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Department of Education

CARAGA Administrative Region

Division of Butuan City
Southeast II Butuan District
Mahay, Butuan City


Name of Activity: SHARE and GPTA Assembly

Date : March 04, 2022

I. Information about the Program:

Parents-Teacher Association is one of the most significant activities in school

community. The vital role that signifies good partnership among Parents and Teachers in terms
of the implementation of programs and projects in the school itself. This association revitalized
endeavor of effort to exist the good result of one program. The school itself could not stand
alone without the support of the parents. All programs and projects accomplished in a specified
year would be reflected in the School Head Accomplishment Report(SHARE).

II. Narrative Summary:

Mahay Integrated School conducted the School Head Accomplishment Report
(SHARE) and General PTA Assembly last March 4, 2022 at the school Multi-purpose Hall. The
activity started with an opening prayer followed by the singing of Pambansang Awit through
AVR presentation. The activity was attended by the Teachers, GPTA Officers, SGC officers,
Stakeholders, Brgy Officials, headed by Kagawad Chairman on Education, Hon. Desiree O.
Cembrano and parents. The Mahay IS Teachers presented a dance number for the opening
Salvo. To formally open the activity, Mr. Victor D. Pandawatnon, MIS Faculty President, gave
the welcome Address.
Right after the opening remarks, Mrs. Rosabelle S. Cubillas, MIS principal presented
the School Head ‘s Accomplishment Report. She gave a comprehensive report of all projects
and programs implemented in the school in the current school year. According to her that the
strong support of internal and external stakeholders greatly helps in the improvement of the
learning environment and the safety of the school community especially this time of pandemic.
Mrs. Marifie Broñola, the GPTA President and Mrs. Flor Lagod, SGC President take part on
giving the updates of the school policies. They also encourage the parents to continue
supporting all the school activities and programs. To end the activity, Mrs. Melanie B. Laurente
led the closing prayer.

III. Accomplishment:

Parents gave their active participation during the question answer portion
facilitated by Mrs. Rosabelle Cubillas. And those who got the right answer received a reward.
They commit to give their support to the school activities such as “pahina ”, “pabasa”and
feeding programs.
IV. Major Problems Encountered:

All is well.

V. Insights:

Parents should be informed about how the schoolwork, what’s coming up and any
issues school have come across. This help the school to improve and ensures that
parent’s voices are heard. But the main reason for having this activity is to improve
the learning of our students ensuring that they learn to as higher standard as

Prepared by: than a way when you

School GAD Coordinator

School Principal

Mrs. Rosabelle S. Cubillas presented the 3year SIP/AIP and Plan. She discussed on the programs and
projects reflected in SIP/AIP that are completed and are still in the process of completion.
Hon. Desiree O Cembrano and SGC President Pta. Flor Lagod advised the parents that they should get
involved and participate in the implementation of programs in school in order to have a better learning
Listening to the Voice of the different Stakeholders
Barangay Officials and some parent leaders were consulted on the
finalization of school’s PPA’s during the SIP/AIP Crafting on March 12,
Output Presentation
Barangay and Parent Officials were given copy of the 3-year SIP before
it will be submitted to the District and Division Office for corrections
and finalization on April 30, 2021.

Reward System
Teachers were given certificate and recognition for the untiring work
and support they have given to the school specially on the SIP/AIP
crafting on April 30, 2021.

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