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Nama : M.

Aqil Hasyim

Nim : 6193311047

(Suharjana 2010)

(Amin 2017)

(Astuti 2014)

(Rustiadi 2016)

(Darma, Karma, and Santiana 2020)

(Andriani, Mestawaty 2015)

(О.В.Ковалишина 2017)

(Faridah 2017)

(Dikmenli 2013)

(AYGÜN and KORKMAZ 2012)

(The Foundation for Blended and Online Learning 2017)

(Lin and Jou 2013)

(Impedovo and Khatoon Malik 2019)

(Seman et al. 2019)

Amin, Ahmad Kholiqul. 2017. “Kajian Konseptual Model Pembelajaran Blended Learning Berbasis
Web Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Dan Motivasi Belajar.” Jurnal Pendidikan Edutama 4 (2):
Andriani, Mestawaty, AS.A. dan Ritman Ishak Paudi. 2015. “Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis
Masalah Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Tentang Pengaruh Gaya Terhadap Gerak
Benda Di Kelas IV SDN 1 Ogowele.” Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Dalam
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa 5 (5): 79–92.
Astuti, Sri Maida. 2014. “Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Teknik Jigsaw Berbantu Media
Kartu Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar Akuntansi.” Jurnal Pendidikan Akuntansi
Indonesia 12 (2).
AYGÜN, Mustafa1, and Özgen2 KORKMAZ 2012. “Impact of Blended
Learning Environments Based on Algo-Heuristic Theory on Some Variables.” Mevlana
International Journal of Education 2 (2): 25–38.
Darma, I Ketut, I Gede Made Karma, and I Made Anom Santiana. 2020. “Blended Learning, Inovasi
Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika Di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 Bagi Pendidikan Tinggi.”
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Matematika 3: 527–39.
Dikmenli, Yurdal. 2013. “Effect of the Blended Learning Environment and the Application of Virtual
Ülkü Eser Ünaldi.” Mevlana International Journal of Education (MIJE) 3 (2): 43–56.
Faridah, Eva. 2017. “Aerobic and Zumba Influences for the Upper Arm, Thigh and Waist Size on
Mother’s Bugar Pancing Medan Club in 2016.” International Journal of Science and Research
(IJSR) 6 (12): 1151–53.
Impedovo, Maria Antonietta, and Sufiana Khatoon Malik. 2019. “Pakistani Teacher-Educator
Professional Learning Through an International Blended Course.” Open Praxis 11 (2): 157.
Lin, Yen Ting, and Min Jou. 2013. “Integrating Popular Web Applications in Classroom Learning
Environments and Its Effects on Teaching, Student Learning Motivation and Performance.”
Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology 12 (2): 157–65.
Rustiadi, Tri. 2016. “Journal of Physical Education , Health and Sport.” Journal of Physical Education,
Healt and Sport 3 (1): 44–49.
Seman, Sharidatul Akma Abu, Maryam Jameelah Hashim, Rosmimah Mohd Roslin, and Nor Irvoni
Mohd Ishar. 2019. “Millennial Learners’ Acceptance and Satisfaction of Blended Learning
Environment.” Asian Journal of University Education 15 (3): 129–41.
Suharjana, F. 2010. “Aktivitas Ritmik Dalam Pendidikan Jasmani Di Sekolah Dasar.” Jurnal Pendidikan
Jasmani Indonesia 7 (1 april): 1–16.
The Foundation for Blended and Online Learning. 2017. “Educators’ Perspectives and
Recommendations for Successful Blended Instructional Strategies.” Evergreen Education Group,
no. September: 44.
О.В.Ковалишина, О.Р.Швабский И.В.Иванов. 2017. “Опыт Аудита Обеспечения Качества и
Безопасности Медицинской Деятельности в Медицинской Организации По Разделу
«Эпидемиологическая БезопасностьNo Title.” Вестник Росздравнадзора 4: 9–15.

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