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Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)


Update on Melasma—Part I: Pathogenesis

Ana Cláudia C. Espósito . Daniel P. Cassiano . Carolina N. da Silva .
Paula B. Lima . Joana A. F. Dias . Karime Hassun .
Ediléia Bagatin . Luciane D. B. Miot . Hélio Amante Miot

Received: May 9, 2022 / Accepted: July 13, 2022

Ó The Author(s) 2022

ABSTRACT knowledge of the genetic basis of melasma and

the cutaneous response to solar radiation, as
Melasma is a multifactorial dyschromia that well as the roles of endocrine factors, antioxi-
results from exposure to external factors (such dant system, endothelium proliferation,
as solar radiation) and hormonal factors (such fibroblast senescence, mast cell degranulation,
as sex hormones and pregnancy), as well as skin autophagy deficits of the melanocyte, and the
inflammation (such as contact dermatitis and paracrine regulation of melanogenesis, will lead
esthetic procedures), in genetically predisposed to the development of new treatments and
individuals. Beyond hyperfunctional melano- preventive strategies. This review presents cur-
cytes, skin with melasma exhibits a series of rent knowledge on these aspects of the patho-
structural and functional alterations in the epi- genesis of melasma and discusses the effects of
dermis, basement membrane, and upper dermis specific treatments and future research on these
that interact to elicit and sustain a focal issues.
hypermelanogenic phenotype. Evolution in the

A. C. C. Espósito  C. N. da Silva  P. B. Lima  L. D. B. Miot

J. A. F. Dias  L. D. B. Miot  H. A. Miot (&) e-mail:
Departamento de Dermatologia e Radioterapia,
FMB-Unesp, SN. Campus de Rubião Jr., Unesp, D. P. Cassiano  K. Hassun  E. Bagatin
Botucatu, SP CEP 18618-000, Brazil Departamento de Dermatologia, UNIFESP,
e-mail: São Paulo, SP, Brazil

A. C. C. Espósito D. P. Cassiano
e-mail: e-mail:

C. N. da Silva K. Hassun
e-mail: e-mail:

P. B. Lima E. Bagatin
e-mail: e-mail:

J. A. F. Dias
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

Keywords: Melasma; Pathogenesis; endocrine stimuli, oxidative status, as well as

Melanocytes; Melanin; Photoaging; UV morphofunctional alterations. Finally, despite
radiation its incomplete understanding, we present a
pathogenic model leading to the incorporation
of all these elements. This article is based on
Key Summary Points
previously conducted studies and does not
contain any new studies with human partici-
The incidence of melasma is increasing
pants or animals performed by any of the
around the world, while curative
treatments are not available.
The reasons for the persistence of focal
hypermelanogenesis in skin with melasma GENETICS
are not fully understood.
Melasma is a multifactorial disorder character-
Melasma results from the interaction of ized by a cutaneous phenotype that results from
sun exposure, hormonal stimuli, altered exposure to external factors (such as solar
oxidative status, and upper dermal exposure) and hormonal factors (such as sex
abnormalities in genetically predisposed hormones and pregnancy), as well as skin
individuals. inflammation, in genetically predisposed indi-
The role of senescent fibroblast, viduals. The genetic basis of melasma is sup-
melanocytes with impaired autophagy, ported by its occurrence in first-degree relatives,
mast cells, endothelium, keratinocytes, as reported by 41–61% of patients in Brazil,
and upper dermal and basement including identical twin sisters, while the gen-
membrane collagen degradation as a eral expected prevalence in adults in the same
model for melasma pathogenesis is region is 16–28%. Familial melasma is associ-
discussed. ated with prolonged duration and a reduced
probability of induction by hormonal contra-
ceptives [2–5].
Skin pigmentation follows a polygenic pat-
tern of inheritance, which explains the pheno-
typic differences in mammalian species and
INTRODUCTION human population groups. However, there are
no animal models for melasma, although
Melasma is a frequent chronic acquired focal postinflammatory pigmentation can be induced
hypermelanosis that affects photoexposed areas in other species [6].
in adults, especially women of reproductive age. The evaluation of 67 Brazilian families with
While skin pigmentation from sun tanning and melasma, using a complex segregation model,
postinflammatory hyperpigmentation fades demonstrated a genetic component (major
spontaneously after the stimulus cessation; in gene) that follows autosomal dominant inheri-
melasma, this reduction usually does not occur. tance [7]. Some populations, including Middle
Melasma evolves from alterations in several skin Easterners, East Asians, Indians, African Ameri-
layers and cell types to hyperfunctional mela- cans, and Latin Americans, are more affected by
nocytes, which produce and transfer mature melasma than others, such as North Europeans,
melanosomes to the whole epidermis [1]. Aboriginal Australians, Amerindians, and pop-
This review aims to collate current findings ulations from Sub-Saharan Africa. A genomic
on the pathogenesis of melasma. In the fol- ancestry study suggested that Brazilian women
lowing sections, we reinforce the concept of of mixed ancestry or with genes related to
melasma as a multifactorial disorder, and dis- African ancestry are more affected by facial
cuss multiple aspects that interact in its patho- melasma [8].
genesis, regarding genetics, solar radiation,
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

A transcriptomic analysis comparing facial which is transcripted from a highly polymor-

melasma and adjacent skin identified 279 dif- phic gene responsible for multiple phenotypes
ferentially expressed genes. Genes related to of skin and hair color, as well as skin sensitivity
melanogenesis (TYR, TYRP1, and MLANA) and to ultraviolet radiation [14]. In melasma, MC1R
the transfer of melanosomes (Myosin5a and polymorphism, as characterized by substitution
GDA) are upregulated in melasma, as are those of guanosine for adenosine at codon 92
related to a subset of Wnt/b-catenin pathway (Val92Met), is prevalent in Javanese women
modulators (Wnt5a, sFRP2, LGR5, and WIF1), when compared with controls [15].
prostaglandins (PTGIS and PTGS1), repair (SER- Primary cultures of fibroblasts from facial
PINB3), and angiogenesis (angiopoietin-like 1 melasma and adjacent skin have revealed
and 2, heparanase, and MMP2). In contrast, upregulation of the WNT3A, EDN3, ESR2, PTG2,
genes related to lipid metabolism (PPARa, MMP1, and SOD2 genes and downregulation of
ALOX15B, DGAT2L3, and PPARGC1A) and COL4A1, CSF2, DKK3, COL7A1, TIMP4, CCL2,
VEGFA are downregulated [9]. and CDH11 in melasma. These genes are related
Another transcriptomic analysis identified to proinflammatory melanogenic factors and
334 differentially expressed genes. Genes rela- repair deficits, corresponding to a phenotype
ted to the peroxisome proliferator-activated that can contribute to upper dermal damage
receptor (PPAR) pathway (ADIPOQ, FABP4, and sustained melanogenesis [16].
PLIN1, and LPL) are downregulated, but GDA All these findings support melasma as a
and INA, associated with melanocyte dendric- multifactorial disorder that emerges in geneti-
ity, are upregulated, as are genes involved in the cally susceptible individuals. Further studies
functions of the stratum corneum (S100A8, should demonstrate the possibility of precise
SPRR2A, SPRR2B, and KLK6) and those related to screening for such individuals to enable early
melanogenesis (TYR, TYRP1, and sFRP2), the detection and the implementation of rigorous
suppression of tyrosine degradation (NQO1), preventive measures.
and PDZK1, which can mediate estrogen-in-
duced melanogenesis [10].
A comparison of facial melasma in retroau- SOLAR RADIATION
ricular skin revealed downregulation of H19.
Despite transcribing a noncoding RNA, mixed As melasma only occurs in photoexposed skin,
(melanocyte–keratinocyte) H19-gene-depleted has late onset in darker phototypes, worsens
cultures demonstrated increased melanogenesis following sun exposure, and is more prevalent
and melanin transfer to keratinocytes, whereas in intertropical countries, sun exposure is con-
melanocytes in monoculture did not, and sidered to be the most significant environmen-
estrogen-treated H19-depleted mixed cultures tal factor in its pathogenesis [4].
exhibited increased tyrosinase expression [11]. Any radiation can interact with biological
Moreover, lower expression of miR-675, an H19 tissue, having effects that vary with the wave-
micro-RNA (miRNA) that targets MITF, is found length, intensity, skin penetration, exposure
in skin with melasma, and miR675 has been regimen, and individual susceptibility (such as
proven to target cadherin-11 (CDH11), whose skin phototype and body site). However, in
expression in fibroblasts and keratinocytes melasma, the exact role of different wave-
induces damage in the basement membrane lengths and the effect of their combination are
(BM) and melanogenesis [12]. There is also not completely understood. Ultraviolet radia-
upregulation of the PDZK1 gene in melasma. tion (UVR) directly stimulates melanogenesis in
PDZK1 is a member of the Na?/H? exchanger melanocytes and affects keratinocytes, mast
regulatory factor and leads to increased cells (MC), and fibroblasts, which paracrinally
melanogenesis and melanosome transfer to regulate melanogenesis. However, different
keratinocytes [13]. effects are elicited in skin by radiation of various
The most potent regulator of eumelanogen- wavelengths [17].
esis is the melanocortin type 1 receptor (MC1R),
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

UVB has fundamental effects on the epider- melanogenesis [27]. Chronic sun exposure also
mis and BM, while UVA extends to the upper induces a senescent phenotype in fibroblasts,
dermis. Chronic UVR exposure leads to pho- with active secretion of melanogenic and
toaging, oxidative stress, and inflammation that proinflammatory factors [28]. MCs degranulate
contribute to the sustained melanogenesis under thermal, physical, and UVR stimuli,
observed in melasma [18]. It also induces releasing bioactive mediators that induce
expression of p53 in keratinocytes, prompting melanogenesis and contribute to damage to the
synthesis of propiomelanocortins [such as upper dermis and BM [29]. Compared with age-
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), melano- and phototype-matched healthy controls,
cyte stimulating factor (MSH), and b-endor- women with melasma have lower erythematous
phin] and laminin-332 that paracrinally dosage induced by UVB and UVA, indicating a
stimulate melanogenesis [19]. UVB increases the UV-sensitive phenotype [30].
cytocrinic activity of melanocytes, leading to Visible light (VL) is nonionizing radiation
more effective melanosome transfer to ker- that penetrates the deep dermis and subcutis.
atinocytes [20]. It also contributes to the Pigmentation is found only in darker photo-
degradation of heparan sulfate chains in the types (III–VI) after high doses of VL exposure,
BM, enhancing the transfer of melanogenic and only shorter wavelengths (420–470 nm,
stimuli from the dermis to the epidermis [21]. blue and violet) can induce pigmentation
Finally, UVB induces the release of inflamma- through the activation of opsin 3 (OPN3)
tory mediators, such as prostaglandins and receptors in melanocytes [31]. While OPN3 is
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), not overexpressed in skin with facial melasma
which stimulate endothelial proliferation. In compared with adjacent skin, use of tinted
addition, neuropeptides such as calcitonin sunscreens (with iron oxides), which block
gene-related peptide (CGRP), which also trigger short VL wavelengths, enhances the depig-
melanogenesis and melanocyte dendricity, are menting effect of hydroquinone and hinders
induced by UVR [22]. melasma pigmentation in summer [32, 33].
Compared with UVB, UVA is far less erythe- There are synergistic effects of long-wave-
mogenic, but it is more effective in inducing length UVA and VL on skin pigmentation and
pigment darkening (immediate and persistent) erythema [34]. In ordinary daily activities, UVA
and delayed tanning, especially in people with and VL are the types of solar radiation to which
dark skin [17]. Unlike UVB, the effect of UVA on individuals are most exposed. Nonetheless, no
key skin biomolecules is not direct. The energy available commercial sunscreen provides full
absorbed by chromophores is transformed to protection within this range. Even sunscreens
generate reactive species that lead to oxidative containing iron oxides demonstrate a drop in
stress [23]. Beyond the skin, UVA exposure can radiation absorption from 400 nm [33].
also induce systemic oxidative stress [24]. In facial skin explants subjected to minimal
UVR causes epidermal release of endothelin, melanogenic doses of UVB, UVA, and VL, there
nitric oxide, leukotrienes, and prostaglandins, is no difference in the increase in epidermal
which promote the increase of melanocyte melanin density for each wavelength between
dendrites and upregulation of the TYR gene melasma and adjacent skin. Nevertheless, coar-
[25, 26]. In the upper dermis, fibroblasts release ser granulation of the epidermal melanin and
several melanogenic soluble factors such as greater density of the upper dermal melanin are
keratinocyte growth factor (KGF), interleukin evidenced in melasma skin after UVA irradia-
(IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a, stem cell tion [35].
factor (SCF), basic fibroblast growth factor The low-dose UVA, UVB, and blue–violet
(bFGF), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), and radiation experienced during ordinary indoor
granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating activities far from a window and illumination
factor (GM-CSF) and produce secreted frizzled- from interior lamps and electronic devices are
related protein 2 (sFRP2), regulating the Wnt/ irrelevant for skin pigmentation [35–37].
bcatenin pathway, which is involved in
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

Infrared (IR) is nonionizing radiation that Similarly, estradiol levels in Pakistani women
accounts for half of the solar spectrum and is with melasma are higher than in controls [46].
perceived as heat [38]. Its ability to induce ery- However, lower serum levels of testosterone,
thema and skin pigmentation is evidenced in LH, free triiodothyronine (fT4), thyroid stimu-
erythema ab igne [39]. IR exposure has been lating hormone (TSH), estradiol, and proges-
indicated as a cause of matrix metalloproteinase terone have been found in Indian women with
1 (MMP1) activation, vasodilatation, proin- melasma than in controls, although no hor-
flammatory cytokine release, direct cytotoxic- mone levels have been correlated with melasma
ity, and increased oxidative stress and DNA severity [47]. In Puerto Rico, a comparison of
damage, leading to photoaging. Notably, most women with melasma versus controls evi-
studies on the effects of IR radiation in skin denced lower estradiol but higher LH levels in
have been performed in vitro, using single women with melasma [48].
exposures to artificial sources, dissimilar to the Beyond ovarian and placental hormones,
pattern of daily sun exposure in real life [17]. To pregnancy promotes the production of pituitary
date, no systematic investigation has examined hormones, including LH, FSH, and MSH, which
the role of solar IR radiation in melasma. lead to transcription of tyrosinase and dopa-
However, a recent survey revealed the associa- chrome tautomerase, increasing physiologic
tion between disease severity and exposure to pigmentation and melasma, mainly during the
occupational heat [40]. third trimester [49].
The most important factor attributed to Administration of hormones, including
melasma development and aggravation is daily topical estrogens, has been reported to trigger
sun exposure, especially due to the failure to melasma [50]. Hormone replacement therapy
completely block all solar radiation involved in during the menopause has been associated with
melanogenesis (UVB, UVA, and VL) owing to extrafacial melasma [51]. Nevertheless, a
unsatisfactory use of sunscreens in real-life sit- Brazilian study enrolling women with extrafa-
uations [41]. cial melasma and controls revealed no associa-
tion with menopause, oral contraceptive use,
pregnancy, or hormone replacement therapy
Melasma in men was first reported following
Female sex hormones are well-known risk fac- hypogonadism, with high LH and FSH and low
tors for the development of melasma, and its testosterone levels [53]. A young man developed
preponderance in fertile women reinforces this facial melasma after ingestion of a gonadotropic
hypothesis. Hormonal imbalances due to preg- stimulant, which increased LH levels [54].
nancy, ovarian tumors, hormonal replacement Another young man presented melasma asso-
therapy, and hormonal contraceptives stimu- ciated with the use of finasteride for androge-
late melanogenesis [42]. However, the preva- netic alopecia, which decreased
lence of melasma following hormonal stimuli dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels but increased
varies: 14.5–56% of melasma cases occur in the testosterone available for peripheral trans-
pregnant women, while 11–46% are associated formation in estrogen [55].
with hormonal contraceptive use Higher LH and lower testosterone levels have
[2, 4, 5, 43, 44]. been evidenced in Indian men with melasma in
There is insufficient knowledge regarding the comparison with controls [56]. However,
role of serum hormone levels in patients with another comparative study found no differences
melasma, and different studies have provided in LH, FSH, TSH, testosterone, progesterone,
contradictory results. The serum levels of estra- estradiol, MSH, or dehydroepiandrosterone
diol, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimu- sulfate (DHEAS) levels [57].
lating hormone (FSH), and prolactin in the early Estrogen and progesterone have been asso-
menstrual cycle are increased in Indian women ciated with melasma because their effects on the
with melasma compared with controls [45]. skin are mediated by nuclear receptors, such as
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

estrogen receptors-a (ER1s) and b (ER2s) and with facial melasma, only 7.5% reported
progesterone receptors (PRs) [58]. In facial skin, hypothyroidism while 0.9% reported polycystic
ER2s are more widely distributed than ER1s, in ovary syndrome [40].
contrast to the breast and abdomen [59]. A comparison of Iranian women with mel-
Although both receptors have affinity for asma versus controls revealed no difference in
estradiol, they elicit different cellular responses TSH and thyroxine (T4) levels but a greater
regarding the epithelial-to-mesenchymal tran- proportion of abnormalities in triiodothyronine
sition by genomic and nongenomic pathways (T3) levels in the melasma group [67]. Another
[60]. investigation in Iran, comparing women with
Estradiol promotes epithelial proliferation melasma and controls, found no difference in
through phosphorylation of Extracellular sig- TSH or T4 levels, but abnormal levels of T3 and
nal-regulated kinase (ERK)1-2/mitogen-acti- anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO) were
vated protein (MAP) kinases and activation of more frequently identified in the melasma
the Wnt/b-catenin pathway in keratinocytes group [68].
[61]. Furthermore, estrogens lead to increased An assessment of Brazilian women with
epithelial production of KGF, which also stim- melasma demonstrated no abnormalities in
ulates melanogenesis [62]. thyroid hormones (TSH and fT4), prolactin,
Estradiol influences skin thickness by stim- estradiol, FSH, or LH [69]. Nevertheless, a cross-
ulating fibroblasts and collagen synthesis [63]. sectional study in Turkey evaluating women
Estrogens directly mediate melanogenesis with melasma and controls revealed higher
through ER2 activation in melanocytes. Human levels of TSH, fT4, and anti-thyroglobulin anti-
melanocytes cultured with estrogens show bodies, in melasma [70].
increased MC1R expression, promoting upreg- An Iranian study comparing women with
ulation of MITF, TRP1, and TRP2 through the melasma and controls found no differences in
blockade of protein kinase A (PKA). However, LH, FSH, DHEAS, prolactin, testosterone, or
addition of ER2 antagonists inhibits melano- 17-hydroxyprogesterone, but a higher preva-
genesis [11]. lence of ovarian cysts was observed in the mel-
In comparison with adjacent skin, melasma- asma group [71].
affected skin presents increased expression of These controversial results concerning hor-
ER2 in the epidermis and fibroblasts in the monal stimuli may be attributable to the fact
upper dermis [16, 64]. that most case series and cross-sectional studies
The role of progesterone and PRs in have been conducted after the onset of mel-
melanogenesis and melanocyte proliferation is asma, when the endocrine imbalance that trig-
contradictory [65, 66]. In melasma skin, the gered the disease cannot be synchronously
epidermal PR expression is increased in com- represented. Moreover, melasma can evolve
parison with adjacent skin [64]. However, pro- from a focal hypersensitivity to induce hor-
gesterone exhibited no effect on tyrosinase monal effects, which are not the result of an
activity and demonstrated, after UVR exposure, endocrine disorder.
inhibitory effects of melanocyte proliferation Endocrine stimuli, especially estrogens, are
and estrogen-mediated melanogenesis [66]. involved in the pathogenesis of melasma, and
Regarding other endocrine alterations, thy- the pigmentary system is sensitive to several
roid abnormalities have been linked with mel- hormones. However, the role of local sensitivity
asma. However, the results of such studies are versus endocrine alterations in melasma are not
controversial, and none has been performed well established, although it is fundamental to
with an adequate methodology to support a the development of hormonal-based interven-
reasonable hypothesis on these alterations in tions in these patients.
the pathogenesis of melasma.
The prevalence of thyroid disorders in
Brazilian women with melasma is similar to that
expected by age [2]. Among Indian patients
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

OXIDATIVE STATUS patients with melasma compared with controls,

while serum levels of protein carbonyl and NO
Exposure to oxidative stressors (such as UVR, air are higher [80]. Notably, a preliminary report
pollution, physical exercise, and sleep depriva- has indicated promising results after topical and
tion), even under normal conditions, can cause oral use of melatonin in melasma [81]. Finally,
reactive oxygen species (ROS) to be produced in as sleep disturbances contribute to oxidative
the skin. However, several physiological stress and melatonin dysregulation, the inves-
antioxidant mechanisms can neutralize their tigation of sleep disorders is warranted in mel-
effects [72]. asma, and melatonin should be investigated as a
The lipid peroxidation of cell membranes is potential adjuvant in the treatment of melasma
one of the main pathways of tissue damage [82].
caused by oxidative stress, and malondialde- The upper dermis of melasma-affected skin
hyde (MDA) is the final product of this mecha- presents signs of oxidative stress, such as over-
nism. However, some antioxidant substances expression of p38, in comparison with adjacent
can inhibit the oxidative damage caused by free skin [83]. Furthermore, melanin releases ROS
radicals [73]. A strong negative correlation has after sun exposure, and melanogenesis is an
been found between plasma glutathione (GSH) intracellular oxidative process [84]. Several
and the severity of melasma, suggesting that it effective treatments for melasma are antioxi-
represents a high-oxidative-stress condition, dants, such as topical vitamin C, niacinamide,
which leads to GSH depletion [74]. Plasma cysteamine, kojic acid, phytic acid, and oral
levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and GSH pycnogenol [85]. These findings motivate the
peroxidase activity are higher in patients with investigation of the mechanisms that drive the
melasma than controls, but carbonyl levels are oxidative imbalance in melasma to explore
low [75]. Serum levels of MDA are also high therapeutic and preventive strategies.
among patients with melasma. In addition, Oxidative stress is the final consequence of
there is a correlation between serum MDA levels several forms of damage and can also result
and the clinical severity of melasma [76]. from failure of the antioxidant system. In mel-
Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) is the asma, either local or systemic oxidative stress
primary source of nitric oxide (NO) in melasma can be recognized and is associated with disease
and other inflammatory disorders. UVB stimu- severity, but precise knowledge on the factors
lates the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt leading to (local and systemic) oxidative stress
pathway and nuclear factor kappa-light-chain- could lead to the development of effective
enhancer of activated B cells (NF-jB), which interventions targeting the pathogenesis of this
induces iNOS expression in keratinocytes, disease.
leading to paracrine NO activation of tyrosinase
in melanocytes. In melasma skin, iNOS is
overexpressed in keratinocytes in the basal
layer, in comparison with adjacent skin [77, 78].
Skin with melasma exhibits several functional
Besides being a key regulator of the circadian
alterations that exceed those of photoaged skin
rhythm and a potent scavenger of free radicals,
and interfere with skin homeostasis. The mela-
melatonin is an indirect antioxidant. It stabi-
nin index, erythema index, and pH are higher
lizes cell membranes, making them more resis-
in skin with melasma compared with adjacent
tant to oxidative damage by stimulating other
photoexposed skin. However, no biophysical
antioxidant enzymes, such as SOD, glutathione
skin properties differ among so-called epider-
peroxidase, and GSH reductase. Melatonin also
mal, dermal, and mixed melasma.
inhibits UV-light-mediated synthesis of iNOS,
The skin barrier is compromised in melasma,
and it can influence the metabolism of MSH,
as the stratum corneum (SC), although highly
estrogen, and progesterone [79]. Serum levels of
hydrated, is thinner than perilesional skin. The
melatonin and catalase are lower among
transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and the
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

amount of sebum do not differ between skin melanin in basal keratinocytes when epidermal
with melasma and adjacent skin. However, after tissue is incubated with UV-treated fibroblasts,
skin injury caused by tape stripping, the TEWL suggesting a pigmentary role of fibroblasts in
was found to be increased in skin with melasma melasma [92]. SCF expression is increased in
while the barrier recovery was delayed [86]. melasma dermis compared with nonlesional
Thinning of the SC is a common finding in dermis; despite no difference in these epider-
photoaged skin, and it correlates with delayed mises, c-KIT is increased in the epidermis of
skin barrier recovery, as seen in melasma [87]. melasma [26]. Moreover, KGF secreted by
This finding is contrary to expectations in dar- fibroblasts accumulates in the epidermis of
ker skin phototypes, which exhibit better bar- melasma skin [93].
rier recovery, thicker SC, and lower pH than fair The Wnt/b-catenin pathway participates in
skin [88]. melanoblast migration and proliferation, and
In general, total lipids, phosphatidic acid, the induction of pigmentation [94]. Wnt1 is its
phosphatidylserine, and ceramides are main activator through the frizzled receptor and
increased in melasma, possibly as a compen- promotes b-catenin accumulation and stabi-
satory mechanism to preserve skin barrier lization [95]. There is greater epidermal expres-
function. Moreover, some key lipids have low sion of Wnt1 in melasma skin than in adjacent
expression with high melanocyte activation, healthy skin or photoprotected areas; addition-
suggesting that the repair of the damaged skin ally, Wnt1 correlates with the MC density in the
barrier may represent an effective additional upper dermis [1]. In addition, sFRP2 is overex-
treatment for melasma [89]. pressed in the epidermis and around fibroblasts
Human melanogenesis is a complex process in melasma [27].
mediated by paracrine, autocrine, and environ- PAR2 is a member of the G protein-coupled
mental stimuli, involving hundreds of genes receptor family and is activated by different
and several signaling pathways that operate at stimuli, such as MC tryptase, KGF, a-MSH, fac-
transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels. tor VIIa, and factor Xa. The activation of a PAR2
However, these intricacies lie beyond the scope receptor in keratinocytes mediates melanosome
of this manuscript [90]. Regarding melasma, transfer and increases the production of SCF,
several melanogenic pathways sustaining skin which culminates in melanin synthesis [90].
pigmentation have been suggested (Fig. 1a). Endothelins are potent vasoconstrictors
MC1R, which is increased in melanocytes produced by endothelial cells and keratinocytes
and keratinocytes in melasma, and its agonist a- after minimal UVB exposure [96]. They induce
melanocyte stimulating hormone (a-MSH) but melanogenesis directly by binding to the
not its antagonist agouti-signaling protein endothelin B receptor (EDNRB), a specific
(ASIP), are secreted by the epidermis [83]. MC1R receptor on melanocytes [97]. The expression of
activation leads to transcription of several EDRNB and c-KIT in melanocytes is also
genes, including MITF, a major regulator of induced by UVB [96]. Endothelin-1 (ET1), rather
melanogenesis, which controls the expression than other factors secreted by dermal endothe-
of enzymes, such as tyrosinase, tyrosinase-re- lial cells, such as NO, leukotrienes, and VEGF,
lated protein 1 (TYRP1), and TYRP2 [90]. Thus, has been indicated as the mediator responsible
classic treatments of melasma (such as hydro- for the activation of signaling pathways in
quinone and thiamidol) target tyrosinase inhi- melanogenesis. EDNRB triggers an enzymatic
bition, but melanogenesis represents the end of phosphorylation cascade of microphthalmia-
a complex underlying process, which can associated transcription factor (MITF), causing
explain the frequent disease relapse [91]. upregulation of tyrosinase and dopachrome
Several growth factors with melanogenic tautomerase via mitogen-activated protein
activity are secreted by keratinocytes and kinases (MAPKs), ERK1/2, and p38 [97]. The role
fibroblasts in melasma. UVR stimulates fibrob- of endothelins and PAR2 activation in melasma
lasts to release HGF, NGFb, SCF, and bFGF [92]. has yet to be clarified, although tranexamic acid
In vitro studies have found an accumulation of reduces ET1 in melasma.
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

Fig. 1 Theoretic model of melanogenic pathways involved cells (MCs) release histamine under paracrine stimulation
in melasma. Melanocytes (Mels) are hyperfunctional, and UVR. Protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) stimulates
promoting eumelanogenesis (Eum) due to paracrine and melanocyte dendricity and melanosome phagocytosis by
autocrine stimuli. UVR elicits melanogenic, oxidative, and KCs and induces the release of SCF. In melasma, Mels
inflammatory responses in the epidermis and upper dermis. present diminished autophagy (; LC3B–microtubule-
Melanocortin (aMSH) and its receptor (MC1R) are associated proteins 1A/1B light chain 3B), which stimu-
increased in keratinocytes (KCs) and Mels. Hormonal lates melanogenesis. In addition, the lower expression of
stimuli mediate melanogenesis through the nuclear recep- miR-675, a MITF-targeted micro-RNA, is associated with
tors of estrogen-b (ER2) and progesterone (PR). Several greater expression of cadherin-11 (CDH11) in KCs and
growth factors, which are also melanogenic, are actively fibroblasts, which contributes to basement membrane and
released by senescent fibroblasts (SFbs), including nerve upper dermal damage. Nitric oxide (NO), produced by
growth factor type b (NGFb), SCF, HGF, bFGF, KGF, inducible nitrogen oxide synthase (iNOS) and Wnt1, is
and sFRP2. Endothelin-1 (ET1) is secreted by the increased in the epidermis in melasma
endothelium (End) and KCs after UVR exposure. Mast

UV-induced cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) TRP-1, TRP-2, gp100, and MITF and reduces
expression prompts synthesis of PGE2 by ker- tyrosinase enzyme activity [98]. However, there
atinocytes, which mediates skin inflammation is still no evidence to support the differential
and cell proliferation. In vitro studies have expression of PGE2 as a major pathogenic factor
indicated that COX-2 knockdown in melano- in melasma [83].
cytes decreases the expression of tyrosinase,
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

Autophagy is a catabolic cytoplasmic process MORPHOLOGIC ALTERATIONS

that degrades abnormal proteins and damaged
macromolecules [99]. It can be induced by The epidermis in melasma presents morpho-
starvation, hypoxia, oxidative stress, and UVR logic alterations beyond hypermelanosis. The
exposure [99]. The participation of autophagy SC is more compact than in adjacent skin, and
in skin pigmentation is suggested by the evi- the granular layer is atrophic, with ridge flat-
dence of impaired autophagy in premature skin tening and epidermal thinning. Basal ker-
aging [99]. Furthermore, there are differences in atinocyte nuclei display larger sizes,
autophagic activity regarding ancestry, and polarization loss, irregular shapes, hyperpig-
keratinocytes from Caucasian individuals exhi- mentation, and chromatin heterogeneity
bit higher autophagic activity than those from (Fig. 2a) compared with neighboring skin
African American individuals [100]. In cell cul- [1, 106]. Microneedling promotes early restora-
tures, autophagy-deficient melanocytes retain tion of the epidermal thickness and increases
mature melanosomes and release chemokine Ki67 in patients with facial melasma [107].
ligands (CXCL1/2/10/12), which are associated The most important morphologic element in
with the induction of pigmentation and melasma is the increased epidermal density of
expression of MMP3 and 13 [101]. LC3 is a eumelanin in all layers, including the SC
protein that participates in all phases of autop- (Fig. 2b), in which there is greater melanin
hagy, and melanocytes from the basal layer in degradation compared with adjacent skin [108].
melasma have been found to present low Melanosomes transferred across the epider-
expression of microtubule-associated proteins mis of melasma are larger, more mature, and
1A/1B light chain 3B (LC3B), suggesting deficits more numerous than those in adjacent photo-
in the autophagy process [102]. exposed skin. These alterations are independent
Fibroblast senescence is well documented in of the skin phototype (Fig. 3) [109]. Low-fluence
aged skin, especially following UVR exposure (laser toning) technologies target intraepider-
[103]. The dermis of melasma is prominent in mal melanosome destruction with minimal
senescent fibroblasts, which are less fusiform thermal damage and accelerate the clinical
and have a lower mitotic rate; moreover, these results of conventional melasma treatments;
cells present a proinflammatory and melano- however, they do not target the underlying
genic secretory profile (e.g., SCF, HGF, and alterations that maintain the stimuli-induced
NGFb) [16, 28]. Therefore, strategies that inter- pigmentation [110].
fere with their secretory phenotype and elimi- The melanin density in the upper dermis is
nate senescent cells can reduce melasma approximately 50–100 times lower than in the
recurrence and improve pigmentation [104]. epidermis (Fig. 2b). Moreover, there is no dif-
Finally, a proteomic study of skin with mel- ference in the amount of dermal melanin
asma identified 29 differentially regulated pro- between melasma skin and adjacent photoex-
teins involved in energy metabolism, cell posed skin, but it is more intense than in pho-
transport phenomena, control of melanogene- toprotected skin [1]. Upper dermal melanin
sis, hemostasis, repair, and responses to oxida- increases with photodamage, and it is consti-
tive stress [105]. tutively more prominent in darker phototypes.
All these functional alterations of the skin of The role of dermal melanin in melasma
melasma reinforce a localized phenotype that regarding clinical pigmentation and its role in
involves not only hypermelanogenesis but also treatment resistance is still a matter of discus-
changes in the whole epidermis and upper sion. Dermal melanin does not differ between
dermis, as discussed below. epidermal and dermal melasma, as assessed by a
Wood’s lamp, highlighting that the differences
observed in this clinical classification are not
supported by histologic findings [111, 112]. In a
study of 56 patients with melasma, only 7 (12%)
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

Fig. 2 Histologic images of facial melasma. A Atrophic

epidermis with a thin stratum corneum, hypogranulosis,
and polarization loss of the nuclei in the basal layer. Upper
dermis revealing solar elastosis and overall unstructured Fig. 3 Transmission electronic microscopy of facial
collagen fibers (hematoxylin and eosin, 1009). B Dense melasma. A Intense distribution of mature melanosomes
and homogeneous melanin pigmentation with coarse in the epidermis (KC, keratinocyte; Mel, Melanocyte).
melanosomes in all epidermal layers, including the stratum Sparse extracellular melanosomes in the upper dermis.
corneum, and extracellular melanin granules in the upper B Mature and large melanosomes (type IV) in the
dermis (Fontana–Masson, 4009). C Atrophic epidermis cytoplasm of a keratinocyte from the basal layer (white
with hypertrophic melanocytes (in brown) with prominent arrows)
dendrites and melanocytes protruding into the dermis
(pendulum melanocytes, arrows) and losing contact with
the basal layer (Melan-A, 4009)
are more frequent in melasma skin than adja-
cent skin. Notably, in that study, dermal mela-
nin was evidenced in 77% of participants and
classified as epidermal melasma, without dif-
ferentiation between dermal and mixed [115].
presented increased dermal melanin and mela-
Furthermore, despite the effective bleaching of
nophages compared with patients with perile-
melasma lesions after treatment with a triple
sional skin [113]. Other controlled series have
combination, microneedling, or tranexamic
found no difference in dermal melanin between
acid, there is no difference in dermal melanin
melasma skin and perilesional skin [109, 114].
compared with pretreatment [116].
However, an Indian series found that pigmen-
Melanocytes increase in volume and their
tary incontinence and dermal melanophages
dendrites are more prominent in the basal layer
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

of melasma skin (Fig. 2c) than in adjacent

photoexposed skin. However, there is no evi-
dence of a substantial increase in melanocyte
density, as seen in solar lentigines
[109, 113, 117].
Pendulum melanocytes protrude from the
basal layer into the dermis (Figs. 2c, 3a) [118].
They are more frequent in melasma skin than in
adjacent skin, and there is a correlation with the
compaction of the SC, number of MCs, and
solar elastosis [1]. However, they are not corre-
lated with BM zone failures, suggesting that the
presence of these cells is a result of chronic
exposure to UVR (especially UVA1). However, as
normal melanocytes do not survive in the der-
mis and pendulum melanocytes lose the con-
nection to the epidermis, they are not involved
in epidermal pigmentation or active dermal
melanogenesis [119]. As some effective treat-
ments for melasma (such as oral tranexamic
acid) reduce the number of pendulum melano-
cytes, clarification of the role of these cells in
the pathogenesis of melasma may be key to
developing new therapeutic strategies [116].
Disruptions and gaps are more frequent in
the BM in melasma skin than in adjacent heal-
thy skin (Fig. 4). Moreover, the lamina densa is
thinner, and there is a loss of anchoring fibrils
from lamina lucida [120]. Structural damage to
the BM facilitates the traffic of dermal cytokines
to the epidermis. This may be promoted by
increased activity of MMP2 and MMP9, causing Fig. 4 Facial melasma. A Periodic acid–Schiff staining
degradation of collagen types IV and VII [120]. (4009) evidencing thinning and several discontinuities in
Keratinocyte expression of CDH11 has been the basement membrane (white arrows). B Transmission
associated with BM damage in melasma [12]. electronic microscopy of the dermoepidermal junction
under a melanocyte revealing complete interruption of the
Microneedling promotes early restoration of BM
lamina densa, structural damage, and loss of anchoring
damage in patients with facial melasma [107].
fibrils in the lamina lucida (black arrows)
It has been suggested that the alterations in
the upper dermis are responsible for the main-
tenance and recurrence of melasma. Dermal
paracrine regulation of melanogenesis by activation of metalloproteinases in the upper
mechanisms that are not completely known dermis due to UVR, MC activation, and the
causes the permanent stimulation of epidermal senescent fibroblast secretory phenotype
pigmentation, which is a UVR-induced process [1, 113, 118]. SE is not considered a secondary
related to the oxidative cell aging cycle (as epiphenomenon of photoaging but a condition
senescent fibroblast) involving feedback by characteristic of melasma development. The
cytokines [96, 121]. severity of SE is correlated with collagen
Solar elastosis (SE) is more prominent in heterogeneity after its fragmentation, superfi-
melasma skin (Fig. 5a) than in adjacent photo- cial dermis cellularity, increase of MCs and
exposed skin. It largely results from the dermal blood vessels, pendulum melanocytes,
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

lasers improve melasma by reducing vascular

proliferation [22, 123].
Perivascular MCs are increased in the upper
dermis of melasma skin (Fig. 5c) in comparison
with adjacent photoexposed skin, in which
MCs are increased in contrast to retroauricular
skin [1]. Patients with melasma treated with oral
tranexamic acid have presented decreased MC
counts in the upper dermis [124]. Moreover,
women with melasma treated with oral keto-
tifen and famotidine have presented clinical
and colorimetric improvement, superior to
placebo, supporting the role of these cells in the
pathogenesis of melasma [125].
MCs are not usual in normal photoprotected
skin, as they are effector cells in allergic reac-
tions and participate in tissue remodeling and
repair. Their migration to the melasma dermis is
mediated by SCF, secreted by senescent fibrob-
lasts (Fig. 6) [26]. MC activity is influenced by
environmental effects, and MCs degranulate
with stimuli, such as heat, pressure, and UVR
exposure. Inflammation and neurokinins also
induce the release of a variety of biologically
active mediators (such as heparin, bradykinin,
serotonin, thromboxane, prostaglandins, and
leukotrienes). The most relevant is histamine,
which is a predominant component in cytosolic
granules [29]. Histamine appears to play a cen-
Fig. 5 Facial melasma. A Histologic image (Herovici, tral role in melanogenesis; human melanocytes
2009) revealing upper dermis collagen fiber fragmentation treated with histamine undergo morphological
with loss of structure and elastonization (solar elastosis,
changes and increased tyrosinase activity. These
arrows). B Immunohistochemistry image of facial melasma
effects are completely inhibited by an H2
(CD34, 4009) evidencing upper dermis endothelial
antagonist but not by an H1 antagonist [126].
proliferation (brown structures). C Histologic image
In addition, MCs release enzymes that have a
(Toluidine Blue, 4009) evidencing mast cells in the upper
dermis, especially in the perivascular areas (dashed circle) local tissue effect. The most important is tryp-
tase, which contributes to the activation of
MMPs and collagen degradation in the upper
dermis. These active enzymes degrade type IV
SC compaction, and elastic fiber damage, sug- collagen and damage the BM [106].
gesting the integration of various components MCs can induce vascular proliferation by
in the pathogenesis of melasma [1, 122]. secreting angiogenic factors, including VEGF,
Skin with melasma presents an increased fibroblast growth factor-2, and transforming
density of blood vessels (Fig. 5b) with an growth factor-b (TGF-b). These findings suggest
increased expression of VEGF, which is the that MCs are associated with UVR-induced
likely angiogenic factor involved. The chronic photoaging and promote SE, BM dam-
endothelial proliferation is also correlated with age, and vascular proliferation, all of which are
the intensity of melasma pigmentation [22, 97]. predominant features of melasma skin [106].
Pycnogenol, tranexamic acid, and vascular The role of sebocytes in melasma is still not
established. Sebaceous glands are a well-known
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

Fig. 6 Schematic representation of the interaction cycle. Tryptase activates metalloproteinases (MMP1 and
between senescent fibroblasts (SFbs) and mast cells MMP9), which degrade type I and IV collagens, leading to
(MCs) in melasma. Histamine stimulates melanogenesis extracellular matrix degradation (solar elastosis; SE) and
directly through H2-receptors (H2Rs) in melanocytes basement membrane damage (BMd). MCs also induce
(Mels). SCF is overexpressed in melasma, which influences endothelial (End) proliferation by secreting VEGF, bFGF,
MC survival, migration, and activation; it binds to the and TGF-b
c-KIT receptor, inducing melanogenesis and the Mel cell

source of VEGF, IL-1, and IL-6. Sebaceous gland Actually, damage in the basement mem-
cells exposed in vitro to UVA induced produc- brane zone (BMZ), solar elastosis, and increased
tion of a-MSH, endothelin 1 (EDN1), b-FGF, MC are also found in photoaged skin, and as
SCF, and inflammatory cytokines and media- melasma affects photoaged skin, it was sug-
tors. Furthermore, sebocyte-conditioned media gested that melasma is a photoaging disorder
increased pigmentation in melanocytes. [18, 129]. Nevertheless, in a comparison among
In vitro, melanocytes cocultivated with sebo- melasma, adjacent photoexposed and retroau-
cytes present greater dendricity and prolifera- ricular skin, despite the continuum between
tion rates, suggesting that sebaceous glands may these findings at these sites, alterations in skin
regulate melanin pigmentation [127, 128]. barrier, pendulum melanocytes, upper dermal
Although centrofacial melasma is more fre- collagen fragmentation, and the amount of
quent, high-density sebaceous areas, such as the CD34 cells were greater in melasma but did not
nose tip, glabella, and chin, are not involved in differ between photoexposed and retroauricular
most cases. skin, leading to the hypothesis of melasma as an
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

individualized phenotype that emerges from postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. The

photoaged skin [1]. association of these two conditions is well doc-
In addition, further studies on melasma umented, and postinflammatory hyperpigmen-
pathogenesis should use adjacent photoaged tation is 2.8 times more frequent in patients
skin, since the histological architecture, mela- with melasma [134]. Melasma is also associated
nocyte density, melanophages, MC, hair folli- with lentigines and nevi, suggesting a predis-
cles, and functional measures show major position to melanocytic proliferation in these
differences when comparing facial and extrafa- patients [135].
cial skin [130]. Urban and industrialized societies are asso-
ciated with greater exposure to air pollutants,
leading to a significant health burden that
MISCELLANEOUS includes dermatologic disorders [136]. The pri-
mary mediator of air pollution effects in the
Melasma has been associated with other trig- skin is the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR),
gers, such as drugs, esthetic treatments, contact which is activated by aromatic hydrocarbons
dermatitis, and stressful events. that are widely present in vehicular smoke. The
The role of topical drugs and cosmetics in AhR participates in the cell cycle and melano-
melasma has been reported, but this hypothesis genesis through upregulation of tyrosinase in
remains unconfirmed. In a study including the melanocytes. UVR exposure generates
patients with melasma who were patch tested, a 6-formylindolo[3,2-b]carbazole, which is a
cosmetic and fragrance series elicited positive high-affinity ligand and endogenous activator
reactions in 43%, but sunscreen series did not of the AhR transcription factor [137, 138].
elicit any positive reaction. The high frequency Actually, the incidence of melasma seems to be
of positivity suggests cosmetic contact sensitiv- increasing worldwide, especially in countries
ity as a possible trigger for melasma [131]. In with greater indexes of air pollution [139].
Northern India, mustard oil is commonly used Melanogenesis can be regulated by epige-
on the face as an emollient and on the scalp for netic factors, such as miRNAs, DNA methyla-
hair growth. It is a known photosensitizer that tion, and posttranscriptional controllers
can act as a melasma trigger in predisposed [140, 141]. Lower expression of miR-675 and
individuals [57]. miR-1299 has been demonstrated in skin with
Acute stressful events have been associated melasma compared with the adjacent area
with the development or worsening of melasma [142, 143].
[132]. Notably, stress-related hormones, such as Finally, ocular irradiation with UVR induces
propiomelanocortins, are melanogenic through the central release of propiomelanocortins by
MC1R activation, as occurs in Addison’s disease, hypophysis [144]. Though the pigmentary
although physiologic pituitary production has potential of this extracutaneous pathway has
no effect on skin pigmentation. When com- not been evidenced in humans, it is well
pared with matched controls, a greater propor- defined in mice, in which UVB irradiation of the
tion of women with melasma uses eye stimulates epidermal melanocytes and
antidepressant and anxiolytic drugs, and their melanogenesis [145, 146].
scores of anxiety and depression are higher [5]. All these factors that play a role in skin pig-
Other neuropsychological alterations in mentation need to be studied systematically in
patients with melasma are low self-esteem, poor melasma, since the relapse of the disease after
sleep quality, and higher accuracy in recogniz- treatment and adequate sun protection can be
ing facial expressions of fear, suggesting differ- promoted by several other factors.
entiated brain processing of emotions
[132, 133].
Melasma has been reported after peelings,
intense pulsed light, and ablative treatments,
which are all known to be triggers of
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb)

CONCLUSIONS Open Access. This article is licensed under a

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommer-
Despite its high prevalence and the demand for cial 4.0 International License, which permits
dermatologic care, the mechanisms that lead to any non-commercial use, sharing, adaptation,
the sustained pigmentation in melasma are not distribution and reproduction in any medium
completely understood. Beyond individual or format, as long as you give appropriate credit
genetic susceptibility, several phenotypic alter- to the original author(s) and the source, provide
ations have been identified in the epidermis and a link to the Creative Commons licence, and
upper dermis in melasma, especially related to indicate if changes were made. The images or
the deficit of autophagy in melanocytes, and other third party material in this article are
the senescence of fibroblasts. Moreover, the role included in the article’s Creative Commons
of endocrine factors and oxidative stress are licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit
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systemic and local (in the skin microenviron- in the article’s Creative Commons licence and
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ferent wavelengths interferes with regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you
melanogenesis in melasma. will need to obtain permission directly from the
The pigmentary response in melasma is copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence,
related to the interaction of multiple factors. As visit
dermatologic science better understands the nc/4.0/.
regulation of normal melanogenesis, photoag-
ing, and the pathogenesis of melasma, new
pathways will emerge as possible targets for
effective treatment and preventive strategies.
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