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Introductory Element

PS Net which stands for Peso Sweet Escape Net is a ''mini-type'' internet cafe or computer shop

that will found near at Barangay Pila Session Hall, San Pascual Batangas. A "peso sweet escape net” is a

major hub for internet enthusiasts and children who only have a small amount of money to surf educational

needs in school in regards of doing homework and play some games which more contributes "demand" to

this business.

Peso net is like a computer shop or an internet cafe too, the difference is the computer in Peso

Net is enclosed in an arcade-like or slot machine-like enclosure. You can't see the computer, you only

get to see the screen and you can hold the mouse and keyboard.

Peso Net could consider as lucrative business given the breakdown of revenue and the right

circumstances, I think it is a viable source of extra income especially nowadays that we are facing

“new normal” education.

As we face the pandemic situation, our education was called ‘New Normal”. This is

because everyone is challenge to learn through modular distance learning or either online

teaching. More so, internet connection becomes in demand and priority nationwide because it

gives a lot of experience to all the learners who want to learn using different platform of

teaching most especially there are no meet ups between students and teacher only through

“Online Kumustahan” via google meet. Students become more intelligent and eager to learn

with the help of social media. Thus, upon knowing the important role of internet access to

education nowadays, I decided to establish a business called “ PESO NET” where everybody

can afford how to access internet connection for only one peso especially the students who

could not have internet cable at home. This business that I will put up will be a big help not

only for the students but also to the parents who found big issue every time their children

need to load their cellphone to have data connection. We all know that loading P30-P50 a day

consumes their budget for everyday meal especially if their monthly income is not regular. “
Peso Net” would relieve their expenses because it is more cheaper than the everyday scenario

they had when accessing data connection.

If I will ask where to locate my business, it would be near at the barangay hall of our

place so that from time to time barangay officials can monitor my costumer if they use “Peso

Net for educational purposes and not for leisure time. I believe that location is very strategic.

This place can also be the harbor for students that are working for their research, assignments,

projects and other school works, all of these can be catered by offering fast and reliable internet

connection and a good customer service in a very affordable price. This Marketing plan describes the

strategies for the pre-operations, technology research and advertising and promotional strategies in

opening this business; in this sense, with the mentioned rise of the popularity of the Peso Net business

and other competitors in providing internet and commuter usage to the market, this marketing plan’s

main purpose is to study the trends, the opportunities and look for ways in order for the business

owners to take the business into other aspects of growth.

I do believe that my business I established is appropriate to my skill and knowledge

because it is my fashion and commitment to help young adults like me access connection to

makes things possible for their studies. My target of market are learners from below average

of poverty because they know the value of centavos that their parents earned so they will

lessen using PESO Net from any online games.

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