to human bone’s some recently studied properties of hydroxyapatite and its
physicochemical and crystallographic characteristics. various uses through a brief review of the literatures
Among these, non-ceramic and ceramic hydroxyapatite available to date.
being the main inorganic salt of bone is the most studied
calcium phosphate material in clinical practices ever since Keywords Bone graft substitute  Ceramic
1970s and non-ceramic since 1985. Its ‘‘chemical similar- hydroxyapatite  Coralline ceramic hydroxyapatite 
ity’’ with the mineralized phase of biologic bone makes it Bioactive non-ceramic hydroxylapatite  Osteoconductive 
unique. Hydroxyapatite as an excellent carrier of osteoin- Biocompatible
ductive growth factors and osteogenic cell populations is
also useful as drug delivery vehicle regardless of its den-
sity. Porous ceramic and non-ceramic hydroxyapatite is Introduction
osteoconductive, biocompatible and very inert. The need
for bone graft material keeps on increasing with increased The extensive acceptance of bone graft materials for
age of the population and the increased conditions of orthopedic surgeries involving articular and osseous
trauma. Recent advances in genetic engineering and doping defects in multitudinous reconstructive procedures depends
techniques have made it possible to use non-ceramic on its vast availability and immense usefulness [1]. In the
past few years the use of bone graft substitutes in the
treatment of distal radius fractures has also increased [2–6].
S. R. Dutta (&) Bone graft materials promote osseous ingrowth and bone
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, M. B. Kedia healing by providing a non loading structural substrate.
Dental College, Tribhuvan University, Chhapkaiya, Birgunj, Bone grafting provides structural support or augments
healing in significant bone defects such as osteoporotic
e-mail: drshubharanjand@gmail.com
bone and non-union fracture. The bone graft substitutes are
D. Passi based on naturally occurring materials such as demineral-
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, E. S. I. C., Dental ized allograft bone matrix, bovine collagen mineral com-
College and Hospital, Rohini, Delhi, India
posites, ceramic hydroxyapatite (HA), non-ceramic
P. Singh hydroxylapatite, ceramic-coralline hydroxyapatite (CHA)
Department of Physiology, Vyas Dental College and Hospital, and synthetic materials such as calcium sulfate pellets, and
Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India non-ceramic calcium phosphate pellets bioactive glass, and
calcium phosphate cement. Extensive studies in animal
A. Bhuibhar
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, Vyas Dental model and human patient has been done to evaluate the
College and Hospital, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India possible advantages of using bone graft material.

Ir J Med Sci

Fig. 2 HA used in alveolar defects

Fig. 1 Structure of HA

Bone graft substitutes

Among the several materials starting from gold to allograft

used to repair bone defects [7, 8] autologous bone is still
considered as the gold standard [9]. However, the use of
autologous bone is limited because of high cost. Also it
requires a second surgical site resulting in additional pain
and complications, and is associated with significant donor
site morbidity. The rapid resorption of allograft bone used
in the form of fresh-frozen or demineralized freeze dried
Fig. 3 HA used in augmentation genioplasty
bone allograft can make it less ideal for some larger
defects. Recently xenograft materials have also been used
successfully as bone graft substitutes [7, 10–13]. Ceramic
Bovine bone derivative is also used as a bone substitute as clinical practices ever since 1970s [20]. Hydroxyapatite is
it mimics the natural architecture of the cancellous bone calcium phosphate bioceramic and is also referred to as
even after undergoing heat treatment and chemical ceramic hydroxylapatite used as a bone defect filler,
extraction process [14]. A number of synthetic bone graft hydroxylapatite. It is generally recognized as the natural
substitutes also have been developed for the repair of bony biologic mineral component of vertebrate hard tissue and is
defects, especially in the craniofacial area. Most of these comprised in 60–70 % bone in the formula of [Ca5(-
are based on HA or other calcium phosphate minerals, PO4)3OH] and 98 % dental enamel (Fig. 1).
similar to the natural mineral found in human bone. Cal- The composition of HA ceramic is [Ca10(PO4)6OH2]
cium salts, mainly HA, help in bridging large segmental with a idealized Ca/P ratio 1.67, is not found in human
defects by the process of osteoconduction, thus getting biologic hydroxylapatite. The existence of a direct chemi-
deposited on the collagenous framework of the bone by the cal bond between bone and ceramic and non-ceramic bio-
osteoblasts [15]. Studies have shown chemical and crys- active hydroxylapatite (OsteoGenÒ [Ca5(PO4)3(OH)]) has
tallographic similarity of synthetic HA to the naturally been reported [21]. Filling defect site with bioactive
occurring HA [16–19]. Hence, these materials are osteo- hydroxylapatite, new bone formation was evident by 95 %,
conductive, biocompatible and can be easily sterilized and in a critical side defect of 8 mm 9 1 mm wide (Valen
used in the clinic. Ricci Spivak) by histological studies of bone–hydroxyl-
apatite interaction [21] through the combination of extra-
cellular matrix components and direct physicochemical
Hydroxyapatite deposition on ceramic OsteoGenÒ, however, demonstrated
sparingly 8 % new bone deposition touching the ceramic
Hydroxyapatite as the main inorganic salt of bone and HA surface coating intermittently (Ricci, Spivak) at the
teeth, is the most studied calcium phosphate material in tissue–titanium implant interface. Ceramic HA is generally

Ir J Med Sci

becomes mechanically weak in compression after conver-

sion whereas HA is resorbed slowly and large segments of
it can remain in place for years. The unpredictable bio-
degradation profile of tri-calcium phosphate has made it an
unpopular bone graft substitute [33]. However, bone
defects as an outcome of trauma, benign tumors, and uni-
cameral cysts can be effectively filled by tri-calcium
phosphate [34] or by non-ceramic bioactive hydroxylapa-
tite. (Spivak, Ricci, Valen) (Valen Letter to the Editor—
enclosed) (Kimoto Part 1) (Nordquist Part II-Part III) [21,
35–40]. The benefits of non-ceramic bioactive hydroxyl-
apatite in dentistry have been demonstrated especially for
Fig. 4 HA used to increasing the height of alveolar ridge
the surface conversion to fluorapatite for bacteriostatic
control and mitigation or elimination of pathogens and for
cell differentiation and proliferation of human osteoblast
(Ohno) [41]. Fluoridated hydroxyapatite (fluorapatite),
shows promise as an adjunctive treatment component in
inhibiting peri-implant infection [40]. HA is an excellent
carrier of osteoinductive growth factors and osteogenic cell
populations and hence also useful as a bioactive delivery
vehicle [42]. Radiographic evidences are available sug-
gesting that carbonated HA used in distal radius corrective
osteotomies have 100 % union rate of graft integration into
the bone tissue. There was also improvement in range of
wrist motion, forearm rotation as well as grip strength [6].
Thus, these studies confirmed the use of HA as an excellent
bone graft substitute in orthopedic surgeries as it facilitates
Fig. 5 HA used for reconstruction of resected mandible
bone formation, is biocompatible and slow remodeling
The origin of HA ceramic may be natural or artificial
produced by a hydrothermal exchange reaction of the (synthetic). Synthetic ceramic HA acts as a framework for
natural reef building coral skeleton in which the calcium the ingrowth and helps in subsequent deposition of new
carbonate skeleton is converted to calcium phosphate bone [43]. In recent years the technique of doping of bi-
without changing the trabecular bone imitating structure of oceramic materials are also adopted to enhance their
the coral [22]. The uniqueness of this material is its mechanical and biological properties as well as cytocom-
chemical similarity with the mineralized phase of bone patibility for use in tissue engineering applications [44, 45].
which accounts for the osteoconductive potential and Synthetic HA are also used as a coating material for dental
excellent biocompatibility [23–25]. and orthopedic implants, but its moderate to low solubility
The clinical use of ceramic HA mainly in granular form within the body and mechanical properties that differ from
has been reported in dental, craniofacial as well as in surrounding tissue and bone [44] limits its use. The use of
orthopedic surgery (Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5) [26–30]. doped HA with manganese and/or zinc as a bone substitute
HA is osteophilic, osteoconductive and osteointegrated. has resulted in faster resorption kinetics [46]. The use of
It can get bonded to the bone directly through the natural plasma spray HA coating as a means of fixation on metallic
bone converting mechanism [31]. The calcium HA/tri- femoral stem and cup has also been reported [47]. HA-
calcium phosphate (60/40) provides a structure or scaffold coated pins enhance pin fixation irrespective of bone type
in close interface with adjacent bone. Thus, its use in the and loading conditions. This reduces the rate of infection
treatment of load-bearing segmental bone defects is con- and loosening during external fixation [48, 49].
fined only to a limited number of cases, but without any
failure reports at the early stages of implantation [32]. Tri-
calcium phosphate can undergo partial conversion to HA Porous hydroxyapatite
once it is implanted into the body and this characteristic
makes it a random porous ceramic. As tri-calcium phos- Synthetic porous HA bone graft materials are osteocon-
phate is highly porous and quickly resorbed into bone it ductive, biocompatible and slowly resorbing bone

Ir J Med Sci

substitute. The use of porous HA has replaced the use of internal and external fixation implanted CHA bone graft as
dense form of HA due to its better integration to bone by a substitute for autogenous bone graft to support the
direct bonding to the bone. This facilitates osteoblastic reduced articular surface of 21 consecutive patients with
proliferation into the micropores and acts as a scaffold for distal radius fractures treated with external fixation and
bone regeneration [50–52]. Studies have shown that treat- K-wire [60]. This single-cohort retrospective study was
ment of bony defects by HA leads to bone growth into undertaken to report the outcomes of treatment with this
18–74 % pores of new bone area as compared to total material, associated contraindications, and its efficiency in
implant area [53, 54]. However, probably the entire porous articular surface reduction. After 35 months of surgery 18
space of the implant is never completely filled with bone patients were available for analytical procedures involving
[55]. Porous HA can be produced either by homogenizing radiography, subjective outcome analysis and independent
calcium phosphate powder with naphthalene particles or by evaluation of motion. 17 patients had good or excellent
the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to generate a radiographic results. The use of CHA in combination with
pore-filled structure. The interconnected high porous external fixation and K-wires was effective at maintaining
structure of HA has been promising for postero-lateral articular surface reduction and its safety profile was com-
lumbar inter-transverse process spine fusion [56, 57]. parable to other forms of the treatment.
Several studies have shown that porous HA is osteocon- The need for bone graft material keeps on increasing
ductive, biocompatible and very inert [58, 59]. It resorbs with increased age of the population and the increased
with time but the degradation rate is very slow [60]. conditions of high velocity trauma. Autografts remain the
However, porous HA is brittle and can be used only in non- gold standard because they contain the requisite osteoin-
loading sites and will act as a high stress riser, compro- ductive, osteogenic and osteoconductive properties neces-
mising the host bone with fibrous tissue encapsulation and sary to regenerate bone. There are drawbacks to harvesting
fracture points under load. Its compressive strength is autograft, including increased operating time, potential
enhanced by bone ingrowth, comparable only to that of complications and morbidity of the harvest site and limi-
cancellous bone [53]. tations in available bone quantity. Due to these limitations
there has been significant effort placed on the development
of various categories of bone graft substitutes, including
Coralline hydroxyapatite calcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite materials. We can
conclude from the study of literatures described above that
Coralline hydroxyapatite (CHA) is also an alternative to in the near future these bone graft substitutes such as
bone graft. The pore structure and biomechanical proper- hydroxyapatite can form a new approach or idea of treat-
ties of CHA is similar to human cancellous bone. It is ment in the patients with bony defects, especially in elderly
equally efficient to autogenous cancellous bone in the use people with unstable, extra-articular and comminuted distal
for subchondral support during internal fixation of tibial radius fractures, thus preventing secondary collapse, pro-
plateau fractures. It provides the structural integrity to viding better post-operative rehabilitation and improving
support an articular surface and also osteoconductive functional outcome. The modern day research on available
matrix for bony ingrowth [60]. CHA is processed by a bone graft substitutes involving the methods of genetic
hydrothermal exchange method in which the coral calcium engineering and refinements in internal fixation techniques
phosphate is converted to crystalline HA with pore diam- might be, therefore, helpful in managing bone defects,
eters between 200 and 500 lm, and a structure resembling including periodontal defects such as intrabony defect and
human trabecular bone. Cases of articular surface depres- maxillofacial defects such as reconstruction of excision of
sion in tibial plateau fractures have reported that the clin- primary bone tumor, craniofacial defects such as cleido-
ical performances of autologous cancellous bone graft and cranial dysplasia as well as for treating orthopedic defects
CHA are equivalent when used for filling bone voids [61]. such as distal radius fractures.
The use of CHA has been successful in non-weight-bearing
applications such as maxillofacial, periodontal augmenta- Conflict of interest None.
tion [62] and distal radial fractures [60] as well as in
weight-bearing metaphyseal defects (i.e. tibial plateau
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