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Psychological Studies Captones


With regard to the developmental issues being expected in society, there is a deep

research of what is not commonly taken into a deep concern. The term developmental issues can

be described as the abnormal delay of patterns that deal with the critical areas to deal with

behavioral adaptation, language communication, the idea of solving problems, and motor skills.

When detailed research is being conducted, the developmental issues are usually compared to the

children of the same age (Nielsen et al., 2017). In cases of children with developmental

problems, there are many suggestions given by the relevant experts, including the children

neurologist, the neurodevelopmental pediatrician, and several other physicians who have

specialized in the same field. They are the relevant people who are licensed to look at the

developmental concerns and analyze how they could be taken along. With the considerations not

taken in place quite earlier, the consequences are likely to be very intense and maybe not easy to

solve in the future. Having had a look at the definition, the paper is focused on conducting a

detailed researched analysis of the developmental issues in children and give the consequences

that follow the developmental concerns.

Definition of child abuse

From the above description concerning the developmental issues, it is relevant to look at

the primary definition of child abuse. According to the oxford dictionary, child abuse is denoted

as any form of mistreatment in violence that comes from an adult that poses many threats to the

child either physically, psychologically, or emotionally (Snow, 2017). It comes along in

domestic violence on many occasions where there is a situation their parents, guardians, and

caretakers are mistreating children. At times it can be done with the aim of children being

overworked by people out of greed intentions without considering children's rights and freedom.

Child abuse is often rejected in many countries in safeguarding the rights of a child. To

ensure that children are given fair treatment, there are many ways to be passed to safeguard the

children. Through this, child abuse cases have reduced epic scale, thus bringing peace to society

(Wright, 2017). The government is always campaigning against child abuse forms, bringing

humanity to uphold the rights and freedom of a young developing issue. Child abuse is

campaigned against because, in one way or the other, there comes the idea of children

developing with different psychological defects that affect them physically and even the way

they will tend to reason. According to research conducted earlier, those children who

underperform in their duties usually have not been accustomed to different forms of child abuse.

Child abuse can be in different forms

Children can be abused physically through the violence of either giving them different

heavy tasks which are not up to their level and in the determination of the age. They can also be

given different roles, not being within their age limit (Wright, 2017). On the same, another form

of child abuse is in the form of emotional and psychological torture. The child abuse situation

comes when a child has been affected physically and is now full of stress without deep reasoning

about the real-life issues worth their reasoning. Taking that into a keen study, physical neglect is

also a way for the child to be psychologically affected because he has not been given the

complete care expected of a child of their age. The child will then turn to think illogically and is

likely to engage in various forms of immoral evil such as immorality, sexual abuse, and drug

abuse. The abuse of drugs will affect the learners because they lack the motivation needed to

grow and come up with sound solutions. Therefore child abuse forks will affect how a child will

think because they are not psychologically thinking soberly.

Examples of child abuse

Child abuse is done in many ways in contemporary society. It is sometimes tough to

recognize whether the guardians and parents are conducting a bit because it can be mistaken as

their daily chores. To look at this study, some ways can be looked at so that it is easy to

recognize when a child is being abused. A child will be termed as being in abuse when given a

job below their age limit according to a given country's constitutional right to acquire an identity

card to be legally recognized to make decisions when termed to be mature. To recognize child

abuse, first, the consideration is to look at the signs of the suspected child. If the child has the

signs of doing with stress and psychological torture, it is good to be observant and look at how or

what they usually do towards that change of their attitude. It can also be observed how the

guardian or the parent behaves toward the line (Bhagat, Haque, and Jaalam, 2018). If probably

the guardian tends to be so angry and keeps beating the child because of not fulfilling some

tasks, there is an excellent likelihood of that. The child will end up looking so depressed and

unhappy and probably withdraw him or herself from friends. The evidence comes along after

researching the suspected child who has been abused and then sees the kind of work accustomed

to the child (Otsuka et al., 2017). It is then possible to make a defined judgment of whether the

child has been molested and abused in one way or another before making any decision.

Cognitive developmental issues


Cognitive developmental issues refer to how a child is in a condition through which they

are not cooperating towards the academic expectations about their age. Their behavior is not well

adapted to the life and skilled nature of their life. The developmental issues are usually named,

such as cognitive disabilities, intellectual impairment, or intellectual disorder.

The cognitive-developmental issues have different causes that can be discussed so that

there is a detailed form of finding the solution to this problem affecting the children (Nielsen et

al., 2017). The different causes include the genetic conditions where a child develops abnormal

and critical chromosomal disorders. The disorders are inherited from the parents, passing from

generation to generation (Wright, 2017). Another way that causes the cognitive-developmental is

the pregnancy forms where a child may develop the condition because they were accustomed to

injuries during the birth process from the mother or the doctor. It can also keep deteriorating

when the child is also in a critical condition such that it was not well situated or located in the

womb. If it also happens that the mother has problems with taking alcohol, it is likely to be a

significant effect that will affect the child to possess the symptoms. Another consideration is

about the birth conditions and the health considerations that had already been accustomed to the

child's reasoning and taking things from logical conditions. Logics such as looking at instances

in the case of diseases may also count to be a problem that can affect a child to feel neglected

and abused in one form or the other. Therefore the children have different ways through which

they have the issues to do with the cognitive-developmental issues. Cognitive-developmental

issues are widespread in children. Research has shown that from 12 to 1000 kids are widespread

and go from mild to most critical profound criteria (Snow, 2017). Children with this condition

are likely to be affected by various issues, such as performing poorly in classes in terms of


The cognitive issue deals with the assumption to do with the essence of how the brain

will react to specific situations that are very important to determine an individual's reasoning

factor. Therefore when these cognitive developmental issues go to the extent of affecting a child

psychologically without any sense of medication and precaution taken, the likelihood of the

conditions to affect the child extensively is likely to go high(Wright, 2017). It is not to be

forgotten that all the causes of the cognitive Development issue, such as the pregnancy injuries,

the inheritance from generation to generation, and the acquired health complications have

solutions of medication in the same concept of well discovered in advance. Therefore cognitive

deals with affecting the child psychologically, and the brain system also deteriorates.

To promote the child's cognitive issues, some things can be done. For instance, it is good

to be active with your child and make various critical games that require the idea of thinking to

make the child start reasoning from a different perspective (Houwen et al., 2017). In addition,

the child should be taught how to answer the why questions that will enable them to start

reasoning from a logical perspective. To enhance this, there has to be the sense of bringing in

funny toys to keep the child enjoying. There are other criteria for helping the child sing after you

during the practical way of teaching her to grasp things and break the monotony of low reasoning

in the same concept.

Examples of cognitive-developmental issues

The example that comes along through the cognitive-developmental issue is the

examination of the language factor. There is a way to look at the child, see how they will look at

the language, and take a deep conversation on how the child is interacting. Children with

cognitive-developmental issues have a problem to do with communication. They may tend to


take long before replying to some of the questions given to them (Bhagat, Haque, and Jaalam,

2018). It can be set up at the school level or home when trying to reason with the kids.

Communication is one of the physical ways to bring along the aspect of cognitive impairment in


Another example of a cognitive characteristic of children is the absence of the child

smiling during her young years. The child is very bored with life and cannot yet learn the

essential aspects of life that other children are doing at the age. It generally means that the child

will suffer the effect of the cognitive disability of not reasoning logically to bring in the essence

of the jovial mood expected of a child.

In later adulthood, it will be noticed that the child suffering from the problem cannot

handle some life issues that need common sense. Still, the likelihood of laziness may grow in

that child, thus giving in the probability of low intelligence quotient even without analyzing a

test. It can also be noted that the child may not get to know her name when they are young, thus

being reminded now and again to say his name. There will also be a Kern difference where the

child will be unable to respond to the actions that need a rush decision within the stipulated time.

The idea comes in that sense because the child cannot be in a position of maintaining the

contactless of the eye within the stipulated period (Anderson, 2018). The child keeps to look

down and concentrates more on one object while playing other than being so first in taking

various tasks that can accrue them towards the intelligence situation of measurement. Suppose

the child may be taken into a different set of ideas, such as changing them to another language.

In that case, the child will become dumb if not taken into consideration by forcing him to keep


Growth and motor development

The physical growth of a child, the form of strengthening the bones, and the idea of

bringing in the movement abilities and the flexing of a child's muscles are termed as motor

development. The growth of a baby had got different stages which they undergo before taking

another level of life (Bhagat, Haque, and Jaalam, 2018). There is also a time when children

increase in their lifetime age until they reach a certain level where they begin to moderate

themselves to fit into the society as full-grown men and women. The stage where people

proliferate is definitely between zero to five years and around six to fourteen years. During this

period, the child is more of a body-building food material than more energy-giving food. The

reason why it is needed is that growth requires the body tissues to be strong. Therefore the need

for proteins that are responsible for building the body is needed. Children, when young, need to

get the essence of more proteins than vitamins and energy foods so that they can develop and

come up with a valid growth strategy to curb up the developmental issues that affect the learners

There are four primary fields of motor development that are listed to show how the child

grows and brings in the essence of their physical growth. The areas include the emotional stage,

physical development, social development, and language and communication. The listed areas

are crucial areas that will determine physical or motor development (Anderson, 2018). When s

language is being examined in a child, the physical aspects such as the delay of the speech

determine how this child will likely affect his future life. The emotional delays of childcare as a

result that comes along to ensure the physical aspects of the child are either affected in one way

or the other. For instance, looking at how the child is physically behaving, such as the way he

brings along the aspects of the facial expressions, can quickly tell you that the child has a

problem in their emotional torture. The social aspect will quickly show that the child is either

affected in one way or the other. According to the psychologist's discussion, the child who will

interact well with other children is correctly ascertained to be intelligently accrued band able to

make decisions without necessarily depending on what is being directed to them.

There are about two categories where a child will fall into. The gross motor takes the first

category and the second one is the fine motor. Looking at the fine motor, we are looking at the

movement that involves small parts such as the lips, the fingers, the wrist, the feet, and the toes.

On the other hand, the gross motor denotes the movement and development of complex

materials, which involves the child being in a position where they will make complex

movements such as the head's flexibility, crawling, sitting, jumping, running and other complex

related forms of movement (Anderson, 2018). The two types of movements are related in that in

both, and they represent the idea of bringing in the change of motion either slowly or rapidly.

The typical motor development has a particular sequence through which it follows. It

begins by concentrating from the inner part of the body, such as at the neck, the legs, and the

head, and then moves to the outer parts of the body, which brings along the balanced and equal

beau through which the developmental process of the body. The parts involved in this activity

include the feet, fingers, toes, and hands. A child's motor development is crucial because it has

many disadvantages to the child than the harm (Houwen et al., 2017). By looking at the child's

motor development, the issue of knowing the next step to take is yet to be known and upheld in

one way or the other. The idea is to ensure that the child is given the best response if a motor

behavior can be controlled without expecting any form of delay. For instance, when a child is

crawling, the kind of movement has got a lot of advantages to the child than harm. By doing this,

the child is eager to explore the environment and take in the idea of nature, thus reacting

efficiently to various responses that will make them perceive life from different perspectives.

Through this, it is unlike the child who is left to stand and sit somewhere where he does not react

to anything that bypasses them. The social and emotional development of the child will come

along if there is a need to see a future change of the child to a particular perception.

The typical cognitive-motor development takes a specific sequence. The parents or

caregivers of these children with cognitive problems can be helped in different ways to boost

their ability to fulfill the normal state. They can do this by conducting done various aspects. The

activities can be done by placing or putting the child in one corner and then making the baby

reach a toy that had been situated somewhere. Through this, the child will have to reason first

and react to the toy (Zainal and Newman, 2021). When this is done, there is the essence of

reasoning. The same can be done where the child can be put on a trolley to walk and feel like

they are don't something fun. In the end, you will notice that the child has been accustomed to

doing the same idea often, thus familiarizing himself with doing the actions. It is also crucial for

the child to be taken into the playgrounds and be taught how to slide. He can be made to watch

what other children are doing so that his reasoning can be revitalized to behave normally and not

abnormally. Too much silence of a child is a clear indication that the child has been accustomed

to living with specific problems where if one is not keen enough, it will be a significant problem

beyond repair.

Executive functioning and attention

Executive functioning and attention are the words that go hand in hand. From the

perspective of executive functioning, it has one of the significant roles necessary for paying

attention. The executive function is legible at looking at prioritizing, giving an essential plan, and

doing an organization. The organization that is legible to bring in the aspect of focusing on

things until they are complete. According to the neuropsychologists, paying attention claims that

they can be a good experiment that can be used to measure a child's memory capacity. It is

conceptualized to various ideas that will enhance the predictability of the executive functionality.

Therefore, it is relevant to look at the most crucial skills that can be overlooked to ensure that

everything is implemented (Zainal and Newman, 2021). They include the self-control nature,

time management, memory workout, and adaptable thinking. Executive thinking enables sound

reasoning from a child towards fulfilling the idea of the dreams and goals legible for the success

of the ideas and plans.

There are very many ways through which the executive functioning of a child can be

determined. It can be looked through the examining of the branches that follow up. They include

inhibitory control, which deals with the aspect to do with self-control (Houwen et al., 2017). The

second one is the flexibility of the cognitive forms, which deals with the criteria of reasoning

logically and therefore thinking to come up with a reasonable solution to a particular problem.

The third one is the working memory. On the other end, it is also defined as the memory that

looks at all that control within the memory functions. The working memory determines the

flexibility of thinking and how one can bring along the aspect of self-control.

Executive function enhances various skills. They include individualized monitoring,

taking the different points of view and operations. Other executive skills in child rust that can be

looked at include the focusing criteria used for various tasks. Development is seen when the

executive functions skills have been enhanced, and a child perceives things from another view of

life. Therefore it is to be noted that when the kids are young, they develop some skills that will

determine their peer influence.

A child who is in a position of paying attention and then reacts readily towards specific

questions is likely to be wise, and well see in terms of academic performance and various

aspects. The child will also develop the issue of being sharp when given a particular task. Having

the idea of looking for a solution without fear that you are doing something right or wrong is a

significant role for children who have the executive function of paying good attention (Houwen

et al., 2017). After paying attention keenly, the kids are also legible to bringing in a solution that

they think will probably work towards the focus of life during their age. The child who is in a

position of prioritizing things that they think are not important to focus on those which are very

important makes it quite good and relevant for the children to enhance the basic skills of a good

Learner during the childhood period.

Academic achievement

The developmental issues have a significant impact on the academic achievement of a

child. Many factors can determine a child to be in a position of achieving and the ones that can

hinder them from embracing good academic results (Berenguer et al., 2017). A lot of

psychologists have argued academic achievement in a child is in different ways. Some people

tend to believe that academic success and brilliance are mostly inherited other than being

acquired. Some believe that academic achievement can result primarily due to the environmental

factors that will either give the child a health condition to work and excess and those that will

give the child the inappropriate ways of making him achieve in one way or the other.

The achievement of academics will come along in different ways. It is commonly given a

test through the various issuance of examinations. After the examination has been given, one will

argue whether the child is intelligent or not brilliant enough compared to the other. Academics

achievement will determine how one will develop the strategies and how one organizes the ideas

in mind.

The cognitive-developmental issues affecting the child include the stress factor,

motivational forms, anxiety, self-esteem, and self-efficacy. The forms are the ones that will

either trigger the mind in different ways, which the child can take positively or negatively. When

a child has been attributed to the positive forms, they will probably take the chance of creating

the ability to get motivated towards achieving (Berenguer et al., 2017). Still, when the child is

induced to unfavorable conditions, the child is probably getting stressed and anxious to feeling

like quitting in education. However, children who have different developmental issues are slow

to get the motivation that will revive or her towards achieving the success of the child's academic


Psychosocial and behavioral outcomes

Psychosocial means the idea in which one is accustomed to the interaction and the social

behavior. There are different psychosocial ways through which the mentality of bringing in the

aspect of the change in the way things are being developed and taken in different forms (Meints

and Edwards, 2018). The children tend to behave differently from one state to another because

they get adapted to various forms of nature, which either they respond to critically, favorably, or

unfavorably at the same time. The behavioral outcomes that will result along are generally

stipulated and determined to enhance the aspect of the social and personal criteria of life during

the developmental process.

Emotional regulation

Emotional regulation explains where one is in a position of owning a control form from

another person's emotional state and then decides to calm down and not react (Järvenoja, Näykki,

and Törmänen, 2019). The regulation of the emotions may be in different forms where one can

decide not to get upset. One tends to pretend that everything is fine, but in reality, the aspect that

enabled him to succeed is the idea of controlling their ways of reasoning.

The emotional control of a child may well determine the social behavior of the child who

is growing. Some kids are born with this criterion where they will tend to believe in the sense of

being so hot-tempered (Goldstein et al., 2020). For instance, when looking at a kid and snatching

from him, the child may cry and even talk down. If left to keep on, such a developmental issue

may affect their future when making crucial decisions. Therefore, emotional control is crucial.

One should always aspire to look for ways to cater to the needs of emotional regulation, either

when hot-tempered or when a position of not being happy about a specific unpleasant aspect.

Emotional regulation can result in a necessary social, psychosocial, and behavioral form of


Personality disorders

Personality disorders are perceived to occur when one thinks differently that deviates

from cultural norms and societal expectations. The expectations accrued to a particular

individual can be measured through the various forms of speech and communication. Various

factors can influence an individual's way of personality. The factors such as the environmental

situation where one has been brought up can be a way that best describes the effect. Another

influence of the personality disorder tends to fine from the inheritance perspective. The

inheritable ways that pass from generation to generation will probably give the aspect of

different disorders. A disorder, in most cases, tends to stay for a long time and even rejects some

treatment forms (Goldstein et al., 2020). There are different ways through which different

disorders can be classified. They include paranoid disorder, anti-social disorder, and histrionic

personality disorder. The emotional disorders can be determined through various ways, including

the way of thinking that comes along, the emotional response, relationship with people, and the

general control of the behavior of a particular person.

Posttraumatic stress disorder

It is a disorder that comes along when one is affected by a failure to recover after

observing or looking, or witnessing something that may be so terrifying. It is a disorder that

experts can treat in different aspects. The main forks of signs in this disorder may be the

flashbacks of remembering certain events, nightmares, and various aspects such as mood

depression and anxiety.

Adolescence and Adulthood Outcomes

Adolescence is the stage where one moves from childhood to another level of adulthood.

It happens through the ways which come along the psychological and physical development.

During this stage, there are various ways to be affected by the changes that accompany it. It is,

therefore, a psychological form of stress to beginners who experience this stage (Bagwell and

Bukowski, 2018). For instance, when a young child gets into the age of fourteen, he will likely

start growing where his private parts start to enlarge, the broadening of the shoulders, and the

voice break. As a result, the effect that comes through that aspect is that they may worry about

themselves. Sometimes when they begin to grow pimples, they may feel like they are

psychologically affected. The same case applies to girls when their breasts begin to enlarge; their

ways of communication may be altered in that they will look as if they are likely to hide

(Bagwell and Bukowski, 2018). With such characteristics, it is very irrelevant to disturb such

characters due to their psychological affection. The change from either their childhood form to

the transitional way of adulthood will be a significant cause to their psychosocial, behavioral

ways, and the reaction to the environment.

The children, when they have been accustomed to the changes, if not well taken into

consideration, may tend to do things and do not expect themselves to be corrected in any way

because they believe that they are now mature enough to do their ways and even think that they

can stand on themselves without any form of delay. At this stage, the children may grow to be

legible of committing the different immoral forks such as;

Alcohol and substance abuse

According to a research study conducted by the United States on drugs, children between

fifteen to twenty-one years are the leading users of illegal drugs (Chaku and Hoyt, 2019). They

are primarily found in schools, but they cannot survive without using the various drugs. They are

then affected in their way of thinking as they continue to use the drugs. The main psychological

drive that activated them is the belief that they are mature and need to be redirected.

Delinquency and violence

During the adolescence period, there is a lot of violence witnessed. The young boys and

girls growing may tend to be at the conflicts by bringing in their refuting aspects that may not

rhyme with their parents (Antonini et al., 2017). As a result, they may decide not to follow what

they are told except that their ideas become their primary defense aim. Thus it is easy for them to

bring in violence.

Early sexual initiation

At this stage, the children are very active, and they tend to try involving themselves in

earlier sex as they test their manhood and the girls too tend to wait and see what is likely to

happen to them. The immoral excitement sometimes leads them to contract diseases


The paper has addressed the various developmental issues and how the children are

affected in various ways. The child abuse forms have been taken into a deep concern and rye

ways children are being abused in the society. The cognitive development issues have been

addressed with relevant examples (Antonini et al., 2017). On the other hand, the executive

functioning and the children's way of paying attention have been analyzed. Finally, the paper has

addressed the children at their adolescent stage and the changes in behavior. The developmental

issues may affect them in very many aspects that need to be given a detailed and deep concern.


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