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Name Malik junaid

Project Title: Workplace transformation


Update on weekly Research/Tasks Achieved

Secondary data gathering on the organizations selected scholarly discussion on maintaining secondary

data results from the logbook on how companies have responded to current issues of transformation at

Conclusion: The planned course was successfully performed over the week.

Any risks and/ or issues identified?

There are no such problems experienced as this particular week's weekly task has been truly easy. All the
data and all the research results of the information were done at home, as the secondary data was simple
to find across the web.

Problems encountered

There were no significant issues during the weekly tasks since the work was mostly performed via the net

New ideas and change of project direction

No new ideas and changes in the direction of the project, as the weekly assignment was on secondary

What have I learnt about myself this week?

I think I did a very good job in the provided week's task as the weekly task was to collect secondary data
available on the net and in articles

Tasks planned for next week

Collecting primary data on how my selected organizations have responded to current issues of
transformation at workplace.

Development of methods for collecting data that are interview questions.

Project plan status to date (on, ahead, behind)

The project plan status to date has been successful completion. We are so far on a time for the project.
Supervisor comment to address

Name: Malik junaid

Project Title: Transformation at workplace


Update on weekly Research/Tasks Achieved

Collection of primary data on how companies have responded to current issues of transformation at

Development of methods for gathering data that are interview questions.

Conclusion: The planned course was successfully performed over the week.

Any risks and/ or issues identified?

There were no such lack of skills necessary for the weekly tasks as the task was not so challenging. The
project management plan did not present these risks or issues

Problems encountered

Here in Pakistan, there were some political crises that made some issues getting to the offices of the
company because they were located on the far side of the city through this problem was resolved as we
had another route to go to the office but it was longer than usual.

New ideas and change of project direction

Learn new ideas for the interview and how to collect primary data and match our selves with what we
learned and apply it afterwards

What have I learnt about myself this week?

The difficulty I faced with doing the weekly assignment was mostly due to the political problems here, but
I dealt with it by leaving early for the office and moving on a longer route. Through completing the weekly
task I felt happy as the main side of the project was collecting primary data. I have done quite well in the
task as I would see it.
Tasks planned for next week

Review of data, analysis & writing of reports.

Project plan status to date (on, ahead, behind)

The project plan status to date has been successful completion. We are so far on a time for the project.

Supervisor comment to address

Name: Malik junaid

Project Title: Transformation at workplace


Update on weekly Research/Tasks Achieved

Collection of qualitative and quantitative data on how companies have responded to current issues of
transformation at workplace

Development of methods for gathering data that are interview questions.

Conclusion: The planned course was successfully performed over the week.

Any risks and/ or issues identified?

There was no such lack of skills necessary for the weekly tasks as the task was not so challenging. The
project management plan did not present these risks or issues

Problems encountered

Here in Pakistan, there were some political crises that made some issues getting to the offices of the
company because they were located on the far side of the city through this problem was resolved as we
had another route to go to the office but it was longer than usual.

New ideas and change of project direction

Learn new ideas for the interview and how to collect primary data and match our selves with what we
learned and apply it afterwards

What have I learnt about myself this week?

The difficulty I faced with doing the weekly assignment was mostly due to the political problems here, but
I dealt with it by leaving early for the office and moving on a longer route. Through completing the weekly
task I felt happy as the main side of the project was collecting primary data. I have done quite well in the
task as I would see it.

Tasks planned for next week

Review of data, analysis & writing of reports.

Project plan status to date (on, ahead, behind)

The project plan status to date has been successful completion. We are so far on a time for the project.

Supervisor comment to address

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