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SCIENCE 7 Chloroplast - the green organelle responsible for manufacturing food in

MODULE 4: THE PLANT and ANIMAL CELLS the process called photosynthesis. It is only present in plant cell.

Activity 4: Spot the Difference! Activity 5: Feed Your Focus!

Directions: Study the Diagrammatic representation of plant and animal Directions: Identify what part of the cell is being pointed by the arrow in
cell (Figure 1). In the Venn Diagram, write the common things that are figure 3. Write your answer on the space provided below the illustration.
found in both plant and animal cell in the center, on the right, write the
part/parts that is/are only present in plant cell, on the left, write the
part/parts that is/are present only in animal cell.

Activity 6: Tell me who I am!

Directions: Put a check mark (√) on the appropriate box. The first part is
done for you.

Cells are considered as the basic structural and functional unit

of life since all organisms are made up of cells and all the functions that
take place inside the body of the living organisms are performed by
cells. Through the advancement in Science and the invention of the
Microscope, the details about cells are being studied intensively. Cells
are not all the same and each part of the cell has a unique job to Activity 6: Tell me who I am!
perform! That is why it is considered as the smallest living unit of an Directions: Identify what part of the cell is being described in the riddle.
organism! Write your answer on the space provided before each number. Item 1 is
done for you.
THE PARTS OF THE CELL AND THEIR FUNCTIONS Cytoplasm 1. I hold all the parts of the cell together as they float on me.
_________2. Everyone do what I say. I am in control.
_________3. I used light energy to make food.
_________4. I break down food to release energy.
_________5. I am stiff, I protect and give shape to plant cells.
_________6. Everything I touch, I destroy. I clean unuseful cell debris.
________7. I am quite full of water. I am responsible for the crisp
appearance of the fresh vegetables.
________8. If you were me, How would you want me? Soft or rough?
________9. I am the workbench where proteins get manufactured.
________10. I control what gets out as well as what comes out.
________11.I am a series of tubes. I transport proteins as well as other
Nucleus - serves as the control center of the cell. things.
Plasma membrane/cell membrane - permits some substances but ________12. I pack things up for Delivery.
prevents others to pass through it.
Cytoplasm - a clear, jelly-like fluid that fills the inside of the cell and Activity 8: A Cell-ebration!
surrounds all of the internal structures and where all the rest of the Directions: Study figure 3 below and answer the questions that follow
parts of the cell are found as well as the hosts of the processes taking by ticking (√) the box of the correct answer.
place inside the cell.
Vacuoles - are storage bubbles found in cells. They are found in both
animal and plant cells but are much larger in plant cells that stores much
water. Scientists also called it vesicle in animal cells. Vacuoles might
store food or any variety of nutrients a cell might need to survive. They
can even store waste products so the rest of the cell is protected from
contamination. in some species of plant, it contains a poisonous
substance to protect them against their predator.
1. What is the basic unit or building blocks of all organisms base on the
Centrioles - can only be found in animal cells and are structures needed
for cell multiplication that will be taken by you in higher science.
 Cells
Mitochondrion - the powerhouse of the cell since it produces energy
 Tissues
necessary for each and every single cell to perform their jobs.
2. Why are cells considered as the structural and functional unit of life?
Golgi body/apparatus - the packaging center of the sorts,
(Check only 7)
modifies, packages cell products where they are needed.
 All organisms are made up of cells.
Rough Endoplasmic reticulum - with attached ribosomes that
 All cells are capable to perform all essential functions of life
manufacture proteins.
and it is the sole base for making the entire body of the
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum - contains no ribosomes. It is the fat
and lipids maker.
 Each organism starts its life as a single cell.
Ribosomes - the manufacturer of protein in the cell
 All functions that take inside the Body of organism are
Nucleolus - the structure within the nucleus that produced ribosomes.
performed by cells.
Lysosomes - the suicide bags of the cell. They destroy cell debris that are
 Cells are specialized to perform various tasks.
not useful anymore.
 Only plants have cells and they are not alive.
Cell wall - gives shape and protection for plant cells. It is only present in
 All animals have cells that live and breathe.
plant cell.
 The cell itself is the smallest fundamental unit of structure and
function in living organisms that is considered completely

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