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TIME ALLOTED:60 Mins TSPSC Group-1 Mains Marks: 50

Date: 07-11-2022 (Monday) Paper-II| Section-3 | Unit 11 Time: 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM

Unit 11: - Physical setting, Physiography, Drainage, Climate  Mechanism of

Monsoon, effect of El-Nino and La Niño, Rainfall variability- Floods and Drought,
Soils, Vegetation and Wildlife-Degradation and Conservation Measures. Major
Minerals and Energy Resources- distribution and conservation, Energy Crisis – role
of non-conventional energy resources. Marine Resources – Economic significance,
EEZ. Water resources – availability, problems of inter – state Water sharing,
Conservation Measures


1. What is ‘Triple Dip' La Nina. Discuss its impact on the

Agricultural activity of India.

2. What are the major physiographic divisions of India and bring

out the contrasting relief features of Himalayan region with
that of Peninsula Plateau.

3. The depleting water resources may lead to social conflicts.

Elaborate with suitable examples.

4. Oceans are the store house of food and other marine products.

5. Write a note on India’s green energy corridor to eliminate the

problem of conventional energy.

Note:- Explanation | Offline / Online | Date:07-11-2022

Time 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM

@ASPIRANTS Study Circle
@ASPIRANTS Study Circle
@ASPIRANTS Study Circle
@ASPIRANTS Study Circle
@ASPIRANTS Study Circle
@ASPIRANTS Study Circle
@ASPIRANTS Study Circle
@ASPIRANTS Study Circle
TIME ALLOTED:60 Mins TSPSC Group-1 Mains Subject: Geography
Date: 08-11-2022 (Tuesday) Paper-II| Section-3 | Unit 12 Marks: 50

Unit 12: - Agriculture and Irrigation – Major Food and Non-Food crops, Agro Climatic
Regions, Green Revolution, recent trends in Agriculture; Major Irrigation Projects and
Command Area Development; Industries- Major Industries - Iron and Steel, Cotton Textiles,
Cement, Sugar, Automobile, IT, & Food Processing Industries, Localisation Factors,
Industrial Corridors & Economic Development; Transportation: Means of Transportation,
Role of Road and Rail Network in Economic Development, Highways and Express Highways;
Major Ports – changing trends and direction of India’s Trade - role of WTO; Strategic location
of India in the Indian Ocean; Population – distribution, growth, Demographic
characteristics, Demographic dividend and transition, HDI, Population problems and
Policies. Urbanisation process- Spatial pattern, growth of Megacities, problems of Urban
Growth and Policies, concept of Smart Cities.


1. What is natural farming. Explain the significance and issues

related to natural farming.

2. Explain the significance of industrial corridors in India and

the challenges associated with them.

3. Evaluate the growing importance of inland waterway ports in

the domestic trade of India.

4. Discuss how we can ensure that the demographic dividend, a

time limited opportunity, becomes a boon for India.

5. What are smart cities. Examine their relevance in urban

development of India and enlist the challenges faced by

Note:- Explanation | Offline / Online | Date:08-11-2022

Time 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM

Sandeep Sir Class Notes
Sandeep Sir Class Notes
Sandeep Sir Class Notes
Sandeep Sir Class Notes
Sandeep Sir Class Notes
Sandeep Sir Class Notes
Sandeep Sir Class Notes
Sandeep Sir Class Notes
Sandeep Sir Class Notes
Sandeep Sir Class Notes

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