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Tina Champagne

Module 3
3 Dimensions of Teaching and Learning with the Next Generation Science
Standards (NGSS)

About me: I have been teaching elementary education for 25+ years. I was a
third-grade classroom teacher for 7 years, then became a science specialist for
grades 3 through 5. I am teaching in the community I grew up in which I feel
gives me a unique perspective on the resources and experiences some of my
students bring with them. I have loved teaching science and continue to expand
my knowledge base with professional development to integrate STEM/STEAM
into my curriculum.

Design Your Own Seed Packet
Grade 3
2 class sessions

Day 1- introduce and examine the parts of seed packet front and back.

1. Hand out packets to each table team. Assign a recorder.

2. Have each team write down the essential information on the front and back.
3. Share out, record ideas on the whiteboard.
4. Clarify essential information from non-essential
5. Show “How to read a seed packet powerpoint”


The Back of the Seed Packet is where most of the information about the seeds is
contained. There is a lot of pertinent information listed there.
1. This again gives you the type of vegetable seeds that are contained in the
2. A description of the actual vegetable seed
3. How deep to plant the seeds and how far apart
4. Normal length of time to germinate
5. How far to space them

1. This is the weight of the seeds contained in the seed packet. This
particular packet has 28 grams of pole bean seeds.
2. This box denotes that the seeds contained in the packet are a vegetable.
3. This is the price of the seed packet.
4. This is the type of vegetable seeds (Garden Beans) you are getting, and the
cultivar ('Kentucky Blue'-Pole).
5. This is a picture of what the pole beans will look like once ready to harvest.
6. These pictures are a quick reference so that you will know that these pole
beans can be preserved by freezing (the first picture on the left), they are
disease resistant (the center picture)
7. This is the name of the seed company, in this case Ferry Morse.

Seed Packet Vocabulary

● Compost –a mixture of decaying leaves, vegetables, or manure that is

used to improve garden soil.
● Germination –the start of seed growth when the plant first pokes through
the soil.
● Mulch –a loose cover of decaying leaves, straw, or other organic materials
placed around the base of plants to protect them or provide additional
● Optimal –the best time to do an action; the best time to plant
● Packet –Package seeds are contained in, usually made of paper or thin
● Sow –to plant or scatter many seeds in the soil.
● Transplant –starting a plant in a small container and then removing it and
placing it in the garden soil when it is strong enough to grow on its own.
● Variety –a type of seed or plant being grown; many different types of
objects in one place.

Lesson 2-

Now that the groundwork is set, students will solve the problem-

Design a seed packet that is attractive and contains all the information needed to
grow your seed. It will be evaluated by another table team who will attempt to
grow the seeds by following the directions included.

Design- Students will spend time planning an individual design. They will meet
with their groups and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each group
member's design, then draft a common design.

Build and Test- Students will work together to implement their design, using the
materials provided. Once the package is complete it will be given to another table
team to use several of the seeds to assess the information about the plant. They
will then wait 3-4 weeks before assessing their plant’s health and discussing the
success of the design.

Guiding Questions- How can we use our knowledge of plant and consumer
needs, materials, and the Engineering Design Process to design a plant package.
Reflection and Possible Redesign Questions:

What materials would you change in the redesign and why?

What worked well in your design?

What didn’t work well?

● 1 paragraph or more description of the included

collaborative element, and how it is integral to the
Engineering Design Process.

Students frequently work in table teams in science class. This project lends itself
to collaboration. There are many opportunities for students to share information,
compromise, and learn from each other. Sharing ideas and compromising are
essential to make a successful seed packet that performs as it should. It helps to
minimalize missing details. The design has many small details that are needed
and true collaboration will make sure they are not missed.


Attachment included

I plan to make sure that the students have additional resources

to support the content. This will be helpful to both generate more
ideas/solutions and to fill in gaps possibly that students may
have in background knowledge. While working on this topic,
students in an urban setting bring a variety of exposure to
planting in general. By providing additional videos and seeds as
well as packaging students may grow their foundation.
Another aspect I will address is the cross cutting concept in
Structure and Function- the way an object is shaped or
structured determines many of its properties and functions. I will
plan to deliver a few mini- lessons around this topic. This could
best be addressed by how seeds travel and exposing them to
different sizes and shapes of seed.

4. Intrinsic Motivation- Sell Sheet


Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are inquiry-based,

with hands on learning and scientific practices embedded.
Let’s create- engaged science learners and critical thinkers who
use the scientific method to approach a problem!

It is not magic but it is magical!

Three Dimensional Learning:There are three equally important, distinct

dimensions to learning science included in the NGSS: Scientific and Engineering
Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas.

● Let’s prepare students for succession college

● Let’s get them ready to succeed in the 21st. Century careers
● Let’s prepare them to solve real world problems
● Let’s make game changers
● An evaluation of your learning goals from your Statement of
Intention and Awareness in Module 1 (In other words, how
have you grown?)
● Three or more detailed connections to specific course
applications, information from readings and other activities
● Two or more specific ideas for changes to one’s professional
practice including timelines OR two or more detailed action
steps for positively influencing others with timelines
(students, parents, colleagues, administrators, community
members, etc.)
● One future learning goal you have related to course content

I have changed immensely throughout the course. I wanted to become more
familiar with the NGSS and I have not only done that but I have also a better
understanding of their relevance. Most importantly I feel I can now apply the
three dimensions of NGSS in a practical, educational and engaging manner.
The Equip rubric is helpful in assessing lesson plans and units. It is a very
thorough tool. I could see using it for help inn making sure the three dimensions
of teaching and learning in NGSS are being addressed.
Looking at the posters that describe the three dimensions and their connenctions
with one another is helpful for a visual learner like myself. I am planning on
posting them several places as reminders for me as I am teaching and learning.
I am always trying to meet the needs of all my students. At times I think back to
prior students with who I feel I may not have been successful as I hoped or who
maybe I connected with but still worry about their path to both academic and
socio/emotional growth in their future endeavors. I think I could have done more,
what else could I have done or can I still do something. Many of these students
struggled with learning disabilities or emotional issues that hindered their growth.
I know I can do more but often think what does that look like? This course has
given me some tools to address and help that process.
Two immediate changes I will implement over the next month will be to review
the three dimensions of that particular domain (life, earth and space, physical
and engineering, and technology) for each unit I teach. This will help me adjust
my planning to make sure I am covering the necessary concepts. This will also
help those ideas to be at the forefront of my teaching of each particular unit. The
second change will be to post the three dimensions of NGSS mini-posters in my
classroom in several spots for visual reminders. These will serve as daily
reminders of the concepts that are targeted for my grade levels. Students will
also have access to these posters as they will be posted in the science lab. A
future goal I have is to set up a group of local science teachers to embrace the
Three dimensions of Teaching and Learning of the NGSS and have a place to
network and share ideas. I think this will be beneficial to all.

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