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Name: Mario Regalado Date: 9/15/2020

Working with Peer Feedback

Directions: In the space provided below respond to these questions.
What are the three things you’ll change based upon your peers’ responses? Why will you change each one?
1. Thanks to the peer review, I will add more detail on my second to last paragraph. Rereading it, I did notice that
some information was missing.

2. I need to capitalize a couple words. I had some faulty grammar.

3. I need to fix up my conclusion. My conclusion is very basic, and doesn’t close whilst leaving the author with an

What are three things you’ll keep despite your peers’ responses? Why will you keep each one?
1. Ill keep my introduction the same. Although I will make some revisions, I don’t think I’ll shuffle words around.

2. Taking into consideration my peer’s responses, I think I leave my body analyzation the same. I’m satisfied with my
sentence structure.

3. According to my peer’s responses, I was going a little off tangent. Although I do agree, I do believe that these
tangents provide a better insight to my analysis.

What work do you have left to do after today to successfully complete the project?

1. I definitely need to work on my conclusion.

2. Fix up some grammatical errors.

3. be more direct in my body paragraphs

4. add some more detail in my second to last paragraph






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