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Advanced Oral Communication and Composition in Korean

Fall 2022

Name: Choi, Sujeong (최수정)
Office: S425
Office Hours: By appointment


Monday & Wednesday 12:40PM-02:20PM Classroom S305

This course is designed for the international students who have the advanced knowledge in Korean and want to
get high scores in TOPIK(Test of Proficiency in Korean). Emphasis of this course is placed on the oral
communication and composition in Korean.

This course deals with the following topics:

(1) 휴가 (Vacation)
(2) 문화 생활 (Cultural Life)
(3) 성격 (Character)
(4) 영화 (Movie)
(5) 대중 매체 (Mass Media)
(6) 환경 (Environment)

Through this course, students will develop:

• fluency in Korean
• grammatical accuracy in Korean
• diversity of vocabulary in Korean
• Korean speaking and writing skills
• further knowledge about Korean culture and customs

Advanced Korean Language, Korean Oral Communication, Korean Composition

 Main Textbook: Korean for Intermediate Learners 2 (중급 한국어 2) [English Version]
(Planned by The National Institute of the Korean Language, Published by Hangulpark, 2010)
 Supplementary materials will be handed out.
Final grades will be determined on the following basis:

10% Attendance & Participation

40% Speaking/Writing Task (Oral Communication/Composition)
25% Final Oral Presentation
25% Final Written Exam
100% Total

Attendance & Participation (10%): Participation will be graded based on attendance, participation, and attitude
during class. Because of the cumulative nature of language learning, attendance and participation are essential in
this course. Thus, all students must come to class on time and participate fully. Attendance check will be strictly
enforced and one point will be deducted for each absence. Being late three times counts as one absence. As for the
attitude during class, students must keep in mind the classroom courtesy as follows.

 Be punctual and sit straight.

 Turn off any devices such as the cell phone that might disrupt class.
 Using/studying other materials irrelevant to this course are not allowed.
 Food including chewing gum and eating candy is not permitted. (Drinks are OK.)

Speaking/Writing Task (Oral Communication/Composition) (40%): Speaking or writing task will be given
every chapter. Students will be asked to record their speaking tasks or submit their writing tasks about the given
topic related to each chapter during task class. Students must include the new grammar features and vocabulary in
their speaking/writing tasks. The grade will be on a 0 to 10 scale with 10 being the highest based on students’
participation and qualities of the task results. Grading rubric will be given.

Final Oral Presentation (25%): The final oral presentation will be in the form of formal oral presentation.
Students will present about one of cultural topics by comparing cultural aspects between Korea and their
countries. In the presentation, students must introduce (1) the culture of Korea, (2) the cultures of their countries,
and (3) the similarities and differences of culture between Korea and their countries. Students will have 20~25
minutes for the presentation with a few minutes for Q&A. Specific cultural topics and detailed rubric for the
presentation will be provided.

Final Written Exam (25%): The cumulative final exam will be given. Vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading,
and writing will be the principal items tested in the final exam. A study guide and question types will be provided.
No make-up exam will be given without prior permission.

Course Schedule
Week & Date Contents

Week 1  Course Introduction

(Sep. 19 & 21)  Chapter 2. Vacation (Lecture & Practice)

Week 2  Chapter 2. Vacation (Writing/Speaking Task)

(Sep. 26 & 28)  Chapter 4. Cultural Life (Lecture & Practice)

Week 3  Chapter 4. Cultural Life (Writing/Speaking Task)

(Oct. 3 & 5)  Special Lecture Session I : Writing a Presentation Script

Week 4  Chapter 8. Character (Lecture & Practice)

(Oct. 10 & 12)  Chapter 8. Character (Writing/Speaking Task)

Week 5  Chapter 16. Movie (Lecture & Practice)

(Oct. 17 & 19)  Watching a Korean Movie

Week 6  Chapter 16. Movie (Writing/Speaking Task)

(Oct. 24 & 26)  Chapter 17. Mass Media (Lecture & Practice)

Week 7  Chapter 17. Mass Media (Writing/Speaking Task)

(Oct. 28 & Nov. 2)  Chapter 20. Environment (Lecture & Practice)

Week 8  Chapter 20. Environment (Writing/Speaking Task)

(Nov. 7 & 9)  Review Session : Writing/Speaking/Grammar

Week 9
Final Oral Presentation
(Nov. 14 & 16)

Week 10
 Special Lecture Session II: Pronunciation Rules
(Nov. 21 & 23)

Week 11
Reading Period (No Class)
(Nov. 28 & 30)

Week 12
Final Written Exam
(Dec. 5 & 7)

*There might be slight changes.

**There will be a field trip during the semester.

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