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Mathematics in

the Modern
Time: 7:30-9:00AM, 1:30-3:00PM
Day: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
and Friday
1. Faithful Attendance
-20 minutes late is considered absent
2. Class Participation
-Recitation is highly necessary
3. Midterm
4. Quizzes, Assignments, Research,
Performance Tasks
5. Pair-share, Seminars, Cooperative
Mathematics of
the Modern
World ❖ Concerned with the
appreciation of its
practical, intellectual,
aesthetic and application
of mathematical tools in
daily life.
3 areas of concerns

1. Science of patterns
What is
2. Mathematical Mathematics all about?

3. Problem solving and

Study of

Mathematics is/an…

Set of
Process of
solving tools thinking
Module 1 - concerned with the mathematics in our
world – another way of looking mathematics as a
science of patterns

Patterns – is an arrangement which helps observers anticipate

what they might see or what happens next or just simply are
regular, repeated or recurring forms or designs (Observe
your environment and identify patterns that you see)

Studying patterns help us in identifying relationships and finding

logical connections to form generalizations to make predictions
Symmetry – indicates that you can
draw an imaginary line across an
object and the resulting part are
mirror image of each other.
3 types of Symmetry
Three-fold symmetry Five-fold symmetry Six -fold symmetry
Fractals – are
objects in which
the same patter
Sierpinski Triangle Lightning bols
occur again and
again at different
scale and sizes.

Fractals Geometry

Mandelbrot Set
Tessellation (Mosaics)
– is a pattern of
shapes that fit
together with no
gaps Fractals Geometry
Spiral – are shapes
that wind in a
gradually or
tightening curve.

Fractals Geometry
Naturalistic Drift
(Waves, Dunes)

Other patterns that
your are familiar

Fractals Geometry
Geometric sequence needs to be
Number pattern multiplied or divide with same value
each time we want to get the next term
Arithmetic sequence – is formed by adding or in the sequence:
subtracting a constant number to consecutive

1 3 5 7 9 ___

10 30 90 270 810 _____

Knife: knives life: lives wife: wives
Number pattern
wolf: wolves thief: thieves
WORD PATTERNS Half: halves

Patterns can also be found in loaf: loaves cactus: cacti fungus: fungi
language like morphological
rules in pluralizing nouns and focus: foci nucleus : nuclei
conjugating verbs tense, as
well as the metrical rules of Tomato: tomatoes potato: potatoes
poetry. Each of these
examples supports mosquito: mosquitoes
mathematical and natural
language understanding echo: echoeszero: zroes

Where is Mathematics? What is Mathematics for?

Mathematics is in… Mathematics help us …

People and communities Understand
Our daily routine Manipulate and
Nature Appreciate
……The nature and the
Application Tasks

Illustrate each type of Patterns based on your

environmental scanning experiences (exclude what
had been mention in the Lecture). Give one example
of each.
Nida V. Alcantara

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