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Mario Regalado

Professor Nelson


English 1301

Essential information is information that is imperative to the main topic. It directly supports the thesis

and the whole subject of the paper. Non-essential information is unnecessary information that adds fluff to the

writing. In my essay, there was a little bit of non-essential information but was included regardless to help the

audience attain a better understanding. A lot of my essay does include jargon that won’t be understood to the

average reader. To combat this, I made sure to include examples and provide a brief definition of each word.

I will try to examine any text that may look awkward or confusing. This includes grammar, spelling

errors, and punctuation. But I will also try to look out for sentence structure. Making sure that the text as a

whole makes sense and that the reader can read fluidly without confusion. I will proofread once I get home and

finish my work. I think proofreading requires time and I’d rather leave it for last so I don’t rush. I will ask a

couple of my peers to read my essay and get their input on it. This will be during the empty breaks between our


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