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Informations Recommendations for Installation and Supervisory Instrumentation The troubie free operation of HERMETIC Pumps depends on the installation and mode of operation. The following installation schemes give Instructions concerning the installation and protection of HERMETIC Pumps for typical applications. Auxiliary pipework used for drainage, flushing, cooling or heating are not outlined. Alternative pipework propositions are indicated by dotted lines. Notice that for each application, the HERMETIC Pump must be operated within the permissible capacity range and that there must be means for venting and degassing The use of a level (LS~) and temperature (TS+) monitoring device is prescribed in the case ct flameproot HERMETIC Pumps. For this purpose we recommend our electronic monitoring device NTS. Also an ammeter should be installed tor monitoring the canned motor Schema 1: Suction vessel with bottom outlet; positive static suction head. Notice: HERMETIC Pumps always need a -ninimum flow! If necessary limit the maximum operating capacity by a properiy dimensioned mex orifice. ‘An additional vent line must be provided when a check valve is mounted on the discharge side of the pump, Schema 2: Suction vessel with bottom outlet; bypass for minimum flow. Recommended installation in fully automatic units when handling liquitied gases (NHs, Freon, Ci Phosgene, Vinyl Chioride etc...) When the pump is not running the bypass serves as vent line and in case of a working pump, in connection with a properly dimensioned Qmin orlice. the bypass serves to ensure the minimum flow. For higher Qrnin capacities use a bypass valve combined with @ check valve. If necessary limit the maximum flow with = Qnax ofifice (important for handling liquified gases) Instructions for Transfering) — fully open the shut valve in the bypass line (if necessary remove the handwheel), — install the Qrsn orifice as near as possible to the suction vessel in order to avoid two phase flow. = in case pf high vapour pressure: provide a manometer on the suction side of the pump to determine the pump differential pressure. — to avoid cavitation: take care of minimal positive suction head, — losses in the suction line should be as low as possible (suction velocity G~1 m/s) In case of higher capacities, the NPSH values of the pump are less favourable, therefore it is important not to exceed the maximum flow (Piease refer to HERMETIC information: NPSH of pump units and pumping systems), Scheme 3: Common discharge line for several pumps Parallel operation of several HEAMETIC pumps. Spare pump installed (Standby operation) eect ER oe, Lele toatl The spare pump must be kept ready for operation with opened shut-off valves and filled with liquic*s) ‘Yoavoid a back flow through the spare pump, a check valve is neccessary for each pump. Also an independent venting device must be provided for each pump, Attention in Case Parallel Operation of HERMETIC Pumps: In case of flat Q-H curves troubles may arise if the pumps have slightly different heads. In this case one pump may “crush” the other. The minimum flow is then no longer guaranteed, As a remedy orifices may be used**) or the installation of independent bypass lines (see scheme 4) is recommended. Scheme 4: Common discharge line for several pump; Bypass for minimum flow for each pump. ‘Automatic operation of several HERMETIC pumps Handling of iquified gases ‘Spare pump installed (tandby operation) *) The bypass valve only opens when the main flow is reduced below the minimal flow. In ease of stopping the pump the bypass is opened. +) By the use of an orifice, the performance curve becomes steeper +4) This scheme isnot recommended when handling chlorine For security reasons each pump should be provided with a seperate bypass, especially when handling liquified gases. This in order to remove gas in case the pump is out of operation. With this installation the minimum flow of each pump is independent of the differential head of each pump, ‘Spare pumps with opened shut-off valves must be Kept ready for operation filled with liquid Instructions for Handling Gases — if possible use separate suction pipes for each pump. = Otherwise apply instructions of scheme 2 — Limitations for parallel operation are given in scheme 3. Suction vessel with top outlet Priming or siphon operation with priming tank. This installation requires the following conditions: Vapour pressure of the liquid lower than 0,5 bar abs. Atmospheric pressurized tank. Volume of priming tank 2 or 3 times the volume of the siphon pipe Siphon line not higher than 4 m, Scheme rete Before starting the pump, the priming tark must be filled over the filing valve (V;) or over the pressure balance ling, in the second case the valve V; serves ‘or venting. The pump can only be started when the liquid reaches the higher switching level (LS+). On the contrary the pump is stopped when it reaches the lower level (LS—) If the pump is equiped with a check valve on the discharge side, the priming tank is re-filed over the valve Vz, and vented over the valve Vi If for technical reasons the volume of the liquid in the pump discharge line is not sufficient to fil the priming tank, we recommen the use of a re-filing tank (volume: half of the priming tank). When stopping the priming tank’is re-filed over the pump, provided that the shut-off valve Vs must be closed before starting up a new draining cycle. In order to have the priming tank automatically filed, the valve Vs may be magnetic type. Scheme 6: Suction vessel with top inlet. Priming or siphon operation with vacuum controlled system. The installation is recommended in the case of several pumps where the suction and venting pipes are connected with a commen vacuum tank. It makes an automatic priming or siphon operation possible. The vacuum pump is connected to two level switches (LS-) and (LS+). A double acting check valve located ‘on the top of the tank maintains the vacuum when the vacuum pump is stopped and prevents an overtiow lof the liquid into the vacuum pumpin case of failure. ‘The lower level switch (LS—) of the vacuum tank must be at least 0.3 m over the highest venting level of the system, In the venting pipe, between the pump discharge line and the vacuum tank there is a vent (float valve) which prevents the passage of the liquid from the pressure side of the HERMETIC Pump into the vacuum, tank, HERMETIC-PUMPEN GMBH - D-7803 GUNDELFINGEN GewerbestraBe 20 - Postfach 1220 : Telefon 0761/58804-07 - Telex 772578 [Associated Company of Pumpenfabrik Lederle GmbH - Freiburg im Breisgau Information NPSH of Pump Units and Pumping Systems ‘The NPSH (Net Positive Suction Head) Is related to the problem of cavitation; besides head, capacity, and power demand, it represents one of the most important operational factors of a pump. Thor must be distinguished betwoen NPSH of the plant (NPSHavitle) and NPSH of the pump unit [NPSHeevine) by simple comparison between NPSHie. and NPSHe one can judge whether the operational safety of any pump selected forthe respective system is ensured or not. The condition far operation without cavitation i NPSH» > NPSHw | (1) ‘The above requirement must be met over the entire permissible operating range of a pumping system. This will be the case only if NPSH (in mi) exceeds NPSHi (in m) by a certain safety allowance, usually rated at osm, Exomple: NPSH»» is asourmed to be 3m and the pump selected acc. to capacity and head to have ‘operating point an NPSH of 4m, relerence to requirement (1) shows that the system cannot be ‘expected to give satisfactory operation. If condition (1) is not met, i.0., | NPSHe, ie lower than NPSH.we, the pump operates under vavitating con- ditlons which means that the liquid pumped vaporizes within the pump which causes a) breakdown of suction column and head, b) loud nolse and heavy vibration leading to erosion oF pitting and possibly destruction of the impellers. In HERMETIC Pumps, there are two additional points i.e., ¢) breakdown of the partial flaw through the motor section resulting in reduced bearings tubri- cation, 4) insufficient motor heat removal as well as upset of the hydraulic axial thrust balance. Permanent cavitation conditions. will definitely | 3d to fallure of the HERMETIC Pump. NPSH of Pump ‘The value ot NSH» depends on the pump geometry only, and not on the system data; it changes for any pump with flow quantity and speed, being always positive. The NPSHm is independent of the kind of liquid ‘pumped. In the characteristic curves of any pump, the NPSH values indicated are based on measurements carried out with cold water as pumping liquid. They have been established in an NPSH test plant desig- ned just for that purpose, and they can be checked at any time. The NPSHvc defines the suction capability of a pump at a determined point of operation: the lower the NPSH, tha greater the suction capability. Low NPSHies values can be obtained by suitable pump design. They are of particular importance when pum- ping near-boiling liquids (liquefied gases). NPSH of System The NPSHo» is the total head available at the guction port of the pump above the vapaur pressure of the ‘iquid pumped, That term comprises in one single value all individual data of the plant. For pump selection the manufac- turer must only know the NPSH., to be able to guarantee trouble-free operation of the pump system. The individual plant data comprised in the NPSH.. are as follows the geodetical suction lifts: (in m) which is the vertical distance between suotion level and pump centre line.) the geodetical suction head s (in m) which is the vertical distance betwean suction tank level and pump centre fine. — the vapour pressure vp (in baron) of the tluid pumped ‘The vapour pressure of a liquid at a given temperature (1 is the pressure which causes the liquid to boil when applied on its surtace. Example: Water boils at 20° C in 2 partial vacuum of 0,024 bar — the gas pressure gp (in bar..:) on the suction-side liquid surlace ‘The knowledge of that pressure is of particular importance. If the suction tank is open, the gas pro: sure corresponds to the almospheric presture (gp 1 bars). In chemical plants, closed tanks are - mostly employed under pressures or partial vacuums differing from the aimospheric pressure (pressure ‘or vacuum systems). If the liguid in the suction vessol is at ts bolling point, the vapour pressure (vp) relating to it at the tem- perature (1) prevails above the liquid surface, — Density y (kp/dm’) of the liquid pumped = Suction line head toss sf (in m) “That is me head loss in pipes and valves on the suction side, due to friction, Quite frequently, estimated values are Used. In critical cases, calculation can be based on individual resistances of pipes, bends, valves elc. The calculation should be made for the maximum fiow quantity to be expected. *) Operation under suction lift conditions is only possible with seltpriming pumps. When using normal- suction pumps, suitable measures (e.g. by incorporating a non-return valve) must be taken to ensure that suction line and pump can never lose prime. With the mentioned plant data, the NPSHov can be calculated acc. to the following formulas For operation under suction lift conditions 10(gp—vp) _ 7 NPSHer ost For operation under Hooded suction conditions {2 NPSHe. tokee. MP) gy st Example 1: Liquid ammonia shail be pumped {rem a closed tank at a temperature of § C. The ammonia has reached its boiling point so that the gas pressure in the tank equals, the vapour pressure of the liquid (gp = vp). Therefore, the expression in brackets of Formula No. 2 becomes zero. If the suction head ss is 2m and the suction line tric- tion loss sf = 0.5m, the result of Formula No. 2 (operation under flooded suction conditions) will be: NPSH=v = si-st=20-05=18m 4 Consequently, in order to meet requirement (1), a purnp with PSH, ding for 0.5 m safety allowance) or less must be selected. m (prove Eamate2: Liguid octane shal be dren fom an open suction vessel at 29. The good J ston tt 5m, on te sustonautace here fan amoseeve pase of G9 bates. Vapour pressure and dorsiy at 20°C are vp = 0012 batm and y = 07 kpidm’. The suction fine friction loss incl, non-return valve ig estimated at St 1m. With those plant dan, Formula No.2 operation under even tt cond ton) ravi: NH = "C8801 504.9 — g0 m Consoqenty any hormaksuction oF self-priming pump with an NFSH of 7.5 m or tower can be used in thot pan. Pumping of near-boiling liquids From Formula No.2 it becomes obvious that the ference between the gas pressure gp in the suction vessel and the vapour pressure vp of the liquid pumped has 2 decisive influence on the value of NPSHa. Critical plant conditions with regard to cavitation are always those where gp ~ vp. As a rule, in such cases only operation under flooded suction conditions is possible. The value of NPSHo. is about equal to the difference between suction head andl suction-side friction losses. if the suction head is not sufficient, in many cases there is the possibility of increasing the NPSHo. by raising the pressure gp in the suction vessel (nitrogen cushion or similar) in order to meat the condition of NPSHa > NPSHvs for cavitation- free running ‘Sometimes an increase of the pressure gp is not conveniently feasible e.g. when handling liquids which Shall be kept at a constant temperature for cooling (ammonia, liquid nitrogen etc). In those cases, the suction-side friction losses sf should be kept as low and the suction head s+ as high as any possible by suitable system design and sizing In applications requiring liquefied gases to be drawn from tanks subject to major temperature fluctua- tions, special care must be taken and the pump manufacturer's advice should be requested if and as con- sidered desirable. HERMETIC-PUMPEN GMBH - D-7803 GUNDELFINGEN ‘Gewerbestrase 51 - P.O. Box 1220 - Telephone 0781 /5830-0 - Telex 772578 Associated Company of Pumpenfabrik Lederie GmbH - —_Gundelfingen Pumpenfabrik GmbH Ss E RO 4. Auslegung von Seitenkanalpumpen Datenblatt 9809002 Le 4.1. Férderstrom Q Q el3- (Q aus Kennilinien Seite Hy=@~ad4 = 4.2, Férderhdhe H, (Anlage) +H. Pe= Po ~ Bs Foriethéhe PuMBE Hamee Kenaline, Seite 4.3. NPSH-Wert NPSH NPSHya + 0,5 m Massenstrom: Dichte Hohenlage. Druck: Geschwindigkett Relbungsverlust Dampidruck: Atmaspharendu NPSH ert. th (kg/h) @ (kg/ebrr) Zar Ze Im Par Pe Wm) Var We (5) Hy (nm) Pp (Nim) aus far Wasser im Sat uistand bei t" C Ick: By (N/mm®) Damplurucktabelle siche Kennlinier Seite Bei Berlicksichtiguna einer Zulauthoho Hageo Eriol ich PSH, Bet 29 + Hogan ~ Hoe Bei NPSH erf-Werten unter 1,5 m ist die Verwendung der SRHS-Pumpen mit Vorschaltlauttad au emplenlen.

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