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Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Working with Peer Feedback

Directions: In the space provided below respond to these questions.
What are the three things you’ll change based upon your peers’ responses? Why will you change each one?
1. I’m going to switch up my third body paragraph entirely. He brought up a really good point I didn’t consider about
the theme of my image.

2. He recommends I try to make the audience interested in the image rather than just explaining it, so I’m going to
make a couple revisions to my sentences by making them ask questions rather than answering.

3.Based on my peer review, I will definitely add more to my introduction as well as my conclusion.

What are three things you’ll keep despite your peers’ responses? Why will you keep each one?
1. Although my peer’s responses did say that the third body paragraph needed some changing and I completely
agree with him, I will definitely keep some elements from the original.
2. Based on my peer, the introduction is a little bit wordy. I will definitely switch up a couple things in my
introduction but I was satisfied with my introduction
3. He recommends I make my conclusion longer leave the audience with much better imagery. I will further
elaborate on my conclusion but just to better summarize what the main thesis was about.

What work do you have left to do after today to successfully complete the project?

1. Change my fourth paragraph

2. elaborate on a little more on my third paragraph

3. Formulate a clearer introduction

4. summarize my whole essay in my conclusion

5. remove a couple sentences from my first body paragraph






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