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Mario Regalado

Professor Nelson


English 1301

Visual Analysis

The space ex retro poster was published to help market the push of the space rocket industry. At the bottom right

of the image, there are two people standing inside a gondola staring off into the distance. In the background, there are

more gondolas moving upwards (fig1). The purpose of the visual analysis was initially to symbolize space-ex’s

aspirations in interstellar travel, but space tourism isn’t the only objective.

When opening the image, one of the first things the viewer sees is a woman holding on a man's shoulders from

behind. A man and woman were likely chosen since spacex has great ambitions of populating and colonizing the planet.

As they both stare upwards into the distance, this could symbolize a fresh beginning for the human species. The man is

pointing into the distance where red rock is off to the side, which is mars. Mars is the most habitable planet compared to

the other planets. Not only is it close, but there has also been recent discovery of water, which is essential to human life.

The initial gondola, stringed up to a whole line of gondola with people inside of each. Every human in the picture has a

purpose which is to bring civilization on earth to another planet.

The image is retro themed, similar to those of the 50’s space race ones. The space race was a competition between

the United States and Russia to see who could achieve better spaceflight capabilities. This battle was often referred to as

the Star Wars by Reagan. The retro style of the image symbolizes the past meeting the future. All the troubles the United

States went through to put man on the moon are being put to the test; but this time, to put the human species on mars.

What kind of technologies are needed to achieve Mars colonization? What type of space rocket improvement needs to be

made? These are similar questions to what people first asked when John F Kennedy declared that the United states was

going to conquer the moon. The days of research set on better refining space innovation are presented by futuristic


The image conveys a sense of inspiration. Not only do the people on the gondola look like they

are filled with motivation to conquer the red planet, but the rays of light on the bottom right corner help

bring a sense of ambition to the viewers. The yellow halo lights pointing upwards make the picture look

hopeful along with the male inside the gondola pointing up. Upon a closer inspection of the image, every

physical object is pointing upwards. The mountains, lights, people, and even the gondolas. Space-ex's
goal is only to drive the human species forward. When the viewer's eyes follow up, they will see a

horizon and ambition of the human race to explore a new frontier.

All these attributes help contribute to the spacex mission to put man on mars. They have great aspirations for

Mars colonization and want to bring a fulfilling ambition for the human species to evolve.
Figure 1
Works Cited
Spacex Retro Tourism Poster

SpaceX retro travel posters make Mars look like the ultimate vacation destination (inhabitat.com)

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