Reflection Essay 1

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Regalado 1

Mario Regalado


Professor Nelson

English 1301

Reflection Essay 1

In this genre analysis, I learned that genres have intentions that aren’t shown to their

targeted community. For example, in my analysis, chess players probably had no idea that the

tournament was set up the way it was so it can better appeal to them. I could see myself using

this skill in a history course since not only is a genre analysis perfect for in depth investigation,

but also swell for comparing and contrasting. I’m not necessarily too sure how I could transform

a genre analysis into my programming class nor my mathematics. These classes don’t really

require us to ever write anything but numbers. With that being said, I could see myself writing a

genre analysis in my univ course. We are always comparing different methods of self advocacy

and self improvement.

The analysis of a community improves my writing by forcing me to take a different

approach. Typically a lot of the writing I do is done objectively. This might be because I only

wrote simple expository essays in my past and didn’t really have to think too much. A genre

analysis makes you examine the intentions of the authors and how that impacted a community.

When I was writing my analysis, I would question the truth behind my statements. I would

question why the authors chose this tactic instead of this one or that one or why they set two

different prize pools. These questions allowed me to better inspect my analysis, which is

something I plan on carrying forward to my other essays.

My biggest strength in my writing is that I can articulate a couple great sentences.

Otherwise, I find my writing to be very poor. I noticed that in genre analysis, I had trouble trying

to convey what I was thinking and would write an awkward sentence. For example, I had

difficulty trying to express what the time controls in chess mean. I feel like I might have left my

audience a little bit confused and a headache by the end of the paragraph. One of my other big
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weaknesses is constructing my conclusions. I wasn’t sure what else to include in conclusion

other than a brief summary of the whole essay. My conclusion felt super boring and bland and I

wanted to make it more impactful.

Other than obvious grammatical errors, my peers taught me that a lot of my sentences can

be shortened and mean the same thing. I would usually write a couple sentences to try to convey

an idea; but in doing so, I would often repeat myself. They also mentioned that I would use the

same word too many times and sometimes messed with the cohesiveness of the essay. One of my

peers also mentioned that they got confused in certain paragraphs and that I should provide a

little more clarity.

I learned that I have a lot of trouble attempting to express myself. I do think that I have

some fairly decent ideas, but conveying them has always been a big issue of mine. With that

being said, this isn’t meant to undermine what I did comprehend. I found out that I am capable of

thinking more intricately, being able to question certain aspects about the community and

providing more supporting points to my thesis.

I have always had a fairly good understanding of my community since I am involved in

it. I know how chess enthusiasts think and what they expect to see in an invitation. But I also

tried to frame myself as a person who has no clue about the game. For example, I answered how

a non chess player might view the tournament flier and what would likely captivate them to


The most challenging part of the essay was trying to find the true intention of the authors.

I wanted to figure out what the authors were likely thinking was structuring their invitation and

how they would to captivate their intended audience. As for the least challenging part, that was

probably identifying the community and how they are impacted. For example, a player might get

more motivation to try in the tournament because of its cash prize and its free entry to the Laredo

Chess Championship Qualifier tournament.

I’ve become a bit more certain in my writing. I figured out what my strengths are and

what my weaknesses are. I’m fully aware of what needs to change in my writing to make it
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stronger. I want to better structure my sentences as I think that will help my problem with

conveying my ideas.
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Works Cited

Mario Regalado, “STCS Thanksgiving Open,” Over the board, LVL 2 Gaming, 2022

Mario Regalado, “Genre Analysis Essay 1,” Mario Regalado, 2022

Mario Regalado, “Everyone's an Author,” Andrea Lunsford, 2022

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