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CONTRACTS 5 Basic Principles / Characteristics

(Article 1305-1422 Civil Code) M – Mutuality (1308)

A – Autonomy (1306)
Chapter 1 R – Relativity (1311)
General Provision C – Consensual (1315)
(Video 89) O – Obligatory (1159) – contractual obligation
Article 1305 - CONTRACTS (Obligations arising from contracts have the
“A contract is a meeting of minds between two force of law between the contracting parties
persons whereby one binds himself, with and should be complied with in good faith)
respect to the other, to give something or to
render some service” Example (obligatory)
-meeting of minds A sells his car to B for 100,000, then B buys
-2 parties (there can be more than 2 parties) the car. They have a contract then A cannot
refuse to deliver, and B also cannot refuse to
*there should be no 1 party only (exception: pay, because there is obligatory force
AUTO CONTRACT) (mandatory) of contract. Then the parties must
have to comply. If they refuse to comply, they
Auto contract - a contract in which a person will be liable to pay for damages.
literally contract with himself
Example of auto contract: suppose A Kinds/Classification of Contract
authorized B to sell his car worth 100,000. A is 1. According to name or designation
the principal, B is the agent. B is the one who a. Nominate
will sell the car, but he decided to buy the car. b. Innominate
Then B will be the seller and buyer at the same 2. According to perfection
time. a. Consensual
b. Real
General rule: 2 parties (exception: auto 3. According to cause
contract) a. Onerous
b. Remuneratory or remunerative
Bilateral – two parties c. Gratuitous
Multilateral – more than two parties 4. According to form
a. Informal, common or simple
-Obligation can exist even there is only one b. Formal or solemn
party (example: quasi-contract = negotiorum 5. According to obligatory force
gestio, solution indebiti, because it is unilateral) a. Valid
b. Rescissible
To give – to deliver a car (something) c. Voidable
To do – contract of employment, contract of d. Unenforceable
piece of work e. Void or inexistent
6. According to person obliged
1156 – Juridical necessity to give, to do or not a. Unilateral
to do (more extensive and broader definition) b. Bilateral
7. According to risks
Contract – one of the Obligation – there are a. Commutative – when the
sources of obligation sources of obligation undertaking of one party is considered the
- Contract is the - Broader equivalent of that of the other (sale, lease)
cause, obligation because all b. Aleatory – depends upon an
is the effect contracts have uncertain event or contingency both as to
obligations but benefit or loss (insurance, sale of hope)
not all 8. According to liability
obligations have a. Unilateral – created an obligation
contracts on the part of only one of the parties
Contract – always Agreement – broader (commodatum, gratuitous deposit)
legal because it may be b. Bilateral – when it give rise to
legal or illegal reciprocal obligations for both parties (sale,
Contract - Stipulation – portion / lease)
part of a contract 9. According to status
where you can a. Executory – has not yet been
certainly agree completely performed by both parties
Contract - Pact – incidental part b. Executed – has been fully and
of the contract satisfactorily carried out by both parties
10. According to dependence to another
a. Preparatory – entered into as a
means to an end (agency, partnership)
b. Accessory – dependent upon (3)good customs, (4)public order, or (5)public
another contract is secures or guarantees for policy
its existence and validity (If it is contrary to the five, it becomes void)
c. Principal – does not depends on it
existence and validity upon another contract Example:
but is an indispensable condition for the A sells a car to B, then B buys the car
existence of an accessory contract (MUTUALITY) but it is autonomy because the
11. According to the dependence of part of contract is valid (because it is not contrary to
contract to other parts law, morals, good customs, public order, or
a. Indivisible (or entire) – each part of public policy)
the contract is dependent upon the other parts
for satisfactory performance Autonomy - they can agree…
b. Divisible – one part of the contract Exception: if the case is contrary to…
may be satisfactorily performed independently 1. Law – Example: Supposed he hired Pedro to
to the other parts kill Juan, Pedro agrees. Then they do not have
(1) Consensual vs. Real a contract, but they have an AGREEMENT
Consensual – contract is created by mere because agreement may be legal or illegal.
consent (only need is consent) 2. Morals – Example: Supposed he hired a
Real (1316) – need consent and delivery of the prostitute for sexual services. Then the contract
thing is void, because that is contrary to moral.
3. Good custom – Example: Supposed he pay
(2) Commutative vs. Aleatory one of my classmates, 5k, provided he slap the
Commutative – equivalent consideration must face of his parents. Then that is VOID, which is
be given contrary to good custom. He supposed to
Example: A sells a car to B for extend respect and gratitude to his parents.
100,000. B buys the car for 100k, 95k, or 90k, 4. Public order – Example: Supposed he have
there is an equivalent consideration a contract to one of his leasee (one renting to
Aleatory – consideration are not the same his dorm/house). If they will not pay, he will
(fulfillment of the contract is dependent upon physically throw them out of the window. Then
chance) that is VOID which is contrary to public order.
Example: A buys from B a lotto ticket. 5. Public Policy – Example: Supposed he hired
Lotto ticket: 20 pesos, winning price: 5 million. a person and had an agreement that he cannot
Then the consideration is not the same. receive the minimum wage. Then the contract
is VOID because that is contrary to public
(3) Executory vs. Executed policy. Because he supposed to protect his
Executory – the parties will be complying with employees and give his minimum wage (under
the obligation 1987 Constitution – Protection to Labor must
Example: A sells a car to B for be extended)
100,000, and B buys the car. The obligation of
A is the deliver; the obligation of B is to pay. If Article 1307 – INNOMINATE CONTRACTS
A has not yet delivered or B has not yet paid, “Innominate contracts shall be regulated by the
that is executor. stipulations of the parties, by the provisions of
Executed – both of the parties had already Titles I and II of this Book, by the rules
complied. governing the most analogous nominate
Example: A sells a car to B for contracts, and by the customs of the place.”
100,000, and B buys the car. The obligation of
A is the deliver; the obligation of B is to pay. If Innominate – no name
A has already delivered, and B already paid,
that is executed. But if one party had not yet Distinction between nominate and
complied, it is still executed. innominate
Statute of Fraud – the contract must be in -has a name - no name
writing covers only executory contract. If one of Example: contract of -which has no specific
the parties performed the obligation, it is not sale, contract of name or designation
part of statute of fraud. lease, commodatum, in law
agency, mutuum,
Article 1306 – AUTONOMY / LIBERTY / guaranty
Freedom to Contract -which has specific
“The contracting parties may establish such name or designation
stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions as in law.
they may deem convenient, provided they are
not contrary to law, morals, good customs, Kinds of innominate contract
public order, or public policy” 1. do ut des - I give that you may give
2. Do ut facias - I give that you may do
General rule: Parties can agree to anything 3. Facio ut des - I do that you may give
provided it is not contrary to (1)law, (2)moral, 3. Facio ut facias I do that you may do
Hint: If the word is long, the translation is short. Example: His offer is 100k, the buyer reply is
If the word is short, the translation is long 80k. Supposed the decision of Pedro (third
Facio – do person) is 50k. Then that is evidently
Do – give inequitable.
Effect: The decision of third person is NOT
Rules Governing Innominate Contract VALID, then the court is the one who will
A – Agreement decide.
C – Provisions of the Civil Code
A – Analogous contracts Summary:
C – Customs of the palace 1308 – general rule (both parties will decide)
1309 – exception (third person cannot decide
1308 – MUTUALITY unless he’s authorized)
“The contract must bind both contracting 1310 – exception to the exception (third person
parties; its validity or compliance cannot be left is authorized but his decision is evidently
to the will of one of them.” inequitable)
Mutuality – both parties must agree
Example: suppose he said to one of my (video 90)
classmates that he is selling the marker Article 1311 – RELATIVITY OF CONTRACT
whether he like it or not. The principle violated “Contracts take effect only between the parties,
is mutuality because there must be consent on their assigns and heirs, except in case where
both parts of the parties. the rights and obligations arising from the
contract are not transmissible by their nature,
*In the case of PNB vs. Padilla or by stipulation or by provision of law. The heir
-Padilla able to get a contract of loan with PNB. is not liable beyond the value of the property he
Unfortunately, during the existence of the received from the decedent.
contract, PNB increased the interest without If a contract should contain some stipulation in
the consent of Padilla. The Supreme Court favor of a third person, he may demand its
says that the cause if INVALID because it fulfillment provided he communicated his
violated the law of mutuality acceptance to the obligor before its revocation.
A mere incidental benefit or interest of a person
Article 1309 – Determination of is not sufficient. The contracting parties must
Performance by a Third Person have clearly and deliberately conferred a favor
“The determination of the performance may be upon a third person”
left to a third person, whose decision shall not
be binding until it has been made known to Article 1178 – Obligations are not
both contracting parties.” transmissible, rights are transmissible
General rule: Third Person cannot decide, Example: A have 2 heirs, A1 and A2. And B
because both parties must agree not the third also have 2 heirs, B1 and B2. Supposed A
person. dies, A1 and A2 should not pay A’s obligation
Example: Supposed I’m selling something to a (because obligations are not transmissible).
person, a car. Supposed B dies, B1 and B2 can collect from A
It is necessary to us to get the third person for (because rights are transmissible.
us to decide? NO.
Article 1311
Exception: Example: A and B – they are the parties/privy.
- The third person was authorized by both A have 2 heirs, A1 and A2. B has 2 heirs, B1
parties and B2. Supposed B assigned his right to C
Example: He said to his buyer that the (assigned/assignee – if the contract is
agreement is 100k, the reply of the buyer transferred to another person)
is 80k, then there is no meeting of minds Who are included in the contract/who are
because his offer is 100k and the buyer’s bound in the contract? (parties, heirs, assigns –
reply is 80k. Supposed he and the buyer relativity)
agrees to let Pedro decide for them, then Supposed there is Pedro, he is not a party, not
there is mutuality (they agreed to allow an heir, and not an assigned. Pedro is a third
Pedro to decide) person.
Effect: The decision of third person is *if you are not part of a contract, you are a third
valid to both parties person or a third party.

Exception to the exception (1310) General rule: Third person are not bound, not
liable, and not affected by the contract
Article 1310 – If the decision of the third (because contract take effect only between the
person is evidently INQUITABLE parties, heirs and assigned)
“The determination shall not be obligatory if it is Exception (4): where a third person is bound,
evidently inequitable. In such case, the courts liable and affected.
shall decide what is equitable under the 1. 1311 – Stipulation pour autrui
circumstances” 2.1312 – Contracts creating real rights
Inequitable – unfair to one of the parties
3. 1313 – Contracts entered into to defraud Why do you need to register? (to create a real
creditors right)
4. 1314 – Interference in contractual relation (In *the moment you register, it is binding to the
contracts which have been violated at the whole world.
inducement of a third person) *it is necessary to register

1311 – STIPULATION POUR AUTRUI Example: A sells his land to B, in writing. The
- Stipulation in favor of a third person. contract then valid to both parties, but
- Clearly and deliberately conferring a favor supposed he want it to be valid to the third
upon a third person who has a right to person, that’s the reason why he have to
demand its fulfillment provided he register it – Registry of Deeds.
communicate his acceptance to the
obligor before its revocation by the Supposed A owes B a loan of 100k,
obligee or original parties. land is the mortgage. The mortgage must be
registered again; if it is not registered then it did
Requisites of Stipulation Pour Autrui not create a real right. If it not registered, it is
1. There is a stipulation in favor of a third not binding to third person.
person which is clearly and deliberately
conferred Article 1313 – CONTRACTS TO DEFRAUD
2. Communication of acceptance before is CREDITOR
revocation to the parties “Creditors are protected in cases of contracts
3. Third person should be part of the contract intended to defraud them.”
4. Stipulation should not be conditioned or 1177 – ACCION PAULIANA (remedies in
compensated by any kind of obligation monetary obligation – principal: specific
5. Neither bears legal representation or performance, exact fulfillment, collection of
authorization of the third party sum of money & subsidiary” exhaust,
subrogation, action pauliana/recession)
Most important: Communication of acceptance Example: Supposed A owes B 100k, A has
before is revocation to the parties only one land. In order for A to pay B, A has to
Example: Supposed A owes B 9k (principal) give his land, or A may sell the land and give
with 2% interest (accessory). One of the the proceeds to B.
requisites says that it must be part of the A supposed sold the land to C with the element
contract. A and B agreed to give the 2% to of fraud, because A will not tell B. A don’t want
Pedro (third person), Pedro is not part of the to pay B so he secretly sold the land to C,
contract so he must communicate to both A because he wants to defraud his creditor.
and B, and if Pedro communicate then he is -A and B have a contract
already part of the contract. 2% is the -B and C have not a contract
stipulation pour autrui. -A and C have a contract
- Third person must communicate his But B can go after C because of the element of
acceptance before revocation, Pedro is Fraud committed by A against B
already part the moment he
communicated. But supposed it was Article 1314 – INTERFERENCE IN
revoke before the communication to be CONTRACTUAL RELATIONS
made by Pedro, then Pedro is not part of “Any third person who induces another to
the contract violate his contract shall be liable for damages
to the other contracting party”
Article 1312 – Contracts creating Real Right -Is a rule of American Law.
“In contracts creating real rights, third persons -Is also proper under the general principles of
who come into possession of the object of the the Philippine Law; because a contractual right
contract are bound thereby, subject to the is property
provisions of the Mortgage Law and the Land
Registration Laws.” Example:
1164 – There are 2 kinds of rights (personal 1. Film star – there was a famous film star, he
and real) has a contract with regal films. Viva film knows
Personal right – demandable from specific that the film star has a contract with regal film,
person viva film decided to take away the film star from
Real right – demandable against the whole regal film. Then the viva film is interfering
world contractual relation. Regal and Viva have no
*The real right in contract is created by the contract but regal can hold viva films liable
registration 2. Contractor of a building – supposed in a
school, there is one who is in charge of
Where do you register your name? (NSO/Civil repairing all broken things. Pedro tell the owner
registry) of the school to do not hire him because he
Where do you register your car? (LTO) uses substandard material or he’s lazy, in short
Where do you register your land? (Registry of Pedro is trying to ruin the good reputation of
Deeds) the contractor. Pedro is interfering a
contractual relation so he is liable
Article 1315 – CONSENSUAL Stages of Contract
“Contracts are perfected by mere consent, and 1. Preparation / Negotiation / Conception –
from that moment the parties are bound not parties are bargaining (nagtatawaran), there is
only to the fulfillment of what has been no contract yet
expressly stipulated but also to all the 2. Perfection / Creation / Birth – contract has
consequences which, according to their nature, been created, there is now meeting of the
may be in keeping with good faith, usage and minds
law.” 3. Termination / Consummation / Death –
Consensual – mere consent parties will perform their respective obligation.
-In which is perfected by mere consent The seller has to deliver, the buyer has to pay
General Rule: Contracts are created by mere (obligation of parties)
Example: A is hiring a person to be his (1) Example: A asks B if he likes to buy his car
secretary and the salary will be 10k a month, for 100k, B reply 80k. There is no contract
then he agreed. They did not put it in writing because there is no meeting of minds
but the contract is already created because (preparation).
they both agreed and give their consent. (2) Example: A asks B if he likes to buy his car
Exception: for 90k, B reply 90k. There is already a contract
(1) Real contract (Art. 1316) – need to things, because there is a meeting of minds.
consent and delivery of the thing (3) Example: A and B has already a contract of
(2) Formal or Solemn contract (Art. 1356) – sale, A’s obligation is to deliver and B’s
need a particular form for it to be valid obligation is to pay. When the parties already
performed the respective obligation, there is
Article 1316 – Kinds of Real Contracts termination or consummation
“Real contracts, such as deposit, pledge and
Commodatum, are not perfected until the *delivery in consensual contract is in number 3
delivery of the object of the obligation.” stage (termination / consummation)
*delivery in real contract is in number 2 stage
Real contracts – In which is perfected by the (Perfection / Creation / Birth) because real
delivery of the thing subject matter of the contract cannot be created unless there is
contract delivery
-consent and delivery of the thing is needed.
When ownership required? Termination
1. Pledge Effect of Perfection of Contract
Example: A is borrowing from a person of 10k. From the moment the parties come to an
The loan can be oral, but using a collateral like agreement on a definite subject matter and
phone. Both parties agree to pledge the phone, valid consideration, they are bound not only –
but the pledge is not already created because
A should deliver physically the phone. If there 1. To the fulfillment of what has been expressly
is no delivery, there is no pledge. stipulated but also;
Physical or actual delivery is required for the 2. To all the consequences which according to
pledge to be created their nature, may be in keeping with good faith,
2. Depositum / Deposit usage, and law
Example: A told to his classmate to safe keep
the marker and he will get it on their next (video 91)
meeting. The classmate already agreed but Article 1317 – UNAUTHORIZED
there is no deposit created because there is no CONTRACTS
delivery “No one may contract in the name of another
3. Loan - has no form without being authorized by the latter, or unless
-Mutuum he has by law a right to represent him.
-Commodatum A contract entered into in the name of another
Example: (mutuum) A is borrowing from by one who has no authority or legal
classmate, 1k (loan/simple loan/mutuum – representation, or who has acted beyond his
consumable thing). The classmate already powers, shall be unenforceable, unless it is
agreed but there is no loan created because he ratified, expressly or impliedly, by the person
must deliver the 1k first for the loan to be on whose behalf it has been executed, before it
created. If there is no physical delivery, the is revoked by the other contracting party.”
loan is not created. *Unauthorized contracts are unenforceable
Example: (commodatum) A borrowed from his Unauthorized / unenforceable
classmate a ball pen. The classmate agreed General rule: a person is not bound by the
but the commodatum is not yet created contract of another of which he has no
because ball pen must deliver first. If there is knowledge or to which he did not give his
no physical delivery, the commodatum is not consent
- If a person did not give his consent or if Classes of elements of contract
he is not aware of the contract, then he 1. Essential – (requisites) those without which
cannot be held liable no contract can validly exist regardless of the
Exception: Authorization given to the TP intentions of the parties.
- if one of them is missing, the
Requisites to be bound by the third person contract is VOID
1. He must be authorized a. Common – those present in all contracts.
2. Act within the scope of authority COC (consent , object, cause)
-If one requisites is missing – unenforceable b. Special – those not common to all
contracts, example: form in a formal/solemn
Example: A owns a phone, but not anyone can contract, delivery in a real contract
sell his phone. Also, they cannot sell his phone c. Extraordinary – price in a contract of sale
because A did not authorize them to sell the (price – use only in a contract of sale)
phone. If he sell A’s phone without his
authority, that would be unenforceable 2. Natural – presumed to exist in certain
contracts. Already automatic. By the mere fact
Example: Supposed A already authorize the that you entered a contract, then it is already
classmate to sell his phone, then the classmate part of a contract. Example: warranty against
can sell it because he is authorized eviction, warranty against hidden defects in
Example: Supposed A authorize the classmate -you don’t need to agree in the
to sell his phone for 10k. Then the classmate warranty, because it is already part of the
can sell it for the amount of 10k. But supposed contract
the classmate only sell it for 5k, he is
authorized but he did not follow the scope of 3. Accidental – particular stipulation, clauses,
authority, then the contract is unenforceable. terms, or conditions established by the parties
But supposed the classmate sell the phone for in their contract.
12k, the contract will be valid because it is -specific terms, conditions,
more advantageous (one of the principle in stipulations (Art. 1321)
agency). The excess of 2k is belong to A -if the parties do not agree to….time
(principal) not to the classmate (agent). Agent of delivery, place of delivery, manner of
is just an extension, whatever the agent delivery
benefits is belong to the principal. -if the party did not agree or agree on
the accidental element, the effect is valid
Remedy: Ratification – the consent is given -it may or may not be present
after the contract was created
Example: Supposed A authorize the classmate Essential elements of contracts
to sell his phone for 10k. Then the classmate C – Consent
can sell it for the amount of 10k. But supposed O – Object – the subject matter of the contract
the classmate only sell it for 5k, then that is C – Cause
unenforceable. The remedy is when the
consent is given after the contract is created, Article 1319 – CONSENT
wherein A agreed to 5k right after the “Consent is manifested by the meeting of the
classmate sold his phone. The principal ratify offer and the acceptance upon the thing and
the contract. the cause which are to constitute the contract.
Effect of Ratification: it cleanses the contract The offer must be certain and the acceptance
from all its defects. absolute. A qualified acceptance constitutes a
-Valid but unenforceable (if the counter-offer.
contract is ratified, it is only VALID) Acceptance made by letter or telegram does
not bind the offerer except from the time it
came to his knowledge. The contract, in such a
Chapter 2 case, is presumed to have been entered into in
Essential Requisites of Contracts the place where the offer was made.”

Article 1318 – Classes of Elements of CONSENT – Is the conformity or concurrence

Contracts of wills and with respect to contracts, it is the
“There is no contract unless the following agreement of the one (1) contracting party with
requisites concur: that of another or others, upon the object and
(1) Consent of the contracting parties; terms of the contract.
(2) Object certain which is the subject matter of 2 things required: offer and acceptance
the contract;
(3) Cause of the obligation which is OFFER – Is a proposal made by one (1) party
established.” (offerer) to another (offeree), indicating a
willingness to enter into a contract.
- Offer must be certain or definite
ACCEPTANCE – is the manifestation by the When is contract perfected if it is sent by letter?
offeree of his assent to all the terms of the - From the time of the knowledge of the
offer. acceptance (according to the 2nd paragraph
- Acceptance must be absolute Acceptance made by letter or telegram does
not bind the offerer except from the time it
Example: A is selling to B his car for 100k came to his knowledge”). Then A acquire
(offer). B accepts the car for 100k (acceptance) knowledge on October 15, then it is also when
the contract perfected.
*consent – meeting of the offer and acceptance
with respect to the thing, cause, and subject How the contract perfected?
matter of the contract -Mere consent, but in the example is by letter
or telegram
(1) Counter-offer / qualified acceptance Where is the contract created?
- if the offer changed - On the place where the offer was made. In
Example: A is selling to B his car for 100k. B the example, the contract is created in Manila.
accepts the car for 80k (counter offer qualified (According to the 2nd sentence of 1st paragraph,
acceptance). A change his offer to 90k (counter “The contract, in such a case, is presumed to
offer) have been entered into in the place where the
offer was made”
(2) Policitacion – (1st paragraph of 1319)
-imperfect promise Manifestation Theory –
-An accepted unilateral promise to -when B decided to buy
buy or to sell a thing
-only one party makes an offer, the Expedition Theory –
other party did not reply -when B sent his acceptance to the offer
Example: A offers B to buy his car, B did not
reply (policitation). B tells A to buy his car, A Reception Theory –
did not reply (policitation) -when A received the acceptance of B

Cognition Theory (2nd paragraph of 1319) *in the Philippines, we are following Cognition
Can a contract be created electronically (by
sending a text message of email)? YES *when the problem or situation is face-to-face,
that is mere consent. But when it is sent by
Shopee and Lazada – electronic contracts letter/telegram, cognition theory will be applied.
When is a perfected if sent by letter?
-From the time of the knowledge of *if it is sent by email, e-commerce law will be
the acceptance applied. E-commerce law was created during
Where is the contract created? the year 2000.
-on the place where the offer was
made Article 1320 – Form of acceptance
“An acceptance may be express or implied.”
(Video 92) 1. Express – may be in oral or writing
Article 1319 – 2nd part 2. Implied – based on the acts of the parties
“Acceptance made by letter or telegram does
not bind the offerer except from the time it Example: A is offering his cellphone to a
came to his knowledge. The contract, in such a person. A person takes a look to a cellphone
case, is presumed to have been entered into in without speaking then brings the cellphone at
the place where the offer was made.” home, that is implied.

Cognition Theory – answers the question Article 1321 – Matters that may be fixed by
“when is the contract perfected if it is sent by the offerer
letter or telegram?”, and “Where the contract “The person making the offer may fix the time,
created?”. place, and manner of acceptance, all of which
must be complied with.”
Example: Supposed A is in Manila, and B *Accidental Elements
situated in Cebu. Supposed it is October 1 and Example: A offer his car to B for 100k, B replies
A send the letter to B, and it reaches B on 100k. There is an offer and there is an
October 5. Letter contains an offer where A acceptance. If there is an offer and
tells B to buy his car for 100k. On October 6, B acceptance, there is consent. And if there is
opened the letter and on October 7, B decided consent, the contract is created or perfected.
that he would like to buy the car. On October 8,
he sent his letter (acceptance) to A. And the Accidental – the parties may or may not
letter reaches B on October 14. Then on stipulated on time, manner, or place.
October 15, A has knowledge that B accepted
the offer.
The question is supposed they did not Example in 1319: October 1 when A made his
stipulate? offer and October 15 when A has knowledge of
*Can B pay it partially? NO because that is acceptance.
covered by 1233,1248,1199 (there must be (1) Death – Supposed on October 8, A dies,
complete payment or complete performance) then there is no contract on October 15
so B has to pay in full. Also, A cannot deliver because both parties must be living on October
the car partially. 15.
(2) Insanity – Supposed on October 9, B
*Can B pay through promissory note? NO, that becomes insane, then there is no contract on
is covered under 1249 (it must be legal tender) October 15 because both parties must be
Where A supposed to deliver the thing? capacitated.
1251(general rule: stipulation, if there is no (3) Civil interdiction – supposed on October 10,
stipulation, generic – domicile of the debtor. If B was imprisoned. Then there is no contract on
there is no stipulation, specific place where the October 15 because both parties must be
thing was at the time of the perfection of the capacitated.
contract. (4) Insolvency – supposed on October 12, B
became insolvent. Then there is no contract on
*When A supposed to deliver? October 15.
When B supposed to pay? *if any of the following is present, there will be
-if there is no period, the obligation is pure, and ineffective offer, there is no contract
when it is pure, the obligation is immediately
demandable. Voidable effect – only happen in Insanity and
Civil Interdiction
*accidental – the parties can stipulate. But
supposed the parties did not agree on it, the Other instances in ineffective offer
law will provide the details on it. - Failure to perform a condition
- Arrival of the period
Article 1322 – Offer made by an agent - The party rejected the offer
“An offer made through an agent is accepted
from the time acceptance is communicated to Article 1324 – Option Money vs. Earnest
him.” Money
“When the offerer has allowed the offeree a
Example: Supposed A offers B to buy his car certain period to accept, the offer may be
for 100k. A is the one who makes the offer (it is withdrawn at any time before acceptance by
possible that another person is making the communicating such withdrawal, except when
offer). A offers to B to sell his car for 100k and the option is founded upon a consideration, as
give him 10% commission. A is the principal, B something paid or promised.”
is the agent, and B was able to sell it to a third Option Money Earnest Money
person. Initially, third person should give his One giving a person
acceptance to B (agent), but he can also give for consideration a
his acceptance to A (principal) because both A certain period within
and B is considered one and the same person. which to accept the
B considered as extension of A and B also offer of the offerer.
serving as representative capacity.


“An offer becomes ineffective upon the death, Example:
civil interdiction, insanity, or insolvency of either A offer B his car for 100k, then B buys the car
party before acceptance is conveyed” for 100k. There is an offer and consent, and
then there is a contract.
-both parties must be living and capacitated
at the time of the knowledge of acceptance A offer B his car for 100k, then B want to buy
(following the cognition theory) the car for 80k. There is no contract because it
is counter offer or qualified acceptance.
Instances in ineffective offer (1170, 1330)
1. Death A offer B his car for 100k, and B did not reply.
2. Insanity There is no contract because that case is
3. Civil interdiction – when a person commits a policitation. (Policitation – only one party is
crime (there two liabilities — criminal and civil interests).
— one of the aspect of civil liability is a person
cannot enter into a contract), he cannot enter A offer B his car for 100k, but A can still sell his
into a contract and he is prohibited in doing so. car to another person if B has not given his
4. Insolvency – more liabilities than assets, so acceptance. But supposed A gives B one week
a person cannot enter into a contract. to decide if he will buy the car, but before one
week expire A can still sell his car to another
person because B has not yet given his
acceptance. But if before one week expire, B
given his acceptance to A then A cannot sell
his car to another person.

1323 – Before acceptance, the offer can be

withdraw. But after acceptance, the offer
cannot be withdraw because the contract
already created.

A offer B his car for 100k, B reply to give him

one week

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