What Is The Difference Between Cultural Awareness and Cultural Sensitivity?

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What is the difference between cultural awareness and cultural sensitivity?

- Cultural awareness is knowing that there are multiple cultures and

understanding that these cultures have different perspectives. It is also about being
open to the idea of changing cultural attitudes and recognizing nuances of one’s
own and other cultures. These multiple different cultures are religion, nationality,
ethnicity and other factors. On the other hand, cultural sensitivity is knowing that
differences exist between cultures, but not assigning values to those differences. It
allows us to learn about and acknowledge people whose cultural background is not
the same as ours. Having a cultural sensitivity though doesn’t literally mean that we
must master all of the other culture’s values. It simply implies that, rather than
casting judgement on those around us, we are able to ask pertinent questions, gain
insight, and develop respect. That also means that if you know you'll be entering a
place where cultural nuances will be present, you'll do more research ahead of time
to avoid making quick judgments or drawing conclusions. It is very important to be
mindful that people are not exactly the same and that your culture is no
better than any other culture.

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