Article Review Gudelines

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Article Review Guidelines

This activity is designed to enable you to enhance your analytical skill by critically reviewing
journal articles and similar scientific works related to topics you have learned in the course Project
Planning, Financing and Management.
The review involves identification of the theme the paper attempts to address, evaluation of the
theories the author presents as a basis of the study and comment on the conclusion of the article in
light of the existing literature.

Specifically, your review should address the following main issues:

➢ What is the overall purpose of the article?
➢ What was the main theme of the article?
➢ What new ideas or information were communicated in the article?
➢ What are the theories discussed in the paper and how do they compare?
➢ What are the contradictions, gaps, and inconsistencies in the text?
➢ How well are conclusions of the article aligned with the findings of the study?
➢ What exactly does the work contribute and relate to the overall topic of your course?
➢ In your opinion, what were the strengths and weaknesses of the paper?

The article review should incorporate the following contents:

1. Citation

Write the citation (source) of the article in APA (American Psychological

Association) format before introduction section.

Example: Goldman, T., & Gorham, R. (2006). Sustainable urban transport:

Four innovative directions. Technology in society, 28(1-2), 261-273.

2. Introduction paragraph

Write an introduction paragraph that informs the reader that you intend to
review an article or other document. Tell the reader the reason why you selected
that particular article to review. The purpose of the introduction paragraph is to
prepare the reader for what is to follow in your review.
3. Main point of the research
4. Methodology

Writing about the research methodology and results is critical to your review.
What methods did the authors use to reach conclusions?
5. Give your impressions of the usefulness of the article. Write about your
opinions of the strengths and weaknesses of the article in a separate
➢ In your opinion, what were the strengths and weaknesses of the
article? Be sure to think about your impressions and the reasons for
them. Listing what the author wrote as limitations is not the same
thing as forming your own opinions and justifying them to the
6. Write a conclusion paragraph that briefly informs the reader what you
wrote about in your review and your overall findings. A conclusion
paragraph provides essential closure in a scientifically written review for
the reader.

On the front page of your report:
• Write your university’s name and your college/department
• Write the title of article you reviewed and author name
• Write your name as a reviewer
• Write to whom you submitted your article
• Write the date on which you submitted the article

Date of submission: Dec,8,2022

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